配信名【DREDGE】#3 we gonna complete the game tonight!!!!!💪⛵【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 55 220.54 \29,483
IDR IDR 51 1466900.00 \13,211
MYR MYR 15 183.00 \5,547
MX$ MXN 7 335.00 \2,466
SGD SGD 9 24.00 \2,409
NT$ TWD 6 540.00 \2,366
EUR EUR 5 13.00 \1,900
A$ AUD 8 19.00 \1,693
£ GBP 1 5.00 \831
PHP PHP 2 110.00 \266
YEN YEN 1 200 \200
THB THB 1 40.00 \156
ZAR - 1 35.00 \35
---- ---- ---- ---- \60,563
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 04月13日
  Dark Esch (メンバーシップ入り)
2 04月13日
$2.00   xRubywolfx Like the artwork looks like Don't starve together
3 04月13日
  Pancake God Why is Kaela so cute!
4 00:02:58 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar so today is last day become fisherman? oh nyooo, Kraken-chan you'll be missed.
5 00:03:15 IDR20,000.00   Teddy Gunawan Mancing Maniaaaaaa..... Mantab
6 00:03:00 IDR50,000.00   M Satria R P Selamat malam elaaa. Asik udah mau tamat aja nih, aku pun tertinggal jauh wkwkwk. Btw keren thumbnail nya, ngeri2 sedap, happy dredging~
7 00:04:22 IDR50,000.00   jonathan ryan j me looking @thumbnail. brain: you're here, there's nothing i fear. brain why? anyway ikz last dredge stream right?
8 04月13日
  jonathan ryan j ah 8 months? ga berasa. cuman keinget 1 bulan pertama aman. riil membership. second month-now: skembership.me moar! kimochii yo!
9 00:06:20 $5.69   Andrew Swallie Selamat malam Kaela! My internet died when I was trying to say thank you for your words the end of the last dredge stream. so, officially, thank you!
10 00:07:33 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
oh well nevermind then! (... still tyvm)
11 00:09:31 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
btw TSKR ah jngn dongnya tdi siang. ijin belok mom
12 00:15:34 MYR6.00   Sherly kaela : im going north! (but actually going west)
13 00:16:46 IDR50,000.00   Teddy Gunawan
Compass doesn't work on magnetic poles, which is where penguins live, make sense make sense
14 00:17:26 $20.00   Andrew Swallie
tbh I got no sleep last night. I'm still very nervous for my game tonight. I don't wanna take any more of your time, but may I ask for some words of encouragement before I go? as we know, I'm not good in front of people
15 00:18:53 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo Hey, cool, it's Dredge! The game where you should NEVER EVER EVER try the sushi.
16 00:19:04 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
ty everyone and thanks for the advice. loves
17 00:19:47 €2.00   Yamabro love u too andrew, don't gsh dw
18 00:21:44 $2.00   xRubywolfx
Really enjoy watching this game
19 00:22:22 PHP55.00   Marin told boss im in meeting, u are my meeting. ty gsh
20 00:22:33 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Oh look! A friend!
21 00:23:11 MYR6.00   Allen Boniface What is Kaela's favorite food? :D
22 00:24:28 ZAR35.00   mushy moo What makes Kaela irrationally angry? :D
23 00:24:40 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
poor Kraken-chan, she want to play with you but you ignored it
24 00:24:41 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Serious question - What exactly is a bitter gourd anyway? Is that called something different elsewhere? Is it just a really angry cucumber?
25 00:25:48   Titan Satria jadi gini la....
26 00:28:05 IDR20,000.00   Guntur kaela pernah buka 2 game yg satunya afk farm gak?
27 00:28:34 $10.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
I looked it up, bitter gourds/melons are in the same family as zucchini/cucumbers, so I was right enough with "angry cucumber" that I'm just going to call them that from now on. Thanks, Kaela!
28 00:29:25 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Would you prefer "irritated Zucchini"?
