配信名【Idol Showdown】RIP KEYBOARD
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 30 257.91 \34,758
EUR EUR 8 61.49 \9,150
£ GBP 4 31.00 \5,281
IDR IDR 12 330000.00 \3,021
YEN YEN 9 2820 \2,820
CLP CLP 7 16500 \2,800
PHP PHP 7 1100.00 \2,679
NT$ TWD 10 565.00 \2,482
WON KRW 2 20000 \2,040
CA$ CAD 3 13.20 \1,330
A$ AUD 2 9.99 \912
R$ BRL 4 27.50 \747
MX$ MXN 2 50.00 \379
SEK SEK 1 20.00 \265
---- ---- ---- ---- \68,664

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
2 May 8 14:55:53 €1.49   zipli
8 00:03:17 ₩15,000   dongree Hi chuta long time no see
9 00:03:23 NT$30.00   ~RAW~ misi, Chief~ ngetest ini prerecording apa nda
11 00:03:37 $5.00   Stormwatcheagle Yay!
16 00:04:19 PHP137.50   Cams
19 00:05:16 $1.99   Jesús Owlberto [High Priest of Mumeism] One of Suisei variant colors are Mumei colors btw.
25 00:05:51 CLP1,100   Sebastian Zapata
26 00:05:52 CLP1,100   Mokat Scam tittle
27 00:05:52 IDR20,000.00   ferdinand yonathan steal ability? you mean like rogue in x-men? YABE
31 00:07:13 CLP5,500   Marcus Kael Hi Zeta! Hope you have fun with the game, remember its okay to lose all your matches! Good luck!
32 00:07:32 CLP1,100   Mokat
34 00:07:44 ¥200   ジュドナス@ジュドさんです ゼータどの!まけるながんばれー!
37 00:08:09 IDR20,000.00   ferdinand yonathan
i mean rogue steal kiss by kiss her opponent FYI
41 00:11:23 $1.99   Jesús Owlberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
3 hour tutorial and how to learn the controls IKZ.
42 00:11:37 A$7.99   Ballistic Bucket Feels like you’ll either be a Berserker or Glass canon character considering how you murders everyone in Hitman + u can’t lose much HP due to health
43 00:21:44 $4.99   Jesús Owlberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
I noticed that maybe be Botan senpai is your mother because both have gray hair and belong to the feline family. Btw Botan is my fav character.
44 00:21:56 $10.00   DaeganPlayz💛💙 someone say super chat
45 00:22:24 ¥500   如月樹[きさらぎいつき] Superchats
46 00:22:45 SEK20.00   CireLink Helping with charging the superchat meter.
47 00:23:00 CA$5.50   Musashi Cam Here's my superchat to help fill the meter
48 May 8 15:23:41 ¥200   Steaky Suteki 素敵ステーキ CHAT can we fill the superchat meter FASTER!?!
49 00:23:26 PHP137.50   Kuro Shinko does this fill the superchat meter?
50 00:23:26 NT$30.00   ~RAW~
Supachat boost +1
52 00:23:38 ¥500   Zeta's Bacteria #7 Recharge Superchat meter!
53 00:23:41 $5.00   SelRev Time to fill Zeta's Superchat meter!
54 00:23:57 R$5.50   Marcelo Yoshida cancel SC?
56 00:24:43 £5.00   Joseph Duffy Doing my part to fill the superchat meter
57 00:24:50 NT$75.00   ~RAW~
sorry, Chief. i accidentally press deliver instead of cancel
58 00:25:04 PHP137.50   Cams
Zeta can cancel supa + you get extra timeout. WHAT A DEAL
60 00:25:48 CLP1,100   Mokat
Cancel this SC
61 00:26:12 CA$5.50   Musashi Cam
we did it our superchat filled the meter
62 00:26:21 ₩5,000   Exynos Sapphire Superchat from South Korea
63 00:26:53 NT$75.00   Fraze wait it fill out overtime? so we didnt have to do this? what a scam i want refund
64 00:27:12 £5.00   DarkWr4ith It's working! We're filling the meter!
65 00:27:24 R$5.50   Marcelo Yoshida
OP collabs! cancel SC!
67 00:28:07 $10.00   Spectre Skater, Ghost Rider's Rad Cuz Hey Vestia, someone in a dark alley told me superchats were free while you guys played this game. Hope you have fun!
68 00:29:04 NT$30.00   ~RAW~
69 00:30:10 IDR50,000.00   AbsintheVii dis someone say free?
70 00:31:09 $1.99   Jesús Owlberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
Why are you teabagging Okayu senpai with Korone?
71 00:31:16 R$5.50   Marcelo Yoshida
It's the piece holding the controller Zeta!
72 00:31:27 CA$2.20   Gogibahp skill issue sorry zeta
73 00:34:03 IDR20,000.00   PENCULIK OM OM are ya winning zeta??
74 00:34:14 NT$75.00   Fraze
yeah zeta you might need to give up on winning
77 00:36:42 €5.00   Anonymous247n When you do the quartercircle, DO NOT go upward! Just press&hold down, then pull forward/backward and press the attack button at the same time
78 00:47:07 $10.00   Rin Since you are playing as Ojou, you better win this, Zeta. I dont wanna see both of my oshis get beaten up
79 00:49:42 $4.99   Jesús Owlberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
80 00:50:12 R$11.00   Marcelo Yoshida
81 00:50:34 CLP1,100   Mokat
82 00:51:23 NT$30.00   ~RAW~
waktunya kembali main tutorial
83 00:52:19 PHP137.50   Kuro Shinko
try getting the reps in training room until you're used to the button inputs / commands
84 00:54:36 IDR20,000.00   Givemeapplez When cornered, burst, into tears.
