No | 時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
1 | 10/06 09:39:16 | PHP1,250.00 | ¥2736 | jetrico | 10th |
2 | 10/06 10:01:22 | CA$5.00 | ¥441 | TurtleCubes | ||
3 | 10/06 10:02:09 | $10.00 | ¥1111 | Wrixne Lenti | Time for civilization! |
4 | 10/06 10:02:23 | HK$50.00 | ¥713 | やや十六夜_izayoi-yaya | ||
5 | 10/06 10:02:42 | ¥300 | ¥300 | そーすけ So-suke | てえてえ | |
6 | 10/06 10:03:27 | NT$750.00 | ¥2987 | Alex Ho | (無言スパチャ) | |
7 | 10/06 10:04:14 | NZ$5.00 | ¥387 | Definitely Not a Printer | Hi Mumei. | |
8 | 10/06 10:04:50 | NZ$2.00 | ¥154 | Lev S | Helloo Burb and alarm | |
9 | 10/06 10:05:58 | £8.99 | ¥1362 | Vito Borres Lopez | (無言スパチャ) | |
10 | 10/06 10:09:35 | $5.00 | ¥555 | Vivy Core | LET GOOOOOOOO MUMEI | |
11 | 10/06 10:09:38 | $5.00 | ¥555 | Shinkou | An enderman dug a piece of dirt out which allowed you to find it | |
12 | 10/06 10:17:30 | SGD10.00 | ¥819 | Jesper | Pro tip: you can put half slabs on top of berries in a farm to make harvesting easier, they prevent you from walking into the bushes and do not block light | |
13 | 10/06 10:18:25 | CA$5.00 | ¥441 | derethus 『fusuma』 | (無言スパチャ) | |
14 | 10/06 10:22:17 | $10.00 | ¥1111 | Daniel Do | you should put slabs on the berry bushes to avoid getting hurt Mumei | |
15 | 10/06 10:26:08 | CA$5.00 | ¥441 | Dharsto | berry fund | |
16 | 10/06 10:26:59 | $5.00 | ¥555 | Professor Nope | Good luck dealing with your senpais. I hear some might prank you. | |
17 | 10/06 10:27:14 | $4.99 | ¥554 | Canned Yams | Yeet | |
18 | 10/06 10:38:07 | $5.00 | ¥555 | SoupTheory | I'll have you know that Beetroot Soup in Minecraft Restores 6 hunger and 7.2 saturation. I can't believe you've done this... | |
19 | 10/06 10:41:48 | A$7.99 | ¥646 | BlackCharizard | Oh if you’re looking to be impressed you both need to see Pekoland | |
20 | 10/06 10:42:27 | $1.99 | ¥221 | Will Mercep | ||
21 | 10/06 10:58:12 | $5.00 | ¥555 | Miguel lopez | it's like watching neanderthals reacting to modern day civilization | |
22 | 10/06 11:00:56 | $1.49 | ¥165 | but ter | ||
23 | 10/06 11:03:25 | $5.00 | ¥555 | Melman9812 /Jimmell98 | For you Mumei just because you're a cute owl. | |
24 | 10/06 11:20:28 | $5.00 | ¥555 | knucklehead | love me some Mumei before bed | |
25 | 10/06 11:20:44 | $10.00 | ¥1111 | JonnyH | This is you vs the machine - you mentally choose rock/paper/scissors, then see if you can beat what the machine spits out at the end | |
26 | 10/06 11:24:48 | $10.00 | ¥1111 | Pokefan276 | Thank you guys for another wonderful stream. Watching you two always puts a smile on my face and makes me laugh the entire time..Love you guys |
27 | 10/06 11:29:25 | $10.00 | ¥1111 | Shinkou | EN server will look like this one day too. They have a lot more people playing over a longer period of time. | |
28 | 10/06 11:29:31 | A$1.00 | ¥80 | Mark Lee | (無言スパチャ) | |
29 | 10/06 11:30:19 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | 닥터도쿄 | EMBRACE THE CIVILIZATION | |
30 | 10/06 11:39:55 | NZ$10.74 | ¥831 | Definitely Not a Printer | Always remember your manners Mumei. | |
