トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   33     199.98   28,285円
 IDR  IDR   18  650000.00    5,851円
 WON  KRW    2      55000    5,742円
 YEN  YEN    7       3240    3,240円
  R$  BRL    8     100.00    2,638円
 PHP  PHP    8     700.00    1,728円
 MYR  MYR    3      47.50    1,468円
 CLP  CLP    8       7480    1,141円
 EUR  EUR    2       7.00    1,021円
  A$  AUD    2       7.00      657円
 CRC  CRC    1    2500.00      584円
 CA$  CAD    1       5.00      527円
 NT$  TWD    1      75.00      339円
 ARS  ARS    1     225.00      193円
---- ---- ----       ----   53,414円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 11月23日
  Minun (メンバーシップ入り)
2 11月23日
  pokypoky (メンバーシップ入り)
3 11月23日
CLP740   Sebastian Zapata [ Gulpin ]
4 00:04:48 IDR20,000.00   FBC It's been a while chief
5 00:05:05 CLP1,000   Sebastian Zapata [ Gulpin ]
Zeta and green zeta tskr
6 00:05:10 $20.00   Rin Ohazeta! You are such a good catch, I think I might have to use my only master ball on you
7 00:06:13   Luqman why is there a pokemon streaming on zeta' channel
8 00:06:18   Prenga Hello again Zeta. Why is there both gray Zeta and green Zeta?
9 00:06:52 ¥500   コーデリア【Cordelia】 こんゼタ!もしかしてポケモンのなまえはバゾさましばりなのでは!?
10 00:06:55 IDR20,000.00   Always Noob that green cat, is she your sister?
11 00:08:15 $5.00   Rin
Dont worry. I cringed myself from that pickup line too
12 00:08:57 ₩5,000   안징 So that means the gray cat is Zeta's pet, right? 야옹
13 00:09:23 ¥320   イズナ0025 ポケモンたのしみ♪ゼータちゃんゲットだぜ!!!
14 00:10:00 ¥500   ラズライト これでBaz…モンスターボールかってね!!
15 00:10:48 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ) Zeta, I can see you want to be the very best... The best there ever was...Catching cats is your real test, Not being Pon is your cause...
16 00:11:17 $5.00   Rin
So much longer later that the old narrator was tired of waiting and they had to hire a new one.
17 00:12:58 PHP50.00   Cams [Rhydon] Chief this is not The Sims
18 00:13:26 $5.00   Jasher Fission if this is your first this is good, you can get tips from the school classes to help you with game mechanics, hope you have fun
19 00:15:33 ¥500   イズナ0025
20 00:17:31 IDR100,000.00   Falkro Ciee first timee , have fun on your first journey Chief !! o7
21 00:19:48 IDR20,000.00   Un-チ there's a pokemon togedemaru that looks like bazo
22 11月24日
23 11月24日
24 00:26:31 $2.00   Rin
AYO the mom is hot! is she single?
25 00:26:31 IDR50,000.00   Cefilua [Shuckle] Mau persami ya zet?
26 00:29:01   Bionic Hippo (メンバーシップ入り)
27 00:29:25 CLP1,000   Sebastian Zapata [ Gulpin ]
choose the Cat, you want it and we need it
28 00:30:28 $2.00   Rin
Pick Sprigatito. I dare you
29 11月24日
  Joseph Song Pick
30 11月24日
  Friendly Mirror CAT PLS I BEG
31 00:31:05   Dr. MFI Starter Pokemon Poll Maybe ?
32 00:33:54 IDR20,000.00   Si Emeng do you pick duck so you can eat it Zeta?
33 11月24日
34 00:44:03   Ǿ (メンバーシップ入り)
35 00:44:08 ₩50,000   이성민 Mac Sungminson Hi Zeta. I heard the news about the earthquake there. I am sorry to hear that. May the victims rest in peace. How are you doing though? Was there no damage? Turut berduka cita.
36 11月24日
  FearlessPandaZ Green Cat let's gooo!
37 00:44:17 $5.00   Rin
All according to keikaku
38 11月24日
  greentea💎on purple purple block i would give 20 gifts
39 00:44:50 ARS225.00   Zenio 😈 Sprizeta
40 00:45:53 CLP1,000   Sebastian Zapata [ Gulpin ]
Call her Vestia
41 00:46:01   Akaminari Kusaneko?
