配信名【PagiMoona】Good morning! let's talk!【Freetalk】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 5 206.00 \27,989
YEN YEN 2 1000 \1,000
CA$ CAD 1 10.00 \997
PHP PHP 3 225.00 \558
IDR IDR 1 50000.00 \444
---- ---- ---- ---- \30,988
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:03:24   Hadii (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:03:47   Peter 10q for the old intro, i still love it more than the new one, its so cute just like you
3 03月06日
  seniberkelas hobolive moona ch
4 00:09:54 ¥500   あおい橘 Pada bulan Maret dan April, di Jepang tersedia berbagai macam manisan sakura dan produk lainnya, jadi pastikan Anda menikmatinya.(deepl)
5 00:08:57 ¥500   細い Ohayoooooooo!
6 00:15:33 $2.00   Peter You still say alarm wrong and i love it
7 00:15:56 PHP50.00   Kurorosagi II Your alarm sounds like Emergency System Alarm
8 03月06日
  JUI Morning Moona~~
9 00:22:05 PHP125.00   Kurorosagi II
If you were given the chance to create a Spell, Exclusive only to Moona Hoshinova, what would it's name and it's effects?
10 00:30:53   Azure Kite you can try some solo minecraft with modpack it can change thing if bored with base minecraft
11 00:33:16 $2.00   Peter
captures your sneeze and sells it
12 00:53:03 $2.00   Peter
grandma moona uses a PC and not just a smartphone
13 01:13:32   Radivan I.M kalo main gamebot pernah moon?
14 01:14:02 CA$10.00   文輝 Moons A++ student :D
15 01:17:43   Rickchama ch. (メンバーシップ入り)
16 03月06日
  vitoria-H jadi ingat waktu kls 6 sd, ngomporin adik kelas sampe berantem, trus mereka dimarahin kepsek
17 01:59:26 IDR50,000.00   Stan moona that's sounds like barbie from toy story 3
18 02:04:10 $100.00   Enter TW What do you want to do when you grow up?
19 02:04:11 PHP50.00   Benz Quizon Mama Moona thanks for the recent unarchive karaoke
20 02:05:14   Jamie Miles (メンバーシップ入り)
21 02:05:36 $100.00   Enter TW
Where do you want to visit most that you haven't been?
22 02:09:58   herowinb Quick Q&A: Mountain or Beach ? Sweet food or spicy ?
23 02:18:36   herbert Moona, what food do you really want to try in the future?
24 03月06日
  yuba 10
25 02:31:55   BananaWallpaper (メンバーシップ入り)
26 02:32:43   Hayane Mandi moonnnn kasiaann bajunya udah teriaakk Baju : Manddiii mooonnnn