配信名【Pokémon Unite】H-2 PRACTICE #ポケモンユナイト世界大会【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 24 79.00 \11,316
NT$ TWD 18 2375.00 \10,688
IDR IDR 29 918069.00 \8,634
MYR MYR 14 104.90 \3,279
EUR EUR 4 16.00 \2,511
YEN YEN 4 2400 \2,400
PHP PHP 4 800.00 \2,032
SGD SGD 6 15.00 \1,594
DKK DKK 1 69.00 \1,453
A$ AUD 2 15.00 \1,397
MX$ MXN 5 130.00 \1,086
WON KRW 1 10000 \1,086
CA$ CAD 1 6.99 \744
HK$ HKD 1 25.00 \458
---- ---- ---- ---- \48,678

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
2 Aug 8 13:28:23 $2.00   Andrew Swallie Selamat MalamLa, good luck tonight and tomorrow!
3 00:03:48 IDR20,000.00   M Satria R P Malam elaaa. Tiada hari tanpa latihan, lanjutkan !
4 00:03:49 IDR50,000.00   Cibengwawa kobanwa ELACHUAN! GLHF for tonight training! CHUCHU Bless U!
5 Aug 8 14:05:18 MYR6.00   Muhammad Maskawaih Malam, Ela! Have fun practicing~
6 00:04:28 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar enjoy training mlam ni Kael, sorry izin tdur dlu
7 00:05:35 MX$20.00   Rene Alarcon Good evening Kaelasama! Loved the Sudoku idea!
9 00:05:58 IDR50,000.00   TheWFHLeader before we start , many JP and EN member stated that ID Will be scary. for you, which team that you have been curious to battle ? enjoy for the night
10 00:06:16 A$10.00   Nop
11 00:06:38 NT$75.00   Akira皓 初見,很酷的kaela晚安,別太累了。 have a nice day
12 00:07:07 ₩10,000   임동진 Good evening sweet cool and cute Kaela. Your stream is always cure for me. Can I Hug you? :3
13 00:08:43 $5.00   The Professor Keen Good morning my cute Penguin Vtuber! Another day for you to join Holobirds now.....
14 00:09:51 PHP250.00   E7J Kaela, I think I need the loudest GSH from you...Because last night I dreamt about you and Nerissa laying on my arms while whispering in my ears "Ohayo Onii-chan, ganbatte".. I'm sorry
15 00:10:26 NT$170.00   麻咪口佩 MaMikoP I want some GSH so 我愛你
16 00:10:46 IDR20,000.00   dek lemon semangat ela
17 00:11:42 NT$75.00   morning good Handsome and cute sister Kaela, everything goes well~ 又帥又可愛的kaela姐姐,萬事順心~
18 00:12:13 PHP250.00   koru Hello Kaela! ai hope you have fun practicing today!
19 00:12:19 MYR6.90   Daniel wong GL with training ela semagat huha huha malam
21 00:13:50 IDR79,000.00   Whendy O Hi hello Kaela
24 00:14:44 MYR8.00   F.G.D.OngZihE.L.G.D 晚上好!Selamat Malam !
25 00:14:52 MYR6.00   Sherly have you try play as buzzwole?
26 00:15:56 IDR20,000.00   ferdinand yonathan 8 jam? dari 10:00 ke 18:00? ada break lunch?
30 00:20:17 ¥1,000   クロス カエラユナイトGOD
31 00:27:08 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j yu menang tourney yu. btw avatar very hot me like
34 00:28:29 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
pokemon la. kalo kamu mah smokin hot, no gsh right
35 00:30:39 ¥200   ゆでガエル kaela~ hello~! practice ganbatte~
36 00:32:12 IDR50,000.00   Kamar Rama Did you know? Pemaloe i mean Penguin looks for perfect pebbles to propose their mate? Huh? Maybe that's why Bijou is so tempting for pemaloe?
37 00:34:59 NT$150.00   黃家祥 Kaela和企鵝~又酷又可愛
45 00:53:16 MX$50.00   Rene Alarcon
Difference between LoL Kaela and Unite Kaela. LoL: *Gets killed* "It's ok. Cool. Let's try again" Unite: *Gets Killed* "THIS IS PERSONAL!" jk jk
46 00:54:35 $5.00   Steam Goliath After seeing the lineup of each branch, I hope you don't bully your EN senpais too much
47 00:57:06 IDR20,000.00   TMosura Pramuka kah nnti costume revealnya
51 01:05:55 A$5.00   End3rW1z Good luck with your training! And I finished your fanart so I hope you like it!
