配信名【HoloCure】#28 96% ACHIEVEMENT. update doko?🎺🎵【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 45 373.98 \51,090
IDR IDR 42 1130000.00 \9,978
NT$ TWD 6 1734.00 \7,667
A$ AUD 16 47.00 \4,230
CA$ CAD 6 37.96 \3,747
WON KRW 4 35000 \3,602
SGD SGD 9 24.00 \2,419
EUR EUR 2 12.00 \1,736
£ GBP 1 10.00 \1,628
PLN PLN 1 50.00 \1,543
MX$ MXN 6 190.00 \1,413
MYR MYR 4 33.00 \997
HK$ HKD 2 50.00 \870
VND 2 70000 \403
YEN YEN 1 200 \200
R$ BRL 1 5.00 \132
PHP PHP 1 50.00 \123
---- ---- ---- ---- \91,778

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
9 00:01:36 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar wkwkwkwk.. pon bleksmit.. ikz doot dood
10 00:02:01 IDR20,000.00   Cibengwawa Hi Ela! happy to spend this weekend watching u CHU
12 00:05:16 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
jdi inget meme "lw tuh g diajak" wkkwkw
13 00:05:27 $2.00   Blarghnox ohh so you miss us? also nice shiny DOOTER
15 00:06:25 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak We kindly ask to dont interrupt our conversation,
17 00:07:13 IDR20,000.00   Cibengwawa
PONela, plus 100 stat in adorableness
19 00:07:33 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
No more chuchuchu nor wangy wangy for Ela.
20 00:08:15 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
5 menit kospley jdi hantu phasmo
21 00:08:25 $5.00   Brendan Wilson What achievements you going for?
23 00:08:41 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
I'm sorry, do we know you? owo
24 00:09:07 SGD2.00   Alex Siu peck peck ela, this is doot doot tax
25 00:09:40 IDR20,000.00   Aditya Seven jam 10.15 PONela
26 00:09:57 IDR20,000.00   Chris I was chilling, then you just started the stream
27 00:10:14 $2.00   Steam Goliath PonEla got one guy'd
28 00:10:35 MYR6.00   Owlcean Ch. Guys why isnt the stream start yet? I miss her
29 00:10:51 NT$69.00   YangYang sasuga comedian
31 00:11:13 CA$6.99   Fonzy Wait are we paying Kaela taxes today? Sorry I didn’t know here’s my deposit
32 00:12:30 ₩5,000   Renat Dzyudorka I can do this all day? nope, I can DOOT this all day!
33 00:12:36 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon Kaelasama I need critical wisdom!Orange or Melon?
34 00:13:01 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
I would never ignore you, Ms Amelia Watson
35 00:13:01 SGD2.00   Alex Siu
ela is not PON! this is intended comedian act
37 00:13:41 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
Guys I tried. Sorry, we're getting trumpets today.
38 00:14:09 MYR6.00   Owlcean Ch.
Guys seriously when is the stream starting?
39 00:14:10 $10.00   TheBlindJim KAPU KAPU
40 00:14:21 MYR15.00   Muhammad Maskawaih Just woke up and missed Kaela's morning stream. Somehow got better with pon Ela instead.
41 00:14:38 IDR20,000.00   Chris
Aku lagi santai, tiba2 kok ini org Caps Lock semua
42 00:16:46 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor Kaela needs a huggg... I volunteer
46 00:19:00 PHP50.00   Nivs Nivs Nivs Should I meet my friends or watch your stream?
48 00:20:34 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor
49 00:20:45 CA$6.99   Fonzy
Ok I can hear Kaela now guys! Her mic is on finally, but it’s not loud enough, she needs 2 more levels
50 00:21:01 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Ela of the bay, what is your wisdom for today?
52 00:24:05 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69 what a day, sweet trumpet and ela to help me study
53 00:25:54 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
I'm just happy for smol Ela doot doot. Ganbare!!!
54 00:31:24 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
i just replace the previous version every update
55 00:34:06 $2.00   Peter Campi Hey Kaela! Dooting hard, or hardly dooting?
