1 09/27 05:31:13 $100.00 ¥11074   Colorful Anon Congrats on the 1 month and the opening of memberships! This past month has been nothing but great streams and I know there's just more to come! Looking forward to the Karaoke
2 09/27 05:54:52 $5.00 ¥553   Azure604 oops wrong button
3 09/27 05:55:49 A$5.00 ¥402   doomsuicune Membership pre-order
4 09/27 05:56:04 ¥500 ¥500   たいしくん!★(taishi kun) I'd like to be the first JP guy in your membership.FAU FAU BEAAAAAM
5 09/27 05:56:25 €5.00 ¥648   Matteo Chiesa Is this how i join?
6 09/27 05:56:36 ZAR35.00 ¥35   Jacques Van Zyl Membership pre-order.
7 09/27 06:00:53 $5.00 ¥553   acidtreat101 Been waiting for membership for so long AHHHH!!!!
8 09/27 06:01:26 $4.99 ¥552   Doug Joseph Time to relax our wonderful Fauna with our green memberships ASMR. The never ending lines of green will relax her and remind her of nature!
9 09/27 06:01:29 $50.00 ¥5537   Estella Congrats on membership! also pre-membership fee
10 09/27 06:01:31 £5.00 ¥757   Wilfer11 is this how I join membership?
11 09/27 06:01:41 ¥500 ¥500   ユデア🌿 Is this a membership fee?
12 09/27 06:02:01 $5.00 ¥553   t-dyno Extra $ before the membership unlock ~Uuuuu
13 09/27 06:02:17 £5.00 ¥757   Timothy Crowther (無言スパチャ)
14 09/27 06:02:17 PHP250.00 ¥546   [BLANK] Literally just forced myself to wake up just to catch this live. Let go!!
15 09/27 06:02:24 $5.00 ¥553   RocketGoat gym membership
16 09/27 06:02:24 PHP50.00 ¥109   Aeshi「アイシ」 Is this how I join membership?
17 09/27 06:02:25 MX$50.00 ¥275   laloms Una membresía porfa
18 09/27 06:02:26 CLP50,000 ¥7006   Kayroz Is this a red membership? Am I a member now?
19 09/27 06:02:27 $5.00 ¥553   Juny A :)
20 09/27 06:02:36 $1.99 ¥220   kenshin491 Gym membership?
21 09/27 06:02:40 $5.00 ¥553   Roy Raven MEMBERSHIP! LET ME INNNNNNNN
22 09/27 06:02:43 ¥500 ¥500   めるとん (無言スパチャ)
23 09/27 06:02:54 $5.00 ¥553   Lucent Acolyte membership pls
24 09/27 06:02:55 $5.00 ¥553   AmayariX Here's my membership fee.
25 09/27 06:02:55 £5.00 ¥757   Paul I hear gym membership is open toady! Uuuuuu~
26 09/27 06:03:01 CA$5.00 ¥437   Justin Pryce-Reay I'm in! The membership funds worked!
27 09/27 06:03:02 $100.00 ¥11074   Revan: Mori's Deadbeat in Space Oh shoot! We can order our memberships like this? In that case I would like one membership for life please. Now let's make a forest out of all the green in chat!
28 09/27 06:03:02 ¥500 ¥500   ことあつ! おめでとう!
29 09/27 06:03:04 $20.00 ¥2214   TheGreatBillyMays But this is how I joined last time
30 09/27 06:03:05 $5.00 ¥553   nox tech 1 member ship please!
31 09/27 06:03:10 ¥500 ¥500   。ウラヌス omedetoooooooooo
32 09/27 06:03:11 $5.00 ¥553   George gym membership please
33 09/27 06:03:11 NT$75.00 ¥299   翔暗 Add for Membership thanks
34 09/27 06:03:15 $5.00 ¥553   Cash Wizard LET ME IN!!!
35 09/27 06:03:15 MYR15.00 ¥395   Pterion let me innnnnn
36 09/27 06:03:18 HK$50.00 ¥711   YukiNora Konfauna! Congrats on membersihp~
37 09/27 06:03:23 CA$20.00 ¥1749   Orian Johnson Gym Membership Fund? Membership Fee? Who cares! You've earned it!
