配信名【Minecraft】guardian farm last touch & trying to find swamp hut【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 49 178.97 \24,482
IDR IDR 59 2700000.00 \23,918
EUR EUR 15 36.00 \5,194
A$ AUD 15 46.00 \4,159
SGD SGD 14 37.98 \3,840
NT$ TWD 14 855.00 \3,798
MYR MYR 12 101.70 \3,076
WON KRW 3 22000 \2,279
MX$ MXN 5 205.00 \1,561
PHP PHP 3 350.00 \867
HK$ HKD 1 25.00 \435
CLP CLP 1 2500 \425
YEN YEN 1 320 \320
CA$ CAD 1 2.00 \198
---- ---- ---- ---- \74,552
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月09日
  NgeL from Heaven♏
2 03月09日
  xRubywolfx 5
3 03月09日
$2.00   Andrew Swallie I won my match! Thx for the GL, La! Back to sleb..
4 00:03:27 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar wih nyari swamp hut, buat next projext kah? GL Kael. btw tumben jam 7 dah mulai, kabur dri dinner yak?
5 03月09日
  Oimingg 1
6 03月09日
  김진호 UT
7 00:06:47   MK (メンバーシップ入り)
8 00:07:48   Shikari Nagasa (メンバーシップ入り)
9 00:08:21   Shaneskiy\ (メンバーシップ入り)
10 00:09:34 IDR20,000.00   DeerStalker next warden farm ya
11 03月09日
  BBluck⁶⁹ u are cut- ehem coo- ehem sweet
12 03月09日
  Seira Wazuuupp Ella
13 00:12:04 IDR50,000.00   Clarence idk if i miss your stream or you. finally can enjoy the stream *pls my daily gsh
14 00:17:41 IDR50,000.00   Bimo Aulia Cakrabuana having a lot of thing to build is good, but don't forgot your health and sleep, Kaela
15 00:18:08 IDR50,000.00   Cibengwawa Anyeong Ela noona! Nareul sesangeseo gajang haengbokan namjaro mandeureo jullaeyo? CHUUU SOLID SOLID SOLID ELA4EPER :3
16 00:19:39 IDR20,000.00   Pioniel Ch Helloo Ellaaaa, chu chu chu
17 03月09日
  U'Be hi chat and hello KAELUARGA
18 00:21:07   iiman (メンバーシップ入り)
19 00:21:07 IDR50,000.00   jonathan ryan j this is 20% theory, 50% jokes, 10% facts, and 20% random thoughts. SASO, should ne SUSSO. here's why: kaela? sus. aku yakin pemaloe 90% stuju (1/x)
20 00:21:36   Ragil Here (メンバーシップ入り)
21 00:21:38 €2.00   Yamabro hi, today's kata : Ketel uap
22 03月09日
  Oswald Cobblepot Hello Kaela Another doy of Minecraft, I seeWell, wish you all the best
23 00:22:58   Earl Grey (メンバーシップ入り)
24 00:23:02 IDR50,000.00   jonathan ryan j
skia? ela said she isn't real so SUS. ckia? si imut pembawa malapetaka itu sih sus. koval? tetangga selalu sus. omela itu wujud keyabaian SUSso. (2/x)
25 00:25:14   Fluffy Creep stronghold very close to nether portal. There must be stone pillar. 157 -19 -1619
26 00:25:17   Hirotaka Aoki (メンバーシップ入り)
27 03月09日
  ヴォKaeza Halo,semoga harimu menyenangkan
28 00:26:12 IDR50,000.00   jonathan ryan j
broela, gatau kesehariannya ngapain. SUS. grandmaela itu keknya banyak cerita idupnya, sus. goriela gabisa ngomong sus! dan SUSso terakhir dare? (3/3)
29 00:27:17 $2.00   SussyBussyBakaDesu Kaela is not sus, I am sussy
30 00:28:03 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
RQ, Kael tw air tajin?
31 00:28:34 $2.00   SussyBussyBakaDesu
Anyways im off to work. Good luck Kaela!!
32 00:28:47 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak morning Lala sama.What are we destroying today?
