配信名【Minecraft】for the dome【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 72 801.97 \105,383
IDR IDR 52 1672888.00 \14,523
SGD SGD 14 54.76 \5,432
YEN YEN 15 3600 \3,600
CA$ CAD 5 32.98 \3,227
PHP PHP 12 825.00 \1,979
EUR EUR 2 12.00 \1,692
MYR MYR 5 48.00 \1,464
NT$ TWD 6 309.00 \1,350
DKK DKK 1 69.00 \1,308
MX$ MXN 4 180.00 \1,250
WON KRW 2 8969 \934
£ GBP 1 5.00 \794
PLN PLN 1 25.00 \744
ARS ARS 1 225.00 \155
---- ---- ---- ---- \143,835

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
22 Feb 9 23:01:36 €2.00   Yamabro can I have some holomie pls
23 Feb 9 23:01:46 IDR50,000.00   Type III error Early bird catches the worm
25 00:03:23 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar akhirnya kesampean jg stream MC pagi", ikz jdi kang bangunan. GLHF Kael. btw power nap brp menit?
26 00:03:42 $4.99   Typetimeguac Good morning Kaela! Did you know “sleb” translates to “grind” in Danish? All those late night sleb tweets suddenly seem a lot more accurate
27 00:05:48 ¥800   食いしん坊の‘Kaoruko ,👯‍♀️ ohayo Kaelaaaaaaaa
28 00:06:33 $2.00   Dustin Rollings
Yes you can help me. I missed you
30 00:08:25 ₩2,000   김원준 Here is 08:11 A.M. Hiii Elaaaaa
31 00:09:39 $2.00   Steam Goliath Morning Kaela. Let me be the day your sunlight
32 00:10:48 IDR50,000.00   Sanjuyjuy oha ela and Pemaloe, hope u enjy the stream, don't forget to do a little exercise and breakfast, sorry I'm very sleepy and can't see your str..
33 00:11:52 IDR50,000.00   Rama Satya what are you goin to do this morning kaela? btw morning Kaela... Good luck and hv fun today.. btw you look happy this morning.. something happen? wkwk
34 00:12:38 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
btw tumben inventory rapi
37 00:16:01 IDR20,000.00   Cibengwawa
38 00:16:02 DKK69.00   KloneTuul Has the dome been named yet?
39 00:16:17 $4.99   Terminus Morning Ela I remember you mentioned you used to have a pet fish when you were a kid. What kind of fish was it?
45 00:24:32 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
rq, Kael pernah tduran di lantai waktu masih sekolah?
46 00:24:48 IDR20,000.00   Denskuy ela, sendal aku mana?
47 00:27:47 CA$13.99   Fonzy Hi boss! How we getting distracted today?
49 00:29:17 ARS225.00   That one maggot I get so distracted by Kaela's cuteness that I can't get the help I need.
50 00:32:29 PLN25.00   revon I got some help. It's not enough. What should I do?
51 00:40:27 $4.99   HeckDeck It’s been a while since we had an early morning Kaela MC stream! Also, the new emotes are amazing!
53 00:50:52 IDR100,000.00   Evening House Technician Ela, saya sedang sarapan dengan pare tumis. Tapi terlalu asin ini, kurang terasa pahitnya
54 00:53:20 $2.00   Andrew Swallie can't decide on lunch: ramen or sushi? PagiLa!~
55 00:56:41 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
diputerin aja nanti 69-ny, g sah dibongkar
57 01:09:50 $5.69   twitjesse Been too long since I made it to a stream so I'm gonna listen to this while I work. Kimono and hair is very cool.
58 01:13:23 €10.00   LorckFrak Good Evening Kowalski! Just wondering, how many blocks of something is too many for you to farm? Does it need to be in the 100ks? Anyway, I'm going to bed, have fun playing funni block game.
59 01:13:32 $2.00   SussyBussyBakaDesu Lets goooo Counting with Kaela!!!!
61 01:31:31 IDR20,000.00   xiaoren FIGHTING ELA!!, semangat membangun
62 01:36:10 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
ganba Kael jdi kuli bangunanny, izin dijadiin bgsound mw ngolah data lg soalny. guys, titip si bambang y
63 01:40:01 IDR20,000.00   Lacrimosa gmn mood istri.. eh oshi ku pagi ini ?
65 01:45:20 IDR20,000.00   Lacrimosa
gotta go,have fun playing and have a good day chat
66 01:48:57 $5.00   One Joke Man Why do I feel like Kaela is the only one who will actually get Atlantis created?