38 09/27 06:03:26 $5.00 ¥553   EnjoyReeding membership fee?
39 09/27 06:03:28 $5.00 ¥553   Rick R Someone said membership fee!
40 09/27 06:03:28 $5.00 ¥553   Arshaiden 1 Membership WOOOOOO
41 09/27 06:03:29 $5.00 ¥553   Robert Cal Membership fee?
42 09/27 06:03:39 CLP1,000 ¥140   abatarr Saludos desde Chile!
43 09/27 06:03:41 ¥500 ¥500   まて!オレはやってない メンバーここでいいですか?
44 09/27 06:03:41 $5.00 ¥553   ROBBERGON I'd like to join the NotPickly Gym. Will you be my trainer?
45 09/27 06:03:43 HK$25.00 ¥355   SnowOff / スノーオフ LET ME IN!!!
46 09/27 06:03:44 NOK50.00 ¥644   Zolfried pre member, there is nothing to fear
47 09/27 06:04:09 $100.00 ¥11074   KMSARGO membership fee?
48 09/27 06:04:12 ARS50.00 ¥56   酋長 YmKai Today is the big day! Congrats for the membership activation!
49 09/27 06:04:28 NT$1,500.00 ¥5985   オオカミ君 (無言スパチャ)
50 09/27 06:04:44 ¥1,000 ¥1000   縞ぺんぎん Congratulations on your membership unlock, Fauna-chan! I'm so happy to be a joining your membership! I know it's not much, but I will continue to cheer for you!٩( 'ω' )و
51 09/27 06:05:45 €5.00 ¥648   Ryūko【竜子】 Congratulations for 1 month and membership open! Can't wait to hear your beautiful voice during the karaoke! As promise, I joined you to see you Mama!
52 09/27 06:06:11 $5.00 ¥553   Ambreezy Is this how I join OnlyFauns?
53 09/27 06:06:14 $5.00 ¥553   semoponume congrats on faunaly getting your membership open! \(≧▽≦)/
54 09/27 06:06:15 MX$10.00 ¥55   Daniel Durán (無言スパチャ)
55 09/27 06:06:43 $2.00 ¥221   LC_Lapen I like the green lawn, but here's some BlueGrass
56 09/27 06:06:48 $10.00 ¥1107   Irish Wristwatch I don't think YouTube can keep up with the memberships.
57 09/27 06:06:57 $20.00 ¥2214   CitizenSnips Hope you have fun. We're here for you, not because we're after perfect professional singing. We'd be on a streaming service somewhere if that's what we wanted.
58 09/27 06:07:55 £5.00 ¥757   Ragnavr SLAP EMOTE WHEN?
59 09/27 06:08:23 $45.00 ¥4983   RollStep Memberships? One of each please
60 09/27 06:08:33 $100.00 ¥11074   Revan: Mori's Deadbeat in Space Thanks for the Youtube Membership. I will watch your career with great interest! You've been doing a Fauntastic job! I would like to join gym membership too please. Surely this is how it's done yes?
61 09/27 06:08:39 ¥1,000 ¥1000   納屋 英語わからないけど声がめちゃめちゃ可愛いのでチャンネル登録とメンバー登録をしました。よろしくおねがいします
62 09/27 06:08:41 SEK50.00 ¥639   Kapten-N Stayed up late to sign up for membership early, but I'll have to watch the rest of the stream archived. Good night and congratulations!
63 09/27 06:09:21 MX$50.00 ¥275   DOOM DEER I normally call you Ceres, but fo you prefer fauna? Also is Onee-San OK? I heard you felt like Onee San, so yeah I like to call you sister nature!
64 09/27 06:09:34 MYR6.00 ¥158   Wu little Congratulation
65 09/27 06:10:09 $2.00 ¥221   Furudo You'll be a pro singer in no time.
