記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
YEN YEN 5 15900 \15,900
PHP PHP 4 3162.50 \7,696
EUR EUR 3 30.00 \4,437
IDR IDR 12 475000.00 \4,364
$ USD 5 12.97 \1,764
A$ AUD 3 8.97 \815
THB THB 1 200.00 \806
CA$ CAD 1 5.50 \553
WON KRW 2 4000 \407
VND 1 20000 \116
---- ---- ---- ---- \36,858

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
2 00:01:25 €5.00   zipli
3 00:03:01 IDR50,000.00   FBC Good evening agent V.7 ! Good to see you back in action with Hitman. Maybe you'll get another POTG tonight
4 00:03:04 A$2.99   Ballistic Bucket Hi Zeta I just failed my Python exam LETS GOOOOOOO
5 00:03:27 ¥10,000   神楽アシス😎 Zeta! HoloID cafe おつかれさま!That was most sweet and memories for me and I love indonesian as well ! I decided I go to Indonesia every year! So I hope you keep continue this activity as an Idol and cat load! ところで僕のバツはなんですか?
6 00:05:58 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism] Hi Z. I hope you feel better now. Have a nice week
7 00:07:48 IDR10,000.00   Raymond (a無言スパチャ)
8 00:08:33 A$2.99   Hooooo Feeling dizzy yesterday? Each more spinach
9 00:10:54 IDR50,000.00   Hana buat beli Paracetamol chief
12 00:18:16 ¥5,000   エサクタ ヒットマン助かる トンデモ日本を楽しんでw
13 00:24:29 ¥200   Steaky Suteki 素敵ステーキ Chief you left the window wiper is on, oh, a-
15 00:29:52 ¥200   Steaky Suteki 素敵ステーキ
WEE WUU tskr, TY for the new alarm chief! lol
17 00:47:09 IDR20,000.00   Tetsuya Kim
18 00:48:27 IDR20,000.00   kenzo
19 00:50:37 PHP137.50   Cams You can harrass me alright
21 00:57:25 IDR20,000.00   Anchor Vath Zeta on her way to get another PoTG lesgo
23 01:13:41 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
Imagine dying for a feet surgery. What a deal
24 01:30:33 A$2.99   Ballistic Bucket
Just casually putting everyone u see into sleep
25 01:32:35 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
They say “YOGA”?. I always say “YAGO”
26 01:38:12 ¥500   コーデリア【Cordelia】 てんさい ゼータ やっちゃってください!
27 02:02:59 IDR20,000.00   NEO JEPARA satu kali bilang "Ah jangan doonk~~"
28 02:08:58 CA$5.50   VeeJaiii the Moomin Silly Thanks for the stream Zeta i gtg to work now have a good rest of your evening
30 02:15:48 IDR50,000.00   kusuma k Good night zeta. Please prioritize your health first and take it easy this week, get well soon and take care
31 02:21:05 €20.00   zipli
Thanks for the mayhem Agent 7, it was fun. I hope you'll feel better soon. Enjoy your day off and take care
33 02:22:17 IDR35,000.00   Civrey GET WELL SOON CHIEF OR SOME COFFEE BREAK
34 02:23:17 THB200.00   Derez Thank you for the stream chief. I laughed so much in this stream. Take care.
35 02:24:15 IDR100,000.00   Mustafa Zaki Assagaf thanks for the stream, pengen tidur dlu
36 02:24:35 $5.00   Anton M Thanks for the Hitman stream and uweee!
37 02:25:04 ₩2,000   강주영 Thx for todays GTA stream! Good night chief!
38 02:25:16 IDR50,000.00   Cefilua Thanks for the stream chief! Take care ya
39 02:25:50 PHP137.50   darkenopsia sorry that you feel dizzy. thank you for stream it was fun~ take care and have fun everyone at the M&G ^o^
41 02:28:31 PHP137.50   Cams
Thanks for keeping me company while waiting for my delayed flight! Hope u feel better soon, chief! Rest well~
42 02:28:41 ₩2,000   강주영
Youtube gave us Zeta's rap god moments ikz
43 02:29:10 IDR50,000.00   kenzo
ty for da stream today. have a gud rest jeta! i wanna sleep now. call my name before i sleep, that'll make my sleep really well
44 02:29:55 €5.00   zipli
Don't quit your day job
45 02:39:44 ₫20,000   Leon_1214 thanks zeta, i can sleep well tonight now
46 02:41:39 $2.00   Anton M
I like both ZETEZ and ATETA
47 02:41:56 PHP2,750.00   Cams
Oh, I almost forgor but belated happy mother's day mommy