top Merge real-time and archive extraction supacha is shown here.
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
$ USD 22 303.44 \41,396
EUR EUR 11 259.98 \37,569
PHP PHP 15 10512.00 \26,064
IDR IDR 35 2900777.00 \25,953
YEN YEN 23 16420 \16,420
WON KRW 4 150000 \15,542
NT$ TWD 11 2145.00 \9,557
VND 4 420000 \2,408
£ GBP 1 10.00 \1,642
A$ AUD 4 17.00 \1,565
MYR MYR 3 51.00 \1,552
RON RON 1 50.00 \1,466
CA$ CAD 2 10.00 \1,002
ARS ARS 1 450.00 \311
HK$ HKD 1 10.00 \173
---- ---- ---- ---- \182,620

no time
org currency icon name message
1 Mar 2 07:33:07 $0.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
2 Mar 2 07:41:43 €1.49   zipli
16 Mar 2 10:34:43 ¥200   Steaky Suteki 素敵ステーキ Chief have you tried turning the internet on & off
22 00:00:45 $5.00   TaiyakiFerret WB Chief! We missed you! Where Bazo???
24 00:01:03 IDR20,000.00   Andito Daffa Chief kangen
27 00:01:21 ¥500   ジュドナス@ジュドさんです ゼータちゃんこんばんは Glad you stream! Thank you! Have a cup of coffee later with this.
29 00:01:45 CA$5.00   Justin Reinhart Welcome back, Chief! We missed you. I hope you had fun meeting your senpais.
31 00:02:05 IDR50,000.00   John Yogi Welcome back zet, I miss you so much
33 00:02:11 €1.49   zipli
34 00:02:14 €2.00   zipli
35 00:02:15 €5.00   zipli
36 00:02:17 €10.00   zipli
37 00:02:17 €20.00   zipli
38 00:02:19 €50.00   zipli
39 00:02:21 €100.00   zipli
Finally some Zetamin. We were dying chief. DYING
42 00:02:47 ¥200   せんせい, おかえり〜日本楽しんでるかい
44 00:03:04 IDR200,000.00   FBC I-it's not like i miss you or anything... But fr, it's good to have you back
47 00:03:25 ¥500   イズナ0025 ゼータちゃんひさしぶり♪あいたかった♪にほんはたのしかった?おいしいものはたべたかな?
48 00:03:29 IDR50,000.00   Yeonier OUR CATLORD IS BACK
49 00:03:34 IDR159,000.00   Cefilua Kangen jet
51 00:03:54 $19.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
Hi Zeta. Welcome back. I hope you have a great time in Japan, visit a lot of interesting places, eat a lot of food and hang out with other Holomembers. I’m so happy and proud of you Zeta. Its 2:30AM here, maybe i stay for 1h.
53 00:03:59 ₫100,000   nora sino CATLORD おかえり
54 00:03:46 PHP125.00   Take Shi Bazo doko?
55 00:04:15 IDR100,000.00   Type III error Hows your secret mission going Chief? Did you eliminate all the target?
56 00:04:16 IDR100,000.00   Anchor Vath kangen?-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-betsuni
57 00:04:37 MYR15.00   LiuBei168 Welcome back our CATLORD Sama
58 00:04:37 ₩100,000   SnowRed Zeta catlord is come back!
59 00:04:40 ¥5,000   ウエス おかえりなさい
60 00:04:44 ₩30,000   no (wordless superchat)
61 00:04:46 RON50.00   Silverlord Welcome back. chief! Tribute to the LORD!
65 00:05:08 ₫50,000   Giorgio Welcome back CATLORD, missed you a tons while you gone
66 00:05:10 ¥200   目黒_meguro How did you like working with Bazo's assistant?
67 00:05:11 ¥500   かいと おかえり~
69 00:05:22 IDR20,000.00   Hafiz AF Akhirnya asupan zetamin ku terpenuhi
70 00:05:44 ¥500   神楽アシス😎 おかえり~!日本はたのしかったかな?Welcome back! Did you had gret time in Japan!?
