記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 102 1048.29 \149,627
PLN PLN 2 1011.99 \35,886
WON KRW 6 143000 \15,860
YEN YEN 10 14900 \14,900
EUR EUR 14 64.98 \10,178
A$ AUD 2 105.00 \9,933
CA$ CAD 10 80.00 \8,603
£ GBP 4 45.00 \8,223
MX$ MXN 10 564.00 \4,795
NT$ TWD 6 620.00 \2,802
PHP PHP 6 525.00 \1,366
NOK NOK 1 50.00 \698
R$ BRL 3 23.00 \694
CRC CRC 1 2500.00 \657
HK$ HKD 2 35.00 \641
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \473
NZ$ NZD 1 5.00 \439
THB THB 1 100.00 \417
ISK ISK 1 224 \243
IDR IDR 1 20000.00 \188
PEN PEN 1 2.00 \78
VND 1 10000 \60
---- ---- ---- ---- \266,761
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08月02日
2 08月02日
  Makin' Bacon (メンバーシップ入り)
3 08月02日
MX$50.00   Esteban Your swimsuit looks good on you, Goomba :3
4 08月02日
$10.00   Bishop Officer, surely there's no need to search our PCs. Also, you look rather tired. Here, why don't you go buy a cup of shark juice and we'll be on our merry way...(it didn't work)
5 08月02日
CA$5.00   Ryo Okuda (a無言スパチャ)
6 08月02日
  One Law (メンバーシップ入り)
7 08月02日
MX$14.00   Esteban
8 08月02日
€5.00   RYMM Got nothing to hide. Have a nice day.
9 08月02日
$1.49   Kai de Novus
10 08月02日
$5.00   Aselia Remember on debut when gura had an ebi in a bubble? that was so kyute~
11 08月02日
$5.00   Bishop
I remember when Gura's scale figure was released and ebi_mascot was standing right beside her
12 08月02日
  Grilled Flatbread Where's Bloop Gura?
13 08月02日
¥1,600   きゃろ Good morning Gura!
14 08月02日
PHP125.00   puchun Fun stream with Mumei yesterdayhope u meet each other soon. glad to hangout with you again today! pls dont look at my google search
15 08月02日
  Hakuri_shoto! GURA!!
16 08月02日
  Toki (メンバーシップ入り)
17 08月02日
  BDK 5
18 08月02日
  Messiah 5
19 08月02日
  Link Shadowblade 10
20 08月02日
R$1.00   Son Goku (a無言スパチャ)
21 08月02日
R$2.00   Son Goku
22 08月02日
$5.00   PsiChaos Obviously my PC is squeaky clean, Officer Gura! Nothing weird about the 100GB homework folder whatsoever; I'm just very studious, that's all...
23 08月02日
  Galius Please officer i have nothing in my pockets i swear!!
24 08月02日
£10.00   nullrefrepro i really love watching you dance can always tell you put your all into a recording, like we can feel you smling in your routine~ do you put a lot of thought/practice into your cute gestures?
25 08月02日
CA$5.00   JasonDreams after careful shark inspection during Miko's 3D live I can confirm.. it do jiggle
26 08月02日
$20.00   TonyBones Crack an egg into a standard-sized coffee mug, pour in just enough water to cover the yolk, and microwave for 52-57 seconds depending on how cooked you like the yolk. Easy poached egg (tried it today, is good)
27 08月02日
ISK224   Humdinger
28 08月02日
  sneke989 (メンバーシップ入り)
29 08月02日
30 08月02日
$1.49   TZKK
31 08月02日
  Ashen Sloth
32 00:00:09 $5.00   Kai de Novus
you can check any folder on my computer, just please don't check my folder labeled "Gura"
33 08月02日
  Circa Sisyphus
34 00:00:40   盜賊歐LA (メンバーシップ入り)
35 08月02日
  くもいも Good morning goomba!
