記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
IDR IDR 40 1539000.00 \14,141
$ USD 8 43.99 \5,985
YEN YEN 5 5320 \5,320
£ GBP 2 15.00 \2,546
WON KRW 4 13000 \1,324
BYN BYN 1 10.00 \536
NT$ TWD 1 30.00 \132
A$ AUD 1 1.00 \90
---- ---- ---- ---- \30,074
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:05:04   FartunaZa Immersion gear got! Letsgooo real life trucking!!!
2 00:08:36   rRozzicky Today I started my workout, because of you
3 00:09:17   DoKuma Starlight Risu I put the Risu blanket in me and my mom said now I am a baby oh no!
4 00:09:25   Six that's actually a great motto for isekai express. Expect the expected, Isekai Express
5 00:10:32   Takit0 a bird just crashed into my window and gave me a jumpscare
6 05月15日
7 00:13:08   Izu Le Mat butuh fitur buat ganti suara klason jadi haheng
8 00:13:21   Zero (メンバーシップ入り)
9 00:13:28 IDR20,000.00   Your Botol Kecap Ch. Ris..
10 00:14:31 ₩2,000   족제비 haheng
11 00:14:43 IDR20,000.00   Ilammm Otsu Fan Meet kmrn and Let's GOOO Trucking night
12 00:16:23   o0HV0o Halo Risu, have a good night!
13 00:17:37 £10.00   Djangles LeVaughn My first thoughts when I discovered Risu; Veni, vidi, vedi iterum.
14 00:18:28 ₩3,000   Tenmachama U need dangdut while driving the truck risu
15 00:19:28 £5.00   Djangles LeVaughn
Correction. Veni, vidi, veni iterum!
16 00:19:53 IDR200,000.00   PongeWay glad to meet you last saturday, seru bgt ke holoid cafe ketemu risu, ngbrol brg fellow risuner, bonus ktmu larissa, food was perfect. i was too nervous & forgot to say "thx for always cheer me up such a bless become risuner"
17 00:23:02 IDR100,000.00   Karellen (Smarasanta) saya juga ketemu Risu kemarin Sabtu. tapi saya dipanggil "bang", iya saya agak tua
18 00:24:54 IDR79,000.00   Metal Arcweld bang nebeng bang
19 05月15日
  Abro hah hewro risu, holocafe kemarin seru banget ... meski kena batsu niruin suara tokek tapi seneng banget bisa interaksi langsung sama risu
20 00:26:54 ₩3,000   Tenmachama
Bang telolet bang
21 00:32:53 IDR20,000.00   Agradipta M. Bintang Yang ke isekai hitungannya korban atau pelanggan?
22 00:33:48 IDR20,000.00   Hubertus Damay Risu nanti mampir ke rest area dulu. Mau nabung
23 00:35:18   Nguyen Linh is this the reason why my Risusaurus merch just arrive today eventhough I placed order it last year?
24 00:36:33   YoshiMashiro Risu my nyutnyut merch already arrive and safely sleep in my car. Nyutnyut is a cutteeee as risuuuuuu
25 00:38:03 $10.00   No Nein #RealTruckingLicense4Risu
26 05月15日
  Egha Putra Hai Risu, sampai hr ini aku masih kerasa loh hype ketemu kamu. Mana pulangnya ketemu mba Larissa jg. Malmingan yg sempurna kemarin
27 00:40:56 IDR20,000.00   Hubertus Damay
I wonder can you keep driving even in reverse?
28 00:42:10   Febri is Budiman KAPAL OLENG KAPTEN
29 00:42:38 IDR20,000.00   Anggoruu San Ris pedal nya cuma gas doang ya?
30 00:45:29   Thomas AF Toretto is trembling in fear when Risu behind the wheel
31 00:48:55 IDR100,000.00   YuukiNero The fanmeet is amazing! So great to meet with risu and other risuners at the cafe~ the food is so “wuilah enak”, what a nice weekend after cf in the previous week~~
32 00:49:23   kurogane kyoshiro (メンバーシップ入り)
33 00:54:50 $5.00   Six "Sometimes my genius... is kinda frightening" is my favorite quote
34 01:02:52 IDR50,000.00   Hubertus Damay
Me saying good luck at Risu before she trucking. Me : "have a nice trucking Risu" Risu : " you too" Jadi kenet truck. Mengisekai orang bersama
35 01:04:06 IDR50,000.00   Blackrobe Asking Risu randomly, did she know about the meme where Korean teacher teaches English "Please give me Coke?"
36 05月15日
  ClowTheLich 5
37 01:17:25 IDR20,000.00   Your Botol Kecap Ch.
risu, kalo di pikir" mending gak usah di pikirin
38 01:18:02   Cenayang Penyayang Penuh Kasih Sayang Ga jadi diet mbak ? Katanya pengen perut kayak Larissa ?
39 01:19:53   Atomic Adam-Headpat Connoisseur Do you drive IRL? I'm curious if you do or not?
40 01:20:08 ¥320   まひろ。mahiro こんばんはリスちゃんトラック運転がんばってね今日も安全運転
41 01:24:01 ¥2,000   Sea Queen Hi risu! Thanks for the stream today!I enjoy Isekai Track but am also looking forward to the Minecraft stream!
42 01:29:03 IDR100,000.00   Thomas AF ikut patungan bensin, Ris
43 01:29:30 IDR20,000.00   Muchammad 'Irfan Chanif Rusydi so you like leafs, risu? how bout leaves deez nuts
44 01:29:58 IDR20,000.00   PongeWay
lumayan 2 liter
45 01:35:26 IDR20,000.00   Your Botol Kecap Ch.
ris.. kalo gini gimana ris?
