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title【Phasmophobia】horror midnight with Kaeluarga【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
$ USD 24 83.06 \11,825
EUR EUR 16 50.00 \7,810
IDR IDR 32 805000.00 \7,543
MYR MYR 10 94.60 \2,954
NT$ TWD 4 405.00 \1,817
DKK DKK 1 69.00 \1,446
MX$ MXN 3 120.00 \998
HK$ HKD 3 30.00 \547
YEN YEN 2 542 \542
SEK SEK 1 20.00 \267
A$ AUD 1 2.69 \251
SGD SGD 1 2.00 \212
---- ---- ---- ---- \36,212

no time
org currency icon name message
1 Aug 7 14:25:29 $5.00   Andrew Swallie Keyboard broke so I cant join today.. technical difficulties means I cant draw a prediction yet either But theres always our future! We'll get there!
2 Aug 7 14:26:20 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
I gtg work to buy a new one. sorry MalamLa
3 Aug 7 14:38:36 €5.00   Yamabro my search history is full of batik batik, sarong, kebaya and kursi for the outfit prediction (not sure the last one is related but yeah)
6 00:03:19 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KPF Engineering Supervisor Here to watch the ghost play Kaelaphobia
8 00:04:05 IDR20,000.00   Jacob J Weebs 3 professional ghost hunter + 1 comedian. ikzzzz
9 00:04:14 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar phasmo time with Kaela? it's tumbal time then. Hf Kael numbalin Kaeluarga malam ni
10 Aug 7 14:53:02 MYR6.00   Muhammad Maskawaih Malam, Ela! Have fun playing with Kaeluarga~
11 00:05:21 $5.00   The Professor Keen It's morning for me, Also please join Holobirds team. I would love to see you sing and/or dance. I know you can do it very well.
14 00:06:20 €5.00   Ben Kaela, I am scared in the dark, can I hold on to you while you do your thing?
15 00:07:19 ¥320   ゆでガエル Kaela~!touching grass おつかれさま〜!!
16 00:07:45 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
I hate missing streams Ill relax someday. ty + hf
17 00:08:02 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j udh ku bilang ges taro aja muka octopus. damai la
18 00:08:09 IDR50,000.00   Teddygoo テディグ Can't join due to work.... Have fun tho ela. To Kaeluarga, don't forget smudge stick when your oshi suddenly goes silent
19 00:08:13 MYR15.00   PewChan Thanks for today play toghether ela. Since today is my birthday, it's kinda special for me if can play phasmo together with you later
22 00:09:05 IDR20,000.00   Octopus Ayo la scam kaeluarga pake cursed item
23 00:10:15 MYR15.00   L M A O L M A O YEYYY ME GODL NOW!! I missed you very much Kaela, finally recovered from my surgery and now I can Halu HEHEHEHE love you
24 00:10:35 $5.00   LSW I don't play phasmo, but I hope you have a lot of fun. I love you forever - platonic love only omg
25 00:11:26 ¥222   たっつ222 いつもありがとう Saya akan mendukungnya
26 00:12:18 MYR6.90   Daniel wong PLAY phasmo with PC (PEMALOE CHU) GLHF Malam ela
27 00:12:34 €5.00   Yamabro
My kursi told me about the traditional theme for new outfits (i'm lying, Kobo's crown and teaser spoil the theme)
28 00:12:46 $5.69   hissatsu99 Every time Kaela says "I won't do anything": Someone ends up on fire
30 00:14:28 NT$75.00   Sodanin kaela, can you reveal some arrangements for the birthday ?
31 00:14:52 IDR20,000.00   Felisyus thi hint is ivirywhiri.... anyway, good luck
33 00:15:25 €2.00   Yamabro
Guys the hint is the day she tweeted "AAAAAZJENJQ"
35 Aug 7 15:04:40 HK$10.00   Sodanin
its a big hint?
36 00:16:51 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
just saw a clip: zeta said gen 3=komedian. stuju!
38 00:18:28 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
lama2 ni nama ku ganti jdi auto corrected by kaela
39 00:19:45 $2.69   hissatsu99
Favorite Language: DOOT DOOT DOOOOOT
40 00:20:24 A$2.69   Doggo --phobiaz
41 00:22:07 HK$10.00   Sodanin
comedian streamer and her comedian fans lemao
43 00:29:24 €2.00   Yamabro
idk who turned into monkey but that was funny
44 00:40:34 IDR20,000.00   Bung Kikal CHILL LA CHILL
47 00:41:53 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17 Siyal gabisa redi
49 00:42:28 IDR20,000.00   IcWaffle ngga pemaloe ngga Oshi sama aja
50 00:42:41 IDR50,000.00   Nal Kaela sebutin satu skin knife favoritmu di valorant
51 00:42:42 IDR20,000.00   Bung Kikal
kalian adek kakak maen yg akur yak Naga sama Ela
52 00:42:52 IDR5,000.00   Farrel Jonathan (wordless superchat)
53 Aug 7 15:31:42 MYR6.00   Holobaby I will zenlost next round , btw challenge is fun
54 00:43:05 IDR20,000.00   Leotan bang.. aku ketinggalan
57 00:47:33 IDR20,000.00   Nando 13 money nya ngga reset , aku punya 100k mwehehe
58 00:49:25 IDR20,000.00   Nando 13
coba tanya naga kalo ga percaya
59 Aug 7 15:38:13 IDR20,000.00   dek lemon skill issue la
60 Aug 7 15:38:44 €2.00   Yamabro
skill issue
61 00:59:13 €2.00   Yamabro
ma'am the ghost, your back is on the wrong side
62 00:59:54 HK$10.00   Sodanin
mama i'm so scare!!
65 01:06:38 $1.99   Johnny Fatass When are we playin a game of phas?
66 01:08:45 $5.00   Shercove I'd like to report Kaela for griefing.
68 01:10:57 IDR20,000.00   Dohip seriously i die, even tho i hide
69 01:13:01 $5.00   JoeFu once again i feel like i do nothing Thank you for the fun Ela
70 01:14:02 MYR6.90   PewChan
ADUH CRASH. Ultah gini amat dah
71 01:14:45 MYR6.90   PewChan
Iya sih. Bukan di api unggun
72 01:20:06 IDR20,000.00   Bae we da hobby Maria Robinson: :_dhlh:
73 01:20:26 €2.00   Yamabro
I'm glad i'm not that ghost
74 01:23:06 $5.00   Shercove
75 01:23:31 $2.00   Doostin Rollings I'll be at work for 6 more hours, wait for me ok?
78 01:40:44 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
hilih, tdi klo ngikutin stu salah jawab
80 01:48:00 €5.00   Yamabro
I was hiding but still, i'm gonna go back fight that ghost with kursi and meja
81 01:48:37 €2.00   Yamabro
you died first
82 01:49:11 €2.00   Yamabro
skill issue excuses
83 Aug 7 16:46:30 IDR20,000.00   Curtsey i'm die at what cost
84 01:59:26 €2.00   Yamabro
Curtsey lets go fight that ghost together
85 02:00:10 €2.00   Yamabro
change of plan, lets go fight Ela
86 Aug 7 16:52:52 IDR20,000.00   IcWaffle
Zenloss is real
87 02:04:45 DKK69.00   KloneTuul kaeluarga make wish Foundation only wish zenloss
88 02:23:17 $2.00   Magdalenus Rex Bad day, lost earbuds and stuck on bus all day ;-;
89 02:32:43 $5.69   twitjesse A lot of zenloss happening. Are you using kaeluarga as some sort of zenloss sacrifice to improve your luck against it solo?
90 02:38:17 IDR50,000.00   Yasume Yukito Thank you, Ela! Maaf kena bamboozle hantunya, ga bisa bantu banyak T)T Good luck!!!
91 02:38:45 IDR50,000.00   jonathan ryan j
gonna put my luck for you here. not for this stream but for touching grass, work, brainstorming/braindestroying stuff, n idea surfing. bubay me zzz...
92 02:41:32 $2.00   Polymer Trash im so noob i almost got lost in the house lmao
93 02:46:09 IDR20,000.00   Daniel thx for the game la, sry cant saying much too nerv
94 02:46:28 NT$30.00   貓肉哥 你好 可愛的企鵝<3 ㄅㄆㄇㄈ~
95 02:48:40 MX$50.00   Rene Alarcon There should be a disclaimer on this stream: "There is a high probability of scams and losing your stuff"
96 02:50:52 $2.00   Polymer Trash
thanks for the very NT game and the free $130 yayy
97 02:51:57 NT$150.00   一袋米扛幾樓 Kaela 可愛
98 02:53:46 IDR20,000.00   Dohip
maaf la, DC
99 02:53:59 SEK20.00   CireLink Så Gullig!
100 02:54:30 $2.00   JoeFu
ela, next time 中文 only ghost hunting challenge?
102 02:56:33 MYR10.00   John Kh Kaela 又酷又可愛啦,我很愛愛愛愛
104 02:58:21 IDR20,000.00   Dohip
otsu everyone, turu dlu guys, phasmo menolak saya
105 02:58:47 NT$150.00   拎拎 OK,I'll get some help, but kaela still cool and cute 妳很可愛,我喜歡看妳的直播
106 03:03:10 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
btw hari ini jadwalny gmn Kael? stream malem?
107 03:14:32 IDR20,000.00   harvewizz (wordless superchat)
108 03:14:49 MX$50.00   Rene Alarcon
Man, my Pokemon Unite Tourney Gambling Ring is now ruined. People are now requesting refunds. I have to go into hiding now.
109 03:15:59 €5.00   Yamabro
Kaela doing free talk, me playing with random items, QuattroKerbecs carrying 3 people, I didn't want to disturb pro player lemaoo
110 03:17:00 €2.00   Yamabro
I put candle and book down, otsu
111 03:17:17 $5.00   QuattroKerbecs i swear if they update the game while im on vacation next week im gonna be mad, i refuse to let kaela get a head start on me
112 03:24:34 €5.00   Yamabro
Actually I have an excuse for why I didn't help a lot quattro, cause I wasn't able to hear him and you on the radio idk why, no skill issue here fr fr
113 03:25:50 $5.00   QuattroKerbecs
if i could send sign language thru my microphone i would. it's all good tho yamabro xD
114 03:26:21 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
noted, btw thanks for the hard work and the game Kael, jan lpa istirahat. cape bgt kliatanny dri suara situ
115 Aug 7 18:28:14 MYR6.90   PewChan
Thanks for the game. Btw, besok start stream pagi?
116 03:41:53 $2.00   DaisyThePug busca ayuda
117 03:42:06 $5.00   Andrew Swallie
ty for stream! GL with Unite.. just hack in Lee sin, hit a wardhop insec you'll do great I'll have a keyboard for next time, just you wait! MalamLa~
118 03:43:15 MYR15.00   Muhammad Maskawaih
Thanks for the game! Finally a game I won with Kaela after several play-along despite being dead. Good luck on your works! Cant wait for your events!!
119 03:43:29 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
if inting sion is a thing, is there one in unite?
120 03:43:35 IDR20,000.00   Kola-Kola thanks for the game, have good rest kaela
121 03:43:59 $2.00   Blarghnox thanks for the stream ela, luv u no Halu fr fr
122 03:45:08 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
more deaths = more win, 175 = 300 (Toplaner joke)
124 03:51:19 MX$20.00   Rene Alarcon
"Post on X" will always sound sus. Take care Kaela