36 00:01:09   TheGoodGordy (メンバーシップ入り)
37 00:01:13 $1.49   a ginger diver
38 00:01:18   TheStagedLemon (メンバーシップ入り)
39 08月02日
  BigNin (メンバーシップ入り)
40 08月02日
  Super Mugi MemberShrimp Milestone. I like eating Nabisco Premium Saltine Crackers with spray cheese sandwiched between two of them.
41 00:03:38   duc nguyen Hewoo
42 08月02日
43 00:03:30 $2.00   YahBoiKoi shabu shabu - shabu shabu shabu~
44 08月02日
45 08月02日
46 08月02日
  柯木川 (メンバーシップ入り)
47 08月02日
  sneke989 Hi Gura! Hope you’re having a better day then me.
48 00:04:49   Krestonosty203 (メンバーシップ入り)
49 00:04:49   Kirro (メンバーシップ入り)
50 00:04:52 €5.00   Starcruiser I have nothing to hide Ma'am. Feel free to search every nook and cranny IF you dare
51 08月02日
  Tim Drake You have no evidence!
52 08月02日
  Pan Śmierci 404 Have mercy
53 08月02日
  Pixy Misa Right to jail, right away!
54 00:05:42   Nuclear Necro don't tell gooba that i took the cookies from the cookie jar
55 00:05:44   SmugNeko Im guilty of being a SHRIMP
56 00:06:06   wollyknave (メンバーシップ入り)
57 08月02日
  Elias Munzinger I don't gonna go back to prisión
58 08月02日
  Malachite I DIDN'T DO IT
59 00:06:40 $5.00   Eating Mike Tyson's Ass Please don't confiscate my chickie nuggies
60 00:06:51   SussyBussyBakaDesu (メンバーシップ入り)
61 08月02日
  Ivana Melissa Inglez We love you in Brazil, Gura
62 00:07:15   Devaki (メンバーシップ入り)
63 00:07:18   Chains of Scarlet You can't confiscate what's already in my stomach.
64 00:07:29   TrollCapAmerica I cant go to Atlantean prison im too pretty
65 00:08:04 $10.00   Luke Fabis The only criminal here is you, Gura! You're charged with stealing our hearts.
66 00:08:05 PLN11.99   MochiMochi21 I used torrent many times
67 00:08:06 $10.00   Lawfulpotato I confess to indecent fish photos.
68 00:08:17   LolliPopinski I did it, and I’ll do it again too! You’ll never stop me, Officer Gura!
69 00:09:09 €5.00   Zetsuna - Fried Shrimp I confess i have a two oshi now. But i cant help it
70 00:09:10 MX$50.00   Forever Zero If trying to marry an idol is apparently against the rule book... can the victim also make the arrest ?
71 00:09:24   Mati Panzer it was a setup! I was framed! I'm inacent!
72 08月02日
MX$50.00   Itsuki I'm not confessing anything! I want to talk to my lawyer!
73 08月02日
74 08月02日
  VeoSeeO Hi Goobster I want to confess my sins can we see your tail or send me to jail
75 08月02日
  Uh oh stinky 50
76 00:10:01 $9.99   Shercove Officer Goob I’d like to confess to attempted bribery. Do you accept?
77 00:09:53 $5.00   Mastar can't get caught if you stay lurking :_LaSmug: hahaha
78 00:10:11 $5.00   Serge here's the "compensation" we discussed, I assume all those crimes on record will mysteriously dissapear right?
79 00:10:11   Young Leaf Ch. grua cant arrest me its legal in my state
80 08月02日
81 00:10:24 $10.00   NommyNom You should be arrested for being too cute!
