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配信名:【POKEMON SCARLET】JUST A FEW MORE GYMS!!【Hololive ID 2nd Generation】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   27     124.97   17,356円
 IDR  IDR   11 1870000.00   16,605円
 EUR  EUR    9      33.00    4,782円
   £  GBP    3       5.00      840円
  A$  AUD    4       8.00      750円
 SGD  SGD    1       6.98      705円
 YEN  YEN    1        567      567円
 CA$  CAD    1       5.00      520円
 MYR  MYR    1      15.00      461円
 PHP  PHP    2     175.00      428円
---- ---- ----       ----   43,014円

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:03:12 €5.00   GHOSTYCHAN Ch. If Ollie would be a Pokémon, I would use my Masterball on her, BECAUSE SHE'S LEGENDARY!
2 00:03:57 PHP125.00   Memora Let's go~! Curb stomping Gym Leaders~! What's with the helmet? Ollie Team Heart now? Hasta la vistheart
3 00:06:27 €5.00   Nauris speaking of that, I have a masterball and no legendaries left to catch, Can I catch you, or at the very least a Pokemon you tell me to catch with it?
4 00:11:01 £2.00   GooGhoul (plx bite) Is Ollie all well now? Also did you hurt your arm?
6 00:24:37 IDR100,000.00   Jonathan "Joot" Alfarot here Take a taste of my first earning from my new job, Ollie. I may miss your streams a lot now because of my new job, but i love you, Ollie, and i thank you for it. Couldnt reach this without you
7 00:25:06 IDR50,000.00   NoxCaelis Hey Ollie, are you a Skeledirge? 'cause when you Sing, your Torch Song set my heart aflame do bad, one Burn Heal isn't enough.
8 00:26:53 IDR20,000.00   Jonathan "Joot" Alfarot
11 01:02:54 €5.00   Nauris
You get the ability to go on DATES with your teachers if you take all of your classes. YES YOU HEARD ME! DATES!
12 01:17:00 ¥567   柊之木 Aku sudah mencari sepanjang hari untuk menangkap Ollie, tapi aku tidak bisa menemukan...Ollie Doko...Aku akan menangkapmu dengan Repeat Ball...
13 01:53:48 A$1.00   Rrazz (無言スパチャ)
15 02:06:36 $5.00   Stolf Boich Ch. Hey Ollie, today is Thanksgiving, so as thanks for all the fun streams, I wanna give you this cool shiny I found! I think you'll love it
16 02:25:36 IDR20,000.00   Jonathan "Joot" Alfarot
did i see that name correctly, what.
19 03:41:51 A$1.00   Rrazz
20 03:41:38 £1.00   bbbuster (無言スパチャ)
21 03:51:47 IDR500,000.00   Windia Nata Never played Pokemom before, this seems fun. Eniwei ini buat beliin Pikachu Cimol. Sori jarang mampir soalnya sibuk ngedit teehee
22 04:01:45 €5.00   Nauris
Don't you love the mood swing from beating up a literal child to having to face an overworked and depressed regular old Larry?
23 04:33:43 IDR50,000.00   TAPEt Hi, Ollie! Guess who is in Indonesia right now?
24 04:44:11 PHP50.00   Memora
You! My Oshi! Yes!?
25 04:54:51 $5.00   MudArcade OLLIE, may I ask? Why are you so awesome? You deserve ALL THE LOVE! LOVE so very much! Thank you for all you do!
26 04:57:10 $10.00   Miner49er201 Your charming energy and energetic personality are what draw us to you. To me, you're the type of person that I'd be able to play games and laugh with, so thank you for being you.
27 04:57:29 €5.00   Shakuya Ch. Ohh, a wild Ollie. Compliment ball go!I am glad to see that your hair is looking so well done today too, my cantik princess!
29 04:58:49 A$5.00   Rrazz
You're a super fun, wonderful and amazing person that never fails to brighten up our days just by being you. Love you Ollie!
30 04:59:07 $5.00   The Einhander Can't Stop, Wont Stop! We got her on the ropes! The Compliment attack was SUPER EFFECTIVE!