56 00:37:28 $5.00   Peter Campi
The PS1 port of Diablo 1 required 3/4 of a PS1 memory card to save data.
57 00:37:58 IDR20,000.00   Chris
Hey Kaela stay awhile and listen.
58 00:44:35 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17 age just number, my soul will always be 18
59 00:47:18 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Chat wasnt calling you boomer, but old~
61 00:50:23 NT$75.00   Nemo played too many holocure? try vampire survivors then
62 00:52:04 R$5.00   BELOdindo vampire survivors don't have doot doot, holocure better
63 00:53:26 CA$6.99   Fonzy
Vampire Survivors doesn’t have my oshis
65 00:55:55 CA$6.99   Fonzy
Your save file can be found in your PC. You can copy and save it somewhere else or on cloud so you can download it any time
66 00:57:48 $5.00   TheBlindJim
67 01:01:34 A$5.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
failure is guaranteed success is not, that's the motto i live by pretty much, prepare for failure because it will come in time.
68 01:02:59 NT$30.00   Nemo
wow, that rude
69 01:03:39 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j just wondering, why a why is a why?
70 01:04:17 £10.00   Joe Di-niro The constant DOOT DOOT was making me feel sick and ill, so I went to the doctor.I started to feel better as soon as he gave me the anti-DOOT
71 01:06:20 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
i had hot dogs nom nom nom perfect brain food
72 01:11:07 $10.00   Jack Robinson thank you ma'am
73 01:11:54 $10.00   Jack Robinson
for streaming
74 01:13:00 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Ela is there,holding a trumpet, menacingly ...
76 01:14:08 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
chair = new victim? well comrade its been an honor
77 01:14:50 NT$30.00   Nemo
can I get some help from Ela too? pretty plz
78 01:16:52 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
pempers adalah solusinya
79 01:21:34 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
jdi pas lompat kasur, kasurnya diputer kyk lompat tali g?
82 01:39:17 A$5.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
i've seen videos of driving in SEA regions, i'm not suprised lol that ish is scary
85 01:41:31 $2.00   Syxti Watt I am noticing a distinct lack of DOOTs. You good?
86 01:44:07 IDR50,000.00   jonathan ryan j
i love thrill, so i rilly wanna try papaela unhinged driving. offroad, drifting, uh the excitement. would give 5 stars. btw this is not halu right?
87 01:45:26 $2.00   Doostin Rollings Is this the stream you get 100%?
88 01:47:44 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
papa ela got a need for speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
89 01:48:21 IDR20,000.00   pramben rintik-rintik air hujan,,neng cantik dah makan ?
90 01:51:02 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Is papaela single?
91 01:52:57 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
not worried about competition there are you ela :P
92 01:58:42 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
wish i had a papa like papaela, luckela indeed
93 02:00:12 CA$5.00   Fonzy
Boss! Does your dad have Steam? There's a game called Car Mechanic Simulator he might like
94 02:01:23 A$5.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
i have car mechanic simulator it's actually really good, kind of like house flipper but for cars
95 02:05:44 A$5.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
you should give car mechanic simulator a go, it guides you and will help you learn about cars, would definitely put a smile on papa elas face
96 02:25:27 $5.00   Doostin Rollings
Perawat Ela. I have a sickness that only you can cure. I need chu chu's immediately!
97 02:29:52 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Join membership and Ela will do something cool
98 02:32:10 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
y terserah sih, asal jan nanti misuh" klo lupa mute klo dah selesai
99 02:36:31 ₫20,000   Gialice Hallo Ela, how many Doot run did you do today?
101 02:37:46 HK$25.00   simon fung WAIT IS THAT AHEGAO ON THE COVER OF VIDEO
102 02:37:57 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
it's for the greater doot
103 02:39:38 ₫50,000   Gialice
If you're on PC, you can try to spin Matsuri, then the attack will become a full circle.