82 00:10:31   Nat O P E N U P ! I T ' S D E P O T L E A S E
83 00:10:31 NOK50.00   Modryn My only crime is not headpatting you enough
84 08月02日
85 00:10:36   KaoruTenjin Guilty.....of shrimping while Bri'ish
86 08月02日
  Haru BB
87 00:10:48   QABreaker Saw you on Miko's 3d special. Good singing and dancing Goob
88 00:10:59 ¥1,000   シャロ-syaron- Hi gura! It's a holiday today, so I'll listen to it slowly and be healed. (おはようグラ!きょうはきゅうじつだからゆっくりきいていやされるよ)
89 00:11:07   Mike Mike omg daily fresh Gura Stream
90 08月02日
PLN1,000.00   Pan Śmierci 404 If I confess to my crimes will I have extended sentence in shark jail? Asking for a friend
91 00:11:47 $5.00   Bluenatic You had another great 3D live performance this morning with Miko! Looked really cute in that swimsuit as well Gooooorah
92 00:12:10 $50.00   Avril Helm This is definitely not a bribe, officer
93 08月02日
  Ádám Németh
94 00:12:57   Poor RG PLS DONT LOCK ME UP ON JAIL
95 00:14:24 NT$300.00   Adam Sun Arrest me! ぼくをたいほしてください!あうぃがとうごじゃいましゅ
96 00:14:39 $20.00   jas I hope you'll look past my indecent fish pics.. I promise they're for research to avoid them more. Take this money and forget about it, officer Gura please don't arrest me
97 00:15:26 $4.99   BerserKing the Astartes Chaplain Maybe this will convince officer Goobs too look away from me as I just mosey on out of here with a car full of “not” illegal Holo merch
98 00:15:57 $9.99   Nick The Meme Daddy I was rewatching the SpaceBalls watchalong stream and I was wondering if we could Austin Powers Gold Member in the future? You will like it. Im sure of it.
99 00:16:29 $5.00   Oki
100 00:16:45 THB100.00   i am fc gawr gura สวัสดีตอนเช้าครับ ท่านGuraครับผมไม่ค้อยสดใสคุณช้วยพูดAra Araให้ผมได้หรือไม่(good morning Lord Gura, but I'm not so bright. Can Ara Ara give it to me?
101 08月02日
102 00:17:26 NT$75.00   Ellkha How long is my prison term officer Gura ? I didn’t do my homework today
103 00:17:59 MX$100.00   Esteban
I'm writing a ticket, you've got "fine" written all over you :3
104 00:20:38 ₩10,000   진우 Goob morning Officer, there are only ordinary goods in my room. I'm not hiding the erotic goods.
105 00:20:45 $19.99   Jason Nieman HAPPY BIRTHDAY
106 00:22:16 $2.00   Sneedzilla Sit on it Gura
107 00:22:48 $2.00   CryCabbit those are nice wooden floors
108 00:27:27 $10.00   WYBLACKWOLF Hey Gooba, sorry I'm late got pulled over by this cute little shark woman I think she just wanted to talk since she didn't ticket me or give me a reason for the stop
109 08月02日
110 00:31:05   Shanezilla (メンバーシップ入り)
111 00:34:38 $5.00   Bishop
bribe money
112 08月02日
113 08月02日
  Gunpla Uruguay you have done a good job comrade gooba
114 00:37:51 NZ$5.00   DriveByShrimping You'll never catch me alive, vroooooooooooooooooooooooooom.
115 08月02日
  verde José (メンバーシップ入り)
116 00:44:35 $1.99   Nick Brown Put him in the shark tank
117 00:46:09   Jeremiah Racer (メンバーシップ入り)
118 00:48:16   vy (メンバーシップ入り)
119 00:49:43 ₩10,000   안태현 Wrong name
120 00:49:46   Pale (メンバーシップ入り)
121 08月02日
  Mal Mal Hey stinky shorty supple shark girl, keep being you boo. Your smile is precious in this bleak world luv u bro. Also, HO PIN-UP HITS DEPOT LEASE!!
122 00:52:24 $10.00   Avril Helm
Chumrads unite
123 00:57:53 A$100.00   Voltage Hey Gura, I'm totally innocent. This is just a tip. For doing fantastic work. Yeah. Totally.
124 00:59:11   Code Capuchin I wub your shirt, Goobz
125 00:59:50   Rhanzier break their nico nico kneecaps
126 01:00:25 CA$20.00   Quib This is not a bribe, you just earned it for being cute and cool.