33 00:29:34   Nitko IV (メンバーシップ入り)
34 00:31:04   Minikate (メンバーシップ入り)
35 00:31:45 IDR20,000.00   WetOcean (a無言スパチャ)
36 03月09日
  Hendry Pratama (メンバーシップ入り)
37 00:32:20   Aulia Rahman (メンバーシップ入り)
38 00:33:38 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
More members=Closer to Ela's membership ASMR
39 00:34:04   A. Deka Restusemesta Ela jangan mencuri, Ela jangan mencuri, Ela jangan mencuriii
40 00:35:39 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
My oshi stole a villager house in Minecraft
41 00:35:43 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
miss my last sc(?) anyway blacksmith house stonks
42 00:36:10 $2.00   xRubywolfx nooo my luck
43 00:37:02   NekuroToma Ch (メンバーシップ入り)
44 00:37:23 NT$75.00   青蛙 if you aim them and use sword, they will give you string.
45 00:37:45 $2.00   xRubywolfx
just joking know you a space wizard gg
46 00:37:47 €5.00   Yamabro
Looks like today's kata was wrong, too hard for deepl maybe so i'll change it, today's kata : bata
47 00:37:56 MYR15.00   Mal Mal cute cat just like you
48 00:38:29 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
coba tdur bareng sma majikan Kael.. enak loh
49 00:38:40 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
No chuchuchuchuchuchuchuchu?
50 00:38:41   Jarno Lets go more minecraft!
51 00:40:43 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
bukan d mc Kael.. biar rasain rasanya kebangun gegara ditampol majikan
52 00:41:57 $5.00   Bucho The sun came up over here and it looks unharmed. When are you going to win your battle?
53 00:42:12 IDR50,000.00   Farrel Aruna I got banned forever by the devs on some mmorpg game, that's char worth of millions rupiah i think. I'm okay fr fr
54 00:42:26 NT$30.00   檸檬紅 Is this legal? theft and usurpation
55 00:43:43   Ojet (メンバーシップ入り)
56 00:43:54 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Join membership to help Ela to steal more houses.
57 00:45:35   Medz woop
58 00:48:10 ¥320   sanitation_master Thanks to Kaela, I come to like Indonesia. Thanks
59 00:48:50   Ben Hikuuu (メンバーシップ入り)
60 00:49:30   DIF Speaking of the sun, now that you have a lava farm, do you have any intention of making an "Artificial Sun" in the middle of the city?
61 00:51:18 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Ela the robber,what is ur wisdom for this brother?
62 00:53:45 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
jdi, luck siapa yng di ambil kali ini?
63 03月09日
  Federal of Tempest Congrats
64 00:54:22 MYR15.00   Muhammad Maskawaih Luck is higher after getting trumpet.
65 00:54:43   Seusspicyous I was about to ask chats to put our arms raised to the air to send our luck. Welp. Seems like we don't need to. Luck got siphoned already.
66 00:55:09 $5.00   xRubywolfx
going to be honest seen so many one in a million moments starting to believe there is no luck but its more like a skill or passive ability
67 00:55:20 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
First you stole a house then our luck?
68 00:56:03   Honey (メンバーシップ入り)
69 00:56:40 IDR1,000,000.00   Ryan Flare good evening Kaela. I saw a clip of Kanata finding your KNSW69.v2 in a chest. Wondering have you taken it back?
70 00:56:58 SGD5.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor Today had a very very bad day. Just needing the GSH. And my favorite comedian's stream to cheer me up. Thank you.
71 00:57:14 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Free ara ara if u join membership!
72 00:57:37 A$10.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
73 00:59:41 A$10.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
74 01:00:24 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
youtube keeps deleting all my super chat
75 01:00:59 $5.00   xRubywolfx
76 03月09日
  Wade Ho Cute
77 01:03:22   両儀ハン「RYOUGI」 (メンバーシップ入り)
78 01:05:05 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
just tuned in not sure what u were looking for /1
79 01:05:08 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
waaah, dapet bleki. majikan keren nih, apa lg klo pas mati lampu atau tidur diatas barang item jg.. barang Kael bakalan punya mata
80 01:06:05 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
I find the most precious material every time /2
81 01:06:29 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
cograts on what you were searching for kaela /3
82 01:07:12 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
youtube deleted this message from the :) scs b4
83 01:08:57 $5.00   xRubywolfx
never get my luck back now waiting for you to collect three more black cats
84 01:10:10   Edward Lowira (メンバーシップ入り)
85 01:15:17 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
mmm roast shuba tasty
86 01:15:42 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Ela flying = penguins can fly confirmed?
