09/16 22:30:56 ₩5,000 ¥466   Peroni The bonk with smile is deadly in many ways
09/17 05:03:35 CA$5.00 ¥432   Justin Reinhart The B in Bastion stands for . Here's the full acronym: Bonk All Surly Takodachis: Initiation Opening Now! #TAKOTIME
09/17 05:07:07 A$5.00 ¥400   Lofi-senpai Ina's got...cake
09/17 05:09:33 CA$50.00 ¥4329   Christopher Lung Love from Toronto, Canada!
09/17 05:09:40 $5.00 ¥547   Ryos Today is my birthday and what a way to start it off by watching Ina's stream
09/17 05:10:36 CA$6.99 ¥605   NoTeZz XVV (無言スパチャ)
09/17 05:11:29 CA$10.00 ¥865   Pineー松本ーTree It's ok Ina we can have Bastian ASMR =3
09/17 05:13:40 MYR15.00 ¥392   zaini ikhwan City rebuilding funds
09/17 05:29:09 $100.00 ¥10940   Joe Lin
09/17 05:30:51 ¥500 ¥500   ゆるおじさん UMISEA was awesome!
09/17 05:32:47 $20.00 ¥2188   Kamen Writer Good afternoon, priestess. For the Minecraft carnival, if you want to make the dunk tank require a more accurate shot, you can make the redstone between the target and trapdoor longer (like the lights on your archery range).
09/17 05:35:41 $4.99 ¥545   Ahumblemurloc This song is my favorite bastion track!
09/17 05:44:40 SGD5.00 ¥407   Micchup Iw' Hi Ina, it's my birthday today, can I have a WAH?
09/17 05:52:00 €5.00 ¥643   GTRaijin
09/17 05:54:56 ₩5,000 ¥466   성훈 이나 반가워요~ 엄청 일찍 시작했네요.. 한국은 이제 아침 6시에요.
09/17 06:08:34 £5.00 ¥755   Martynas Janarauskas hey Ina thanks for keeping me entertained while I pack my stuff for moving! big stuff big ups big wah! you too chat big shoutout to all of you too
09/17 06:08:43 SGD5.00 ¥407   Gabriel Yeow The past, present, and future walked into a bar. It was tense.
09/17 06:30:35 $19.99 ¥2187   Gingy786 Congrats on the year, you've been a big help in my fighting my depression and I don't think I could have done it without you and the others. Thanks for being you Ina!
09/17 06:40:27 CA$50.00 ¥4329   Im Tymins Loved your voice acting in the UMISEA videos!
09/17 06:57:53 $5.00 ¥547   SuperKirbydance Wake up Priestess! We have a city to build!
09/17 06:58:21 $20.00 ¥2188   Andrew Song hope you finish this game, I love the story! also umisea is great ^-^
09/17 07:13:08 CLP5,000 ¥701   Gazzem this is one of my favorite games of all time along with all the games from this company, and I really love that one of my favorite vtubers is playing it!!! much love!
09/17 07:19:08 PLN10.00 ¥281   xCrowney Sleep is good, indeed
09/17 07:21:03 $5.00 ¥547   Wiggles Takosniper, Glockodachi, and Shotopus
09/17 07:43:31 ₩10,000 ¥932   just me just donation
09/17 07:59:47 $5.00 ¥547   secret_simp_account 360 no scoping was a chad move, Ina
09/17 08:07:01 ARS100.00 ¥111   Mati Panzer ah, I see you're a tako of culture as well...
09/17 08:13:08 $5.00 ¥547   byanotherplayer Thanks for the fun stream, Ina. Never forget about Pecker