127 01:01:16 ¥800   Kai
128 08月02日
  Archi Scratch Hello the best shork in the world
129 08月02日
  RexDev! (メンバーシップ入り)
130 01:04:31   Big Buckies (メンバーシップ入り)
131 01:07:26 PHP50.00   TacoCurse is your booger thevsticky or dry stringy type
132 01:07:32   Richard Birk this place looks a lot like the funny farm
133 01:07:53   ちゅんふ (メンバーシップ入り)
134 01:08:33   DumbPuppyWife (メンバーシップ入り)
135 01:09:21 €10.00   TP-Swiper The Gurag is getting quite a few new members today Here is a tip for the cutest shark officer in the world <3
136 01:10:30   Lucas Acuña We are all going to die in this car aren't we?
137 01:13:07   PsychoPilot55 (メンバーシップ入り)
138 08月02日
  Rudy Wang
139 08月02日
140 08月02日
  Stephen duenas (メンバーシップ入り)
141 01:15:55 $20.00   AbexZader Here car insurance for the cutest shark out there
142 01:17:07 IDR20,000.00   13BROTHERHOOD (a無言スパチャ)
143 01:18:05 $9.99   Spenstaple Imagine being pulled over by a shork who can’t reach the pedals and needs a step stool to see through the window… sorry Goob! You’re too cute not to bully a bit. Thanks for being an inspiration to us!
144 01:18:12   Phantasmguy RUNAWAY SHORK
145 01:19:00 $10.00   Generaltators who let the shark drive?
146 01:19:07   Serana_Mobz (メンバーシップ入り)
147 01:19:28 ¥200   海魔城ティーツー ぐらちゃんかわいい!!
148 01:20:15 €1.49   Mastertank
149 01:20:29 $5.00   WingsCV Hi Shork! Thank you for streaming and being your silly self while Im sick. I take comfort knowing that based on your driving skills I can get away.
150 01:21:57   이이잉요요요 (メンバーシップ入り)
151 08月02日
  Skyhui (メンバーシップ入り)
152 01:28:11 ₩10,000   안태현
Sir, I have a family at home pls forgive me
153 01:29:47 NT$30.00   シーサーペントSeaSerpent
154 08月02日
  0000000 0 He is taking his pet anthrax for a ride, that's so cute
155 08月02日
HK$10.00   HATE they just havent born yet
156 01:35:18   Pastel Pudding (メンバーシップ入り)
157 01:36:02 CA$5.00   JasonDreams
this is like ratatouille except we're just on top of your head to do math for you and check for spelling mistakes
158 08月02日
  Arelis Najera WHERE ARE 3, 4???
159 08月02日
160 08月02日
$10.00   FeelTheZephyr Braincell 5678 reporting for duty
161 01:40:13 MX$50.00   Silveru Chief, i know im your brain and all, But theres a MASSIVE dent up here, i cant see Ship! can i get a stool please!?
162 01:40:36   ゆっきー (メンバーシップ入り)
163 08月02日
$1.00   Sleepy (a無言スパチャ)
164 08月02日
165 01:41:17 $5.00   Bluenatic
Ebi get in the Gura-bot
166 01:42:53 $1.49   Debry
167 01:44:44 €5.00   Zetsuna - Fried Shrimp
Gooba, this is your conscience speaking " Buy the new Hatsune Miku 16th Birthday merch. NOW ! "
168 08月02日
  TomCB Stop!
169 01:46:03   (メンバーシップ入り)
170 01:48:02   小梅けいと かわいい ぐら~!
171 01:48:45 ¥500   小梅けいと GOGO! Samechan !!
172 01:49:36 NT$70.00   Diddy Sai Moshi moshi ohasame sir
173 01:53:33   LEGOLANNDO Hello,gura−−−−
174 08月02日
175 01:54:55 ¥8,000   パオん Hi, Gura!! Your daki came to my houseIt's so cuteBut why doesn't it smell like fish? You are still sleeping next to me
176 01:56:02 $5.00   Mas0n fart on it and sell
177 01:57:07 CRC2,500.00   Bubby0419 I have 4 goobas in my room. Popup parade, dino gura, plush Gura and nendo.
