09/14 10:51:55 ₱250.00 ¥551   jetrico
09/14 11:01:46 $5.00 ¥550   RollStep konfauna gozaimasuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~
09/14 11:02:13 $2.00 ¥220   Rich Hovell Your voice and your streams are always so relaxing
09/14 11:03:03 ARS20.00 ¥22   酋長 YmKai KonFauuuuuuuuuuuna
09/14 11:03:05 $5.00 ¥550   ChemistWeeb StreamDrinkMead+AppleJuice+HoneyI have a game suggestion: since chat asks for alcohol stream, consider VA11-Hall A? Fun cyberpunk bartending VS!
09/14 11:03:25 $2.00 ¥220   ChemistWeeb PS: Im working on a 1month Anniv. surprise 4 you!
09/14 11:04:21 $10.00 ¥1101   Rasmo Fauna in a sauna
09/14 11:05:40 $5.00 ¥550   Big Guy Gabe Très bien! Good luck on your jungle expedition!
09/14 11:05:57 $4.99 ¥549   George McDuck I can’t stop by long; I’m sorry Fauna but I haven’t missed a single minute of a Mumei stream yet, I have your stream up on the second monitor...
09/14 11:06:04 PHP250.00 ¥551   asotria Konfauna! Good morning Fauna, minecraft stream again! I love watching minecraft game plays especially since you'll show us your pro minecraft skills. Can't wait to see what you'll be doing!
09/14 11:07:26 NT$75.00 ¥298   自由な男【Nephamily】【Slapling】 Fauny? LOL that sounds like Fauna+Honey
09/14 11:08:30 $25.00 ¥2753   Yakikorosu Fauna do you watch the Council members while they sleep, when it's very dark and they don't even know it?
09/14 11:10:11 $5.00 ¥550   Velvet Nimbus Fauna, Not Pickle showed up as my sleep paralysis demon last night. I saw it hovering over my bed and I couldn't move for like 10 minutes.
09/14 11:14:38 $5.00 ¥550   ZyraZain The iron farm works by spawning and killing iron golems endlessly. Just FYI, not sure how Mama Nature feels about golems and farming them.
09/14 11:20:55 $20.00 ¥2202   KMSARGO mother nature living in a house with wood walls........
09/14 11:23:13 $50.00 ¥5506   Ryan Sagala The Paid Actor 🦚 Fun Paper Fact: Did you know in the U.S about 90 million short tons of paper is used per year and about over 2 billion books, 350 Millions Magazine, and 24 News Papers are Printed per year. Wow that's a lot of trees dying so remember to recycle!
09/14 11:23:59 SGD10.00 ¥820   Yi Xuan Tan They're actual insects, so yes they count as arthropods.
09/14 11:26:59 $10.00 ¥1101   Jokermage Hi Fauna. Your Spore stream inspired me to load it up and make all the EN members as Spore creatures. I'm having trouble with Kronii. What kind of animal (real or fantasy) would be a good fit for her?
09/14 11:41:34 $5.00 ¥550   DRCEQ My first super to NATURE! The EN server aren't war criminals like Pekora. They would never prank newcomers like that.
09/14 11:46:06 £5.00 ¥761   R9000 This stream is way too cute.
09/14 11:48:19 $4.99 ¥549   Carlos Morales Slap it ‘til you make it!
09/14 11:48:29 $5.00 ¥550   Dusty - KFP Pineapple Cake Survival of the Greenest
09/14 11:50:38 HK$50.00 ¥707   よしみ so good to catch your stream again!Listening yours voice is a healing for me!Talking about healing, how is your thumb now? please accept a healing herb from this saplingwork now, have fun with mumei!
09/14 11:54:44 R$20.00 ¥419   pedro gabriel Faun tastic stream!
09/14 11:55:29 $5.00 ¥550   Azure604 funds for Minecraft Prank War
09/14 11:55:52 $1.99 ¥219   Astolfo Of Black Replace all of Gura’s floor with sand or something
09/14 12:00:23 $4.99 ¥549   George McDuck Thanks for helping Mumei plan her revenge against the shork, I didn’t expect my old SC to pan out like this for real. Mother Nature Saikyou!
