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配信名:#3【Zero Time Dilemma】Are you having fun at the escape game facility?【Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   13      98.97   11,233円
 RUB  RUB    2    1400.00    2,230円
 PHP  PHP    6     525.00    1,185円
 DKK  DKK    1      50.00      881円
 SGD  SGD    1      10.00      840円
 MYR  MYR    3      27.00      737円
   £  GBP    1       2.00      305円
 MX$  MXN    1      20.00      111円
 ARS  ARS    1      20.00       22円
---- ---- ----       ----   17,544円
Layout inspired by ArkahnX
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 11/06
$5.00   Brian Hitchner "Have to" spend time with Reine? oh no, its so painful, such a shame, but what about you though?
2 11/06
SGD10.00   soeran Funds for today's Holo SportFes, thank you for radiating those positivity, spirit, chaos, and fun amongst the Red C team Reine! You did amazing
3 11/06
$5.00   Ryan Sagala The Paid Actor 🦚 Funds for Curb Stomping MERAKyats, "Gentle" pats on the back, and doing the Team Red C's Dance? Calli really liked dancing that dance...
4 11/06
DKK50.00   Kristoffer You said you wouldn't hit Irys because she was the camerawomen but you did it anyways. This superchat is in appreciation of that
5 11/06
$19.99   Jesus Calderon I’ve watched since a while thank you from California!!!!!!
6 11/06
PHP50.00   maridood Thanks for bringing your energy to RedC! Best team
7 11/06
PHP50.00   maridood Nothing beats a cold one WITH THE BOYSSSSSSSSSSSSS
8 11/06
$5.00   Brian Hitchner Akane: *mentions numbers of any kind* Reine: "UGGGHHH IM BOOOOORED"
9 11/06
MYR15.00   mavericking Oh no so many numbers...
10 11/06
$10.00   Innocent Ace East? I thought you said... weast ho ho (good one me)
11 11/06
$2.00   Drake Electric Boogaloo V29 Hydration Reminder
12 11/07
RUB400.00   Anton M Big suspicious button: *exists*. Reine: let's push it!
13 11/07
$20.00   Innocent Ace Push it again!
14 11/07
$2.00   Drake Electric Boogaloo V29 Hydration Reminder
15 11/07
$5.00   Yenway Come on, chat. Eric backseats. Do you want to be like Eric?
16 11/07
£2.00   Depresso Espresso This is a rough room to end on. Gambareine.
17 11/07
RUB1,000.00   Anton M Thanks for another great ZTD stream! And that hat really suits you, Reine! But, um, every stream you look more and more like Zero. I'm afraid that by the end of the game you'll turn into a real one.
18 11/07
$5.00   Yenway If you held a Nonary Game, which nine characters would you want in it?
19 11/07
MYR6.00   temporary67315 Mira would definitely win Among Us all the time!
20 11/07
PHP125.00   DA_4289 Great stream tonite.Truly some Gamer Breine moments. Also loved the chaos and banter with your fellow Red C members and yes, we're having fun.
21 11/07
PHP125.00   farm animal I'm Reine's unmedicated Halu-ness.
22 11/07
MYR6.00   temporary67315 You can enact Tonjok Club with IRyS in Gang Beasts
23 11/07
PHP50.00   maridood Like OMG, I'm SO excited for the next Red C collab
24 11/07
$4.99   Lubyak [ルビヤク] Ch. Do you think is enough to buy Kronii given your experiences on Red C?
25 11/07
MX$20.00   AX0L0TL Just curious, what's was your favorite team?
26 11/07
PHP125.00   maridood Like omg, how could you call Reine crazy, chat? A crazy person would TOTES never do an uwu-valley girl fusion. Lwike, nwot a chwance evwer! Twotawwy!
27 11/07
ARS20.00   Mr Turki Yeah Reine isn't a Turkey, She's a Turki, SMH Chat
28 11/07
$5.00   Ryan Sagala The Paid Actor 🦚 Wike totawwy! Wike imaginye having to wead such stuff wike Uwu Supewchat's wike oh my gosh giwl that TOTAWWY can't be us MEWAKyats giwl
29 11/07
$9.99   Reiuji Utsuho Okuu Calli had a lot of fun at the sports festival, but what about you?