時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
09/10 07:58:58 | A$2.00 | ¥162 | Patrick Chen, KFP Barista | Who's going to be best girl? Kiara is of course! |
09/10 08:00:30 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Mr. Kazz Biggs | Alright, question for the Ambassador herself.... Top 5 best waifus of Tales of! Lets Gooooooo!!!!! *cough* Velvet | |
09/10 08:03:38 | €5.00 | ¥651 | Syrak - KFP Tsundere Chief | Kiara, in case you notice that some Egg member are missing, it absolutely got nothing to do with the fact that I made fried eggs yesterday! | |
09/10 08:20:20 | $50.00 | ¥5494 | Pyra ホムラ - The Revanite | I just got a bonus today at work, so, here is 1% of my bonus. Oh! I left the middle out of my last Pink SC... So, here's that part: Then, you and the holoMyth girls debuted that weekend and have helped brighten my days for the last year |
09/10 09:26:37 | $2.00 | ¥219 | LookingForTheTop | Any plans for AM FROG |
09/10 15:51:00 | ¥500 | ¥500 | Zeiss[つぁいす] | ついにこの日がきた!!僕もKiaraの影響でARISE買ったよー!一緒に進めていけたらいいなぁ。ライザもだけど、KiaraはJRPGの良さを思い出させてくれて助かるぅーー | |
09/10 19:20:30 | $100.00 | ¥10989 | soraskeyblade-KFP 4th Grade Teacher | I remember watching the debuts, and seeing some orange bird talk about how much she loved JRPGs. She didn't impress me that much, but I saw she had Tales of as a favorite game series. "Why not", I thought. 1 year later, here I am, and here you are, Tales fans together! | |
09/10 19:23:13 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | soraskeyblade-KFP 4th Grade Teacher | I played this myself yesterday. I had been down on the series for a while. I didn't like the direction it was going in. It feels good to love Tales of games again, thank you so much Kiara, its' great! | |
09/10 22:01:49 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Darth Asuran - KFP Sith Lord | tenchou me a asami are getting married, can you have your blessing? | |
09/10 22:03:36 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Darth Asuran - KFP Sith Lord | tenchou, me and asami are getting married. do your approb and your blessing? | |
09/10 22:25:17 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Darth Asuran - KFP Sith Lord | tenchou, ashido needs a job, what is your wisdom? | |
09/10 22:31:54 | $50.00 | ¥5494 | Trevor G - Hootle of KFP | Hoota Hootle Hoo Kiara! We've waited for what feels like Shionnes for the Tales of Hootle game havent we and rinWell its flynally here! I'm eggstatic to see you embark on this owl new journey and couldn't be more proud of our Tales of Ambassador | |
09/10 22:32:00 | $50.00 | ¥5494 | Trevor G - Hootle of KFP | Your love for this series has inspired & pecked the interests of many to join Owlphen & his friends in their journey to return the owls to their forest. You are Rena collect owl of hootles buddies Kisaran't ya? You wouldn't Dahna-i hootle again right | |
09/10 22:32:06 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Trevor G - Hootle of KFP | Like ya did with his collectors edition, not trusting in the tales of team & loving him at first sight. Ye of littlowl faith. If It wasn't region specific I would have got one for both of us |
09/10 22:36:48 | €5.00 | ¥651 | LogicalChicken - KFP Elbow Licker | Good news, 店鳥: You've sold me on this game! Bad news: I'd like to avoid watching until I have the time to play it myself. Catch you in the archives! | |
09/11 01:03:32 | ₱500.00 | ¥1102 | Charles Anthony Maquinto | Hi Kiara, I'm a big fan of the Tales series and I'm planning to watch all your streams of Arise but sadly your stream time is sleep hours in my region. So I'll watch the archive later instead for now I'll drop this here luv u | |
09/11 01:06:48 | $5.00 | ¥549 | 天穂のサクナヒメ | Tales of A Rice? thank you Kiara! I always knew you would give me another chance! | |
09/11 02:10:12 | $25.00 | ¥2747 | Azure604 | Got the game! But unfortunately spoiler OCD so I'll have to be archive gang until I have time to play it. Have fun! |
09/11 02:12:45 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | LuckyProphet | Can't watch live :( See you in the next stream | |
09/11 02:13:43 | RUB200.00 | ¥302 | Андрей Озеров | well, yes, sadly i am with archive gang too, cause of spoilers, Boss. But, have fun~ | |
09/11 03:00:01 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Vampiricotaku-KFBeat's Vampire | Gonna be playing this myself boss, so I'll have to catch the vods when theyre out~ may you enjoy the game in all its glory! have fun! | |
09/11 03:03:08 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Tython KFP Legal Eagle | The bit I’ve played of this has been so good, you’re going to have a blast and I can’t wait to get home and get back into it myself. | |
09/11 03:05:09 | ¥5,000 | ¥5000 | げしゅぽよ-KFP | 長い旅の始まりだ。アンバサダーがんばってな!もちろん俺は買った | |
09/11 03:05:59 | $100.00 | ¥10989 | Ranivus | I made some stonks investments and just got some sizable returns today! Thank your for being you and I will always support you 10chou! |
09/11 03:06:12 | A$5.00 | ¥406 | Captain Thunderbolt | I should be playing my copy of Tales of Arise, but I had to watch you play it instead! |
09/11 03:06:39 | €5.00 | ¥651 | Dominik K | You aren't late and we are hyped |
09/11 03:06:59 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | 水晶の欠片 | I have yet to play the game but I'm still gonna watch your stream! | |