09/14 12:05:23 A$10.00 ¥809   Napdragon Idea: Just put a sign saying "Notice anything different?" and change absolutely nothing
09/14 12:06:29 R$5.00 ¥104   Vtuber Architect I'm not saying anything BUT u can grab gura's trident and leave a sign asking for rescue like "we have your tried 100 diamond to give u back"
09/14 12:10:18 $2.00 ¥220   Docta Helghast Give em the Fauna Special! Her Nature Slap!
09/14 12:13:23 ¥610 ¥610   あまとう Good morningozaimasu I like the atmosphere between Mumei and Fauna , it’s soft and gentle .
09/14 12:21:45 NZ$20.00 ¥1564   Definitely Not a Printer Thank you for teaching civilisation how to build and craft. and thank you so much for REPLANTING SAPLINGS
09/14 12:30:15 MYR3.00 ¥79   ManFuryXT (無言スパチャ)
09/14 12:33:47 $10.00 ¥1101   Fenrir Lives Fauna, lick Mumei's cheek and let us know if she tastes like a liar or not!
09/14 12:35:17 $5.00 ¥550   Nazarielle This is what they call "Karma"
09/14 12:35:18 ARS20.00 ¥22   Amelia's Simp FAUNA WHAT DID YOU DO?!?! YOU BURN ALL THE FOREST
09/14 12:35:25 $5.00 ¥550   Airborne Ninja You goofed
09/14 12:35:48 $5.00 ¥550   Majin D fire is also nature
09/14 12:35:57 $10.00 ¥1101   KMSARGO wow its California
09/14 12:36:35 $5.00 ¥550   Glaceee
09/14 12:37:05 $10.00 ¥1101   Mx. Moz "Only you can prevent forest fires"
09/14 12:37:06 $5.00 ¥550   Rich Hovell My favorite part of the stream is when Mumei killed 1 cow, so you killed her, yourself, the forest, and all your progress.
09/14 12:37:20 NT$30.00 ¥119   自由な男【Nephamily】【Slapling】 Fauna just finished zen loss achievement
09/14 12:37:35 $5.00 ¥550   Arshaiden Somewhere a Miko is nodding in acknowledgment
09/14 12:37:36 $2.00 ¥220   burdshark Oh if it isn't the consequences of my own actions
09/14 12:37:40 NZ$5.00 ¥391   Definitely Not a Printer Today I learned: Fauna loves the smell of napalm in the morning - would not have expected
09/14 12:37:47 ¥500 ¥500   液晶用イサチア酸 CRY TO NATURE
09/14 12:38:15 €5.00 ¥649   Itch Knee if you take us with you into your forest, are we going to get burned too?
09/14 12:38:35 $5.00 ¥550   Aurum Phloem *Suspects predator of taking meat* "Welp, forest fire time..." ww
09/14 12:38:46 $9.99 ¥1100   RavenWatch Sakura sempai told us about the danger of lava in Minecraft
09/14 12:39:39 $5.00 ¥550   oyasueme Certified uuuuu~ Moment
09/14 12:39:42 $20.00 ¥2202   Fenrir Lives Did you know that in 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons there's a Druid subclass called the Circle of Wildfire! It teaches that burning everything down is all apart of the natural order! sound familiar~?
09/14 12:40:40 $50.00 ¥5506   Jose Cortes Mumei kills a cow, then Fauna goes yandere and accidently burns a whole ecosystem. Is this the circle of life?
09/14 12:41:28 $20.00 ¥2202   Aqua Fuzz Fauna, clumsy outside the game and in minecraft!
09/14 12:42:05 $5.00 ¥550   Majin D I appreciate your concern for cows and the yandere response as well ~
09/14 12:42:10 $10.00 ¥1101   美味しいたこ焼き Smokey the bear is very disappointed in you now Fauna.
09/14 12:42:31 $5.00 ¥550   Sol1496 Donation to the forest fire service
09/14 12:42:58 $10.00 ¥1101   Aaron It's the circle of life!~
09/14 12:49:10 $4.99 ¥549   Mace It was a controlled burn to help the forest grow back stronger!
