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title【Stream 6】Drawing 7 Trolling Wallpapers
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
WON KRW 8 390000 \42,629
IDR IDR 20 3744362.00 \34,628
EUR EUR 11 208.26 \32,444
$ USD 8 157.77 \21,891
PHP PHP 17 8425.07 \21,508
YEN YEN 7 4437 \4,437
THB THB 1 1000.00 \4,014
£ GBP 1 20.00 \3,632
NT$ TWD 7 509.00 \2,289
PLN PLN 1 25.00 \876
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \459
---- ---- ---- ---- \168,807

no time
org currency icon name message
8 00:09:08 IDR50,000.00   Luscious HaluStar Aduh Bazo Sayangku, Udah seharian tidak ketemu
9 00:11:54 IDR77,777.00   AbsintheVii || Vincent (wordless superchat)
10 00:13:11 ¥666   くもきち (wordless superchat)
11 00:14:28 $5.00   Ryan Sagala (wordless superchat)
12 00:17:25 $5.00   Ryan Sagala
Oh also its nice to wake up first thing in the morning with coffee and watching my chiefs stream. Thanks for the stream!
16 00:22:55 $5.00   Ceceilia Stay hydrated Zeta and Everyone o7
18 00:42:22 €5.00   zipli Do a 5 minute ministream for the 7th stream just to close it off and do the donation reading after your break day. It's fine chief
19 00:45:46 PHP125.00   greentea💎on purple purple block I think there's an anime that you will like "dekiru neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu". You can have a watchalong of that.
20 00:46:37 $7.77   Aster Thank you for so many streams today! I know you're always strict with yourself but your art is cute, as always!
22 Jul 15 15:06:20 IDR20,000.00   Mastermind023 We are collecting child's lunch money for u
23 00:56:34 IDR50,000.00   shinozakirin Thank you for the streams Chief. I really appreciate all of your efforts to make this happen
24 00:56:36 MYR15.00   LiuBei168 Thanks as always for your hard work Chief. sorry i can't catch up all the steam today. By the way Selamat 777k.The batsu.....soon..maybe
25 00:56:44 ¥777   ヤモリと針と4本弦 ではこれは私の明日のお昼代 改めて77.7万人登録おめでとう
26 00:58:47 ¥777   ジュドさんです@ジュドナス ゼータちゃん777kおめでとうだよ
27 00:59:30 IDR50,000.00   Nomaden (sorry for the late) congrats for reaching 777k lucky number. anw if i turn myself in, can i get the reward?
28 01:02:28 ¥777   コーデリア【Cordelia】 777k おめでとう! いつも たのしい配信 ありがとう!! それじゃあ…Zzz…
29 01:08:49 PHP24.00   Cams
30 Jul 15 15:21:35 PHP50.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
31 01:09:49 THB1,000.00   Derez Congrats on 777K Zeta. Thank you for your hard working today. I am proud to be Zecretary. I will continuous supporting you forever. ZETAMINNN!!!
32 01:10:28 PHP125.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
33 01:11:01 PHP250.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
34 01:11:11 PHP777.07   darkenopsia Congrats on 777k Subs Happy to have watched all your streams today and it was a lot of fun to play games with you and Zecretaries too. You're real hardworking and deserve it all. Always wish you the best of health take care~!
35 01:11:32 PHP500.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
36 01:11:43 PHP1,250.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
37 01:12:49 PHP2,500.00   Cams
Today was super fun, chief! Must be hell of a preparation to make the streams happen. First class work, Agent V7! Thank you! Pls make sure to rest, you earned it. Take care, love you beb Btw, thank u for not making us eat cat food
38 01:13:03 NT$22.00   Cipher Cheng
39 01:13:04 IDR50,000.00   Andreas Mizu Yes, Zeta. Im all ear
40 01:13:19 PHP1,250.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
41 01:13:26 £20.00   DarkWr4ith Happy 777k Zeta. Thank you for all of the fun and energy you always bring to your streams. You are a blast to watch chief!
42 01:13:45 IDR777,777.00   Nav Thanks for todays event chief, it was very fun and an unforgettable event for us zecretaries, you provide us with so many zetamins today that we might get an addiction to it, thanks for your hard work and goodluck on your break or work tommorow.
43 01:13:50 PHP500.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
44 01:14:19 PHP250.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
45 01:14:46 PHP125.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
46 01:15:15 PHP50.00   Cams
Okay bye
47 01:15:36 PLN25.00   Grimchuck Congrats for 777k from your biggest Polish fan - me. By the way Poland and Indonesia flags are like upside down siblings. Have a good evening. Cześć!
48 01:15:53 PHP24.00   Cams
49 01:16:36 IDR1,077,700.00   Cefilua Congrats buat 777k nya ya chief! Makasih buat kerja kerasnya selama ini dan terutama buat hari ini. Istirahat yang cukup juga ya chief dan diitunggu konten2 seru kedepannya chief
50 01:18:00 ¥320   葵シド 今日はゼタをたくさん見れて楽しかったよ
51 01:18:01 €7.77   Coronas de Laurel Thanks for all the streams today Zeta. I woke up in a bit of bad mood but all these streams were so fun that helped me a lot. Congrats on the 777k!
52 01:19:39 ₩100,000   SnowRed I'm sorry I couldn't participate today games, Thank you for great streaming today, and Thank you for preparing for today's streaming. And 777k congratulations to Cute Vestia Cata.
