トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:【HoloCure】#11 all data has gone. time to grind back【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   26     113.26   15,796円
 IDR  IDR   45 1417000.00   12,716円
 WON  KRW    4      99000   10,393円
 EUR  EUR    7      20.00    2,873円
 MX$  MXN    3     255.00    1,819円
   £  GBP    1      10.00    1,639円
 SGD  SGD    5      16.00    1,624円
 HK$  HKD    1      69.00    1,227円
 MYR  MYR    3      27.00      820円
 YEN  YEN    2        769      769円
 NT$  TWD    2      60.00      269円
---- ---- ----       ----   49,945円

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:01:35 ₩10,000   Mind of the Raven KIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
2 00:04:17 $2.00   Bucho At least your data loss gives dev breathing room
3 00:05:18 $2.00   QuattroKerbecs i love the way you say "developer" it's charming
4 00:06:49 IDR50,000.00   Cibengwawa is this a new game? this game look amazing hope you have fun
5 00:08:52 $5.00   Tabitha Gabrielle Don't Worry Kaela:your data may be gone but we'll always love you, forever! Do you really mean it when you say Pemaloe are cute? (even me?)
6 00:09:38 IDR20,000.00   Un-チ prepare your sanity pills guys
7 00:11:16 $5.00   Cyrìx cute Kaela tax. sorry.
9 00:12:55 SGD2.00   theShazerin KAELA GAMBATTE!!!!
10 00:13:23 ₩10,000   임동진 pain is nothing. just do it. she is sweet cool and cute Kaela.
12 00:13:34 $5.00   QuattroKerbecs
here's a challenge for ya: if you can reach 30 mind on endless mode doing the 1 hp setting from the shop, I will give you 100 dollars, MAYBE 200.
13 00:13:56 ¥269   柊之木 I came to take a bite of ela before "Kaela Lost"
14 00:14:33 MYR6.00   Gunner Pawn[ガンナーポーン] here is my overdue halu tax
15 00:14:38 $2.00   bolbi Ela... the more you deny it... the cuter you get
16 00:15:37 $5.00   BananaKen (バナナケン) Donating to gacha fund.. tax
17 00:16:40 NT$30.00   東京醬油拉麵 hi kaela
18 00:27:53 $5.00   Cyrìx
Kaela sleep stream tax. sorry, not sorry.
20 00:39:16 IDR69,000.00   CavePenguin azab oshi tukang scam
21 00:39:47 IDR20,000.00   エト / Evander Jethro Wao first time win? Congrats
23 00:40:08 HK$69.00   William Ng Congrats beating the game, you are so good at this game. Now you can use your time machine and travel to the past the grind the rest.
24 00:46:08 IDR20,000.00   エト / Evander Jethro
Ini bukan Kaela nih pasti Jaela
25 01:03:53 IDR79,000.00   Alexander Okky Kaela just remind now is lunch time
27 01:06:03 $1.69   ThatGuy169 (無言スパチャ)
28 01:07:04 $10.00   HeckDeck You're such a champion, Kaela! It really sucks that you lost your data but you picked yourself back up and said IKZ! This is why you're my Oshi.... This and the weirdness.
29 01:13:50 IDR20,000.00   エト / Evander Jethro
Super instant? you eat yourself ez
30 01:20:47 £10.00   Joe Di-niro will we ever see Ela playable idol in holocure?
31 01:21:47 $5.00   Steam Goliath You don't eat if you don't do Pejuang stream? Penguins can also for long times without food....it's all coming together
32 01:34:14 $2.59   Chop9suey28 For the delivery fee
34 01:39:14 $5.00   Bucho
If you're curious about the lore behind foods, check out Tasting History with Max Miller. Learned that ketchup and kecap were once the same thing
35 01:39:47 IDR20,000.00   エト / Evander Jethro
No halu cant kill us it made us cool like you
36 01:40:46 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon Cool people don't Halu right?
40 01:48:22 ₩69,000   지호JiHo 귀여워
41 01:54:13 IDR50,000.00   Tatakan Gelas Ela ada rencana release Ori song?
42 01:57:10 $5.00   Velvet Nimbus Hey Ela, does the "ski" in Kovalskia actually mean "好き"? 'cause 大好き
43 01:57:55 IDR50,000.00   Daniel Ivan Sorry for yesterday cuz I'm keep spectating u guys play OW.. kobo ask me to coach from spectating her
46 02:03:57 ₩10,000   Mind of the Raven
consider it, you ARE CUTE.
47 02:04:07 $4.99   Terminus Ela is gone, we can call her cute with no GSH!!! NO RULES
48 02:04:18 IDR20,000.00   Daniel Ivan
haha.. im afraid u guys like feel disturbed
49 02:04:19 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar sorry baru join, baru balik dari mata air
50 02:07:34 IDR20,000.00   Daniel Ivan
Cape ya urus kobo? hahaha
51 02:17:21 IDR20,000.00   Leotan Klarifikasi ges.. KaelaCintaQ bukan aku
52 02:18:34 IDR20,000.00   Daniel Ivan
haha ok ella.. goodluck n have fun stream
53 02:18:45 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17 boong, aku yakin itu leotan
54 02:21:00 IDR20,000.00   Leotan
nah.. itu Nchan = kaelacintaq (100% real la)
55 02:21:55 SGD5.00   Alex Siu Oh nyo, i have been brainwashed by Ela's cuteness, please beat me up for senses
57 02:22:37 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17
t-tapi aku ga ngelakuin apapun, kenapa direport :(
58 02:22:55 $5.00   No Nein Oh no I have been brainwashed by Ela's scariness, please beat me up for senses
60 02:25:56 €5.00   Yamabro Oh no I have been brainwashed by Ela's hi honey, please beat me up for senses
61 02:26:29 IDR79,000.00   Renaldi Putra Sama kalau ada nick “BadCamper” di ow2 spectate, Saya minta maaf
62 Nov 15 07:01:28 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17
ngereport balik oshi boleh ga sih? pingin banget
66 02:28:36 SGD2.00   Alex Siu
chu chu (still being brainwashed)
67 Nov 15 07:04:14 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17
kamu cukup baik untuk jadi IstriQ kok la
68 02:31:52 $2.00   Bucho
Quick RQ before I sleep: Favorite deli meat?