42 00:46:25 $2.00   Rin
43 00:46:39 CLP1,000   Sebastian Zapata [ Gulpin ]
Or Duolingo Cat
44 11月24日
  greentea💎on purple purple block 20 件の Vestia Zeta Ch. hololive-ID のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
45 11月24日
  Ribraリブラ [PikaChuuu] (メンバーシップ入り)
46 11月24日
  Luqman 20 件の Vestia Zeta Ch. hololive-ID のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
47 11月24日
  Rin 20 件の Vestia Zeta Ch. hololive-ID のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
48 00:49:00 PHP125.00   greentea💎on purple purple block i sad I would give 20 gifts if you chose the kusa cat
49 00:50:02 PHP50.00   CertiFried Nousagi cat food fund for both you and sprigatito
50 00:50:21 $2.00   Rin
It's free
51 00:54:56 ¥200   目黒_meguro Good cat combination!
52 00:59:53 CLP1,000   Sebastian Zapata [ Gulpin ]
Try to catch a gulpin if you have the chance
53 01:03:12 CLP1,000   Sebastian Zapata [ Gulpin ]
Gulpin deez. anyway have fun! cy@ later
54 01:06:38 $2.00   Rin
Dont worry. I will take care of your mom for you
55 01:16:08 $10.00   Aznsoulreaper Congrats on your first Pokemon capture ever! Now would you tell me what Pokemon #218 is?
56 01:23:35 PHP125.00   Cams [Rhydon]
Sadly, they don't have my favorite pokemon Rhydon here but you can catch Rookidee instead! Please catch it, chief
57 01:28:13 $2.00   Rin
Emergency food
58 01:30:55 $1.99   Jesus Alberto [Mewtwo] Hi Z. I have to go to work. Have fun and good luck
59 01:39:18 $5.00   Rin
Make sure you toss the sandwich into the blender first before feeding it to the pokemon
60 01:51:30 $2.00   Rin
gigachad Zeta sliding in girl's DM
61 01:54:43 A$2.00   SaxonBlue Gonna get some sleep. Have fun, Chief!
62 01:56:16 PHP125.00   Cams [Rhydon]
Did you get the physical copy of the game? It's the Pokemon on the box art for Violet! Miraidon meaning future. Mi raidon deez nut-
63 01:58:46 IDR50,000.00   Risyam Najmi 'Adiyat Your MC can have Miraidon, May i have my Mirai with you ? hahaha Thank you for the stream Zeta, i gotta go, bye. Have fun, chief !
64 01:59:25 IDR50,000.00   Zecretary Magang[secret unit] Hari ini aku ulang tahun ini ada kue untuk chief baso juga kebagian
65 02:00:40   TIMOTIUS INDRA SEJATI (メンバーシップ入り)
66 02:04:21   Arby (メンバーシップ入り)
67 02:04:33 R$10.00   Marcelo Yoshida "Lets beat this kid!" - Zeta 2022
68 02:05:02 ¥220   ーぷはー (無言スパチャ)
69 02:05:19 PHP125.00   Cams [Rhydon]
You can have my lunch money maam. I'm sorry I only have this much
70 02:06:21 $2.00   Jasher Fission
dinner and breakfast money
71 02:06:22 R$10.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Sorry Zeta, here's my lunch money
72 02:07:22 IDR50,000.00   Mangoroot [소원] here my lunch money, please don't hurt me again chief
73 02:07:35 MYR30.00   Luqman sorry zeta this is all the lunch money i have
74 02:07:39 CRC2,500.00   Merfyn Sorry Zeta here all i had for lunch
75 02:07:42 $2.00   LC_Lapen I just got here, but I guess here's my Lunch money
76 02:08:11 $5.00   Rin
Dont worry. This is free. Here is your lunch money
77 02:08:20   GoldenUmi (Mi-Fi) (KFP Fryer) Take my free lunch
78 02:08:27 IDR50,000.00   Bahrein Simamora hi zetaa hari ini ulang tahun ku terimakasih dah nemanin selama ngerjain laprak ku selama ini!!!
79 02:08:41 R$20.00   Marcelo Yoshida
I know it's free chat, but it's all my lunch money sorry chief!
80 02:09:29 $9.99   Ghastly Yōkai Not lunch money but how about Dinner money
81 02:09:37 ¥1,000   ashley Lunch money time?