68 02:03:15 $2.00   SussyBussyBakaDesu
My dreams will be filled with numbers and trumpets
71 02:10:48 $1.99   Terminus
The numbers Ela, what do they mean???
72 02:15:08 IDR50,000.00   Ryan Flare chu for chu
73 02:18:54 IDR50,000.00   Cibengwawa
GL n hv fun Ela for your ASMR 10 hour ONECHU healing motivational stream, i will listening you on the background n thankyou all the onechu! see ya!
74 02:21:35 $5.00   Bucho RV: Reticent (retisent) [adj] When someone wants to stay silent/not reveal their thoughts, they are being reticent.
75 02:23:52 IDR20,000.00   Rudy Wanandi semangat build castle underwater nya Ela
78 02:38:33 IDR50,000.00   miku2021 morning class la?
79 02:43:43 CA$6.99   Fonzy
How do you greet someone visiting the dome? You say “dome-o!”
83 02:59:28 ¥200   クリリンは強い ふぁい、おはよ
84 02:59:42 $5.69   twitjesse
All this counting is making me nostalgic of the first time I watched your stream, you were in the middle of counting TNT during your netherite grind.
86 03:04:26 ¥200   クリリンは強い
88 03:08:25 ¥200   クリリンは強い
89 03:11:49 ₩6,969   HRL Hi ela, I got good news from the university, From next month I'm a university student hehe. Thank you for your ganbare ganbare last month.
90 03:13:29 ¥200   クリリンは強い
91 03:14:32 MYR6.00   Binawe Unknown Are you gonna touch those underwater grass?
92 03:16:46 ¥200   クリリンは強い
93 03:20:34 PHP50.00   Marin wait did u even sleb???
95 03:23:14 $10.00   Coconut Ice (a無言スパチャ)
96 03:23:55 IDR20,000.00   KAELA PLS LEMME SNIFF UR PANTSU (a無言スパチャ)
98 03:25:00 PHP50.00   Marin
u need gsh u didnt sleb
99 03:29:32 $5.00   Salty Falter Kaela is the cutest and coolest 3d printer
100 03:31:08 SGD10.00   Har-Nun Since u told us to get some help. I'll be flying to Bali tomorrow morning to try and get some help there
101 03:31:51 MYR15.00   MEGAT SILANTRA chu chu chu
102 03:33:45 PHP125.00   Marin
i will change my nationality 2 indonesian so i can say to friends i am one of lucky few 280million people to have same nationality as kaela kovalskia
103 03:38:51 PHP125.00   Marin
what are good tourist spots in jakarta? cuz me and friends plan to visit a country and ill suggest indonesia, the heaven land of the blacksmith Goddes
104 03:39:21 MYR6.00   Binawe Unknown
Lack of sleep will makes you halu, u halu already
105 03:40:34 IDR20,000.00   347 Krisna gila kuat amet bukong mu udah brapa jam itu duduk
106 03:52:57 ¥200   クリリンは強い
107 03:53:25 IDR20,000.00   Muhamad Rafi Pamungkas Morning my wife
108 03:54:14 IDR20,000.00   Dhery Casper yg kanan itu td bikinnya mundur 1 la, jd gak nemu
110 03:59:58 IDR20,000.00   Yosi AG ela, why u chuu-ing us so much, yare-yare GSH ela
111 04:03:39 ¥200   クリリンは強い
112 04:07:09 ¥200   クリリンは強い
113 04:11:09 $2.00   One Joke Man
This....might take awhile...
114 04:12:32 ¥200   クリリンは強い
115 04:18:07 ¥200   クリリンは強い
117 04:25:01 $5.00   Squid Thank you for stream Mommy Comedian Gorilla Penguin
118 04:26:29 $2.00   Steam Goliath
Comedy stream with you and Fauna senpai
119 04:28:23 $2.69   Fish Tαcos (O.F.) Eladome is looking great GG
120 Feb 10 03:31:56 ¥200   クリリンは強い
121 04:32:57 $2.00   Will Z Use "Orb" instead - easier to say.