09/14 12:49:49 $5.00 ¥550   Aaron The secret ingredient is crime... and more lava!
09/14 12:49:53 NT$75.00 ¥298   Bass BF FineFauna, it's fine for now.
09/14 12:50:29 $5.00 ¥550   Royal Aden This is Fine
09/14 12:50:32 $5.00 ¥550   Nazarielle Karma, round 2
09/14 12:50:45 $4.99 ¥549   secret_simp_account Play with lava and you will get burned
09/14 12:51:01 NT$75.00 ¥298   卡關勇者 Hey Fauna. My cousin just passed away because the forest fire… He lived a short but happy life as a tree. Can you give me a hug so I can feel better?
09/14 12:51:03 $5.00 ¥550   KisseNa Fauna are Miko 2.0 w?
09/14 12:51:09 CA$15.00 ¥1303   High-Fructose Corn Syrup Siri, play Unravel
09/14 12:51:12 $5.00 ¥550   Cliffpuncher WELL WELL WELL, IF IT ISN'T THE CONSEQUENCES OF OUR OWN ACTIONS
09/14 12:51:15 $10.00 ¥1101   Rasmo So hows that vine search going?
09/14 12:51:19 SGD5.00 ¥410   フェブリ kusa
09/14 12:51:26 $5.00 ¥550   Aaron Well... you know what they say, "crime never pays".
09/14 12:51:26 CA$5.00 ¥434   Adastra Literally playing with fire
09/14 12:51:31 MX$50.00 ¥276   Kroniilia Gwackson 911.... i want to report the murder of a trader and 2 poor alpacas
09/14 12:51:32 $5.00 ¥550   Sanders "Remember kids, don't play with fire." - Smokey The Bear probably
09/14 12:51:41 ARS20.00 ¥22   酋長 YmKai Zenloss 2.0
09/14 12:51:44 CA$10.00 ¥868   CoresOfAction Nature + Lava = uuuuuuu
09/14 12:52:06 $4.99 ¥549   ⚜️Jolly Poggers⚜️ Can you say “if I can’t have you, no one can.”?
09/14 12:52:08 R$5.00 ¥104   [ミスター・ソクラテス]MrSocrates Sponsored by Elite Magma Divers Inc.
09/14 12:52:22 $5.00 ¥550   Usny this is so sad, alexa play we didn't start the fire
09/14 12:52:28 MYR15.00 ¥397   Stryv「ストライブ」 Lots of wildfire incidents today...
09/14 12:52:34 PHP125.00 ¥275   Midaz ELITE NATURE
09/14 12:52:35 $5.00 ¥550   Itsjust_Fuego Should probably stop using lava as a murder weapon
09/14 12:53:26 R$10.00 ¥209   pedro gabriel blood for the lava god
09/14 12:53:43 R$5.00 ¥104   Uno mas ch pLaY WItH LaVA aNd yOu gET BuRNEd
09/14 12:54:15 $5.00 ¥550   Tayhealz Minecraft is a horror game confirmed
09/14 12:54:41 MYR15.00 ¥397   Solace Let me emphasize this again, Nature, you REALLY are scary. That's the second lava incident, Fauna. I don't want to return to Nature anymore
09/14 12:55:19 $5.00 ¥550   Rich Hovell My 2nd favorite stream moment is when you tried to murder an innocent trader but also killed yourself, llamas, and lost all your belongings.
09/14 12:55:20 $20.00 ¥2202   Colorful Anon Only you can prevent unnatural forest fires.
09/14 12:58:12 $5.00 ¥550   Outrun the Wind The real vines are the forests we've burned along the way
09/14 13:01:46 $5.00 ¥550   MajesticBearSong you can use bone meal on regular grass covered dirt blocks to grow more flowers, and you get different ones based on the biome
09/14 13:09:52 $10.00 ¥1101   Pyrobug0 Good adventure, everyone!