87 01:18:07 ₩2,000   카드레 역시 하루 마무리엔 세젤귀 카엘라 방송이 제맛
88 01:19:25 NT$75.00   Nemo ohhh, are there any panda? u should bring one back home
89 01:20:28 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
izin belok dlu Kael... ciao
90 01:20:30 NT$75.00   青蛙
this is a elite jungle
91 01:21:08 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
which farm? that farm?
92 01:21:19 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17 belok terooss, ikutan ah
93 03月09日
  かたくら (メンバーシップ入り)
94 01:23:09   Omega Kaelaaaaa ~ pick a number from 1-5
95 03月09日
  Toram Online Cosplayer Kaela is Cute(not a typo)
96 03月09日
  Omega 20
97 03月09日
  Omega 20
98 01:24:58   Ursegol (メンバーシップ入り)
99 01:26:20 MYR9.90   Omega sent my regards to Omela also ~ kinda miss him
100 01:27:42 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
time for the panda express to leave the station :)
101 03月09日
  Hora Ryuu Gold gang yeyy, dan seperti biasa Kaela tetap Cool...
102 01:29:13 PHP50.00   Marin did u try build trumpet home or monument there?
103 01:31:19 $5.00   xRubywolfx
this is unbearable to watch. he fits in the tiny boat
104 01:31:24 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
berasa boncengin emak" yng duduk nyamping
105 01:31:57 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
make a water chanel when you come across land?
106 01:32:24 $5.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Nothing is impossible if you believe in the heart of the cards
107 01:32:36 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17
ada sebuah dimensi bernama nether biar cepat
108 01:33:49 $2.00   Zephyr Ch. #not distracted la
109 01:35:46 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
you're just going out for milk
110 01:37:32 MYR6.00   akeef danny ela, i had to belok.. sorry for u to know this way
111 01:37:42 IDR20,000.00   pramben black & white = cute ,,so black & red = cute cute
112 01:38:11 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17
ijin belok ke luna sama flare dulu beb
113 01:38:46   Aurelia HoloID Clips Alo ayang
114 01:40:54 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17
beb oshiku cute semua, luna, flare, kaela
115 01:41:04 PHP250.00   Marin
HS friends mad at me lastweek. they notice i reply late. they think i have new gf or friends but its coz im watching u. so after i told them, whenever i reply late, they see if u live 1st b4 get mad
116 01:41:34 IDR20,000.00   denny akbar halo sayanggg part2
117 01:41:41   Samsara (メンバーシップ入り)
118 01:42:48 PHP50.00   Marin
hot stone
119 01:45:25   Nayla melati mau bikin kaos badminton kasih nama nayla kovalskia, can i?
120 01:48:19 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
these places are alright, but not as cool as u
121 01:50:08 €2.00   Yamabro
And you are the rarest
122 01:51:59 SGD2.98   Faris Iqhwan Hai kak ela jangan lupa makan okeh
123 01:53:45 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
jdi penasaran Kael pernah ngejer" majikan liar kyk barusan g di rl?
124 01:57:46 IDR20,000.00   Nayla melati what if Nayla Goriela? see u at zeta sport center
125 01:58:50 IDR20,000.00   Chris Ijin mau ngerjain proyek MC nnti aku lanjut lagi
126 01:59:21 IDR20,000.00   Striaklip Malam ela makin Co...Coe....cute aja
127 02:01:35 $2.00   Mr Skeet What's up Boss, just got home. How's the hunt?
128 02:03:30 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
I'm broken inside because I’ve been hold these feeling everyday and heartache when I think of you, so can I rely on you too soothing this feeling?
129 03月09日
  Helsark HI
130 02:07:36 IDR20,000.00   Cibengwawa
i want to make miso soup for you every morning!CHU
131 03月09日
  Behosu Your streams are always something to look forward to everyday, thanks for being cool and making fun content.
132 02:15:21 IDR20,000.00   ItzVirky Kaela coba bilang nama saya "Virky" pengen dengar
133 02:16:35 €2.00   Yamabro
Now Ina on MC, indeed rare stream, MC luck back
134 02:22:43 IDR50,000.00   Nayla melati
yang mengajariku nonton kamu dia, setelah aku ngerasa keluarga disini, dia pergi sama yang. lain....