178 01:57:34   蔡竣承 (メンバーシップ入り)
179 01:57:36 $5.00   Bishop
"Can you say there are two Gura's in your bed" Who said we only bought one dakimagura?
180 01:57:40 $5.00   Ricadan I actually have 2 fan dakimaguras in my bed so i can say it
181 01:57:53 $20.00   shaithis77 Hey Goop- what do you think the new EN girls taste like?
182 01:59:02 $10.00   Reign649 hey gura been watching some of your streams and this is the first donation. hope you are enjoying this game. i played i my self an it is really fun! hope you have a great day and time streaming!
183 08月02日
  Gura's Trident hi gura
184 02:02:09 ¥800   tubada 3694 Hello。watching from japan。。こんにちは!私は日本から視聴しています!
185 02:02:52   ゴラさん(Gora) (メンバーシップ入り)
186 02:05:30 $10.00   Dingo Ringo Here ya go shark! Go buy yourself a bouquet of hydrangeas!
187 02:08:17   Marv Cop Shork
188 02:10:07 ¥500   海魔城ティーツー
189 02:11:26   Whitebeard (メンバーシップ入り)
190 02:17:06 ¥1,000   海魔城ティーツー
My name is T2! ぐらちゃんがんばってね! (´・ω・`) ショボーン
191 02:22:02 $50.00   yoy gawrawrwwarr gurarrarg gura
192 08月02日
  shuuunt (メンバーシップ入り)
193 02:25:09 $1.49   YahBoiKoi
194 08月02日
  許煥杰 (メンバーシップ入り)
195 02:29:19 $10.00   Big Chungus Hey Gura, just got back from the gym, feelin good in the neighborhood (lats), watching your game stream with an ice cold brotein shake. stay hydrated friends
196 08月02日
  Richard Teng It’s not a smart thing to charge your enemy who has a gun with a small knife
197 02:36:38 €2.00   Mastertank
198 02:44:03 €5.00   Mastertank
cuteness test ... Processing ... passed 100% Gura Cute
199 08月02日
  Michael Phillips Hiiiiiii Gooobaa
200 02:45:39 $5.00   Cannabis Dreams hot gollum on gollum action with a thick hobbit
201 02:55:18 $20.00   Bluenatic
If you had to smuggle contraband past yourself how would you do it?
202 02:56:06   jack I Love You
203 02:59:14   Captain Tarrek (メンバーシップ入り)
204 02:59:19 ₫10,000   Huyvn1366 (a無言スパチャ)
205 03:00:01   bi mo (メンバーシップ入り)
206 03:00:11   Metal_Enthusiast31 I had shark in Iceland... it comes with a shot of their version of tequila for a reason lol
207 03:00:43 R$20.00   nexcoyocoatl shark juice ASMR?
208 03:00:43 MX$50.00   Esteban
Merch idea: Thermo that looks like a can of shark juice/gawr boost drink
209 03:01:19   野村晴道 (メンバーシップ入り)
210 03:01:20 $5.00   Bishop
Shark juice. Its got what shrimps crave
211 03:02:32 €5.00   Starcruiser
A tall glass of shark juice a day keeps the doctor away!
212 03:02:48 $20.00   Captain Tarrek CHECK HIS FEET.
213 03:02:59 MX$50.00   Itsuki
I'll buy the entire stock of shark juice!
214 03:06:06 HK$25.00   鬼名氏 Takanashi Kiara has become a knight. What career would Gura choose in the rpg game world?
215 08月02日
  Gawr Konatsu don't arrest me...i'm a good shrimp
216 03:07:41 $4.99   Bella Hey Gura. Are you going to play Fallout again?
217 03:10:40 $10.00   Krayne (a無言スパチャ)
218 03:11:56 $9.99   Dennis Kinsey Gura arrest him. Impound the vehicle. Search at your leisure. just a retired Police officer making a suggestion. love ya Goober!