71 00:05:45 IDR20,000.00   Leon V. Helsing Gimana rasanya nyelundupin tupai ke Jepang wkwkwkw
73 00:05:36 ¥500   ーぷはー Zetaちゃんおかえりなさい
77 00:05:22 IDR20,000.00   Dikaaa aku kirim ini bukan karena aku kangen ya hmmph
85 00:07:58 NT$30.00   ~RAW~ Cable daijobu??
86 00:08:30 IDR50,000.00   Type III error
You want to eat cable? Sure
87 00:08:48 ¥500   ヤモリと針と4本弦 o7 chief I grad to hear you enjoyed your trip to japan (and also meeting with JP holomem)
88 00:09:00 ¥500   Steaky Suteki 素敵ステーキ
べっべっべべべBETSU NI!!!ゼータちゃんがしばらく配信してないから寂しかったとか、久しぶりに声が聞けて良かったとか、そっそんなんじゃないからね!!!
89 00:09:19 IDR100,000.00   Aoi Tenshi Kirain nih channel dah berubah nama jadi punya Bazo-sama
90 00:09:34 NT$150.00   ~RAW~
Okaeri, Chief~
94 00:09:53 ₫70,000   KGB not much but hope you accept it
95 00:09:58 ¥500   コーデリア【Cordelia】 おかえりなさいゼータちゃん!日本楽しかった?
99 00:10:35 NT$75.00   ~RAW~
Zeta selalu benar
100 00:10:53 ¥500   邦蓮houren おかえりなさいゼータちゃん。日本を楽しめましたか?
106 00:12:08 NT$1,500.00   Brian Chang Welcome back chief! miss you so much. Hope you got enough rest and fun in Japan!
107 00:12:15 ¥500   NEO ゼータちゃんおかえりー!!!
111 00:14:18 ₩10,000   Z9 sub【제타 키리누키】 おかえりなさい!okaerinasai my chief!
113 00:15:32 IDR79,000.00   Ordinary Aight not prerecorded, welcome back Zeta
119 00:20:14 $30.00   Aster Welcome back Chief! I missed you but thanks to your amazing Kawaikute Gomen cover, I've been getting daily Chus anyway. Fresh Zetamin from the source is always best though. Glad you're back and I hope you enjoyed your trip!
122 00:21:55 ¥1,000   heno への happy to see u chief -w-)/ okaeri!! how was the cold season? take care of urself in weather change!
125 00:22:05 PHP125.00   Take Shi
we really missed you chief all kidding aside where is bazo?
126 00:22:44 $10.00   SgtSprit3 Lost device funds
127 00:23:14 IDR50,000.00   Clarence Kiva Welcome Back Chief also chief... お土産どこ?
128 00:24:48 IDR100,000.00   SilverMoon For your lost device
129 00:25:03 NT$75.00   Fraze Not backuping important file, losing all of WIP project, troubling M chan, pranking M chan. Maybe you need to repeat year and rejoin gen 4 Zeta
130 00:25:55 IDR40,000.00   Hana
131 00:27:21 ¥200   Steaky Suteki 素敵ステーキ
132 00:28:01 NT$75.00   ~RAW~
urunan lost device, Chief~
134 00:29:13 ¥320   三峯 / Mitsumine Welcome back catlord! Glad that you enjoyed japan!
136 00:29:51 $4.99   iPRO Wafflez You should ask polka to go to the same place she did for bungee and skydive lol
138 00:30:37 $50.00   Vergil_Fox (wordless superchat)
139 00:31:15 IDR20,000.00   ꦱꦼꦤ꧀ What did you eat there? Whiskas ada?
141 00:30:57 IDR100,000.00   iim (wordless superchat)
142 00:31:23 IDR20,000.00   Bang Nugs We already have Suichopath, now there's Psychocat
144 00:31:37 IDR20,000.00   Kyumiii Di JP ketemu siapa aja? meet sama stars juga kah?