104 02:42:49 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
ni niat g sih yng niuo terompet, lemes amat
106 02:44:42 HK$25.00   Junping Qiu Ela morning aerobic show will be a hit on TV!
107 02:45:22 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
bata mana bata??
108 02:48:20 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Can I adopt smol Ela? you are always bullying her~
110 03:00:37 NT$30.00   Nemo
chuchu chuchuchu
112 03:06:52 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
ah yes this is 75% skill n 25% gacha result
113 03:11:21 MYR6.00   Muhammad Maskawaih
sedang makan juga nih. mabar sama ela.
114 03:15:03 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
jadi makan bakso pake tangan?? waw
115 03:16:09 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
awas keselek bakso klo pake sedotan
116 03:17:58 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
baksonya nyangkut g di sedotan?
117 03:19:45 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
dih... sempet"ny... jaga baek" noh terompet
118 03:20:13 $5.00   Doostin Rollings
You know that line in a wedding that's like "Speak now or forever hold your peace?" What do you think of our new name.
120 03:26:41 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
yaaah.. g keselek bakso
121 03:28:30 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
rice noodles lebih kenyal sma agk bening setau ane
122 03:31:00 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
g seru, pdhal mie ayam pke bakso kan enak
123 03:35:35 $5.00   AragonBattleBorn Oh NO!!! doot. Okay you do what makes you happy Kaela.. Dad's going to watch BattleBots... (btw did you know a doot is also known as a fart in USA)
124 03:38:07 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
not hungry but always thristy for choco sensei ;)
125 03:41:07 IDR100,000.00   miku2021 38 mins to RRQ match.. Ijin belok la nanti
126 03:41:31 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
Gameplay wise, which is your favorite character?
127 03:42:31 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor
I can volunteer my hands to feed you sayang
128 03:42:46 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
izin disambi phasmoan Kael, mw madn monkey paw
132 03:47:57 ₩20,000   임동진 Sweet cool and cute Kaela's birthday? I should be tax for that.
133 03:53:14 $4.99   Doostin Rollings
I must be about to die, because I’m seeing an Angel. Is that Ollie?
134 03:55:01 $5.00   One Joke Man Kaela got 100% achievement in "cute" (additional message information: if she says cool in place of cute, she actually means cute)
135 03:55:38 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
btw, bsok stream cma 1 biji pagi?
138 04:11:41 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
you gunna get a standing gaming desk mayhaps?
139 04:13:12 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
Question. Would we receive a punishment if we bribe HoloH3ro members to request funny poses from you on your 3D debut?
140 04:14:31 A$5.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
doing physio therapy for uni i cannot advocate a standing desk for your streaming enough, continual breaks in sedentary will be better for health
141 04:14:34 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
itu ela kenapa woiiii guys? abis belok makan tadi
142 04:23:40 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
he said that after his 3M fried rice
143 04:25:01 NT$1,500.00   Walker He Ela,I took about i get fired, anyway,I finally get a job,Ela,You always encourage me,With out you,I don't have today,So if I need "Get some help",i think your my "Help",this is my first paycheck,first red SC,Is not so much,But I think this should be for you,Kaela,謝謝你
144 04:28:35 €2.00   Yamabro today's kata : Garpu
145 04:29:10 €10.00   Ben Hey Kaela, did you get a decent sleb? Hope you are having fun, dear Blacksmith.
146 04:30:27 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
Tonight I will try challenging you for 12th place.
147 04:36:59 $5.00   AragonBattleBorn
Once you get GSH achievement will you actually go outside and touch grass? pls do for the lore!! (also imagine if you had another save corrupted now.)
148 04:39:14 $5.00   AragonBattleBorn
It's a miracle that Ela touches grass.... Does she even know what grass looks like after all this time?
149 04:39:32 $5.00   Bubba Ho-tep Dominguez Do you know the IrYS Drill of Heaven/Hell build for this? Look it up..it's hilarious but effective, absolute melting
151 04:51:02 $4.99   lilperk For Taco Bell
152 04:57:31 $5.00   Bubba Ho-tep Dominguez
So Kaela does chu chu comfy and blacksmithing asmr for members? Glad I joined and if you out there haven't yet..hurry up! (this is a joke....maybe.)