66 09/27 06:10:17 $100.00 ¥11074   Crit Fail Fauna I couldn't be more happy to be an official member of the gym! Thank you so much for giving all of your saplings so much joy. The thing I love most about Hololive is the wholesome energy and positiviity. I feel blessed to be in this community!
67 09/27 06:10:29 MYR300.00 ¥7919   Pterion My first akasupa because you’re fauntastic~! Congratulations on the 1 month anniversary and membership opening. It's been an amazing 1 month~! Thank you for your hard work and for always brighten up my day. looking forward to being spoiled more in the future :3
68 09/27 06:11:15 $10.00 ¥1107   Zoeinks *notices your membership* UwU(uuuu) what's this?
69 09/27 06:11:16 $10.00 ¥1107   Deadbeat parent I never thought I would get the doki doki feeling in my chest ever again, but now I do thanks to you! You deserve our love
70 09/27 06:12:23 A$20.00 ¥1609   SADBOYfr congratulations Fauna-mama, us saplings will be in your care Can I get a wink? It's a habit of mine when I do a first superchat with a holomember
71 09/27 06:12:48 MYR30.00 ¥791   Stryv「ストライブ」 Congratulations on unlocking membership! The emotes and badges looks really lovely!
72 09/27 06:13:18 $20.00 ¥2214   Jose Cortes Congratulations on membership opening Fauna! It's been an amazing first month, you're the best! Glad to be a Faunatic and looking forward to the future!
73 09/27 06:17:01 $100.00 ¥11074   Yakikorosu Down payment for SLAP emote. Congrats on unlocking membership Fauna, you're a natural entertainer and your streams are hilarious.
74 09/27 06:17:37 NT$75.00 ¥299   自由な男【Nephamily】【Sapling】 membership and first karaoke stream let's gooooooooooo
75 09/27 06:17:42 R$7.99 ¥165   Igor César Madruga (無言スパチャ)
76 09/27 06:20:32 $10.00 ¥1107   Mashimaru You see that girl singing on the stage? We raised that girl.
77 09/27 06:21:06 PHP250.00 ¥546   asotria Konfauna a! Good morning congrats on memberships and can't wait to hear nature's beautiful voice! Sorry wasn't able to come the past few streams since school Startin early.
78 09/27 06:25:41 $10.00 ¥1107   Green Zebra Congratulations gozaimasu on membership and 1 month!! Here's to another month, year and 4.5 billion moreAny chances we'll get at least 1 or 2 self drawn emotes from mama Fauna herself?
79 09/27 06:25:52 $4.99 ¥552   ThemeTeamTW I’m laying here wrapped up in a comfy blanket listening to Fauna do the cutest karaoke ever. You did absolutely fantastic. We love you Fauna-hime.
80 09/27 06:27:19 $1.99 ¥220   kenshin491 Brave Faunaaaaaaa
81 09/27 06:28:06 $10.00 ¥1107   ChemistWeeb FallStreamDrinkChampagne+PeachNectar+PlumWine Fauna, I said I had a present and its on twitter now under your tags & my username! Its a doc with info, specs, and seiso versions of every StreamDrink!
82 09/27 06:28:17 $20.00 ¥2214   TheGreatBillyMays That's right Fauna! Have Coffeedence!!
83 09/27 06:28:30 ¥500 ¥500   とむとむ メンバーシップおめでとう!and I’m very good at singing.
84 09/27 06:28:59 $2.70 ¥299   Melman9812 /Jimmell98 Congrats on unlocking membership Fauna
85 09/27 06:29:03 MYR15.00 ¥395   rust i'm die, thank you forever
86 09/27 06:31:26 $9.99 ¥1106   Life Was A Mistake your voice is beautiful fauna!!!
87 09/27 06:32:40 $50.00 ¥5537   Yakikorosu Reject humanity; return to Fauna deep voice Aishite
88 09/27 06:33:12 €5.00 ¥648   Blex Please take me under your leaves dear 母なる自然 And a question for you: Do you know the Solarpunk genre? And what is your favorite Punk genre?
89 09/27 06:34:41 £5.00 ¥757   pumpkin 001 w congrats on membership!!! u got this idol karaoke arc down!