09/11 03:12:03 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Trevor G - Hootle of KFP | I'm sooooo Jealous right now | |
09/11 03:13:05 | ARS50.00 | ¥56 | Kakun | OMFG chess arc INC?? That and the master core is so cool |
09/11 03:13:56 | SGD50.00 | ¥4105 | Alvin L | ばちばち |
09/11 03:14:51 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Trevor G - Hootle of KFP | I want that eggsclusive hoot! ahhh | |
09/11 03:15:43 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | Alvin L | plug plug plug | |
09/11 03:15:55 | A$5.00 | ¥406 | G D - KFP | We'll deserved gifts for our hardworking Tales Ambassador. Congrats Hotwings/GGS Ambassador Takanashi Kiara | |
09/11 03:16:18 | ¥200 | ¥200 | KAWASEMI CULO | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/11 03:16:38 | £10.00 | ¥1524 | El Phenomeno Ch. | I love you Kiara! You're amazing! -Shrimping intensifies- | |
09/11 03:17:24 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | fafa | The game is Awesome |
09/11 03:18:02 | ¥5,000 | ¥5000 | Taichi-KFP Puppeteer | Let's GO |
09/11 03:18:26 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Hakurei Mima, KFP Akuryou | Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaales! |
09/11 03:19:14 | $9.99 | ¥1097 | Jaboca | The Tales series has always been my favorite since I was little, the game unlocked last night and I started to cry tears of joy, thank you for being an ambassador for my favorite series Kiara! | |
09/11 03:21:17 | SGD10.00 | ¥821 | S17 B32 | Sorry Tenchou! I won't be able to watch your stream live because I want to experience Tales of Arise myself. I bought it on Steam based on your advice. I'll watch the archive later. Enjoy Tales, Boss! | |
09/11 03:26:29 | $5.00 | ¥549 | KP Shadow | Congratulations Ambassador Kiara! Played the game and I'm loving it so far! Gonna watch this and play again later after work | |
09/11 03:35:20 | $20.00 | ¥2197 | KiryuKai Memorial | Hey Hot Wings! I want to buy this game but also acknowledge your participation! Is there a promo code to let Bandai-Kun know you were 1/2 the reason we buy this game? Or some kind of exclusive link to let them know it was U? | |
09/11 03:42:32 | $50.00 | ¥5494 | Ezekiel - KFP Attorney | Hands up if you want to give Shionne a hug! | |
09/11 03:49:42 | CA$5.00 | ¥435 | Justin Reinhart | Shion's your future wife? I think Gura would have something to say about that. Not to mention Calli. | |
09/11 03:50:23 | $20.00 | ¥2197 | AnonEars | Tales of Arise hype! I was originally going to wait to get it but you convince me to get it early. Ive been playing yesterday and I still have to get used to using R1 for normal attack. Look forward to playing more and the LP | |
09/11 03:51:29 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Shift_Happens | First SupaCha!! You sold me the game and I used your link. Thanks for streaming as always! | |
09/11 03:51:54 | R$50.00 | ¥1057 | Elvis | Bandai where can I buy a mask like this? | |
09/11 03:51:54 | $5.00 | ¥549 | J.M. Henry | One causes pain by touch, the other feels no pain... Yeah, they're definitely the OTP in this game |
09/11 03:59:20 | $5.00 | ¥549 | yen. | So Kiara is the ambassador for a game about a fiery warrior who chases around a pink haired tsundere waifu? Hmmm | |
09/11 04:00:35 | $2.00 | ¥219 | Zephyr Kitten | LET'S TEAM UP AND DO THIS TENCHOU! GLORY TO KFP! | |
09/11 04:01:46 | €5.00 | ¥651 | Dominik K | This game is divine. Exquisite! I'm so hyped to play it myself. Dankeschön Banda Namco |
09/11 04:22:37 | €5.00 | ¥651 | DeadlyFreedom | anyone knows how long the game is on average ? | |
09/11 04:30:34 | R$5.00 | ¥105 | Elvis | Tales of Criminal War | |
09/11 04:31:12 | CA$5.00 | ¥435 | Justin Reinhart | konpeko konpeko konpeko~~ Hololive ni kisei, Murasaki Shion peko! Almond, almond! Hmm... Something about that seems off... | |
09/11 04:32:55 | PHP50.00 | ¥110 | Zephyr_Monochrome | I vouch for her. She's cool. | |
09/11 04:37:41 | ¥500 | ¥500 | ろっく | I think can't see those ears for dirty mind person. | |
09/11 04:41:09 | $2.00 | ¥219 | Trevor G - Hootle of KFP | Hoot Hoo, Hoot Hoo Hoot Hoo | |
09/11 04:58:14 | A$5.00 | ¥406 | Patrick Chen, KFP Barista | [500 Gold] You're doing an amazing job making the game look great! The stream is so fun~ Congratulations and well done ambassador Kiara! |
09/11 05:01:42 | ARS20.00 | ¥22 | Kakun | Thanks for the stream this game looks amazing! | |
09/11 05:02:24 | $5.00 | ¥549 | LightningLiger | im not sure you'll see this SC but there was no spoiling for me since I'm far ahead of you Kiara | |
09/11 05:03:03 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Jim Tracy | Thanks for the stream today boss, you've been the best ambassador! Definitely looking forward to playing this myself and watching the coming streams! | |
09/11 05:05:56 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | michael yu | Hey kiara! I actually started playing the Tales games because of you. I preordered arise and started playing immediately upon release! Thanks for the experience! | |
09/11 05:06:55 | A$5.00 | ¥406 | G D - KFP | Thanks for the stream GGS Ambassador Kiara | |
09/11 05:07:15 | A$5.00 | ¥406 | Pablo a | I started with tales of eternia. thank you KIARA for the Tales stream, and thanks to BANDAI NAMCO for looking after our Tenchou. ARIGAThanks |