46 05月15日
47 01:38:37   Ronnyz (メンバーシップ入り)
48 01:38:55   Kion Rogame Bang risu, gimana cuaca hari ini ?
49 01:42:08 IDR20,000.00   exyezed untk risu my gf n chat, semoga rejekinya lantjar
50 01:42:31   乄Slash乄 GWS
51 01:44:08 IDR50,000.00   Your Botol Kecap Ch.
knp air mata warnanya bening?...... kalo ijo jd air matcha
52 01:45:06 IDR20,000.00   Neya Clips. Ch• ikan² apa yang gak bisa renang? ikan goreng
53 01:45:08   だ〜はら 今日も一日安全運転
54 01:45:24 IDR20,000.00   Aris Furqon tupai apa yang bikin bokek? to pay your nut bill
55 01:46:38 IDR20,000.00   Your Botol Kecap Ch.
gula gula apa yg bukan gula? gula aren't
56 05月15日
  the Quirk (メンバーシップ入り)
57 01:48:05 ₩5,000   Tamago Zero V hewan apa yang banyak kerjaan? Kukang.. kukang sayur, kukang nasi goreng, kukang bakso.. xixixi
58 01:48:19 IDR50,000.00   Ryan Flare when will a joke become a dad joke? when the punchline become apparent
59 01:49:45   Dio Febrian guys lets make another bet. if the truck crashed again, risu will be our gf not just for one day like before but for an entire month
60 01:51:10 IDR50,000.00   Ryan Flare
which animal can do magic ? abra-labrador
61 01:56:08   Ryokhan are you stuck, step-squirrel?
62 02:10:21 IDR20,000.00   RK Gas terus Risu, rem itu optional
63 02:11:00 IDR20,000.00   Your Botol Kecap Ch.
kendaran apa yg lucu? kereta api cute cute
64 05月16日
  Guren Vynn bombastic trucker
65 02:12:32 IDR20,000.00   Neya Clips. Ch•
my nyut² just arrived last Friday. very fluffy/10
66 02:17:20   Messed Up Brainspike Ima be real. I don't think Risu is isekaing people. I think she's just flat out running them over and murdering them. And I think she likes it.
67 02:22:43 IDR50,000.00   Ryan Flare
what's Whitney Houston favorite type of coordination? Hand eyyyyyyeeeeee
68 02:26:59 IDR20,000.00   RK
Barang penyok, tapi supir ramah. Bintang 5
69 02:27:54 IDR50,000.00   Doctor.N Risu hari ini menyetir truk, apakah risu sudah memiliki SIM D? Surat Izin Menikah Denganku
70 02:37:14 ¥800   だ〜はら BGMで使われている曲がめちゃくちゃ良かった… トラックに追加のライトを装着しましょう! What is the song you are using for background music? Looks good for driving. Add lights to the track!
71 03:01:45 $10.00   Demon Chef Thats a 10/4 Rizzu, Looks like smokey's got a speed trap up ahead, watch out for that Ozora PD, Over.
72 03:06:18   Xerdiosa damn, who let the squirl drive
73 03:07:55 $5.00   Six
When someone asks me about the peak of internet I will point them to this vod of Risu drifting her 18 wheeler in the middle of traffic
74 03:11:02 IDR20,000.00   Teddygoo truknya mending decal "Doa Ibu" atau "Doa Wibu"?
75 03:12:24 IDR20,000.00   Guntur hati² sama bus 'Sumber Bencono' ris
76 03:14:27 NT$30.00   布丁pudding Isekai insurance... just in case
77 03:16:33 $5.00   Six
Most truckers like to name their trucks, like Bessie, Betty, El Diablo, Hades, Cleopatra, Big Papa, and so on. What would be your truck name?
78 03:25:01 BYN10.00   Rostomer hey Risu, i want to say thank you for your truck streams. i discovered new things about myself. i wasn't afraid of trucks, but now i am.
79 03:28:26 IDR20,000.00   Teddygoo
aman ris, doa wibu besertamu
80 03:30:25   Dwi (メンバーシップ入り)
81 03:32:43 $5.00   Nephi The Space Warrior Hey Risu, what do you think of being an assist character in Idol Showdown literally called Isekai Truck?
82 03:41:11 IDR20,000.00   Teddygoo
better experience compared to F1 Racing
83 03:42:56 IDR50,000.00   Teddygoo
I play tons of Elite:Dangerous, basically trucking in outer space with some shooting
84 03:50:24   Zbakes - ZMBproductions Safety Driving the squirrel says as she is speeding down the highway. Lol
85 03:50:41 IDR20,000.00   Kion Rogame Pilih melon atau semangka bang risu ?
86 05月16日
  ちょむすけ 10
87 03:54:33 ¥200   tomo machi We're here cuz of a hidden desire for Isekai...
88 04:00:00 IDR20,000.00   exyezed
pamit mba n chat, hope u all have a wondeful week
89 04:02:26 IDR20,000.00   Kion Rogame
Ris, makan kripik kaca pedas pernah ? Enak kan ?
90 04:05:37 IDR40,000.00   Kaisar Terraviltis Terang bulan atau martabak manis ris?
91 04:06:21 ¥2,000   Brrrandtner Thanks for a safe trip across Europe!
92 04:09:15 $1.99   NamingSystem Thanks for the trucking stream! Be careful
93 04:09:36 IDR20,000.00   Teddygoo
what happen? karena spirit pasti
94 04:26:32 A$1.00   Kureiji Rrazz (a無言スパチャ)
95 04:30:45 $2.00   Six
I give good massages, or so my dates have said!