219 03:16:40 PHP50.00   TacoCurse
do girls just randomly eat their hair with ketchup
220 03:21:52 PHP50.00   TacoCurse
then gura why do you have ketchup packets on yours
221 03:23:38 €2.00   Zetsuna - Fried Shrimp
Gura you dont have time to read this
222 03:24:35 $10.00   Jebusky Eyes on the road shark! lol
223 03:30:32   CalicoSin REVOLUTION!
224 03:31:05 $10.00   Hideri team red
225 03:31:20   DeskKun don't trust chat! We have no morals!
226 08月02日
  Mero Nya Ch. Blue, like the funny, cute shark
227 08月02日
  EchoWaNekoDesu (エコ) love you, gooby
228 08月02日
  Sheeho (メンバーシップ入り)
229 03:34:39   老丁 (メンバーシップ入り)
230 03:35:48   Pyshrub (メンバーシップ入り)
231 03:36:57 $20.00   Pants Dasvidaniya communistbuds. For the motherland.
232 03:37:58   Zenochii (メンバーシップ入り)
233 03:38:02   guts b (メンバーシップ入り)
234 03:38:24   Xydem yes, i think your car is, in fact, on fire
235 03:38:50 $50.00   RagingBadger[バジャー] Gawr "I'm a safe driver" Gura
236 03:38:56 NT$70.00   Diddy Sai
No worry we have a car….. on fire….
237 03:39:23 $10.00   Shisno Gura's car, was in fact, on fire...
238 08月02日
$5.00   DeskKun "Chumbies, I am unsure if these flames indicate that I am on fire, am I on fire **"
239 08月02日
  Ray Chang I watch clips but stream recently. It’s been a long time since I watched your stream. But I still love you Gura
240 08月02日
241 03:41:50 $20.00   mochi hi gura and itzchrispy :)
242 03:41:59   Shawnical ever thought about being a uber driver?
243 03:42:11 $50.00   YaBoyJuan who is the fool that gave you a driver's license
244 03:43:48 $5.00   warekosowa That's one way to get out
245 08月02日
  SlayerWraith [Hooman General] hey gura you looking smoking hot tonight ; D o wait its your van
246 03:44:29   Yui Goob
247 03:45:17   nikiupos (メンバーシップ入り)
248 03:50:44   Zyson Defa (メンバーシップ入り)
249 03:51:05 A$5.00   Barni this driving is giving me flashbacks to gta
250 03:53:49 $5.00   GameCraized Theyre not pulling over for the siren they pull over to not get run over by the shark in a car
251 03:54:31 $5.00   TonyBones
I love driving with Gura knowing we are one fender bender away from a fiery death
252 08月02日
  Brian. is.35P
253 04:05:56 $2.00   Chinese Mass Production The communists are lying about the promotion, Gura
254 04:07:09 $20.00   Mintstone
255 04:13:25 $5.00   WingsCV
Haven't heard struggling like this since the cooking stream with Oreos.
256 04:14:12 $10.00   SneakySnake Goomba and directions, name a more iconic rivalry.
257 04:14:28 $1.99   Nick Brown
Go Gura Gooooo
258 08月02日
259 04:18:22   ZUO ZUO are you ok goomba??
260 04:18:34   るり (メンバーシップ入り)
261 08月02日
  H C It's the policeman's fault.
262 04:19:10 PEN2.00   namedoko So... no promotah?
263 04:19:54 ₩3,000   다비드 Iloveu
264 04:21:02   Pat B Boob somehow best driver in EN?
265 08月02日
  Bender the Offender Thank you for your service comrade shark!
266 04:21:31 $5.00   Zaめ Enough incriminating us it's your turn. What is something you wouldn't us and/or family & friends to find? Either right now or back as a kid
267 04:21:39 $5.00   jameswargull Mighty fine shootin' tex!
268 08月02日
£10.00   nullrefrepro
i saw your pencil sketches for your cute gooba drawing on the studio wall were you nervous drawing on the wall? did you intentionally pick a spot no other members had touched yet?
269 04:21:50 $5.00   Lawfulpotato
I must say, Gura, you in a swimsuit is really cute!