146 00:33:35 IDR20,000.00   Luscious HaluStar Ch Nyyaaaaa! Nyeoow!! Aing Kucing
148 00:35:44 PHP125.00   Basti kun I thought I was gonna die of Zetamin deficiency Welcome back chief, hope you enjoyed your stay Indanihon :_o7zeta:
149 00:38:20 $2.00   Pink Gold Daisy I missed my favorite catlord! welcome back
151 00:40:42 $100.00   Rin おかえり Zeta~ No tsun today cuz ngl I missed u a lot lol. To the point I honestly was feeling anxious opening this stream . But I'm glad u are back safely. Glad to hear that u got a lot of works done during break and is still a tsundere like usual
152 00:41:07 $1.49   Pink Gold Daisy
154 00:41:59 IDR77,777.00   Mas Maman
155 00:42:35 $5.00   Rin
157 00:45:03 ¥500   Bruce Good to have you back, chief! Happy you enjoyed your time here in Japan! Come back soon
161 00:51:02 $10.00   Rin
Live Action Tom and Jerry
162 00:52:29 CA$5.00   Musashi Cam Were you able to restrain yourself from trying to eat her?
164 00:54:47 PHP125.00   Cams
166 01:00:15 IDR50,000.00   FBC
You tweeted about winning a staring contest with a cat one day, what's the story on that?
167 01:00:29 ₫200,000   Giligowla Mugs welcome back zeta! did you try to smell en or jp members? :D
169 01:01:37 IDR50,000.00   Anchor Vath
You said you held hands with everyone, so.. rate their hands, who has best hands
170 01:02:55 $5.00   Rin
Did you go to a maid cafe and get "moe moe kyun" by a REAL tsundere maid?
172 01:03:59 $5.00   Rin
No. You didnt even give us "Moe moe kyun". It was rigged
173 01:06:26 $10.00   Aznsoulreaper Were you able to try out an onsen? Also welcome back! Missed your cool energy
174 01:07:14 HK$10.00   vRieLskuy welcome bacc chief i miss your voice, so comfy :3
175 01:10:09 NT$30.00   ~RAW~
Did you go to any Shrine/Temple there ?
176 01:10:22 MYR30.00   Muhammad Maskawaih Welcome back, chief! Did you meet any cat in Japan or at least Okayu-senpai? And lord over them?
179 01:13:23 ₩10,000   정동석 Jung_Dong_Suk Zeta!!! we missed you so much!!! 너무 보고싶었어요!!!
181 01:14:30 £10.00   DarkWr4ith Welcome back chief! I am glad you had a great time and met with all your senpais.
182 01:14:58 $5.00   Silly Ivan Hail to the CHIEF
183 01:16:02 IDR50,000.00   SlumberJack Welcome back Chief. Sorry for everything while You are gone, really glad you back here Chief. Glad You had fun in Japan! oh and rest well after this~
184 Mar 2 11:52:43 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ) Welcome back Catlord, did you meet you manage to meet with your army of Cats on their secret base thats ironically known as Cat Islands?
186 01:17:52 IDR50,000.00   jonathan ryan j original song??? woow gaksabar sii yipiee, semangat bikinnya smoga lancar n.... smoga aku ga ketauan belok
188 01:18:22 ARS450.00   Zenio 😈 Okaeri~ I hope you enjoy you time in Japan and meet with senpais
190 01:19:30 NT$30.00   ~RAW~
definitely like Michael Moose there
191 01:20:20 $10.00   Rin
Day 1 come back and VOD is gonna be gone. Never change Zeta, never change.