54 01:20:36 IDR77,777.00   Luscious HaluStar
Omedetou Chief atas 777K subs, walau baru bisa nonton di stream ini aku udah senang dengan Chief dan Zecretaries bisa have fun and celebrate hari ini.
56 01:23:28 ₩100,000   SnowRed
OH! My hand slipped and I pressed send button again
57 01:28:10 IDR77,777.00   Hikari thank you for your hard work chief and don't forget to rest when u can. congrats on 777k subs
58 01:28:38 NT$70.00   SLUGY Moratorium prime lmao
59 01:30:26 NT$70.00   SLUGY
we need a zeta-themed motorcycle or a colab
62 01:34:37 ¥320   邦蓮houren Hey zeta congrats on 777k channel subscribers
65 01:40:22 IDR77,777.00   Andreas Mizu
It was really fun today,Zeta! Thank you all of today streams, make sure to have a gooood rest and Congratulation on your 777K!!
66 01:41:14 ₩5,000   SnowRed5 (wordless superchat)
67 01:41:58 ₩10,000   SnowRed4 (wordless superchat)
68 01:43:01 ₩20,000   SnowRed3 (wordless superchat)
69 01:43:33 IDR100,000.00   validion Congrats for 777k subs chief, Banyakin istirahat chief, jangan lupa minum air yg banyak. We don't want you get sick. We need zetamin everyday. Fix ini jadi wallpaper HPku. Zecretary Rider Bazo.
70 01:44:04 ₩50,000   SnowRed2 (wordless superchat)
71 01:44:36 IDR1,000,000.00   Pinats Congrats for 777k Subs Chief, today stream was very fun playing games with chief , take care and have a good rest ,Cheers to your continued success
72 01:45:54 ₩100,000   SnowRed2
I'm not yabai
73 01:47:00 IDR20,000.00   Mas Maman
75 01:49:24 €2.00   Coronas de Laurel
You becoming our oshi is a canon event.
76 01:50:17 €100.00   zipli in a robe Thank you for all the streams chief, we had an amazing time today. I really appreciate that you always go the extra mile to make these events so special and feel like your own. 7 streams in a day and celebrating 777k instead of 700k is just something so you...
77 01:50:24 €50.00   zipli in a robe
...and that's something I really love about you. Thank you for working to the limit just for our sakes. We couldn't ask for a cooler chief. All of us really care about you alot, y'know?
78 01:50:29 €20.00   zipli in a robe
Also never say that you don't deserve this or I'm gonna slap you silly. You've heard this a million time today, but remember to rest. Love ya.
79 01:50:31 €10.00   zipli in a robe
(wordless superchat)
80 01:50:36 €5.00   zipli in a robe
(wordless superchat)
81 01:50:37 €2.00   zipli in a robe
(wordless superchat)
82 01:50:39 €1.49   zipli in a robe
84 01:57:24 PHP500.00   Cams
I dreamt of u poking holes in my stomach and blood spurting out like little fountains. And another where u made me do a test to get my membership back. It was swimming and I drowned. You're literally my nightmare fuel, Zeta
85 02:06:38 $10.00   Rin I uhh...overslept my nap. Good thing I still make it in time for Zeta-sensei's art class. Although, how tf did Bazo manage to climb that bike and balance on it LMAO
87 02:15:57 $5.00   Rin
Make sure to hydrate and unshrimp yourself once in a while Zeta
88 02:16:08 IDR20,000.00   defafa happy 777k zetaa! aku mau bobo dulu, semangat ya!!
89 02:19:52 $20.00   Rin
Canvas fund
90 02:28:26 NT$77.00   ~RAW~ Congratulation on 777K subs once again, Chief~ Also, congrats on Kawaikute Gomen cover 595K views too. Lastly,don't overwork yourself, and Ganbareee~
91 02:30:53 PHP125.00   Cams
Zetasaurus hungry? Want Zecretary meat, medium rawr?
92 02:32:39 NT$30.00   ~RAW~
you called, Chief ? oh sorry, I'm raw not medium
94 02:35:31 IDR77,777.00   lamdakastel Lucky Seven. Ayo 1 lagi
95 02:42:56 ¥800   フェイト こんばんゼータ!77.7万人おめでとう今日はたくさんの配信楽しかったです。これからも自分のペースで頑張ってね!!
96 02:43:25 NT$70.00   SLUGY
Zeta when playing valorant/apex
99 02:52:06 IDR50,000.00   FBC
101 02:54:24 NT$170.00   SLUGY
102 02:54:50 IDR20,000.00   Mastermind023
Senin gpp chief, your health&rec comes first.
103 02:54:51 ₩5,000   강주영 Happy 777! Thank you for todays streams and good night Chief! o7
104 02:55:42 €5.00   zipli in a robe
Thanks for the stream chief. Go rest up, you've earned it We'll see you in the next one
105 02:55:50 IDR50,000.00   Edergonic Makasih chief, aku enjoy banget nonton semua stream hari ini, dan selamat juga atas 777k subsnya, semangat terus bikin kontennya sehat selalu chief!
106 02:56:16 $100.00   Rin
Thanks for the chaotic 12hrs Zeta! Make sure you get enough rest! See you tomorrow! Loveu nerd, otsu~
107 02:56:07 IDR20,000.00   Ayaya otsuzeta! take some rest, jangan lupa makan