29 00:30:59 PHP55.00   Marin
had a nightmare, dreamed u slept for 15hrs. scary
30 00:31:19 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Oooh! I know! "Frustrated Pumpkin!"
31 00:31:55   HITAGI-CHAN Finally 10 months with KAELUARGA
32 00:33:02 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon 2 more months and we can get another ASMR! Yaaaay!
33 00:34:04   ahmadabiyu oh wow 1 month with kaeluarga, btw if you read this you will breathe manually
34 00:35:34   Ojet halo kak, aku viewer baru disini, salam kenal ehe hehehe, can I get a pet pet now?
35 00:36:37 SGD2.00   Jgnod Kaela's the girl in sch u wan to giv sandwich to..
36 00:39:10 IDR20,000.00   andhika r pls take my lunch money
37 00:39:36   Farhan ZQ kenapa hatiku cenat cenut tiap ada kamu
38 00:40:28 $5.00   TedyUrsus What about my normal money that has nothing to do with lunch?
39 00:41:01 $9.99   Typetimeguac Finished the Storyteller vod - good job on getting 100%! If you liked it, I highly recommend Bad End Theater - it’s a similar but ironically has a much happier theme/ending that I think you’d like.
40 00:42:30 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
...Time for some AA guns on your boat, eh?
41 00:43:31 IDR50,000.00   jonathan ryan j
yes this is why i watch u! ur miserable voice is the best! be more miserable! TSKR omg i cant get enough of it! btw why i sound so sadistic? sry
42 00:43:35 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Instructions unclear, covering fish w/ bear traps
43 04月13日
MYR6.00   Muhammad Maskawaih Why fisherman doesn't use submarine?
44 00:45:34 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
It's looks like the end of the world and the fisher is still fishing. That's passion for the job! The guy probably has named the kraken Billy by now.
45 00:47:36 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
No one WANTS to sleep, Kaela...but...y'know...NEED
46 00:48:21 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
/Salutes, then goes back to work
47 00:50:50 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
...You're a streamer, you *are* working!
48 00:52:35 IDR10,000.00   Mon Aki (a無言スパチャ)
49 00:54:07 IDR50,000.00   Cibengwawa
50 04月14日
  McDohl GLHF
51 00:59:18   didid punten
52 00:59:56 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
53 01:01:01 IDR20,000.00   PAO48 Pro. make cute noises or saya chu chu
54 01:03:43 $5.00   Doostin Rollings Ela help, I got stuck in your net. Can you help me out of here? Guess I'm quite the catch huh?
55 01:04:01 MYR30.00   Xanxus998 Kaela i'm curious because I'm building a gundam model (gunpla), watch ur stream & work at the same time. Seeing how productive u are do u have hobby or skill like making something irl with your hands
56 01:04:12 $10.00   The Needed Laxative I bought the game after watching you yesterday. i won't be able to play until the weekend, though. I must watch because i gotta see what happens next.
57 01:04:39 $1.99   Terminus Good morning Ela and Pemaloe
58 01:05:46 $5.00   Doostin Rollings
Come on, you have to see that these pickup lines are A LITTLE smooth right? Are they working?
59 01:07:25 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
Knitting nice ! would u be interested if i tweet my gunpla collection to you ? basically all of them are mecha models from the gundam franchise.
60 01:09:05 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
dih.. ane diem loh g ngapa"in
61 04月14日
62 01:10:13 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
not my fault tho.. kan keselek
63 01:10:20 $5.00   Doostin Rollings
Wow, Pemaloe really take your breath away. So smooth.
64 01:10:31 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
I TOLD YOU not to eat the SUSHI!
65 01:10:51 IDR20,000.00   CavePenguin karma oshi merampok hoki
66 01:11:24 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
jdi tdi ngapain nyebut nama ane? blom kelar tuh
67 01:11:25 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
Have you eaten octopus in the past? It's good.