09/14 13:14:56 MX$20.00 ¥110   Daniel Durán Love you mama, te queremos mucho <3
09/14 13:15:00 $10.00 ¥1101   DabiidA Server Destruction RTA LETS GOOOOOO
09/14 13:15:17 $5.00 ¥550   KyleSmile You may not have found vines, but you did find Adventure!! Thanks for the laughs, Fauna
09/14 13:15:33 $1.00 ¥110   KuyaGray (無言スパチャ)
09/14 13:15:57 MYR15.00 ¥397   I am Hisyam About fire incident, I cannot forgot Mikochi accident... Atsui atsui atsui
09/14 13:17:05 $5.00 ¥550   Alec (無言スパチャ)
09/14 13:17:10 PHP125.00 ¥275   HereShoo Maybe the real vines was the path of destruction we left along the way
09/14 13:18:47 NT$75.00 ¥298   熱狗香腸 Fauna sounds happier by her own......
09/14 13:20:15 $2.00 ¥220   ASMR Junkie Is Fauna secretly Tom Bombadil?
09/14 13:21:24 $0.99 ¥109   Rasmo (無言スパチャ)
09/14 13:21:37 $2.00 ¥220   Void Gambit hydration check
09/14 13:23:08 $1.99 ¥219   ThemeTeamTW Tell us, how do we help calm down Yandere-Fauna?
09/14 13:24:55 $5.00 ¥550   ghosty Looking back on the Not Pickle in a year will be a glorious experience. .
09/14 13:25:26 $5.00 ¥550   Usny i listen to the yandeer segment of your debut like every other day, so i hope you'll be proud of it in a year ^^
09/14 13:25:46 $5.00 ¥550   Colouss I'm sure you'll be fine in one year! Looking forward to the reaction stream lol
09/14 13:26:32 $4.99 ¥549   secret_simp_account So you WERE drunk!
09/14 13:29:11 CLP1,000 ¥140   El Canal Weaboo uuuuuu is so charming, please don't change it
09/14 13:29:27 $5.00 ¥550   Furudo You're part of that legacy now, Fauna. You're still a sprout but we're all looking forward to watching you grow. Keep your chin up and make us proud.
09/14 13:30:54 $10.00 ¥1101   ZyraZain You had a rough go in MC today, so I thought you might like to hear that I now own a Kalimba. It has a ringed planet carved into the front. For my fave rhyming Council mems Fauna & Sana <3
09/14 13:31:56 CA$5.00 ¥434   ChadKazuma do you plan on getting flower pots for indoor decoration?
09/14 13:32:01 $100.00 ¥11013   Robert Cal Can we get some ASMR mofu mofu, fuwa fuwa, and nyann?
09/14 13:32:53 CA$5.00 ¥434   Valmutt Oh that reminds me, I meant to make the recommendation of Green wine, you mentioned before you enjoyed White wine, Green is quite similar, sweeter .
09/14 13:34:35 CA$10.00 ¥868   Belgariad Not a day goes by where chat doesn't wish deep in their hearts to be bonked by mother nature herself
09/14 13:35:35 $5.00 ¥550   Nice Hat
09/14 13:35:45 NT$330.00 ¥1311   Katie Olwell Hello Fauna, thank you for almost streaming every day. I always watch your stream while working. You do a good job to provide differ contents. Looking forward to your membership to open.
09/14 13:36:22 $5.00 ¥550   TalismanG1 Chat assumes everyone is bottom left because chat is Bottom left
09/14 13:36:49 $5.00 ¥550   Spicy Pork Bulgogi Δ stay weird, Fauna. we love it
09/14 13:36:55 $10.00 ¥1101   Irish Wristwatch Chat is just projecting when it says everyone is bottom left.
09/14 13:37:33 MX$100.00 ¥553   AtemerusRhayli embrace the bottom middle Fauna
09/14 13:37:34 A$5.00 ¥404   Rickbane Burning own a forest is a left move
09/14 13:37:35 $9.99 ¥1100   Rasmo Best I can do is bottom mid
09/14 13:37:36 $9.99 ¥1100   Ceres Fauna's Ex Boyfriend You can’t stop this Druid from being this cute
09/14 13:37:47 $5.00 ¥550   Azure604 bond level grinding IKZ
09/14 13:38:16 $4.99 ¥549   Fresh I can’t stay up cause it’s late but I wanted to hear your voice so I’m falling asleep while listening to the stream