82 11月24日
  Veilza Kinsemi Buy yourself some tea with this free superchat chief, hope you can sleep better
83 02:10:08 $10.00   EvilDrCatfish I'm a bit old for lunch money, but my kids aren't! You're cuter anyway : D
84 02:10:33 €2.00   Murasaki chief is collecting taxes to afford meals?
85 02:11:19 IDR50,000.00   Mangoroot [소원]
so you mean you want my breakfast money too? okaaay
86 11月24日
  Marcelo Yoshida 5 件の Vestia Zeta Ch. hololive-ID のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
87 02:11:24   CertiFried Nousagi not lunch or dinner.. cat food fund will do!
88 02:11:41 $20.00   LilBrownWill I can skip lunch today if the boss needs some cash
89 02:11:51   Zolfried nightsnacks fund
90 02:12:00 PHP50.00   Cams [Rhydon]
Lunch money is the new "free"
91 02:12:14   Byaksune (メンバーシップ入り)
92 02:12:25   Kokonya History as usual.. checking in for the automatic resub.. have fun zeta you are the cutest! can i have a gws hahaha..
93 02:12:28 IDR20,000.00   Always Noob
whiskas fund for kusa and you? ikuzo
94 02:13:27   Edbert (メンバーシップ入り)
95 02:13:27 R$10.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Relaxing tea fund chief
96 02:13:57 MYR15.00   OssaNajimi 1st she takes our money now she takes our sleep time. JK
97 02:14:00 CA$5.00   カナダより中野まあく I'm starving but Zeta can have my lunch money.
98 02:14:16   はいはん E Chief, do I need to pay sleep tax?
99 02:14:29 $20.00   Rin
Oh sorry. I didnt know you need tea fund. Here you go.
100 02:15:07 IDR20,000.00   Venti this is my lunch money for BAZO lunch.
101 02:17:46 $2.00   Rin
Thank you for what? LMAO
102 02:19:23 NT$75.00   pokypoky Does bazo taste good?
103 02:20:21   かえる (メンバーシップ入り)
104 02:22:32 R$10.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Go to pokemon center to heal chief; and here's bazo fund for eating
105 02:23:13 $2.00   Evy Devy You just picked on a child for money ya know
106 02:24:00 $2.00   Jasher Fission
more lunch money?
107 02:24:38 MYR2.50   ZZeeGaminG
108 02:28:16 IDR25,000.00   Kenneth Matthew here's midnight snack fund, chief 🫡
109 02:29:00 $20.00   Aster Here ya go Chief! Heard you were hungry. SC wasn't free but I used my Lunch Points to save money
110 02:32:06 $2.00   Rin
Ice cream fund
111 02:32:04 R$10.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Jaw Hurt fund (Lunch money)
112 02:41:21 $5.00   Rin
MOOOOM!!! The cat is bullying smol kids for lunch money again!!!
113 02:45:06 PHP50.00   Cams [Rhydon]
Pi chew on deez nu-
114 02:46:25 $2.00   Aqua Sky bully cat kills innocent baby pokemon
115 02:49:50 IDR10,000.00   Alif Syiddiqy (無言スパチャ)
116 02:52:03 IDR25,000.00   Kenneth Matthew
gotta go, thank you Chief for the stream🫡
117 03:04:13 $5.00   Rin
My earphones are dying, so I gotta go. Enjoy the rest of the game Zeta! See you in the next stream!
118 03:06:13 R$10.00   Marcelo Yoshida
When food challenge again? Throat care fund BTW
119 03:07:02 CLP740   Sebastian Zapata [ Gulpin ]
120 03:16:50   Morse (メンバーシップ入り)
121 03:17:53 R$20.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Snack fund (pan?)
122 03:19:16 $5.00   TaiyakiFerret Nooo! My lunch money...
123 03:20:04 IDR50,000.00   FBC
Langsung melek habis di jumpscare
124 03:20:46 IDR20,000.00   Idea man, my chief cant be this cute
125 03:48:38 $5.00   Aster
Look at all these kids trying to use their lunch money before Zeta takes it from them.
126 04:06:45 €5.00   zipli (無言スパチャ)
127 04:07:06 $10.00   Ryan Sagala Thank you for the wonderful stream Zeta~