68 01:12:37 IDR50,000.00   Seusspicyous Naga and bad luck made remember the Tragedy of Lumpia Tower
69 01:12:47 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
begituan? kok kesannya sus
70 01:13:46 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
yah keseleknya udah? baru mau minta 15 menit lagi
71 01:16:10 $5.00   Doostin Rollings
I had a dreamt about you. We were on a road trip holding hands. You told me GSH and hit me, which woke me up. My brain is halu not me. I swear.
72 01:16:12 $2.00   Blarghnox why u tel every1 GSH when u need the most help lah
73 01:17:06 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
I calculate Kaelasamas's level of scaredness this stream at 0.6%. That's the most scared she has been in a stream.
74 04月14日
  Necrozma Doot doot ikz!
75 01:19:31 MYR15.00   Gunner Pawn[ガンナーポーン] Kaela are you a koi fish? because "koilah segalanya untukku" (trust me im not halu i dont need GSH)
76 04月14日
  Kuramu Saya juga Suka Kaela
77 01:21:48 IDR20,000.00   PAO48 Pro.
to be fair, we need some help, but you need chuchu
78 01:22:08 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
katanya kalo ada yang susah napa hrs yang gampang
79 01:22:13 IDR50,000.00   miku2021 how much salmon / kg ma am ? 1 kg plz
80 01:24:54 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69 im sorry what was that
81 01:25:24 IDR50,000.00   miku2021
thx for the salmon ela. fresh salmon is the best.
82 01:25:54 IDR20,000.00   Ilurion Kae, kata Brando kak kaela cantik banget hari ini
83 01:26:02 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
guess thats what i get for missing a single stream
84 01:26:27 IDR20,000.00   Ziciv ela coba VA nya pake aksen rusia bakalan keren sih
85 01:28:03 IDR20,000.00   Ziciv
but u are kovalskia,,
86 01:28:10 $5.00   The Needed Laxative
I'll say it because nobody else has said it. it's kinda sweet that you want us to get some help. it shows you care about us!
87 01:28:51 £5.00   minimal sanity I tried to GSH... the doctors gave up. Now I watch vtubers, as it works better than the pills. You are in fact the help.
88 01:28:52 $2.00   Doostin Rollings
Ela loves me because she tells me the truth
89 01:29:11 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
aaaw... so sweet
90 01:30:12 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Something something parasocial relationships
91 01:30:23 MYR6.00   Muhammad Maskawaih
that's why we need your help.
92 01:32:56 $2.00   Doostin Rollings
Ela tells me GSH, but my credit card says WHY
93 01:33:01 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
say the one that play mc 24 hours straight
94 01:35:48 IDR50,000.00   miku2021
too much waifu = brain 404
95 01:35:48 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
brains are over rated, i sold mine long time ago
96 01:37:19   tian (メンバーシップ入り)
97 01:39:27 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
"You're gonna get your spiritual enlightenment and LIKE IT! Now sit down and eat these books before they get cold!"
98 01:40:07 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
what ever you do DONT take the idol
99 01:41:03   tian happy birthday sayangg lope you so much
100 01:43:27 IDR50,000.00   miku2021
di chu chu alenka la.
101 01:44:31   Demontague Just stopping by to say hi and I hope you're having a great day!
102 01:44:51 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
bamtw izin tdur dlu bsok jam 5 dah hrus d bandara. enjoy the game Kael
103 01:44:51 NT$150.00   Walker He Hey, Eal, I business trip, This trip is hard but fun! Now I in the hotel box , working and hear your stream, this can make me forget I've been work 30 hours and no sleep
104 01:45:09   HAQI gini la.... aku punya pertanyaan.. jadi gimana la
105 01:48:57 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
inget juni Diablo rilis
106 04月14日
  obinobi my first 10 months of membership on yt! Thankyou for all of the content kaela! i really enjoy it! have a good day and stay healthy coolest oshi
107 01:50:06 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
ur challenging me? u gonna regret it.
108 01:51:36   Egy Aranda Hailoooooo Long time no see Ela!