153 04:58:51 $10.00   QuattroKerbecs I swear I never see anyone using the enchant function, it's actually rly good. if you have two enchanted weapons become a collab, the collab gets BOTH enchantment upgrades.
155 05:08:07 SGD2.00   Alex Siu
peck peck dainty ela
156 05:10:03 SGD5.00   Alex Siu
this reminds me of that reddit post say don't sleep but nap only
157 05:10:04 $5.00   QuattroKerbecs
I still wanna know who the villain in this game is. who is the one brainwashing the fans and turning them into funny lil mascots? WHO IS IT KAY YU???
158 05:10:49 SGD5.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor
Car goes ngennng, motorbike goes vroom, plane goes whoosh, Kaela train goes chooo chooo
159 05:11:23 ¥200   みなとみらい【SSRB、Δ】 カエラかわいすぎる。achievement 100% ganbatte !!
160 05:16:23 IDR50,000.00   ꦱꦼꦤ꧀ why suddenly i heard the shooting SFX became chu chu chu now
161 05:16:52 SGD2.00   Alex Siu
Nooooooo! holocure is an online doot doot game
162 05:18:13 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
bntar napa jringan ane jd lag? jan dtransfer npa lagny
164 05:21:12 $5.00   xRubywolfx Selamat malam Kaela and everyone hope you all are doing well having fun and stay safe
166 05:34:30 ₩5,000   테르엠 In version 0.4 ela made her first collab in 19 minutes.
167 05:35:21 PLN50.00   Piki piki even let doot do doot?
170 05:57:54 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
ane kira lag loh.. ternyata lg mikir..
171 06:00:00 IDR20,000.00   Hobito jgn lupa tidur & jgn lupa solat kaela
172 06:13:09 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
shombong bener
174 06:20:49 IDR50,000.00   Muhamad Rafi Pamungkas Hai Samyang
175 06:26:21 IDR20,000.00   Clarence yow
176 06:26:36 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
Guys, stop giving her your luck!
177 06:37:23 CA$5.00   Fonzy
my fave thing bout Matsuri is that she's super strong even she only has 1 weapon! you need the right defensive items tho XD
178 06:42:17 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
stream malem MK pake tangan, holocure pake kaki la
180 06:53:24 $100.00   Fireduck "Tooot"
181 06:54:36 IDR50,000.00   Chris never halu Gk sadar 30 menit terakhir TL kena shadow ban, sori la ada yang ilang jadinya
182 06:55:34 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
yo what the oni doin?
183 06:56:51 $50.00   Fireduck
Just wanted to say thank you, I've been here since the begining, and I hope to see you continue to grow
184 Mar 11 10:10:42 $20.00   Fireduck
You cant stop me now ! I have become more powerful than you can imagine!
185 06:58:27 $10.00   Fireduck
You are too cute and the Halu cannot be stopped!
186 06:59:03 $5.00   Fireduck
Kaela forever!!!
187 06:59:54 $2.00   Fireduck
189 07:03:29 A$2.00   Reine & Kaela make me doki doki69
yo dai yo! eh? hn~ yehehehe <3
190 07:06:04 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
hee... interesting... btw yg kmarin g dilanjutin?
191 07:06:08 $5.00   xRubywolfx
I know its the Kaela kitchen with the Kaela pots and pans with a Kaela oven and Kaela fridge
194 07:10:22 $20.00   Fireduck
Could you answer my 9 month question real quick Did you ever see yourself in this situation? I Mean the answer is probably no, but like even close? or something similar when you were planning life?
195 07:11:09 ₩5,000   코코 I was on V LIVE when I was working, but you're on V LIVE even after work..ela..
197 07:13:40 $10.00   Fireduck
Sometimes the plan just works
198 07:15:41 $5.00   Fireduck
Get Sleep!