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配信名:【hololiveID】Risu Radio Night : EMOTIONAL DAMAGE !!?!?!【Ayunda Risu】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   £  GBP    1      20.00    3,115円
   $  USD    1      10.00    1,161円
 CLP  CLP    2       7500    1,089円
 PHP  PHP    2     300.00      679円
 YEN  YEN    1        200      200円
---- ---- ----       ----    6,244円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02/28
¥200   せんせい, なーほーね
2 02/28
£20.00   Gorbz I was going to make a joke, but will be serious this once. I have high-functioning autism and, as such, emotions are very difficult for me. I do not so much supress emotion as such, just... barely feel them.
3 02/28
PHP50.00   ANightDazingZoroark mommy ayunda best therapist
4 02/28
CLP2,500   助カルロス I'm glad to be here tonight, Ayunda sama. Looking forward to this radio stream, I hope you & Risuners have a nice week!
5 02/28
$10.00   Not Luka Im the kind of person that needs everything explained. Nobody ever explains anything so i hurt lots of people without realizing it, stopped feeling bad about it a few years ago. Much love Ayunda
6 02/28
PHP250.00   Memora I honestly would love to see this more in the future. Thanks fort eh stream Ayunda.
7 02/28
CLP5,000   助カルロス This was a really enlightening stream, Risus. I tend to ignore & minimize these kind of issues all the time & for my (non) surprise it always backfire sooner and harder than expected. