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title【SUPERCHAT】Reading and hopefully only a little tangenting #kfp #キアライブ
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
$ USD 17 284.98 \37,349
WON KRW 5 180000 \18,138
NT$ TWD 8 3915.00 \16,896
A$ AUD 6 87.00 \7,585
PLN PLN 1 100.00 \3,011
IDR IDR 3 229000.00 \1,977
THB THB 1 500.00 \1,907
EUR EUR 2 7.00 \987
DKK DKK 1 50.00 \946
PEN PEN 1 25.00 \868
CA$ CAD 2 7.70 \734
HK$ HKD 2 30.00 \500
YEN YEN 2 360 \360
AED AED 1 10.00 \356
MYR MYR 1 3.00 \88
---- ---- ---- ---- \91,702

no time
org currency icon name message
1 Mar 27 20:51:16 $5.00   Jacob 47 Alt (wordless superchat)
2 Mar 27 20:56:22 CA$2.20   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU little bit of tangenting... I call big X on that
3 Mar 27 23:07:41 $100.00   Rowan Hood - KFP#909 I'm 2 years old! How time flies! You truly saved my life, I wouldn't be here if I hadn't found you. Your drive and passion inspire me to do better for myself. I will continue to support you while I do my best to make sure I'm here for a long time. Love you Tenchou
6 Mar 28 10:32:20 A$5.00   kiara's quasont hay tenchou just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you put in not just for yourself but us chickens also there remaking atelier Marie
9 00:06:36 $1.00   V-Faction (wordless superchat)
12 00:13:59 THB500.00   Blank Hiiii~ just notice that I can send superchat from my country....
14 00:14:42 ₩20,000   임지훈 Tencho! I really surprised cause I saw clip you called my name with no papago! thanks you! Also, I'm going school well now! only problem is I can sleep at least over 1AM cause I have to do study and homework. Damn it!
15 00:14:53 A$5.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr Kiara I'm begging what is the Collab about and what time
17 00:15:50 $49.99   Tython - KFP Legal Eagle My body is still trying to adjust from Japan but it was probably my favorite trip ever. I don’t think I’d ever have this urge to travel again if not for you. Yet another way you changed my life for the better. Now back to the normal KFP shifts.
20 00:19:00 $10.00   TaquitoBurrito So it's austrian NHK
22 00:21:05 $5.00   Naweed Ahmedi imagine paying for a tv license 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
23 00:22:50 AED10.00   motion imagine paying for a tv license 🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪
24 00:22:59 ₩50,000   WatsaimMEI hi KFP! Is KFP still open today? I hope it's not too late. can i take a phoenix burger? here is money. i want to get burger in driving through cuz kiwawa will put me in usual room. i should run while drifting away from kiwawa
28 00:37:26 NT$750.00   A LL boss! I finally got your message ! (wink) let me try again. You care about your friend! You want to make everybody happy and laughing. Enjoy a good time with everyone. do u like romance? do you want to get to know your other partner better?
29 00:37:52 NT$300.00   A LL
u can enjoy it with ur lover or friends or (play lonely like me T_T) lucky U~!(^~^)I have exactly games u need! is~~!!
30 00:38:26 NT$150.00   A LL
Dead space 3!!
31 00:38:51 $2.00   BlackFriction KIWAWA NEUTRON
32 00:39:33 NT$300.00   A LL
Before I leave this SC, I want to communicate with everyKFP. If I leave this SC that offends anyKFP, I am sorry and I want everyone to know that I respect our BOSS and everyKFP.
33 00:39:55 DKK50.00   Wasan Jensen KFP cph Travelling across the city, in the metro, listing to wonderful Kiwawa
34 00:39:57 NT$750.00   A LL
Scary it's just a game we play" scream!scared!Trust then Betray~DO U? DO U? SAY U Do FEEL THE SAME~ Scary it's just a game we play"scream!scared!Trust then Betray~DO U? DO U? In The END Scary's Just(ALL) A GAME...
35 00:40:23 NT$1,500.00   A LL
perfect music and perfect lyrics. everyone go listen!(DO U) I always respect so much.i never got the lyrics wrong.
36 00:40:35 $5.00   Pyra ホムラ - The Revanite oh nyo... it's already been Tuesday for 21 and a half hours... and I still have... 18 and a half hours of Tuesday ahead of me... time zones...
37 00:41:09 $50.00   The"SoSo"Artist I was driving but listening to the stream and kept hearing schadenfreude, which got the song from the musical Avenue Q in my head. Also the songwriters for Avenue Q worked on the Songs for the musical episode of Scrubs
40 00:51:37 PEN25.00   DAKUMA love kiwawa
41 00:53:49 $4.99   Aike -painkikkerikii so that’s why we sell beef burgers and not fried chicken
42 00:59:38 IDR50,000.00   Chillpenguin just wanna say hello and may everyone here have a wonderful day
43 01:00:16 CA$5.50   Novi Kiara <3
45 01:01:18 MYR3.00   Okeh Chill (wordless superchat)
46 01:04:10 ₩10,000   Qumin Lumin Hello Tenchou, newcomer here. It's my first superchat ever and good time to watch in KFP_kor branch. Your epic cover song with kronii led me to you ~ 잘 부탁해요~
47 01:04:33 IDR100,000.00   Hmmmm Hi Kiara, random question. It's Sunday night and Kobo has to go to school tomorrow but she doesn't wanna go to sleep. What would you do? Bed time story? Lullaby? Or something else? Please demonstrate.
50 01:13:27 $5.00   Jerorawr XD - KFP QUASO🥐Chef Be cool to have a chicken join Hololive. Kind of a dinosaur (closest living relative), and a bird. Too bad it's already taken tho
51 01:18:23 A$5.00   PatC - KFP Barista I'm enjoying myself too much but want to do so much more in Japan, I might extend my stay for another 9 days Do you gave any recommendations to see?
55 01:26:04 €2.00   Kaguya Können wir zusammen mal Miencraft spielen :3?
58 01:39:24 $5.00   LookingForTheTop Hey Kiara can you shake left and right quickly? I want to see if the Kotoris fall off, for science!
59 01:41:41 $5.00   Colonel Kotori - KFP Little Bird KOTORI'S WIFE FINALLY HAS A NAME! LETS GO!
60 01:44:34 €5.00   7shinta7 [KFP Drill Instructor] Guys, now it's official: Kotori has more game than many of us. Well, congrats little fella.
61 01:48:12 $5.00   Aron Soto If you would learn how to play an instrument, what would it be and why?
63 02:06:27 HK$25.00   chi foo Do you know how to speak Bavarian language?
65 02:13:50 ₩50,000   PONG Hi Kiara I was lucky to see you on day 1! I was one of the KFP shown, now you can have my face on your file. You were amazing and beautiful! I screamed so much that day I lost my voice but it was worth it! Hope I get to see you on the stage again!
66 02:14:09 ₩50,000   PONG
I was so glad you went to see Yunika! It made my day! Also I heard from one of your streams you want to do an ad for your album?ahem KFP might know one or two things about billboard ad hahaI can't wait for your album!
67 02:19:27 IDR79,000.00   Deden Syahroni Malam kiwawaaa, aku ulang tahun hari ini, bolehkah aku di ucapkan olehmu.. thank you kikireki
68 02:23:26 PLN100.00   io I finally managed to catch you live boss! First you were in JP and me in EU and now it's the opposite. Anyway I probably won't be saying anything new but: great job at the Fes! I think that performance made me fall for some
69 02:25:15 HK$5.00   Sky [0569] (wordless superchat)
70 02:26:14 NT$15.00   케이트Kate_KFP Fries branch (wordless superchat)
73 02:31:46 ¥160   C Roya (wordless superchat)
74 02:32:50 A$20.00   Yithmir 🐔 🐸 Proud of wawa always kikerikii from Japan tenchou! konbanwa!! I made it safely and visited awaji Island, and walked around dotenbori! I was eaten by Godzilla and got to experience the surrealness of sharing the same streets as Majima
75 02:33:29 $2.00   Cruz You know it's a dad joke when the joke is aparent
77 02:40:45 A$50.00   Yithmir 🐔 🐸 Proud of wawa always
as I fumble through Osaka I find I understand more japanese than I thought! If it wasn't for you, I don't think I would have been as keen to learn a new language, but I am growing more confident each day! thank you for sharing your passion with me!
81 02:55:43 NT$150.00   傻瓜
83 03:00:23 ¥200   Tuan tran minh Hello I come from Vietnam and working in japan now
87 03:09:33 $10.00   Brendan - KFP 7.62mm Minigun 'Brototi mittens for this freezing weather' fund
88 03:10:36 $20.00   V-Faction
Here Brotori, burn this superchat to stay warm.
89 Mar 28 15:18:04 A$2.00   PatC - KFP Barista
Nice stream, GL flipping the drawer w/brotori