193 01:22:01 PHP37.00   Cams
194 01:22:15 IDR20,000.00   Restyna Fauzia (wordless superchat)
195 01:22:25 PHP50.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
196 01:22:54 PHP125.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
197 01:23:26 PHP250.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
198 01:23:28 IDR50,000.00   AbsintheVii Welcome back catlord, saatnya free superchat? miss ur stream so much
199 01:23:40 PHP500.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
200 01:24:22 IDR20,000.00   Restyna Fauzia
Hi could you please say "Hi Timothy"
202 01:24:26 PHP1,250.00   Cams
(wordless superchat)
205 01:24:48 ¥200   Steaky Suteki 素敵ステーキ
I missed your window wiper laugh, this is zetamin
207 01:24:58 PHP2,500.00   Cams
I'm furry glad you're back, chief! I missed getting whiplash whenever you talk and switch languages. Anw, good to hear you've enjoyed your break. Hope the travel helped you recharge and destress. I wonder how you've managed your other travels when you get lost easily
209 01:25:24 €50.00   zipli
Lost files funds
212 01:26:47 €10.00   zipli
Remember, getting lost is just an excuse to see new places. Don't even worry about it.
213 01:27:55 PHP50.00   Take Shi
no funds funds
214 Mar 2 12:03:39 PHP2,500.00   byonni This new holoID VTuber looks cute and seiso. Nice to meet you! I can't wait to see what you'll do in the future!
215 01:28:17 NT$75.00   Fraze
yeah thats true, just like losing your work file is another way to refine it
221 01:30:35 NT$75.00   ~RAW~
Gen 4 be like : cringe and scary at the same time
223 01:31:25 ¥500   ラズライト せいそTSKR! Zetaちゃん、おかえりー
224 01:32:48 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ)
When you were in Japan did you eat Sushi with any of the other members? Did you greet them by saying "Wa Sup B"?
226 01:34:18 $5.00   Rin
Gen 4 debut. Zeta be like "Do you have a moment to talk about my lord and savior, the great Overwatch?"
227 01:34:46 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
I have to go to work in 3 hours. Welcome back Zeta
229 01:36:24 A$2.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ)
Wait, so the toilet's dont play Mozart?
230 01:36:32 $1.99   Your Boy Stephen Adams[ステフエん・アダムス]
232 01:36:50 IDR50,000.00   fuadilah mursyid edison Lampu merahnya, sama zebracross nya juga khas
233 01:37:33 IDR100,000.00   Mr. Doctor CHIEEFF... Miss you so much!! I hope you have a blast at Japan. Sorry I could not watch this stream till the end bcz I got a mission. Still as ur doctor, I have to say this. EAT YOUR VEGGIES!!
235 01:38:32 MYR6.00   Shunko(シュンコウ) We missed sending fr** SCs, that's all ()
236 01:38:47 NT$30.00   ~RAW~
moshi2, Oozora Police~ I want to make a report
238 01:42:03 ¥500   Steaky Suteki 素敵ステーキ
BE-BETSU NI! Its nut like I missed DEEZ Cute Kawaii PON CATLORD or anything, B-BKA OKAERI, Heres some VEGGIES
239 01:44:57 IDR20,000.00   Anchor Vath
OFc you're in Japan, look at that background
240 01:45:08 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ)
Did you manage to eat any unique style of foods? Did you try Shirako...?
241 01:47:25 IDR5,000.00   rotation87PS (wordless superchat)
243 01:56:15 PHP250.00   Cams
My friend from Japan said CND is a must try there. Have you?
244 01:57:03 ¥1,000   MATAJIRO ゼータちゃん日本からかえってきてつかれてるだろうから、ゆっくり休んでね
245 02:03:19 $10.00   Rin
Any plan for 700k subs? Can we get a karaoke stream?
247 02:05:20 ¥1,600   木 口 きょうな
248 02:06:28 IDR20,000.00   Reynaldi Ferliez Sullivan Noooo, don't leave.
249 02:06:50 $10.00   Rin
250 02:07:07 PHP2,500.00   Cams
Thanks for the stream Bazo-sama
251 02:07:54 €10.00   zipli
252 Mar 2 12:43:49 IDR1,000,000.00   Cefilua
(wordless superchat)