32 05:01:44 $5.00   aris 385 Blushing Ollie is the Best Ollie. You are just so kind and absolutely beautiful. Ollie getting bashful is hot
33 05:01:46 $5.00   Dark Chaos you say you wouldn't be here if not for us but we are only here because it's you we are watching you are the best wife stealing zombie there ever was
35 05:02:35 $5.00   Miner49er201
Ollie could pull off a really awesome Celty cosplay. I don't think anybody else in Hololive could remove their own head for the cosplay.
36 05:02:40 €2.00   Shakuya Ch.
You motivate us and give us energy to carry on
37 05:03:46 $5.00   Stolf Boich Ch.
Ollie cute. Ollie kind. Ollie sexy sexy. Ollie smart. Ollie flat-tering. Ollie wholesome. Ollie def not gonna beat me for that joke
38 05:03:52 IDR50,000.00   NoxCaelis
You are the absolute best. If Ollie is a status condition, I don't want to be cured of it.
39 05:04:10 MYR15.00   Lucious Rz Always having fun watching your stream. Thank you for being you
41 05:05:21 IDR50,000.00   Hansel Ferdianto (無言スパチャ)
48 05:06:57 $5.00   The Einhander
Today is Thanksgiving for us in the US, I am thankful for Ollie and how adorable she is! May we all enjoy this meal of Ollie blushing!
49 05:06:58 $5.00   Dark Chaos
we will bully you with love for being so f***ing cute and amazing
50 05:07:05 $4.99   Gin Izuru Ch. I’m sad. Running out of ways to bully u with compliments. You’re 2 humble & kind. So lovely. Happy Harvest Fest. & Thanksgiving to U & Zomily
52 05:07:59 €2.00   Shakuya Ch.
S imp. Compliment!
53 05:08:30 IDR20,000.00   ferdinand yonathan オリイちあん、きみはぼくのひかりです、とてもかわいいときれいです。あいさてるよ!
54 05:08:39 $5.00   The Einhander
We are simping tho.... Ollie used Confusion... its not very effective... looked cute tho
55 05:08:39 $10.00   Tyler Novak Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for having not yet been bonked.
56 05:09:03 £2.00   Joe T Our cute zombie idol can be so Tsundere...
57 05:09:10 CA$5.00   High Ulitma at we approach the end of the game, i just wanna say: Ollie, you are my Treasure.
58 05:09:40 $5.00   Stolf Boich Ch.
Ollie you should teach Child Protect so you can take no damage between hammer swings. Also Ollie is cute, nice, sexy, flat-ering, wholesome HAH GOTTEM
59 05:09:54 SGD6.98   speedMEISTer Best kind of heartburn to give is lots of lovely compliments!!!
60 05:11:03 $5.00   Miner49er201
Since you're a zombie, the highest honor is making your heart beat with our compliments.
63 05:14:25 $2.00   aris 385
Don't know about water type but Ollie is my type
65 05:15:31 $5.00   The Einhander
Shes so cute when she swears!
67 05:35:05 IDR1,000,000.00   LAMBDADELTA mbak vtuber, tolong doain paketan hp aku dong dari luar negeri, semoga nyampe dengan selamat dan aksesorisnya utuh semua
68 05:37:36 $5.00   LC_Lapen You can tell Toby Fox worked on these last few Tracks! Also it's been great watching you play, Ollie! Your Pokémon are almost as impressive as you are
69 05:43:56 $1.00   The Einhander
70 05:43:58 A$1.00   Rrazz
71 05:44:11 $1.00   The Einhander
72 05:44:27 $1.00   The Einhander
73 05:44:45 $1.00   The Einhander
74 05:45:06 IDR10,000.00   ai Nulon sky (無言スパチャ)
75 06:05:48 $9.99   Dustin Rollings It’s Thanksgiving where I am, and I wanted to extend my thanks for having met you. It’s been almost 2 years, and you’ve been such a blessing. Thanks for all the smiles. Anyway don’t cry, crybaby.
77 06:54:57 $4.99   Dustin Rollings
Man, a MILFbot? The future-past is amazing.
78 07:31:19 €2.00   Jalorda - GOODBYE HOT MOMMY CRAZY AI
79 07:32:03 €2.00   Nauris
And such, tale of 3 kids and Daft Punk came to end
81 07:37:41 $2.00   Miner49er201
Ed Sheeran makes this a horror game.
82 07:57:20 $2.00   billy joe【liar】 Your reward is the friends you made along the way
83 08:02:16 $5.00   Dustin Rollings
No blender for my sandwich. 0/10 game