135 03月09日
  HITAGI-CHAN YEAH udah 9 bulan
136 02:24:57 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17
nayla, nonton sama aku yuk, capek dicuekin ela
137 02:27:48   Uruca (メンバーシップ入り)
138 02:27:51 $9.99   CPTTANKER JOE Train fact: The Consolidated Rail Corporation or Conrail was hastily created in 1976 after the Penn Central railroad collapse. They would operate until 1997 being split between CSX and NS
139 02:29:21   Widi Gamers (メンバーシップ入り)
140 02:33:03 $4.99   CPTTANKER JOE
Joe Fact: I have a picture of me and my dad getting off a former Conrail locomotive when I was 5 starting my obsession with Conrail
141 02:36:08   アミ69 (メンバーシップ入り)
142 02:37:18 IDR50,000.00   Nayla melati
turu dulu ya La & for my family jgn lupa yasinan,, besok masih ada hari penuh meetingg... Otsu
143 02:58:02   Bolwerr pintu lava factory sudah di perbaiki dan di kasih cara masuknya La biar nggak rusak lagi
144 02:59:57 SGD2.00   SSRBee don't have much so can't send SC, how are you ela?
145 03:00:55 SGD2.00   SSRBee
it's just a normal chat, gsh ela, it's free
146 03:00:56   MK Listening to the deepmagnetic sound.. this curious head of mine Never knew what is love if kept inside..Take my hand and let's see the world kaela :)
147 03:01:37 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
forgive me ela, i've been forgetting to pay my tax
148 03:01:46 SGD2.00   SSRBee
no u
149 03:02:53   Shiraa random question if holohero have pillow fight who gonna win?
150 03:03:31 $2.00   xRubywolfx
brain so big have infinite storage
151 03:04:39 SGD2.00   SSRBee
this will be the last of my lunch money, hydrate!
152 03:06:19 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
ah yes, i will hydrate, with mead! nom nom kampai!
153 03:16:36 MYR6.00   Binawe Unknown Selamat malam, kaela yang cantik cendawan
154 03:23:20   Nayシ (メンバーシップ入り)
155 03:25:15   DnI (メンバーシップ入り)
156 03:26:06   DnI nimbrung sini...ke kobo malah ikutan ngantuk
157 03:27:18   M4SK_ED (メンバーシップ入り)
158 03:27:38 $10.00   Tommy If you do make creeper farm, I suggest one that uses cats, creeper will be scared as soon as it spawns, but for water/dispenser, you have to wait for clock to use water to push creeper down. GL!
159 03月10日
  Ojet halo mommy, aku juga warga baru disini hehe hehehe
160 03月10日
  Cuma Babu lahh nyamuknya lari guys
161 03:31:36 IDR20,000.00   Clarence
i need my 10.30 gsh before go to sleb. dawn shift
162 03:31:39 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
rasakan penderitaan pemaloe saat elagator mode on
163 03:36:26 $5.00   CypherVirus Hi beautiful! How are you today? Hope your day has been great!
164 03:37:19   Bakso Jagung (メンバーシップ入り)
165 03月10日
  Arnos Voldigod 😈💜 Semangat mainnya, Kaela Cantik 'nan Imut!!! Oh yeah, Can you give me your cuteness "Chuu~Chu", Kaela?
166 03:38:17 ₩10,000   임동진 '꿀 = honey' in Korean. to sweet cool and cute Kaela,
167 03:39:59 IDR50,000.00   BBluck⁶⁹ Fr Fr kaela itu coo- .. ehem maksudnya sweet
168 03:44:17 $5.00   CypherVirus
No matter how many times you disagree, you will always be cute as well as cool, with a smexy voice...
169 03:46:18 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon Kaelasama. I need your lucky wisdom. What looks better: a red shirt or a black shirt?
170 03:46:32 IDR50,000.00   fuadilah mursyid edison (a無言スパチャ)
171 03:46:37 SGD2.00   Alex Siu sorry for late, didn't know today is cute tax day
172 03:48:18   fioo (メンバーシップ入り)
173 03:49:45 ₩10,000   플라우다비[floW_daB_I] in korea, people say "I need healing" when they need to rest. i also need rest and i think i can rest well if kaela says "healing" in korean, pronunciation is "치유". 고마워요 자기!
174 03月10日
  Owlcean Ch. Join membership and get chocolate bar badge at second month!
