No | 時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
1 | 09/25 02:41:44 | ₱50.00 | ¥108 | KOS Bebot | Rant was very entertaining. Good luck with Shogi! | |
2 | 09/25 11:20:33 | ¥500 | ¥500 | げっとGet | (無言スパチャ) | |
3 | 09/25 17:28:45 | $5.00 | ¥551 | Dustin Rollings | Hi Sayang |
4 | 09/25 17:30:33 | €2.00 | ¥259 | GHOSTYCHAN Ch. | ZOMBAN WA, OLLIE-CHAN! |
5 | 09/25 17:31:05 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | 稲花粉症なのに実家の周りは田んぼだらけ | Really!? I'm glad you're interested in learning SHOGI. The first move is basically "76P" or 26P" to use "B" or "R". I would be happy if you could tell me the chess book. Of course in Japanese. | |
6 | 09/25 17:34:04 | RUB100.00 | ¥151 | spx730 | a | |
7 | 09/25 17:37:11 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | ーひでー | そうそうそう | |
8 | 09/25 17:45:41 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 蛇の人 | オリー かわいい | |
9 | 09/25 17:47:52 | ¥250 | ¥250 | ミユエルの嫁 | まるでしょうぎだな | |
10 | 09/25 17:52:30 | ¥500 | ¥500 | おいなりせんせー | おめでとう!!!!! | |
11 | 09/25 17:53:13 | CA$5.00 | ¥435 | KSops | gg ez | |
12 | 09/25 17:53:14 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 蕣あさがお | I'm glad you played shogi. I know it's not easy.But please continue to enjoy it! | |
13 | 09/25 17:53:41 | $20.00 | ¥2207 | SquidCoyote | Shogi is awesome. Loving this!! | |
14 | 09/25 17:59:45 | ¥200 | ¥200 | ぴよもずくPiyomozuku | 頑張ってオリー! I recommend Bougin or Nakabisha! | |
15 | 09/25 18:00:14 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | 莊岳樺 | Ollie かわいいです | |
16 | 09/25 18:03:34 | ¥610 | ¥610 | 手裏剣投太郎 | SHOGI old saying…"Horse flyhight. become food pawn" | |
17 | 09/25 18:03:45 | ¥1,220 | ¥1220 | Hi Yoss | オリーちゃんがんばれ♡ | |
18 | 09/25 18:06:28 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | 稲花粉症なのに実家の周りは田んぼだらけ | My name is いねかふんしょう(なのにじっかのまわりはたんぼだらけ)There is a saying ”The early use of KEIMA(N) is the prey of FU(P)".「『けいま』の、たかとび、『ふ』の、えじき」Because "KEIMA can't move forward" and KEIMA can't go back unlike Knight” | |
19 | 09/25 18:07:32 | ¥500 | ¥500 | HNTI MAN | ……ふぅ。かわいい ひめい たすかる(ur kawai-screaming is really HELPFUL)がんばれ♡ がんばれ♡ | |
20 | 09/25 18:10:06 | ¥610 | ¥610 | 手裏剣投太郎 | Take care of your throat. I like ollie, always cheerful. | |
21 | 09/25 18:11:07 | ¥500 | ¥500 | Gentz weizer | Thank you for Stream!OllieちゃんならShogiQueenになれるはず! | |
22 | 09/25 18:11:29 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | あかつきれいめ | オリー頑張って!!! | |
23 | 09/25 18:18:44 | $10.00 | ¥1103 | SquidCoyote | GOTTEM | |
24 | 09/25 18:20:13 | SGD5.00 | ¥408 | TeeKay | Ollie: being a genius is such a burden | |
25 | 09/25 18:21:16 | CA$5.00 | ¥435 | KSops | The ojou energy is great Ollie. Ganbare! | |
26 | 09/25 18:25:01 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | 将棋大好き | sorry. At first, Keima should not move. Keima is moved by beginners, including myself. By the way, it is now popular among professionals to move Keima immediately. | |
27 | 09/25 18:35:03 | ¥610 | ¥610 | not style | 日本では SHOGIプロがゲームするときは ゲームしながら たべるランチがニュースになります(ジョークではなく) オリーもきょうのランチについて はなしましょう | |
28 | 09/25 18:38:02 | $4.99 | ¥550 | Fateburn | Ollie at the next chess tournament: “Hold on” | |
29 | 09/25 18:48:54 | $5.00 | ¥551 | Kureiji Xoukai | Hi Ollie , shogi is interesting,like chess. I try to play later , thank you for this stream. Do you know another board game - Richi Mahjong ? | |
30 | 09/25 18:51:06 | ¥610 | ¥610 | 手裏剣投太郎 | CPU chan Ganbatte! | |
31 | 09/25 18:53:57 | ¥200 | ¥200 | 魔犬グラさん | オリーちゃん がんばれー | |
32 | 09/25 18:54:49 | SGD5.00 | ¥408 | TeeKay | CPU - chanは最高です | |
33 | 09/25 18:58:00 | $5.00 | ¥551 | The Einhander | Hydration Check - Time for Glug Glug | |
34 | 09/25 19:01:28 | SGD5.00 | ¥408 | S17 B32 | Can I just say how great it is that, in an age of all these goshdarned vidya gaems, Ollie is taking the time to appreciate the classics? Thanks Ollie! | |