52 01:06:02 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar Hero signature lebih op daripada meta wkwk
53 01:11:07 $1.00   Swalu Blue (a無言スパチャ)
54 01:15:49 €2.00   Gowfret Kaela please tonjok me (in game)
55 01:15:58 $10.00   Tapioca Senpai
56 01:16:59 $2.00   Steam Goliath
Kaela: I'm not comedian! Also Kaela: This match
58 01:18:43 $2.00   Leppy Moba games really bring out BullyEla lah.
59 01:18:57 €2.00   Yamabro So that's what Reine's fans live everyday ?
60 01:19:01 HK$25.00   Oswald Cobblepot 晚上好Kaela, 現在我有冰淇淋你要不要
61 01:19:21 IDR20,000.00   Unfidelity 97 pelan pelan pak supir
62 01:19:28 IDR20,000.00   CavePenguin are you training for street fighter EVO?
63 01:21:23 NT$30.00   Akira皓
kaela 肚子還好嗎?www祝你腸胃順暢 (I wish you a smooth stomach
64 01:21:36 NT$150.00   Kevin Chen Kaela will you consider cooking with charizard
65 01:23:15 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
Perasaan tiap mau baca sc ku LC mati, maaf lur :D
66 01:22:57 SGD2.00   Alex Siu we know u don't like sweets, u r already so sweet
67 01:23:55 $2.00   Magdalenus Rex Did interview wish me luck. Need $ for our wedding
68 01:24:31 IDR20,000.00   Kirruyu Ela di tunggu di master biar bisa ketemu rank~
69 01:25:32 IDR50,000.00   PongeWay kuch kobo: klau musuh score 999 kalau lo bisa score 1000 you still win the game
70 01:26:32 MX$20.00   Rene Alarcon
I'll miss the ToxicEla from these practice streams
71 01:27:13 IDR50,000.00   chupakabra Kaela: "I will not bully EN/JP senpais. I will annihilate them"
72 01:27:48 SGD5.00   Super_SSG I was questioning making Kobo as the Kuch, but then I remembered your..., "random"-ness..... Yeah nvm I think you made right choice
73 01:28:39 NT$150.00   修艾爾西休斯 GSH ,Kaela is our helper. Love you! 我們愛你!
74 01:29:06 NT$70.00   小蝦米 Kaela 索羅亞克在暗襲要害攻擊的途中如果邊按得分鍵可以加快攻擊的速度
76 01:31:34 IDR20,000.00   Bae we da hobby :_doubt:
77 01:33:57 $5.00   Doostin Rollings I wound up being "the science guy" in a big meeting with a bunch of executives at work about some data I collected. Not nervous, nope.
78 01:37:22 ¥1,000   藤原みやび カエラかわいいうまい Pandai!
79 01:43:23 $5.00   Andrew Swallie
I discovered you before I knew you were good at MOBAs. don't think it would have changed oshi status, but it sure helped! I wanna take a class
81 01:46:25 $5.00   Shercove Kaela not food? How can you prove that?
82 01:46:48 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
weren't you diamond, La? or am I misinformed
84 01:48:55 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
85 01:51:29 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak Kaela,pls bless my Kafka rolls in Honkai Star Rail
86 01:51:47 NT$75.00   Indra Jangan menyerah Kaela, karna "key of success" adalah "kunci kesuksesan"
87 01:52:22 €10.00   Marek Zielinski Being good at the game helps but in the end it is You who make it fun for us Kaela Believe in yourself a bit more... ;)
88 01:52:45 IDR20,000.00   Kaela Istriku ak jg mw elsa
89 01:55:25 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
la yt lag Karena pipa, coba deh angkat tangan :D
91 01:58:40 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
NT it's ok even challengers lose sometimes!
92 01:59:51 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
Ela ini jalur skill nya sudah diatur atau default?
94 02:05:18 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
Im always here in spirit even in dead chat or work
95 02:06:00 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
di menu pokemony ada prep jalur skill bisa di mix
96 02:09:16 MYR6.00   Xanxus998 face kaela in a moba = OMAE WA MO SHINDEIRU
97 02:09:57 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
ggez rep adc fed Ela I gtg myself so otsuela
98 02:10:11 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
kmrn main bntar sih, skill 1 dan 2 pnya 2 tpe beda
99 02:11:04 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
oh thx for liking my prediction. made my evening
100 02:11:53 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
*kids play pokemon unite and matched against Kaela*, Me : you have my deepest condolences gg no re
101 02:13:08 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
tonjok bear , so fitting
102 Aug 8 16:15:12 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
can tonjok , tanky and same color as ur clothes
103 02:16:31 NT$170.00   麻咪口佩 MaMikoP
How many languages can Kaela speak?