175 03:52:59 SGD2.00   Alex Siu
our stream!! time to ela when she can't move
176 03:53:50 MYR6.00   Binawe Unknown
If you're cool, it means you live in cold place?
177 04:00:25 $2.00   xRubywolfx
wave it around wildly like air plane
178 04:02:01 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor
Kaela too hot, that's why people (ah)chu (ah)chu
179 04:02:14 €5.00   Luna Wolve Did somebody say math?
180 04:05:39 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
Will we hear your voice doing HoloFes announcements before the concert? Like previous years
181 04:09:42 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
izin tdur dlu, besok perdana latihan panahan
182 04:14:48 SGD2.00   Alex Siu
peck peck dainty ela
183 04:14:58 €2.00   Yamabro
PapaEla play lato lato ? tak tak tak tak
184 04:17:30 SGD2.00   Alex Siu
just found that peck is a much better word for us
185 04:19:42 $2.00   Kenneth No time to watch TV my oshi streams constantly
186 04:20:34 SGD5.00   Alex Siu
ela, I have reformed, I won't you any more, now I peck peck only
187 04:23:20 SGD5.00   NekuroToma Ch Watch TV? maybe 5 years ago, internet down? Offline single player games
188 04:23:36 MYR6.00   Binawe Unknown
When ela watches tv, tv watches ela instead
189 04:24:28 $5.00   tacos burritos 2 hour movie I sleep. 10 hour Minecraft stream I'm awake
190 04:25:32 €2.00   Yamabro
I remember, best comedy movie watchalong
191 04:26:18 $2.00   Bucho
Obligatory K-On movie watchalong request
192 04:26:23   Reza Pahlevi (メンバーシップ入り)
193 04:28:14 €2.00   Yamabro
Bocchi the rock watchalong, Kaela the rock trumpet
194 04:28:46   Luuny 🐧☂ I dunno why pemaloe always so halu like we watching the same stream right?
195 04:30:50 $1.99   Luuny 🐧☂ I have never been halu. This is slander.
196 04:32:00 MYR6.00   Shadow Killers glassnya gimana?
197 04:33:39 NT$30.00   GSH sodanin chu chu chu
198 04:34:05 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
全てを忘れて 閉じ込められていたかった でも あなたの横顔 いつも見上げていたかった
199 04:34:53 NT$75.00   GSH sodanin
I just accidentally hit mute, and I thought the speaker was broken.
200 04:35:33 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
yep i take that from a song
201 04:36:45 MYR6.00   Sebastian Randall kaela,you already found the swap and also you cute
202 04:37:51 NT$75.00   GSH sodanin
ela u miss something !!!!!
203 04:38:39 NT$75.00   GSH sodanin
u miss me
204 04:38:55 MYR6.00   Shadow Killers
ela want chu chu
205 04:40:28 MYR9.90   Omega
a wise word might help.. to all GSH reciever
206 04:42:45 $2.00   Bucho
Silk touch curse
207 04:42:52 MYR9.90   Omega
not joining.. just lend a hand to grind gsh.. 🫡
208 03月10日
  NoLifeKing Luck Doko
209 04:46:01 $2.00   Bucho
Comedy curse
210 04:47:12 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
I don't have your luck today. So not my fault.
211 04:48:16 IDR20,000.00   Ziciv this my pat-pat for u,, hope u got mu luck,
212 04:48:21 $2.00   xRubywolfx
so since you have plenty can I borrow mine back?
213 04:49:17 $2.00   xRubywolfx
214 04:52:14 NT$75.00   GSH sodanin
널 보고 있을 때면 난 무중력
215 05:02:28 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
last sebelum tdur 怖かったら叫んで欲しい すぐ隣にいるんだと 知らせて欲しい 震えた体で抱き合って 一人じゃないんだと 教えて欲しい 終わりまであなたと居たい それ以外確かな想いがない
216 05:20:39 $5.00   Bucho
Can I have some of my luck back? I know you stole it, don't try denying it. The past week has been rough and I need my luck back
217 05:21:38 HK$25.00   Oswald Cobblepot MaMa Kaela, before I go to sleep let me ask you: Why there's no "C" in the word "Dark"?--Answer: 'cause you can't "C" in the dark Good night
218 05:52:37   anson chia song wee (メンバーシップ入り)
219 05:55:41   Sgt. Veganer Flower.