90 09/27 06:36:36 TRY2.99 ¥2   Fyrexul (無言スパチャ)
91 09/27 06:37:55 $9.99 ¥1106   Sean R.
92 09/27 06:39:06 HK$50.00 ¥711   十六夜夜_izayoi-ya Congratulations to Unlocked Membershipalso wonderful kanaoke
93 09/27 06:39:06 $5.00 ¥553   RollStep Sweets Parade V2! Thankfully the power didn't go out. Unless...
94 09/27 06:39:55 $100.00 ¥11074   Doug C. My very first super chat and membership after all this time of enjoying hololive and all of its members. You surely have a captivating personality that simply stole our hearts, which is why we saplings luv you >///<
95 09/27 06:41:32 $1.99 ¥220   kenshin491 Been a while?… they’re definitely hints…
96 09/27 06:42:51 $2.00 ¥221   Revan: Mori's Deadbeat in Space GET IN THE ROBOT FAUNA!
97 09/27 06:42:53 $5.00 ¥553   Mashimaru Get in the goddamn robot Fauna!
98 09/27 06:44:09 SGD5.00 ¥408   Yuri’s Slaughter sending love and support for EVA gang LESGOOO, also hope you have a good day ahead of you and everyone of us saplings! Love your ASMRS streams too!
99 09/27 06:44:10 RON10.00 ¥262   Dah Nuh dance for Fauna!
100 09/27 06:44:47 PHP250.00 ¥546   Aeshi「アイシ」 Congratulations on the successful karaoke stream! You've made so much progress in one month and we saplings are proud of you and are grateful we can share this journey with you Faufau
101 09/27 06:44:58 ¥250 ¥250   GKホロ専用マグロの配達員 membership解禁(かいきん)おめでとう〜!!
102 09/27 06:45:39 R$5.00 ¥103   Menphy Congrats on memberships! These amotes are so cute!!
103 09/27 06:45:40 €2.00 ¥259   Ryūko【竜子】 GET IN THE ROBOT MAMA !
104 09/27 06:46:23 $4.99 ¥552   Doug Joseph Launch Faunagelion! :_wave: So good, oneesan!
105 09/27 06:46:46 ¥6,100 ¥6100   あまとう Omedetongratulation! Unlock your membership and one month anniversary This month went by very quickly because I met you.I can't understand English a little.but I’m looking forward to faunya stream Sorry if this hard to read.いつも素敵な時間をありがとう
106 09/27 06:47:11 $5.00 ¥553   ZyraZain You, Wattame, Ayame, Choco, and IRyS can form the HoloHorns unit. Joining the HoloBirds, HoloRodents, Umisea units <3 Just an idea <3
107 09/27 06:47:41 $2.00 ¥221   LC_Lapen Faun-Core!
108 09/27 06:48:11 $5.00 ¥553   Elicheese Encore? More like Fauncore!
109 09/27 06:48:17 ₩100,000 ¥9382   NEPI KonFauna Gozaimasuuuuuu!! It's so blessing to meet mama nature Faunawell Forever
110 09/27 06:48:44 $5.00 ¥553   Revan: Mori's Deadbeat in Space It was short but sweet! Thank you for a fun karaoke! Looking forward to your singing journey!
111 09/27 06:50:24 $99.99 ¥11073   Dusty - KFP Sapling? Hello my nature goddess, I am now a sapling!Since you got mad at me for asking that you do me(us) the honor of planting us snuggly with steppies, I will ask instead since you are quite good at it,a couple of slaps to tighten the ground. Ps:your singing voice is heavenly
112 09/27 06:50:27 $1.99 ¥220   kenshin491 Hey Manager san, hope you’re well?
113 09/27 06:52:31 $5.00 ¥553   Yakikorosu Happy birthday song is public domain now
114 09/27 06:53:19 $5.00 ¥553   Yenway Please sing us the songs you sing to Clover and Snail when nobody else is looking.
115 09/27 06:53:37 $5.00 ¥553   Lunchbox Amazing song. No BGM. Enjoy being sampled.
