配信名【FREE TALK】WEEKEND IS FINALLY HERE!!! (talk+SC!)【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 25 446.00 \62,843
EUR EUR 6 164.00 \25,296
YEN YEN 1 10000 \10,000
A$ AUD 2 25.00 \2,420
NT$ TWD 7 480.00 \2,201
SGD SGD 3 20.00 \2,108
IDR IDR 4 184000.00 \1,734
THB THB 3 240.00 \975
MYR MYR 1 30.00 \916
£ GBP 1 5.00 \901
HK$ HKD 1 25.00 \450
WON KRW 1 3000 \331
PHP PHP 1 55.00 \138
---- ---- ---- ---- \110,313

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 Jun 17 12:44:49 ¥10,000   ボヘミアン浪士 忙しい中も配信してくれてありがとう~! レイネの頑張ったものが見れる日を 今から楽しみにしてるね
2 Jun 17 12:51:23 €100.00   zipli Thank you for streaming for us even when you were so busy. I really appreciate you making the time for us even on such a tough week I hope the next one will be easier and you'll find some time to just chill and relax. Take care Reine, love ya
3 Jun 17 12:56:51 $100.00   laggie_couch Thank you for everything you do for us Reine!
4 Jun 17 13:00:22 SGD10.00   Reiza Kloise -On Maternity Leave- Emang kalo ga ada stream Reine, Sabtu kita ga komplit. Makasih ya sudah striming buat kita Reine
6 00:01:06 $100.00   Sloth of Shadows The past six weeks have seemed rough on you. Thanks for still bringing us so many great streams. Thanks for the brojol discourse, the one true cereal eating way, and the accidents (which are no one’s fault). Thanks for brunch. Thanks for being here. Glad to have you.
9 00:05:08 $2.00   Anton M
14 00:19:21 $2.00   Tabitha Gabrielle OMG they were ROOMMATES?!?
16 00:26:06 A$20.00   Violet Gelato Thanks for streaming for us even though you've been really busy recently and keep on working hard (but don't over work yourself please) !
17 00:28:20 $10.00   Velvet Nimbus Honestly I'm just super impressed that you're able to keep up with streaming mostly regularly,couldn't even tell you were gone until prechat yesterday. Your management skills are off the chart, kudos.
18 Jun 17 13:31:24 NT$75.00   Fraze it feels like holoro been busy lately hope you guys dong well, anyway am looking forwards for date with a-chan story later on
20 Jun 17 13:46:36 NT$75.00   Fraze
if its not about the utensils then its either quirky is your normal state or that what 1L of mirin does to you
21 00:52:39 $5.00   Velvet Nimbus
Parasocial is when your umbrella is your girlfriend but doesn't know it
23 01:06:56 SGD5.00   Reiza Kloise -On Maternity Leave-
Your performance at Holotori was amazing. It's Lui's event but I can't keep my eyes off of you
24 Jun 17 14:12:45 NT$75.00   布丁pudding Thanks for your stream as always! And I'm also really excited about every project you guys are doing now in Japan!
27 01:18:14 A$5.00   Violet Gelato
Since you have a different computer right now, it might be worth it to try out shadows of rose again to see if it works!
28 01:18:43 IDR79,000.00   Smol Tiger Reine ganti mic ya? Suara bass - treble terasa balance
30 01:30:48 NT$75.00   布丁pudding
Is this the button to purchase the cereal gloves? Asking for a friend...
31 01:31:50 $5.00   Sloth of Shadows
If someone threw a glove of cereal and milk at me, we'd be having a fight whether they meant to declare a duel or not.