86 01:07:19 €5.00   Gowfret
87 01:18:43 $1.99   Jesús Owlberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
Remember Suisei outfit is Mumei outfit. Nice job Z
88 01:19:33 IDR20,000.00   Tetsuya Kim
90 01:59:33 $5.00   Wolfwood2057 if you press "Next Stage", you don't get a reward. Choosing a reward will automatically go to next stage.
91 02:01:56 £20.00   Joseph Duffy
Happy birthday!
92 02:01:57 A$2.00   Kureiji Rrazz Happy Birthday Zeta!
93 02:03:40 €10.00   zipli
96 02:21:04 NT$70.00   SLUGY Will you voice yourself if u were a part of this?
97 02:21:22 $2.00   Dead M•M > H > + H, is a simple combo for boton
99 03:39:24 $5.00   Rin
Since u played as Ojou, can I get a "yo dayo"?
100 03:40:19 $20.00   Rin
101 03:49:34 $5.00   Rin
I heard *beep*. Does that mean free SC?
102 03:49:36 $1.99   Jesús Owlberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
The devs know what they are doing with that quest.
103 04:14:43 $1.99   Jesús Owlberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
I have to take a bath. Good luck and take care Z.
104 04:35:17 $5.00   SelRev
Zeta! How dare you ruin my Oshi's Virtual Frontier run!
105 04:40:25 $5.00   Rin
Ojou is cute like you too
107 05:12:59 $100.00   SelRev
Hi Chief! Project Director of Idol Showdown here. I watched so many of your streams while working on this game. You've improved so much over the course of this stream! Seeing you encounter all our things amazing experience! (even if you didn't get the Zeta reference)
108 05:31:57 $5.00   chofusama Your improving in the right, your making great progress. Btw, fighting games are hard but more fun with friend, you should challenge other holomems
109 05:33:49 PHP137.50   Cams
Sorry chief, I gotta sleep before you end. Migraine is getting worse. Have fun and good night! See you soon...
110 05:37:21 $4.99   Jesús Owlberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
I think Calli is organizing a Tournament of Idol Showdown, you should joined it or maybe an ID tournament would be great too. Take care and rest well.
111 05:41:38 $10.00   Rin
My oshi is played as my oshi to beat up my oshi
112 05:43:34 £1.00   DarkWr4ith
116 06:20:00 €10.00   Gowfret
Gonna quarter circle back to sleep , otsu everyone, thank you for the stream
117 06:50:44 CLP5,500   Marcus Kael
I love me some moar Zeta during the day, but please remember to take breaks, stay hydrated and get proper sleep We don't want to see you tired!
118 06:57:23 NT$75.00   Fraze
i thought you were joking when you said "i'll be practising for next 5hours"
119 07:09:44 IDR20,000.00   Zecretary Magang[secret unit] OhaZeta
120 07:09:50 $10.00   Aznsoulreaper You must be hella addicted if I just got home from work. Glad you're having a ton of fun! Proud of how much you've improved!
121 07:23:32 $5.00   Rin
Hello cattuber, have you mastered the art of "yo dayo"?
122 07:33:17 $2.00   Dead
i talk alot about combo input, ready for my hands?
123 07:43:16 $5.00   Majin D
124 07:47:50 MX$25.00   Vek My Oshi beater can't be this addict...cool!
125 07:47:56 NT$75.00   Lin Jiahong Good morning~ Playing for 7 hours, it's too crazy~~
126 07:52:06 PHP275.00   greentea💎on purple purple block i know it's addicting but you will get nicer scores when you're well rested.^^ take it easy. posture check. take care. (I got home-I slept- got to the office again...you're still playing LMAO)
127 08:00:09 IDR20,000.00   Lip makasih zeta dah nemenin aku ngapalin buat ujian
128 08:01:35 IDR20,000.00   FBC You learn fast, as expected from agent
129 08:01:57 IDR20,000.00   Edergonic
130 08:02:18 €20.00   zipli
Good job chief! You improved so much, proud of ya. Glad to see you have so much fun
134 08:05:15 IDR50,000.00   Hikari otsu chief. glad you're having fun. now take a rest and don't forget to hydrate
135 08:06:29 €5.00   Ameki Ch. 【Hololive & Vtubers Clips 】 You did well today Zeta. Now you can show Ollie why you're the chief!
136 08:07:02 PHP137.50   greentea💎on purple purple block
rest well.^^ now, boku boku them in your sleep. sleep well!
137 08:07:45 ¥500   ジュドナス@ジュドさんです
ゼータちゃんおはよ!ながい時間おつかれさま!あとでゆっくり飲んでね♪ ではお仕事がんばってきまーす
138 08:09:16 ¥200   Steaky Suteki 素敵ステーキ
Ohazeta! I think u got gud chief! OTSUORAORA
140 08:11:15 $5.00   chofusama
Hope this game opens the door 4 fighting games for you. U shud check out "How to get started with Fighting Games and have a Nice Time" when u got time
142 08:13:03 ¥200   ラズライト Otsuzeta! 仕事がおわったらZetaちゃん、ゆっくり休んでね!
143 08:13:45 $2.00   Rin
Nakiri "Onilord" Zeta. Im cooking something...
144 08:13:57 IDR50,000.00   Hana selamat pagi chief, apa setelah ini anda akan hibernasi?
145 08:14:30 €5.00   zipli
freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee etc
146 08:17:22 ¥200   翡翠かわせみ Kawasemi Hiswi 今日、リアルに誕生日です笑
147 08:17:35 ¥320   Steaky Suteki 素敵ステーキ
Zeta super: ZETATATATA! Omae wa mou shindeiru! NA-
148 08:21:31 MX$25.00   Vek
Thanks fr the fun time Zeta!Best of luck with work