270 04:21:59 $10.00   tB
271 08月02日
  焦雨 (メンバーシップ入り)
272 04:22:30 €2.00   Zetsuna - Fried Shrimp
Did you see the Hatsune Miku Merch ?
273 04:22:42 CA$5.00   JasonDreams
your neck looks perfectly normal
274 08月02日
  Musashi Cam Love your stream Gura and always happy for all you do for us the Ebi. Also love the reference
276 04:23:08 $2.00   Jovanparkinskurtywilliams Hello goomba, you are very adorkable today
277 08月02日
278 08月02日
  Scapemaster00 love ya goob!
279 04:23:35 ¥500   はっちー🍯 かわいいぐらちゃんにたいほされたい
280 04:24:03   Beldan Tazar Everyone stand for the Red White and Cute
281 04:24:09 NT$75.00   Ellkha
Otsusame! Gura I have free lunch today !!
282 08月02日
MX$50.00   Itsuki
283 08月02日
  kingofzombies 20
284 04:24:34 $20.00   Ain't It Hey Goob! Looks like this (yesterday lol) will be the third birthday I've spent with you! 23 now, feels old... I just wanted to give a little bit of the birthday money I got back to you since every stream of yours is a gift!
285 04:24:43 $5.00   Exilon That game was funnier than expected. Thanks for the stream!
286 04:25:11 $5.00   Mastar
I took the Gura≠Mumei test the other day, and I got a 9/10. The Angus Beef got me good. Pretty easy, tho. I feel like the one you made was harder, lol
287 08月02日
288 04:25:33 $5.00   Bluenatic
Ever done a mouse clicks per second test? Its kinda fun hearing your kb and mouse during gaming streams
289 04:25:43   Furor Teutonicus Any news on your new OG song release? Also what happened to Jazz Reflect?
290 04:26:38 $10.00   Luke Fabis
I destroyed 5 lbs of strawberries and 2 lbs of cherries in one sitting, and now my tummy hurt too.
291 04:28:06   Kyataru Hi Gura! Have you looked up the recent Theatrhythm Final Bar Line? Would love to see you try it on stream.
292 04:28:06 $50.00   RagingBadger[バジャー]
Great work at Mikochi's 5th anniversary live Gura! Your HoloSummer outfit is really cute~ For some reason Neal is eating my longer-than-one-word messages in chat so here's a supa instead. Hope that tummy gets better soon. Thanks for the stream~
293 04:28:06   HoloDoko Gooba did you see any of the shrines of you?
294 08月02日
  blindsightjs shadow of the colossus is a great game, I wanna see you play!
295 04:29:04 CA$10.00   Zyson Defa its a good classic goomba
296 04:29:08 $2.00   Randstein Amnesia: The Bunker?
297 08月02日
298 08月02日
299 04:31:39 $19.99   MrBigBoy Play (last train outta worm town with the rest of hololive)
300 04:31:41 CA$10.00   Selakiir セラキル saw your performance in Miko's live. You were very cute
301 04:31:54 $10.00   Ricadan
Any other AI covers got you hooked besides Sinatra FNAF? I can't stop listening to Squidward's My Way and Big Iron
302 08月02日
  HERO HI Gura, 1 year, 2 months, 9 days shrimp here. Anywayy, when will you finish DMC4???
303 04:33:17 £20.00   nullrefrepro
i've been working hard on the holocure update for the last 5 months hope you have fun with it~
304 04:34:13 $5.00   Svindle #FREEBLOOP
305 04:35:48   backgroundman This stream was the first I watched with a friend who isn't a holofan. it was scary, but fun!
306 04:35:53 $1.99   Nick Brown
Your anime opening animation got me into Hololive
307 04:36:10 €11.00   TheMohawk36 I also have stomach issues. Meal shakes changed my life. They don't taste good, but are super nutritious, so even if you can only drink a little bit you're good for a while.