32 01:32:56 €5.00   Aria Lavinde Maybe this is why Reine watches rue crime documentaries, she is looking for how to get away with it with food crumbs on her gloves. :_kusa: (joking)
33 Jun 17 14:34:23 MYR30.00   Predalienator Guetashi am proud my oshi eats cereal like this
34 01:34:04 $2.00   aris 385 Give Ollie a snack glove of Cereal for later
35 01:34:56 $5.00   Sloth of Shadows
The cereal glove is like Thanos gloves in that it makes half the viewers disappear from fear when they see it
36 01:35:03 $10.00   memory card That's actually disgusting! please make more
37 01:45:12 NT$75.00   布丁pudding
Cereal gloves eating ASMR Now I've seen... I mean heard everything
38 01:45:20 PHP55.00   DA_4289 Now this is some Gourmet shizz
39 01:45:54 $2.00   Sloth of Shadows
This is why you're my oshi
40 Jun 17 14:51:11 THB40.00   Rósenya Thanks for the Trauma, My therapist appreciate it
41 01:50:17 NT$30.00   Fraze
you took eating with hands way too far
42 01:50:24 $5.00   Sloth of Shadows
What would you say are the pros and cons of glove cereal compared to your usual method?
43 01:51:09 €2.00   Aria Lavinde
Are you sure you did not spoilthe next Hologra?lol
44 01:57:17 $2.00   aris 385
So Ollie is Wooly in these Food Adventures??
45 01:57:48 HK$25.00   chi foo What do you think about unicorn of JP group? Unicorn don't accept vtuber to get a boyfriends and stream with male.
46 01:58:50 IDR35,000.00   Smol Tiger
Cereal in gloves = Olaf’s hand
47 01:59:39 THB100.00   Rósenya
Welcome to another classic Episode of Yet Another "B*tch wtf is this thing you call food" Everyone..... Danger is always guaranteed
48 02:02:56 $5.00   aris 385
Make Ollie a strawberry milkshake or drink in the glove since she loves strawberry milk
49 02:07:58 SGD5.00   Volteus I can't believe my oshi is going the path of being a Cereal Killer...
51 02:08:33 $5.00   TheMannyton Wow that's looks disturbing
52 02:20:29 £5.00   bbbuster
53 02:22:30 ₩3,000   족제비 i need reine joinda holobaby
55 02:31:41 $100.00   laggie_couch
56 02:33:22 IDR50,000.00   Aditya Atmadja hey reine, mau update itasha mobil nih gambarnya udah jadi sekarang lagi proses desain
57 02:36:25 €2.00   Aria Lavinde
Noodles in glove: Glove Mie Glove Mie
58 02:36:30 $2.00   Velvet Nimbus
Reine I have an idea: onigiri with cereal filling!
59 02:41:53 $50.00   Sloth of Shadows
Speaking of projects, excited to be going to LA to see you live in EN Connect! I'lll also be adding your name to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It was expensive to check a jackhammer and paving stones in my baggage, but worth it.
60 02:45:08 €5.00   FartunaZa Today, we are making cereal. Do you know, what we use to eat cereal from? Thats right, from your gloves!
61 02:48:22 $5.00   aris 385
Reine making the dish in the future HoloID Cafe.
62 02:57:44 $5.00   Sloth of Shadows
Thank you so much for my new birthday and the birthday song, you're the best
63 03:03:30 $5.00   Sloth of Shadows
More than Haru I think you're like if Akechi and Futaba had a child and she was adopted by Ryuji and Ann
64 03:04:38 IDR20,000.00   Wild Nasu can I change my brojol day too?
65 03:12:33 $5.00   Franzise Tbh I was expecting a harder battle after all that buildup, Loki disappointed
66 03:13:11 $10.00   Tabitha Gabrielle
Wait, we're all getting new birthdays from Reine? Since i was technically never born , could Reine grant me a birthday so i can see what the deal is with all these random 'birth mentions' ?
67 03:15:15 $2.00   Anton M
What's the digital root of 9/18?
68 03:15:31 €50.00   Aria Lavinde
Home sweet home~ Thank you for all that you do for us even in those busy times and congratulations on your arrival to Japan! I wish this week-end and next week may be more restful for you and that you enjoy your new studio room!
69 03:16:53 THB100.00   Rósenya
So when you finish the game and go to the Jazz club. Joker will feel there something in his Pocket where he find... Akechi Gloves!!!
70 03:18:51 $2.00   Anton M
Good night! Hope you brojol stream tomorrow
71 03:19:27 NT$75.00   God Damn it