116 09/27 06:55:05 R$5.00 ¥103   DarkFox Just imagining Fauna singing lullaby songs. It would feel like being in heavens
117 09/27 06:56:25 $2.00 ¥221   2nd_2sday I use that joke a lot.
118 09/27 06:56:38 $5.00 ¥553   Yakikorosu public domain! Twinkle Twinkle Little Fauna or Old McDonald Had A Not Pickle
119 09/27 06:56:55 $4.99 ¥552   kenshin491 Yo yo my name Fauna, and we chilling at sauna, why not kick back if you wanna, so I can lay it on yeah.
120 09/27 06:57:16 CA$5.00 ¥437   Koryuuji I'll throw cash instead of tomatoes
121 09/27 06:57:41 $5.00 ¥553   Itsjust_Fuego I very much enjoy your streams. Here's to the future.
122 09/27 06:58:44 $5.00 ¥553   ZyraZain *Knock knock* Who's there? Watta. Watta who? WattaME!
123 09/27 06:59:53 $5.00 ¥553   Revan: Mori's Deadbeat in Space OMG MY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES OF NARUTO ARE FLOODING IN!
124 09/27 07:00:20 $100.00 ¥11074   art Congrats on 1 month and here's to many more! I love your themed ASMR and am looking forward to your future ideas. Can't wait for the uuu~ after your first sneeze
125 09/27 07:00:20 $5.00 ¥553   EnjoyReeding Thank you for making work a fun time for me today with this stream Fauna!
126 09/27 07:01:10 R$1.00 ¥20   Igor César Madruga (無言スパチャ)
127 09/27 07:02:00 €5.00 ¥648   Kouma231 Knock Knock. Who is it? You expected a pun but it was me, !! Amazing singing Mama
128 09/27 07:02:31 $49.99 ¥5535   Doug Joseph Karaoke was sooo great, oneesan! Thank you for spoiling us saplings with your fantastic singing. Even Clover wanted to get on stage!
129 09/27 07:02:49 CA$5.00 ¥437   Hats Can we get a certified Fauna "uuuuu"?
130 09/27 07:03:08 $2.00 ¥221   Revan: Mori's Deadbeat in Space A glorious encore. Thank you Fauna.
131 09/27 07:03:36 $1.49 ¥165   RollStep
132 09/27 07:04:25 ¥1,000 ¥1000   プロ❨プログラミングって何ですか?❩ Happy 1 month Anniversary & Congrats on membership!! I love your pretty singing voice♪ Aishiteru-yo Fauna
133 09/27 07:04:35 €5.00 ¥648   SAACHAmaa~ Mother nature's voice is soo cute~ makes my heart go DOKI DOKI o///o. looking forward to more comedy streams lol (and singing streams ofc ^^
134 09/27 07:04:42 $5.00 ¥553   Majin D thanks for the karaoke, you did great and were super cute ~ can't wait to hear you sing in EN~
135 09/27 07:04:53 MYR15.00 ¥395   Stryv「ストライブ」 Thank you for the really cute singing, and I wasn't expecting the deep voice singing! Your singing is only going to get better from now on!
136 09/27 07:05:06 $50.00 ¥5537   Revelence 91 love the Kareoke, you are wonderful. congratulations on memberships
137 09/27 07:05:39 CA$0.99 ¥86   Czaidesu (無言スパチャ)
138 09/27 07:05:45 ARS500.00 ¥561   lolo Congrats on membership opening!
139 09/27 07:06:00 $20.00 ¥2214   ネオアームストロングサイクロンジェットアームストロング砲 Congrats on opening membership Fauna~ The karaoke was pure cuteness~ Glad to be a day 1 Faunatic
140 09/27 07:07:14 ¥200 ¥200   蚊取り豚野郎 Thankyou Nice songs!!
141 09/27 07:08:32 ¥500 ¥500   澪ユキ「みおユキ」『崇める悲哀』【尻尾の鈴ガチ恋勢】【雪民】【Saplings】 Congratulations on opening your membership. I'm really enjoying Fauna's streams! I will continue to support you. You sang so well, it was awesome!