69 02:32:19 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
malah belok dia Kael
70 02:34:42 SGD2.00   Alex Siu
tax for our mama chu chu
71 02:39:12 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
jadi makan makan nih? prayaan d-to Ncan sma Leotan
72 02:39:25 IDR20,000.00   Chris Kemarin nabrak nickku jelas la.Bkn aku yg halu itu
73 02:40:33 $2.00   Andrew Swallie Ela 24hr stream when?
74 02:41:21 SGD5.00   Alex Siu
sorry, can't stop the for our cute mama i tried to get some help, they said i got brainwashed and can't help
76 02:41:32 IDR20,000.00   Ruby Lover yuk Crish bisa yuk jadi yg ke-3 di TO
77 02:43:03 IDR20,000.00   Akane Nara elaa
78 02:43:20 IDR20,000.00   Sanzama maaf la dva ku kurang sopan, naksir km bgt soalnya
79 02:43:49 IDR20,000.00   Leotan
im back ges
80 02:44:09 $5.00   AragonBattleBorn Hi Kaela first time super=chatting. But I wanted to say your laugh is so beautiful and cute.. I can't help but smile when you laugh. your doing great.
81 02:45:07 IDR20,000.00   Sanzama
ada bidadari terbang ngeheal gt siapa yg gk naksir
90 02:53:55 $10.00   Oga Ela is cute even when not moving chuchu Queen Ela
92 02:54:22 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
you know, i feels i lose something in my heart. so can you become that something Kael?
94 02:55:30 $5.00   Oga
Welcome back boss, nothing to see here
96 02:56:40 €2.00   Yamabro
maybe its a new item for holocure from holozon
97 02:58:05 IDR20,000.00   altersky skyraze biasanya paket nyasar gitu modus kjahatan, la
98 02:58:50 IDR100,000.00   jonathan ryan j here's a recap for sun n mon report incase u miss it. sun=thanks to ckia i unlocked inner peace. mon=inner peace helped me in my work. not beloking is super hard but super good for your life TSKR!
99 03:00:08 NT$30.00   Aru Thank you for chuchu i am good now
100 03:00:19 $5.00   Velvet Nimbus
i think it's less of the devs "hanging out" and more of a "group therapy" as they are now all well aware of your existence and what you're capable of
101 03:00:09 IDR20,000.00   MrNcan17
mereka (LC&SC/SB) mencoba gacha timeout la
102 03:00:25 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
sorry, kesurupan penunggu mata air kykny
103 03:02:40 MYR15.00   PewCha Naue I'm trying to be seiso today but everyone just veing halu, it's affecting me. your hand in marriage please? lob you chu chu
105 03:04:12 €2.00   Yamabro
do you know how to do backflip?
106 03:04:25 IDR50,000.00   Leotan
rasanya senang jd org kedua yg di TO... karna Leotan ga ada duanya
107 03:04:26 MX$125.00   Rene Alarcon
Reason #198 of why Kaela is cool. Unless you combine horses and golf, she never rages. Smooth. Have a great day!
108 03:04:38 $5.00   Kay Yu I can confirm I have reached out to David Wu awhile back and we are each other's emotional support as devs
109 03:04:48 IDR50,000.00   jonathan ryan j
hey kaela, i've been a good and faithful for the past week, so... would you pls forgive me
110 03:05:19 IDR50,000.00   pramben what happend with this chu chu chu chu or something la ? can i have it too
111 03:05:37 $2.00   Atlas Ryuk Ayo I'm back again, how are you? How's the game?
112 03:06:14 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
Yes. I have a list of all the cool Kaela reasons in Excel. They are 6969 reasons in total.
114 03:06:54 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
forgive me for my bad typo pls
115 03:07:42 $4.99   Luuny 🐧 All this talk about marriage Kaela… I think we’re moving too fast. I’m sorry, it’s not you, it’s me.
116 03:09:14 €5.00   Yamabro
Do you think penguins are cute? (I'm not saying that you are a penguin and that you are cute dw lemao)
117 03:10:27 €2.00   Yamabro
ok guys she just said that she is cute
118 03:11:04 IDR20,000.00   Baron you need halu? here take my halu give me your hand
119 03:13:22 MYR6.00   Sherly yaudah, minta kaki aja LOL
120 03:14:00 IDR50,000.00   Lastride GSH Tax
121 03:13:20 ¥500   AB fly how is it possible that Kaela would not choose Haru?
122 03:16:07 €2.00   Yamabro
i'll stop being halu for today
123 03:17:16 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
Yamabro, let's do beloking since you stop halu
124 03:32:34 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
really? shw i really doubt it Kael
125 03:33:39 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j
u mean 2 wins then otsulemao?
126 03:34:15 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
i have trust issue with you Kael, you're kang skem
127 03:35:17 €2.00   Yamabro
2 wins before the phasmophobia thaye stream ?
129 03:37:48 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
but what if you get ls?
130 03:41:05 $2.00   Typetimeguac hospital tax (seriously, glad you're better now)