31 | 10/06 11:40:43 | $5.00 | ¥555 | MarisaKirisame_tv | Here's your Soup Fund for Kronii! But uh, keep the change *winky face* | |
32 | 10/06 11:41:10 | PHP125.00 | ¥273 | Cool Rock | Since you guys have access to the JP server now. What do you think about being able to join events like the UsaKen Summer Festival? | |
33 | 10/06 11:44:48 | ₩10,000 | ¥936 | 성훈 | Good-MuMei-ning~ You are nice Korean Pronunciation MuMei(^ㅁ^) from South Korea Sung Hoon | |
34 | 10/06 11:49:37 | $4.99 | ¥554 | Axel Hernandez | this interaction… too wholesome…. thank you | |
35 | 10/06 11:54:16 | MYR6.00 | ¥159 | 星空 | just go down mumei | |
36 | 10/06 11:57:53 | A$2.00 | ¥161 | Mark Lee | deez nuts | |
37 | 10/06 11:58:26 | CA$2.00 | ¥176 | etypefan1 | Save him, he has BERRIES! | |
38 | 10/06 11:59:10 | $2.00 | ¥222 | Zachary Zwickl | If it was made by Pekora, high chance it's deadly | |
39 | 10/06 12:02:53 | $4.99 | ¥554 | foodandsunsets | This is beautiful | |
40 | 10/06 12:20:43 | MYR6.00 | ¥159 | 星空 | go to try haachama coaster?? | |
41 | 10/06 12:24:41 | $2.00 | ¥222 | StarCreator | bless you | |
42 | 10/06 12:49:48 | PHP125.00 | ¥273 | TAKO Chameleon | Hello Mumei! Since you and Kronii toured the Minecraft JP server, do you have any ideas that you'd love to build in the HoloEN server? | |
43 | 10/06 12:50:18 | $10.00 | ¥1111 | thedualblade | When they plant a berry bush anywhere in Minecraft, Mumei will be there, right at home. | |
44 | 10/06 12:50:54 | $10.00 | ¥1111 | Shinkou | It doesn't have to look amazing Mumei, just try and the skill will come with time |
45 | 10/06 12:50:56 | $20.00 | ¥2222 | Magnum32 | Thank you for the fun stream Mumei! I unfortunately have to leave a bit early, but I hope you have lots more fun! | |
46 | 10/06 12:52:33 | €5.00 | ¥645 | Strategia In Ultima | nomadism is how civilisation began | |
47 | 10/06 12:52:44 | $5.00 | ¥555 | Michael Shipman | "Meimei, this is an intervention. You need to stop with the berries" -Kronii Maybe | |
48 | 10/06 13:01:08 | PHP250.00 | ¥547 | Letum Falx | thanks for the date stream! | |
49 | 10/06 13:01:41 | CA$5.00 | ¥441 | Icen - アイセン | This collab was great! Also Berry funds! | |
50 | 10/06 13:01:45 | NZ$10.74 | ¥831 | Definitely Not a Printer | Thanks for the stream Mumei. | |
51 | 10/06 13:03:15 | $5.00 | ¥555 | Tech'd it | Have a good sleep. Thank you so much for your entertainment! Please rest well! |
52 | 10/06 13:03:53 | $5.00 | ¥555 | DDDJ | Thanks for the stream |
53 | 10/06 13:04:17 | $10.00 | ¥1111 | Mofutonin | Thanks for the super cute stream | |
54 | 10/06 13:04:18 | $10.00 | ¥1111 | The Gnome's Prophet | Thank you for the fun stream, Mumei & Kronii! It was great to see you two explore the JP server! Fun fact, owls have been around for almost 60 million years! | |
55 | 10/06 13:04:30 | MYR3.00 | ¥79 | Blaz_Fan | (無言スパチャ) | |
56 | 10/06 13:05:14 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | 風の伊墨kazenoisumi | thank you Mumei ,for everything:D | |
57 | 10/06 13:05:16 | $9.99 | ¥1110 | foodandsunsets | Thanks for the fun stream! Always great to watch you two just chill together |