35 | 09/25 19:06:22 | ¥610 | ¥610 | 乙!w | しょうぎのはいしんありがとう! | |
36 | 09/25 19:12:25 | ¥500 | ¥500 | げっとGet | (無言スパチャ) | |
37 | 09/25 19:15:37 | $10.00 | ¥1103 | SquidCoyote | Shogi is pretty cool. Thanks | |
38 | 09/25 19:18:02 | ¥10,000 | ¥10000 | やねがみサワン | I'm glad to watch your playing SHOGI. SHOGI is much fun! Please show me again! | |
39 | 09/25 19:25:25 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | 里村 | (無言スパチャ) | |
40 | 09/25 19:25:27 | $20.00 | ¥2207 | Jesse | Still Love You Ollie!! | |
41 | 09/25 19:29:32 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | 松 | ナイスう! | |
42 | 09/25 19:29:51 | $9.99 | ¥1102 | Dustin Rollings | PRIZE MONEY | |
43 | 09/25 19:30:00 | ¥1,220 | ¥1220 | ザザミノス | GG | |
44 | 09/25 19:30:18 | ¥610 | ¥610 | 手裏剣投太郎 | OMEDETO!Very well!ー! | |
45 | 09/25 19:30:27 | ¥300 | ¥300 | かわいいべるちゃん | おめでとー | |
46 | 09/25 19:30:33 | $5.00 | ¥551 | BioGenx2b | Grats on the Shogi speedrun! I sort of understand how that worked and I'm totally for it! おめでとうございます! | |
47 | 09/25 19:30:38 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 鷹押徹 | おめでとう |
48 | 09/25 19:31:27 | SGD5.00 | ¥408 | TeeKay | SASUGA our smartest cutest zombie |
49 | 09/25 19:32:01 | ¥500 | ¥500 | おひるねきつね | Ollie is so cute and strong in Shogi. | |
50 | 09/25 19:32:04 | €2.00 | ¥259 | Female Ghostychan | SHOGI MASTER おめでとう! |
51 | 09/25 19:34:30 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | 【初心者向け】妖精さんの将棋教室 はにみちゃん Hanimi-chan | ああ、終わっちゃってた。。。アーカイブ見ますね!!Have a good shogi life!! | |
52 | 09/25 19:35:00 | $5.00 | ¥551 | Tom Tornados | I've always wanted to ask: why don't you find your family instead of reclaiming the home? | |
53 | 09/25 19:35:12 | ¥500 | ¥500 | おつきみやまラッタLv.16 | オリーちゃんはてんさい-。チェスとくらべて、どうでしたか? | |
54 | 09/25 19:35:50 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | ーひでー | I was happy to hear that it was durable and watch the delivery for a long time,but it will end soon… | |
55 | 09/25 19:36:34 | ¥500 | ¥500 | オリオちゃん | 将棋は難しいけど楽しいですね!配信ありがとう! Shogi is difficult but fun! Thanks for the stream! | |
56 | 09/25 19:37:35 | ¥200 | ¥200 | 将棋大好き | I respect you. Congratulations on your victory. | |
57 | 09/25 19:37:45 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | おひるねきつね | I had a good time today. Take care of your throat.sayang Ollie. ありがとう |
58 | 09/25 19:38:14 | ₩10,000 | ¥937 | 비나기 | 안녕하세요. 오늘은 쉬는 날이라 생방송을 볼 수 있어 좋네요. Hello. It's a day off today, so it's nice to be able to watch the live broadcast. | |
59 | 09/25 19:40:50 | ₩5,000 | ¥468 | 비나기 | 역시 일본 식 장기를 두는 법은 이해가 잘 안가네요. As expected, I don't understand how to put Japanese organs. |
60 | 09/25 19:45:00 | ¥500 | ¥500 | anta374 | [DeepL translation]That last one was a brilliant attack, understanding how the pieces work and how they work together! | |
61 | 09/25 19:46:14 | $10.00 | ¥1103 | SquidCoyote | Mahjong stream when? | |
62 | 09/25 19:48:28 | ¥200 | ¥200 | Bobby | あい・らぶ・ゆー | |
63 | 09/25 19:48:49 | $5.00 | ¥551 | SquidCoyote | Nice to meet you. My name is Giovanni Giogio but everybody calls me Giogio | |
64 | 09/25 19:51:21 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | かくきりこちゃんねる | I enjoyed your chess style shogi !!! "Duck Castle" is great tactic, let's fun SHOGI!!!! | |
65 | 09/25 19:53:39 | $20.00 | ¥2207 | SquidCoyote | Are skellingtons real? | |
66 | 09/25 19:55:17 | ¥500 | ¥500 | ぴよもずくPiyomozuku | My name is Piyomozuku!Please call me piyochan!By the way,when will u play shogi again? | |
67 | 09/25 20:10:17 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | ーひでー | こっちも勇気もらってるよ。ありがとう | |
68 | 09/25 20:10:50 | $5.00 | ¥551 | The Einhander | Holoro Monopoly stream when? | |
69 | 09/25 20:17:49 | SGD20.00 | ¥1633 | Retry Of Heal Guy | Hey Ollie, you should try Devil May Cry |