104 02:17:48 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
kaela can speak the winner's language always wins
105 02:19:03 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
can only take u down in 2v1 , keren
106 02:21:07 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
ppl play pokemon cuz is cute, kaela pokemon game the enemy team all get tonjok into paste
107 02:22:04 NT$150.00   鹹酥香雞排 ㄋ一ㄞˋ ㄙˇ~~ kaela,your so ㄎㄨˋ ~~
108 02:22:11 SGD2.00   SSRBee give them 1, 10, 100, 1000 punches
109 02:23:59 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Kenshiro Kaela : 北斗,百裂拳 !
110 02:24:25 PHP250.00   Silver Tora new lurker from EN. here to witness god prepare for battle.. i don't understand much of MOBA but I'm pretty sure kaela is winning 98% of the time
111 02:24:31 IDR20,000.00   obinobi remember ela, always said gg ez every win
112 02:25:13 SGD2.00   SSRBee
i kai jyu kai haku kai sen kai!!!
113 02:26:04 $2.00   Doostin Rollings
Can you explain what dhlh means? Thank you キュート π
114 02:26:26 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Urshifu has all ur colors except red lol
115 02:27:36 SGD2.00   SSRBee
dah lah = whatever, to whoever's asking
116 02:28:34 SGD2.00   SSRBee
SSRBee, thank you so much
117 02:38:18 NT$150.00   鹹酥香雞排
加油!帥帥酷酷ㄉ Kayla!! 你講中文的樣子真的蠻可愛ㄉ
121 02:50:00 $5.00   Shercove
Maybe should delete this part of the VOD
122 02:52:48 DKK69.00   KloneTuul what defeat skem
124 03:05:15 NT$150.00   鹹酥香雞排
keala加油!!! 企鵝加油!!!
125 03:06:26 NT$300.00   Blood fire -血燄 [TW] 講中文的kaela 阿姨洗鐵路
126 03:07:35 MX$20.00   Rene Alarcon
Kaela has been corrupted by Pokemon Unite
128 03:19:39 CA$6.99   Captain Onomatopoeia Hey Kaela, have you tried Omega Strikers? It’s like MOBA air hockey. Made by former Riot Games developers.
129 03:24:31 ¥200   たっちゃん I'm Japanese. Please keep it up, I support you.
130 03:29:07 NT$150.00   鹹酥香雞排
Keala最酷,Formosan Mountain Dog is very cute~~ 土狗最可愛~~
133 03:30:45 NT$300.00   Blood fire -血燄 [TW]
138 03:41:25 $5.00   Peter Campi This is Kaela's arena and everyone else is just loitering.
139 03:52:34 PHP50.00   Ticson Suliver Ladster May come back. Always, my friend.
140 03:59:51 $5.00   Demon Chef Kaela do you really need practice bullying your sempai?
141 04:14:07 IDR20,000.00   Dohip la, cursenya sampe buat ytku lagging
142 04:24:50 IDR69,069.00   eci borzu malam ela,saya baru sampai rumah dari touring kemarin jadi sepertinya tidak bisa nonton kamu dah.butuh istirahat nih badan. ela and chat
143 04:27:00 NT$30.00   鹹酥香雞排
145 04:54:48 IDR100,000.00   Ryan Flare nice training stream Ela. BTW the kaela holoid jersey already arrive, so I'm ready to cheer on the pokemon tourney and holoid cup
146 04:57:42 €2.00   Yamabro
ikz for the most random short of holosummer
147 04:58:45 $2.00   corvus. Kaela approved as comedian by JP management IKZ
149 04:59:12 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
pagi2, tumben ngomongin normal, kebalikanmu kan tu
150 04:59:51 MX$20.00   Rene Alarcon
Seperti biasa Kaelasama seru keren dan menghibur.
151 05:00:03 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
have a good night! thanks for the stream!
152 05:00:23 MYR6.00   Muhammad Maskawaih
Thanks for the stream! cant wait for crin-- short!
153 05:01:30 NT$30.00   Akira皓
kaela辛苦了 今天玩的很棒 晚安 先睡了。