308 08月02日
  paul012011 You are so cuuuute goomba
309 04:36:54   じゅん woluld you play the game that pekora play the day before yesterday (Sorry for suck english
310 08月02日
  Neo_Persona 5
311 04:39:18 $19.99   Ryan Mc Hope you’re having a good summer I love it when you play the banjoleili please tell your shark friends not to bite me. nite nite
312 08月02日
  공정 (メンバーシップ入り)
313 08月02日
  Michael Chang Your tail has all the curves you need
314 04:40:05 $10.00   BlunZ hello gura
315 04:40:11   n0ah365 no silly you're a fish stick
316 04:40:28 $4.99   Space Ah yes my favorite goob the tube
317 04:40:25 PHP125.00   たつお_b no youre enough
318 04:40:51   Spenstaple Gura I happen to like the way you look. Just how you are! Wouldn’t have it any other way
319 04:41:38 $4.99   Dennis Kinsey
Does Bijou remind you of Luna Gura?
320 04:41:51 $5.00   LucaUmbriel gura perfect chest and tummy
321 04:42:24 CA$10.00   Selakiir セラキル
only thing I really noticed that seemed "off" is that this outfit makes your tail look like the plug type
322 04:42:32 $5.00   Bishop
Gura's perfect the way she is
323 04:43:29 ₩100,000   안태현
Take my ganbatte beam(오빠)
324 04:43:54 $10.00   EtchySketchy You might not have the curves, Gura, but you'll always be 'curved' in our hearts!"
325 04:44:18 $10.00   SaiyanKirby What the shork cookin? You're not one for schedules but do you have any plans or anything coming up?
326 04:44:25 €5.00   Starcruiser
You look AMAZING in your bikini! Don't put yourself down, will love you no matter what!
327 04:44:24 $10.00   Alex Tavera My eyes were only on you during Mikos 3D live. My eyes belong only to you, Gooba <3
328 04:45:57 $5.00   Eric Cunningham I had a rough day but was able to end it with watching you and putting together a new bookshelf. Thanks for the great stream as always, Goob!
329 04:48:10 PHP125.00   puchun
You curves will come when you grow up..if you grow up..uhh
330 04:49:01 MX$100.00   Silveru
Gooby, please don't cook us, we are your brain remember?
331 04:49:13 CA$5.00   antarticite knight zaphir I love my baby sharky you are so lovely princess shark
332 04:50:32   Jiiwo Thanks for a great stream Gura!!!
333 04:50:39 $20.00   Alex Tavera
OH! GURA!! You have a time capsul video from new years!! i think 2021!!
334 04:50:50 £5.00   nullrefrepro
what's the most intense power tool you've used before? have you done any other interesting self assembly stuff?
335 04:50:51 $9.99   CriXD777 I would like to see gooba tail slap a holomem
336 08月02日
  Tony It’s working time for me
337 04:51:27 $5.00   Casual Insanity Goob! any chance you play Mass Effect?
338 04:52:00 MYR15.00   Mal Mal Gooby goob goob goober goomming gooberming goob goob gooby goowo gooby gooby gooeh goob boop boop. Can I boop ur nose? or headpats?
339 04:52:03 €1.49   Mastertank
340 08月02日
341 04:52:25 $20.00   Debry
342 04:52:49 $5.00   Alex Tavera
You didn't get to it this last new years because you were on break!
343 04:53:55 CA$5.00   JasonDreams
i'm gonna go look at more swimsuit fish AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME OFFICER
344 08月02日
  安安でーす Hi
345 04:54:04   crossflame20 (メンバーシップ入り)
346 04:54:41 $1.99   Nick Brown
I wanna be tail slapped by Gura XD
347 04:56:55 ₩10,000   안태현
Rest well guraaa
348 08月02日
  Sharuri3 (メンバーシップ入り)
349 08月02日
  SAIKOU I volunteer to be tail slapped
350 08月02日
  NivlakN (メンバーシップ入り)
351 08月02日
352 08月02日
  ないち (メンバーシップ入り)
353 04:59:01   Keegan Erdmann (メンバーシップ入り)
354 04:59:07   Snek (メンバーシップ入り)