123 04:34:39 PHP50.00   Nivs Nivs Nivs Posture check and Hydrate
124 04:35:23 ¥200   クリリンは強い
127 04:57:19 CA$2.00   Gian Paulo mother nature otw
129 05:02:37 IDR20,000.00   John Yogi Hai ela
134 05:09:42 IDR20,000.00   Muhamad Rafi Pamungkas
basically that's stasiun manggarai
135 Feb 10 04:19:42 $2.00   Dustin Rollings
137 05:17:59 $2.00   Dustin Rollings
Test. If you can't read this, I can have chu chu.
141 05:53:21 IDR79,000.00   miku2021
Lunch time la
143 05:57:59 IDR20,000.00   Chris Malem nanti ada stream lagi la?
144 06:00:54 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
Sleep?? nah, gonna beloking then
145 06:03:03 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
well, ane dah mulai dinas jdi emg jadwal tidur udh mulai berkurang. jdi skalian aj
146 06:03:04 PHP50.00   Marin
when u order food do u put kaela kovalskia as name
147 06:04:25 PHP50.00   Marin
cart go bambang
148 06:05:56 PHP50.00   Marin
i thought you get full playing games like MC
149 06:07:15 PHP50.00   Marin
so what % have you accomplished in grand MC plan?
150 06:11:41 IDR20,000.00   Suwa One oh Ela suka sayur? yauda ni buat beli rujak
151 06:11:54 SGD5.00   Alex Siu outsiders: Ela must be unhealthy, drinking a lot of coffee to steam for such long hour. Pemaloe: no, she don't drink coffee, we do
153 06:14:38 NT$30.00   顧瑞迪 kaela gabutuh kafein, tapi kafein butuh kaela
158 06:33:00 $5.00   SabreLilly I think it make you sound cool when you roll your R's, Kaela. You would be even more cool if you do it more often.
159 06:35:37 $5.00   Dustin Rollings
I have started playing Witcher 3 for almost 200 hours mostly playing the card minigame built in, and hunting all the cards. Your grind is infectious.
160 06:37:10 CA$5.00   Fonzy
What's up? "I'm good, you?" "Nothing much,you?" But if they say WAZZAAAAAP!? you have to reply same way
161 06:40:24 NT$69.00   YangYang Harem king vs Harem king ikz!
162 06:42:32 NT$75.00   YangYang
Only loyal for game I know
163 06:44:14 NT$30.00   ~RAW~ i really need elagator emo now
164 06:45:24 SGD2.98   SSRBee How much would you grind for your senpais?
165 06:45:05 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j tutorial bales oshi yang buat viewernya nyamoek
167 06:48:24 SGD2.98   SSRBee
Now I see how the 5 lettered H word just go to you
168 06:49:12 SGD2.98   SSRBee
169 06:50:42 $5.00   Dustin Rollings
I understand your emotions Ela, sometimes you have to reflect and make sure the Halu doesn't overwhelm you.
170 06:51:00 IDR20,000.00   Muhamad Rafi Pamungkas
Because giving you "I love you" is my task
171 06:51:59 $2.00   Luuny 🐧☂ So I'm not halu I know Kaela doesn't love me
172 06:52:04 SGD2.98   SSRBee
The harem just goes to you, GSH “Get Senpai Harem”
173 06:52:14 $5.00   AlbertScoot but I already know Kaela does not love me back, chuu chuu
174 06:53:31 MYR6.00   usop Sontorian EMOTIONAL DAMAGE kokoro
175 06:53:57 $2.00   Bucho
Did I walk into 2 way halu?
176 06:54:14 $5.00   Dustin Rollings
Well, I bet Ollie Senpai would say she love me though. We have a long relationship no halu halu . I understand senpai powerful auras.
177 06:55:57 SGD2.98   SSRBee
I want to help you grind for materials too, IP?
178 06:56:09 IDR20,000.00   Muhamad Rafi Pamungkas
♫Cinta itu suara yang, tak mengharapkan jawaban♪
179 06:58:02 SGD2.98   SSRBee
If I join membership can I get the IP? I be slave
180 06:57:53 IDR20,000.00   Leotan Ayo join Halu Gang sekarang juga
181 06:58:38 SGD2.98   SSRBee
Jokes on you, joining membership anyways
182 07:01:18 IDR20,000.00   Muhamad Rafi Pamungkas
You can't join with Iphone, only with love folks.
183 07:02:39 IDR20,000.00   Muhamad Rafi Pamungkas
@Michael Stark because it's not prohibited.I think
185 07:05:42 NT$30.00   東京醬油拉麵 hi kaela
186 07:05:46 $2.00   SoupTheory Cereal soup with or without bowl?