109 01:54:14 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
mommy help
110 01:55:17   Hector Necromancer Aesop of this steam: sleep is important. Don't skip it. It affects your sanity
111 01:55:36 ¥200   Steaky Suteki 素敵ステーキ I was about to slep but i heard MAMA ELA?! DOKO
112 01:56:37 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
nice, i love eldritch tetris
113 02:00:55 IDR20,000.00   Ilurion
numpang bobo di stream la
114 02:02:37 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
tis but a scratch
115 02:06:29 A$5.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
with all the planks in the water, we should call this the river sticks. anyway. my halu rising, so i should sleb. night night
116 04月14日
  Nitko IV ikannya encok semua gak bisa lurus
117 02:20:50 $5.00   Doostin Rollings
Wow, are you a gorilla? Because you make my heart bananas
118 02:22:28 $2.00   Blarghnox
wow R you a gorilla? because you go UWWwGggHhhghh
119 02:23:08 $2.00   Doostin Rollings
wow am I a gorilla because UUUUWWRREEEAAAAAAA
120 02:24:03 IDR20,000.00   obinobi hello kae... UWOAAAAOOOORGH WOOOGH
121 02:24:48 $2.00   Doostin Rollings
122 02:27:20 IDR20,000.00   Dohip gsh ela
123 02:28:23 $9.99   Bino Baja blast
124 02:28:54 SGD2.00   Super_SSG Why suddenly lots of bananas here?
125 02:29:05 $2.00   sudoggs #HUUHAA2023
126 02:29:28 $5.00   The Professor Keen Noir Vesper is about to stream his first attempt to play League of Legends. Do you want to drop in on him?
127 02:29:45 IDR20,000.00   M Satria R P
i will try it later
128 02:29:59 $5.00   The Needed Laxative
if i make a documentary on a very serious subject, would you narrate it for me?
129 02:30:41 $2.00   Doostin Rollings
130 04月14日
  Ihlaja 5
131 02:31:59 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
That was an amateur fanatic. Everyone knows you chant: "HUH HAH HEH HUH HAH HEH". He would have become an angel if he had done it correctly.
132 02:33:21 IDR20,000.00   Dohip
late at night my sanity goes beyond minus
133 02:33:31 MYR15.00   YoshiMashiro I put your stream on my tv and suddenly my mom ask what huuuhaa huuhaa movie that I watch about
134 02:34:43 SGD5.00   Super_SSG
Ela pls, there's suddenly more bananas in my room now
135 02:36:31   Arkx (メンバーシップ入り)
136 02:36:49 MYR6.00   KeiiShirou why my oshi like this
137 02:37:51 SGD5.00   Super_SSG
ohnyo, too many bananas now. Gotta finish them one-by-one now this stream. HU HA (?)
138 04月14日
IDR20,000.00   Dohip
natural comedian ikz
139 02:40:03 $5.69   twitjesse I wake up put on Ela's stream and the first thing I hear is "HU HA!", seems about right.
140 04月14日
MYR15.00   YoshiMashiro
My mom right now "the anime is beautiful but why she keep huuhaa huuhaa?" should i explain to her this is my oshi?
141 02:42:15 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
Your chanting woke up the ghosts that haunt me. They were angry asking "WHO IS INVOKING US?". Then they cursed me again and went to sleep. I'm sad.
142 02:42:34 SGD2.00   Super_SSG
Cause of bad end: Too much bananas.
143 02:42:47 $2.00   xRubywolfx
Good job going to miss this game was lots of fun
144 02:43:16 $5.00   Doostin Rollings
Bad End: Ela grind so hard that all rare fish are now extinct and the ocean experiences total ecological collapse.
145 02:43:43 IDR20,000.00   Ilurion
final season part 2 schedule doko?