220 03月10日
  Zilly Crooth hy honey you looks beautifull with long hair
221 05:57:19 €2.00   Yamabro
I don't think your potato pc can handle my shader
222 05:58:59 €2.00   Yamabro
jk jk pc chan is my oshi
223 06:01:03 NT$75.00   MENG CHIN #Kiryu Kai Forever! We all know that organisms move regionally with climate, food and other factors, and even adapt to their environment through evolution.
224 06:01:38 NT$75.00   MENG CHIN #Kiryu Kai Forever!
So it should be very possible for penguins to fly again in the sky where their ancestors were, right, mommy?
225 06:04:39 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
I just woke up from a short nap... gsh Ela
226 03月10日
  u-Bay (Kroniiland Engineer) hi ela,
227 06:12:28 €2.00   Yamabro
if you want warm looking shader, sildur's is good
228 06:13:30 CLP2,500   逆にMask🫀 Hi Ela, is it true that your weak point is running out of internet? I mean, it's the only way to send you to sleb
229 06:37:55 $5.00   Blarghnox ela plz be my best friend, no wangy wangy no chu chu no pat pat halu halu no love love yes cool blacksmith yes penguin
230 06:39:23 $10.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
After this superchat, I won't be able to eat until Sunday. Hope you find what are you looking for.Lots of chuchuchuchus for you
231 06:43:56 IDR20,000.00   Aditya Seven aku mau tidur sambil dengerin kamu ya la, otsu GN~
232 06:48:12 IDR20,000.00   YaoYao hydration check
233 06:49:59 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
req yang bersemangat: DOOT DOOT KERJA HEE DOOTDOOT
234 07:28:16 NT$75.00   Zombiq I was just watching pekora talk about streaming monsters...I join and see 7 hours. Kaela casually breaking record daily o.O
235 07:29:40 NT$30.00   Zombiq
Other* streamers records lol
236 07:30:55 $2.00   xRubywolfx
beautiful memories sky so purrty
237 07:41:13 $2.00   Bucho
Witch blessing
238 07:42:41 $20.00   ?a If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
239 07:43:21 $2.00   Bucho
I'm taking credit for this
240 07:44:20 $2.00   xRubywolfx
I am waiting on two more black cats as promised
241 07:44:41 €2.00   Yamabro
Borrow it ? You take it and keep it
242 07:45:09 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
wow sugoi, anw may i borrow your n pemaloe's luck?
243 07:45:47 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor
HAH! I ran out of luck today alrdy. No more for u.
244 07:49:19 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
It's the power of PON
245 07:58:03 CA$2.00   PumpJack McGee Nametag the slime and call it "Goocho"
246 07:59:02 IDR20,000.00   Muhamad Rafi Pamungkas Hai Samyang
247 08:01:02 €2.00   Yamabro
my brain is moving pls help
248 08:02:57 NT$15.00   o弱弱o (a無言スパチャ)
249 08:17:46 €2.00   Yamabro
YT trying to shadow ban me, you can't stop my SCs
250 08:18:20 IDR50,000.00   Nagasawa Yuu ela aku liat Lore kmu sekian kalinya dan membuat terharu, ap kmu saat ini masih bahagia atau mendapatkan sesuatu yg lebih (love you )
251 03月10日
  ExquisiteCoffee 9 months now i have a lovely membership baby
252 08:30:15 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
aku saranin buruan embat mikochi ke pelaminan la
253 08:36:24 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
254 08:41:35 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
wah, anakny kembang telon.. jantan apa betina tuh
255 08:52:51 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
so today stream only at night?
256 08:53:54 $2.00   Bucho
Which farm?
257 08:58:12 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
selamat anda bakal masuk penjara
258 08:58:35   iBlacklotus Take a mirror Kaelaa WWWWWW
259 09:01:49 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
so, u take a step further n even bully ur senpai?
260 09:03:34 €2.00   Yamabro
Can't wait to see you in next Oozora police stream
261 09:03:46 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
As always, Kaelasama seru dan keren.
262 09:04:22 $2.00   Bucho
Awake past curfew
263 09:04:32 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
you skem the police
264 09:05:34   CireLink Lies! you'll probably show up in another game soon!
265 09:05:49 $5.00   xRubywolfx
Thank you for today
266 09:06:14 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
why are you running??
267 09:06:40   Deniven SubaSubaSuba