187 07:06:40 $5.00   Zephyr Ch. I just came in to the stream I'm glad I'm catching it from the beginning this short stream
188 07:08:03 SGD2.98   SSRBee
Can you keep the sHoRt sTrEaM for another 5 hours?
190 07:09:49 $2.00   Atlas Ryuk how do i get some help
191 07:10:20 $5.00   AragonBattleBorn Cereal and Milk is not a Soup since it does not contain Meat Fish or Vegetable broth. (yes random, but I must make this clear.) Btw do you drink milk?
192 07:10:37 $5.00   Zephyr Ch.
kaela 10 hour stream = to any other members 2 hour stream
193 07:11:13 SGD2.98   SSRBee
This is my last SC with my lunch money for 2 days
195 07:12:47 PHP50.00   Ronderu Ela do you know any indonesia tongue twister?
196 07:13:52 $2.00   Bucho
Yeah I'm gonna need that in writing
197 07:15:25 IDR88,888.00   Agunomaru Terima kasih ela untuk lick nya hari ini, aku berhasil menemukan Treasure Box di masjid, ini sebagai Oshi Tax nya.
198 07:15:53 SGD6.98   SSRBee
3 days of lunch money is fine, notice me penguin, SSRBee gonna GSH,
199 07:17:53 ¥200   いっしー 5.0G[JP] Please rest reasonably well. From Japan
200 07:18:30 PHP125.00   Kurorosagi II Good Afternoon Kaela, i was just wondering have you ever tried being awake for the whole 24 Hours then sleep the whole day next?
201 07:19:44 $5.00   AragonBattleBorn
If we can turn a Human into a Duck, a Devil into a Angel, an Angel into a Gorilla, We can turn a Blacksmith into a Penguin. Give us time, it'll happen
202 07:20:06 $2.00   Zephyr Ch.
not even in minecraft kalea sleeps la
203 07:20:18 IDR20,000.00   Yosi AG
makasih yo sisa yangku
205 07:21:33 IDR10,000.00   nuzula gamming (a無言スパチャ)
210 07:23:37 $2.00   Atlas Ryuk
it's out of concern, your fans care about you :)
211 07:24:26 SGD2.98   SSRBee
213 07:24:52 $9.99   lilperk My audio cut couldn’t hear anything but I think u should get some sleep🇺🇸
214 07:25:46 $5.00   AragonBattleBorn
I knew a guy who only needed 2 hours of sleep a day.. Also you just do what you like we'll respect that, and be here having fun with.. Ur doing great
215 07:26:06 $4.99   lilperk
My bad super cool blacksmith🇪🇺
217 07:26:35 $2.00   Blarghnox I'm going to sleb ela, sleep when u feel like it
218 07:26:36 $5.00   Dustin Rollings
I trust you to make adult decisions. Stream when you want, Sleep when you need. I also trust M-Chan to take care of your needs. You're doing great
219 07:26:42 IDR50,000.00   miku2021
ela built different guys. just enjoy the stream.
220 07:27:01 CA$5.00   Fonzy
Most people half joking, boss! We just want to tease you coz you're cu--- Cool!
222 07:28:05 $5.00   Zephyr Ch.
me personally love kaela longs streams I can just put them on and let them play while I'm on my computer is the best
223 07:28:11 IDR50,000.00   Ryan Flare
hardcore gamer don't sleep guys. we grind till our eyes can't hold on anymore then we passed out
225 07:29:29 $100.00   ALEJANDR01D (a無言スパチャ)
227 07:30:22 $50.00   ALEJANDR01D
228 07:30:43 $20.00   ALEJANDR01D
229 07:31:00 $10.00   ALEJANDR01D
230 07:31:14 $19.99   Little C Omg u so cute! Btw hi
231 07:31:15 $5.00   ALEJANDR01D
232 07:31:31 $2.00   ALEJANDR01D
233 07:31:50 $1.00   ALEJANDR01D
234 07:32:47 $200.00   OmgNameWaster (a無言スパチャ)
235 07:33:24 $19.99   HeckDeck
Dont mind them Kaela. You do many hour stream, ppl say “Y no sleb?” You play MC offstream they say “Y no stream?” True Pemaloe love and support you.
236 07:33:27 $5.00   Luuny 🐧☂
I don't trust Kaela she's a scammer. I know she's 5 penguins taking turns to pilot a mecha shaped like an anime girl that's how she stream so long.