146 02:43:59 $2.00   xRubywolfx
coo thoo loo = Cthulhu
147 02:44:18 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike👓 [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor Cthulhu = chu chu
148 02:44:50 $2.00   sudoggs
cthulhu = cool tool HU HA
149 02:44:59 IDR20,000.00   Dohip
kedengaran ke chu chu
150 02:46:27 IDR20,000.00   Chris Fun fact: Cthulhu's city is called R'lyeh
151 02:46:35 NT$150.00   GSH sodanin HU HA
152 02:47:24 IDR20,000.00   CavePenguin
some blacksmith just want to watch the world burn
153 02:47:48 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Congrats on clearing the game
154 02:47:52 MYR30.00   Arin Sam if you're itching for another lovecraftian game, there's that game Sherlock Holmes the Awakened, also lovecraftian horror
155 02:48:04 IDR50,000.00   M Satria R P
Thanks for showing me the bad end, i will try the other one huehuehue. Thanks for introduced this game to us
156 02:49:04 MYR15.00   Muhammad Maskawaih
Thanks the developers for making my oshi HU HA HU HA chuchu patpat GSH
157 02:49:57 NT$30.00   GSH sodanin
i love the music more than the art
158 02:50:39 $5.00   The Professor Keen
Now that you are done, you are free to toy with Noir as he stumbles though League of Legends.
159 02:53:53 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Kaela already watched john wick 4 ?
160 02:56:40 €5.00   Yamabro
Since people talk about their dream a bit, I dreamed of Gura streaming minecraft, idk why I didn't dream of you streaming MC since u play it 24h
161 02:56:57 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Planning to catch any newest movie titles ?
162 03:02:55 IDR50,000.00   Teddy Gunawan
If it isn't in your list yet, I recommend SIGNALIS, it's also from indie dev and have the two words I can't refuse "Overwhelmingly Positive"
163 03:03:14 $5.00   Doostin Rollings
My mom watched the Phasmo that I played with you. She thought it was funny, but doesn't understand idols and was like, "So is she a girlfriend?"
164 03:05:29 THB40.00   NineHell Done already? Please play some more so i can sleep
165 03:05:53 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
166 03:05:54 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
Great game. As always, Kaelasama seru dan keren.
167 03:06:16 NT$150.00   GSH sodanin
ELA do you know that? According to research, every 60 seconds of breathing reduces life by 1 minute.
168 03:06:34 $4.99   Chris Dennis i don’t have anything to say
169 03:07:17 $4.20   Doostin Rollings
170 03:09:19 €2.00   Yamabro
I can go to class for u, just play, i'm a good Ela
171 03:09:54 IDR20,000.00   Shiraa liat kaela, jadi semangat building di mc lagi
172 03:09:58   sudoggs (メンバーシップ入り)
173 03:11:39 €2.00   Yamabro
my cosplay was 100% like you, people won't notice
174 03:12:29 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
pls talk about the power of lethality bausen sion
175 03:16:50 IDR20,000.00   Teddy Gunawan
do PC-Chan have UPS, please get one for PC-Chan...
176 03:17:23 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike👓 [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor
pat pat ela-pc-chan chu chu
177 03:19:04 €2.00   Yamabro
why would I pat pat a potato pc, jk love u pc chan
178 03:19:46 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike👓 [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor
pat pat chu chu not for you la. It's for pc-chan.
179 03:20:10 $5.00   drisbain there are arguments that always on is less stress on the computer. (heat cycles can cause more issues)
180 03:20:25 IDR20,000.00   Popon mau jg pat2 pc chan,kalo gblh pat2 ela aja gpp
181 03:21:04 NT$30.00   GSH sodanin
can i marry your pc?
182 03:21:39 NT$30.00   東京醬油拉麵 so cute
183 03:22:15 IDR26,900.00   Fross oops I spilt some water on PC-chan
184 03:24:31 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
Ha! I SC late INTENTIONALLY to say LOVE U LA (ty)
185 04月14日
SGD2.00   Okuno Mike👓 [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor
pat pat pc chan, you cant stop me
186 04月14日
$2.00   Doostin Rollings
message bonked by Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID