配信名【Slime Rancher 2】Am Slime | #3
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 53 911.09 \116,507
WON KRW 5 165000 \17,100
NT$ TWD 4 3105.00 \13,076
A$ AUD 6 104.99 \9,258
EUR EUR 4 40.99 \5,653
CA$ CAD 6 57.25 \5,421
MYR MYR 1 150.00 \4,443
NZ$ NZD 2 25.00 \2,050
VND 2 250000 \1,362
IDR IDR 2 70000.00 \591
YEN YEN 1 500 \500
PHP PHP 3 150.00 \351
MX$ MXN 2 50.00 \337
HK$ HKD 1 10.00 \163
THB THB 1 40.00 \154
---- ---- ---- ---- \176,966

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
6 00:00:53 $5.00   Rice Only you could make yesterday's stream that hilarious. Only you can get me so excited for today. It's something only you can do. Thank you. Much love!
7 00:01:00 $69.69   Misery🌿Clockroach Puppeteer of the Divine Swarm *slimy pomf* What are we gonna do on the farm? :3
8 00:01:00 HK$10.00   Noel Sylphiel - Jokerronii Lover Hope you have fun kronii
9 00:02:00 A$20.00   NineBreaker Protip: Try to not fall off the cliffs this time to avoid Zenloss again
12 00:03:14 $10.00   Vating Every time you kill a slime I die a little inside please keep my soul intact.
13 00:03:20 €20.00   SamGoesBy, Sleepy Baguette Slimes! I may just live out my namesake tonight, feel a little sorry about it, but the game is so chill, y'know? I guess if things happen in game I might wake up still teehee
14 00:03:23 $4.99   SIR956⏳♾️ Hi Kronii hope you had a great day epic stream yesterday keep being awesome
16 00:03:57 $5.00   Seanchuro Can't keep track of time, but still warden of time
17 00:04:23 MX$25.00   StarMech ...was yesterdays kronii...mirror?..no....NO....
18 00:04:38 $10.00   Slayerrcks Have you seen Kill Bean Forver it seems like a good watchalong movie.
19 00:04:45 $10.00   NeoMatrix The ranch must grow, the voices demand it
20 00:06:51 $5.00   Alva Wildfire Glad i can actually stick around for this one without falling asleep try not to fall off any cliffs Warden. Love ya have fun!
21 00:07:03 $5.00   Outlawed Drifter I go into cryosleep when youre not streaming.Also did you know the light novel you did a reading of now has an anime? It wont be the same without you.
22 00:07:04 €5.99   Fedriz Marini Remember, always avoid borders that leads to water, especially when carrying lots of slime… but hopefully nothing like that will happen… again
23 00:07:23 $5.00   LC_Lapen Gotta be VOD gang again today, the mind is willing but the body is...pretty sleep deprived. Have a good stream, and hope you've been getting rest too!
24 00:08:03 ₩5,000   Cloud Rain / Bloodless Demon Well well, are you afraid of falling down to the ocean and Zenloss? Then Jetpack is the answer! Make it now and fly high!
25 00:09:38 $10.00   KC Akisu Some of the chillest streams to be had until you commit crimes against slimekind. Keep tending and terrorizing the poor things and have a good one!
26 00:10:09 ₩50,000   Park Yong Ki박용기 Kronichiwasup!, Now in here, it's Lunar Holiday week! so I wanna say to you Happy new year , 明けましておめでとうございます, 새해 복 많이 받으세요, ¡Le deseo a usted también feliz año nuevo, Bonne année! also everyone and all Kronies too! I hope you enjoy the rest of 2023!
27 00:10:32 $10.00   Whoops My Bad A rice farmer last week and now a slime rancher this week truly a warden of many talents
28 00:12:22 ₩50,000   PONG Kronii I've been listening to all of your songs and I love your flexibility of vocal range! so to celebrate gwaking awesome Kronii and CouncilRys' first time at HoloFes we are planning to do a fan ad in Japan during HoloFes! Hope you like it :)
29 00:13:57 $5.00   Avenged me Kronii, I had a weird dream last night, I dreamt that we were childhood friends and you builed me alot. That's it.
31 00:15:17 $1.99   SIR956⏳♾️
Oh nyo indeed kronii
32 00:17:06 $100.00   Joseph Perez ( wah wah )Gold Slime likes vegetable
33 00:21:16 $5.00   AquaticLettuce Ready to make that money money and make it rizzy in Slime Rancher?
34 00:22:37 $4.99   SIR956⏳♾️
Yo Kronii you finna share some of your slime ranching profits with us fellow kronies
35 00:25:46 ₩10,000   Zenya Ayo farmsteronii, gotta join vod gang today have fun ranchin those slimes and take care!
38 00:28:45 $100.00   Joseph Perez
wah ( I think you got knocked out )
40 00:40:28 $10.00   K1 I hate the cold, but it's a good excuse to stay in with two of my favorite things: hot cocoa and a comfy stream with you! Makes me all mushy and happy just like a slime
41 00:41:08 A$5.00   Magicdonuts117 I can't believe you just slurp up slimes without their permission. What gives you that right?
42 00:41:40 CA$2.00   Orange Robot Here is the money I pooped out, Kronii
43 00:42:07 $25.00   MisterVeeg plort - nah, I'm jokin'
44 00:42:23 $0.99   V-Faction
45 00:42:46 $0.99   V-Faction
46 00:44:22 $5.00   Corn in Butter I mean we are slaves to your charm, we can work for free on the farm. Values
48 00:45:32 $20.00   dabombishere123 VOD gang, but go get ‘em slimes, Rancheronii Nothing can escape the great power of your succ Looking forward to the Tenet watchalong. Thanks for the stream
49 00:47:21 $1.49   Robin Dude
51 00:50:09 €5.00   ichisake She imprisons slimes in prisoner camps. only concerned about certain races. exercises violence to impose her rule. only cares about profits. Values
55 00:58:00 IDR50,000.00   kusuma k Didn't I do it for you Didn't I do it for you When all I do is for you Kronie~
56 01:03:36 $20.00   Tate Aniki Somehow deciding to feed the meat-eating slimes, well, meat is what constitutes as an ethical dilemma on this farm. Don't worry about the hens, Kronii; just think of the profit margins, that'll surely ease your conscience.
58 01:12:07 $20.00   TopNepGear I never thought I would see the day when Kronii would fly so gracefully through the sky in Slime Rancher 2. Brings a tear to my eye.
59 01:13:56 NZ$20.00   Lev S⌛ Kronichiwa Kronii, sorry I can't join in for today's stream I got extra quests to accomplish. Hope you have fun with everyone. Ps. I downloaded FEH all because of you, this is my 8th gacha game, now I will be homeress...
61 01:19:11 ₫50,000   Magnum Boost Do a flip
62 01:20:26 $5.00   Zaめ Praying to Kronii to win the holofes lotteries. I need to see Gura tail wagging and Kronii twer- hips swaying
63 01:25:21 A$50.00   Thomas Jones HEY kronii when will your managers let you stream play the witcher 3, it's such a good game. hope you have a great week
64 01:28:56 NT$1,500.00   九尾焱狐 Kyubi
65 01:31:31 PHP50.00   TacoCurse kronii the gaslighter can you share your wisdom
67 01:39:21 NT$75.00   Peggy Ro (a無言スパチャ)
68 01:39:48 $10.00   Kaz Te quiero Mucho mi Reina del Tiempo ya tienes a un mexa que te apoya, que te vaya muy bien como miembro de Council y te deseo lo mejor
69 01:40:46 $5.00   GrumbleDogg[Cardinal of Chaos] (a無言スパチャ)
70 01:41:25 A$10.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ) Kronii, is this a sign? Should we, chat be careful that you may be considering sending us to the Ram Ranch?
71 01:43:43 $5.00   Guysavage Comfy stream, My name is better than Ogden btw. Youre just jealous
72 01:49:57 $5.00   FUNscentedCamel Slime Rancher 1 got me through 2020 and 2 is such a massive graphical upgrade it looks so pretty. Almost as pretty as the new Mario movie starring Chr
73 01:51:13 $19.99   Kurozora Thanks for the slime ranchin’! It sure helped me keep calm and got me to finishing my first Sacred Stones run just in time for Engage’s release. I can see why it’s such a beloved game to you now. I had lots of fun with it.
74 01:57:24 IDR20,000.00   桂木 へいわ クロニー様ごきげんよう
75 02:07:24 $100.00   Jokerpuku (1/2)Heya Kronii! Gonna be my birthday tomorrow and just wanna say thanks for all the fun memories! Always love our banter and thanks for teaching me Korean! I was kinda in a slump way back when but it changed when I got to know you and the kronies. So thank you again!
76 02:07:43 $100.00   Jokerpuku
(2/2)I'm really enjoying life as it is. Gonna be celebrating tomorrow with the homies and was wondering, could you give me a number and that'll be how many shots I'll take in your honor. No need to hold back, maybe payback for all the times I trolled you. I can take it
77 02:10:27 $20.00   V-Faction
The Pacifist Ocean
78 02:12:05 $10.00   Javier Reyes I'm the better Javier
79 02:12:18 $5.00   Vating
Flutter is the cutest thing I have ever seen and I will die to protect its existence now.
80 Jan 20 04:16:13 $1.99   jhgfhjkg kjgkjh god i want to sniff kronii's feet
81 02:17:02 ₫200,000   Triet Lam (a無言スパチャ)
83 02:22:23 $2.00   jootadoot thanks for comfy
84 02:36:33 $20.00   Karona Kronii, I've come to bargain. If you would grant me the gacha luck for the holofest ticket, I will offer some heart felt SC praising you and your perfection
86 02:51:47 $10.00   Alejandro Martinez What about the Disney shorts like the old man from Toy Story 2 playing chess by himself? did you like those?
87 03:01:28 $9.99   SIR956⏳♾️
10/10 would recommend anyone to listen/watch this wonderful time warden while learning to play card games
89 03:23:23 CA$5.00   Sean Which fruit do you think would be your favourite, Kronii?
90 03:28:23 NT$1,500.00   Ar_r
91 03:38:59 CA$5.00   KT Talking about how good the honey slimes are. Water slimes must be feeling neglected right now
92 03:39:15 CA$10.00   Juntal Calos Thank you for the chill stream of Slime Prison... I mean Rancher 2! It's more a game I enjoy to watch then play but it seems really fun~ However the slime revolution will come..!
93 03:39:46 NT$30.00   わためが大好きな夜勤Kronies蒼流俊【AORYU SHUN】
94 03:40:44 PHP50.00   TacoCurse
ill stay here even when there is no morestream
95 03:41:43 $20.00   Soren Era you know you tell us to stop calling you cute but then you act cute what's with that? comfy stream btw
96 03:42:34 MYR150.00   NightBunny夜兔 Happy Belated New Year Kronii-sama! Congrats on the new drip, you look lovely and perfect as ever. Your streams makes me happy and wholesome, for that I thank you. I wish you great health, lots of joy, and abundance of success in your endeavours!
97 04:12:28 NZ$5.00   Lev S⌛
Hello, I am back from the quest. By the looks of it Kronii, I think we need more chicken.
98 04:14:27 THB40.00   Encouragement (Alive) The happy ending is the end, they will be together
99 04:19:12 PHP50.00   TacoCurse
if it were frostpunk kron she wouldnt sugarcoat it
100 04:23:37 $5.00   Tate Aniki
Some days in this game you can't just cockadoodle do it anymore. Valiant birds, we salute thee.
101 04:25:58 ¥500   MinuteMaid:iSha(아이샤) I am cute too. Please say You are so cute too
102 04:27:49 $20.00   Sabas sacrifices were made, RIP chickens. but making some decent progress this evening!
103 04:29:23 $20.00   BurritoTime That was a fun adventure! I had a chill time drinkin some coff. Thanks for the stream, nice progress today
105 04:39:15 €10.00   SamGoesBy, Sleepy Baguette
I fell asleep to cute slimes being cute, I wake up to Chicken torture simulator, why are you like this?
106 04:42:11 $10.00   MisterVeeg
Had fun. 'preciate ya
107 04:42:54 ₩50,000   No. 1729 Thank you for the comfy stream!
108 04:44:02 $20.00   Ninelie Thank you for the comfy stream, relaxing while listening to you helped keep sickness off my mind
109 04:44:33 A$14.99   Randomperson2021 If Kronii had a black and white color scheme, would she be called Oreo Kronii?
110 04:47:53 $4.99   Stella [Certified Tired Kromie] Dozing off now, thank you for the comfy stream. I hope you had fun~
111 04:48:42 $5.00   Demon God King Metal Thank you for the comfy stream! Definitely a good night with the slimes. Cant wait for the streams to come.
112 04:49:49 MX$25.00   StarMech
She didn't notice one roostro escaped!!
113 04:50:19 CA$25.25   𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘯 Thanks for the stream, fun was had, progress was made, and chickens were lost but not forgotten. Take care warden, peace.
114 04:50:20 A$5.00   NineBreaker
Thanks for the fun and chill stream, looks like you made good progress considering you've been missing from the ranch since last year
115 04:50:41 $2.00   JD Cadence, A Silver Wolf Thanks for the stream Warden
116 04:50:42 $5.00   AquaticLettuce
Thanks for coming back for me Love the comfy Slime Rancher streams as always!
117 04:50:43 CA$10.00   Lorenz Mil of the KroMeiSzar Lady Luck Kronii~ I Pray For Your Blessing! Please Grant me a Luck That Can Change My Life Forever! KroMen!