237 07:33:28 $5.00   Dustin Rollings
When you are ready to go to sleep though. I have an empty bed and heated blanket just for my sayang.
239 07:37:47 $2.00   Atlas Ryuk
tabbing in and out, how's mining the craft going?
240 07:38:12 PHP50.00   Nivs Nivs Nivs
Hello Daddy Kaela! Ckia doko?
242 07:40:03 MX$25.00   Luis Angeles [Takomander] can I have a Goriela plushie to sleeb? Im scared
243 07:41:00 SGD2.98   SSRBee
Already sent $37 might as well make it a whole 40
244 07:41:58 $9.99   HeckDeck
Kaela, pls consider me as the artist to draw sexy Goriela dakimakura thank you.
245 07:42:31 IDR20,000.00   Clarence Ediana sir? hows life?
246 07:43:23 MX$25.00   Luis Angeles [Takomander]
Ok, I'll help him with the design of sexy Goriela
248 07:43:57 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon Kaelasama, did you end up giving a name to your dangerous scenic roller coaster mine ride? Also, that underwater battle arena looks good!
249 07:44:38 $20.00   Customer Support Johnson (1/4) Hi Kaela, sometimes I cant sleep so I end of doing something to stay busy. Sometimes, I have to stop eating because I cant eat another bite even though I'm underweight by some standards outside of health-related ones...
250 07:44:54 $10.00   Customer Support Johnson
(2/4) ...Sometimes during work, I lose track of time and forget to take any breaks or eat at all. What I'm trying to say is that whatever it is you're doing it's perfectly fine if you can do it...
251 07:45:11 $10.00   Customer Support Johnson
(3/4) ...One person can do something another person can't and vice versa. We're all built differently from each other. The most important for you is whatever you're doing makes you happy doing it...
252 07:45:33 $100.00   Customer Support Johnson
(4/4) ...I enjoy your chill streams that lasts as long as they do. It helps me mentally to just to be here whenever you're here. Thanks.
253 07:47:00 IDR50,000.00   meongskuy Use hastag #SexyGoriella for Goriella Dakimakura art
254 07:48:58 IDR35,000.00   Riska Get Get get some sleep
255 07:50:05 IDR20,000.00   Hamzah Kadar Ela mau bikin apa ?
257 07:52:28 $2.00   Zephyr Ch.
thank you for the chu's
258 07:53:10 ¥200   Heiji Subaru Can I get some help from you?
259 07:54:31 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
if possible, can we see the Kaemono coat for a while? Pretty please. Or are you reserving it for more special streams?
260 07:54:37 IDR20,000.00   Muraro Polzin You improved a lot since the heart museum floor!
261 07:57:32 $10.00   1uan Hello Kaela and chat i am doing late night HW and got distracted didn't think you would still be iive XD. the grind is real
262 07:59:03 $2.00   Zephyr Ch.
so you building subnautica
265 08:03:17 IDR20,000.00   Clarence Ediana
makanan jd lebih enak klo ntn stream km. ggez
266 08:03:49 MYR15.00   YoshiMashiro Random question, are u ready for ur debut reaction this year kaela. Cringggeee timeeeee
267 08:04:22 IDR20,000.00   ꦱꦼꦤ꧀ udah makan blm? ini buat sarapan
268 08:05:37 $2.00   ChimChim hello ela, is cereal soup?
269 08:08:28 IDR20,000.00   Birurobo Kaela stream 12 hours Chu Chu giveaway lets goooo
271 08:09:26 $2.00   Zephyr Ch.
there goes my 4 months worth of luck
273 08:15:35 $2.00   1uan
Is that timer real ??????
275 08:18:04 $5.00   Zephyr Ch.
question ela would we get a kaela original song #myoshicansing
276 08:18:27 IDR20,000.00   Futri Ayu Maulidia spt lantai rumah nenek
277 08:23:46 $4.99   lilperk
Kaela are u going to play hogwarts legacy sometime?
278 08:30:37 NT$75.00   days high Literally Atlantis. Kaela:Nah,it's just my backyard Gura: EMOTIONAL DAMAGE.
279 08:32:28 £5.00   RossCuth Happy 28th Birthday to me, I feel old af lol
281 08:34:14 IDR50,000.00   Embarrassed Squirrel keren kamu elaa
282 08:36:44 IDR20,000.00   Onero hii kaelaa,
283 08:37:56 $5.00   hissatsu99 Ooh, I go away for a few hours and that dome turned out real nice!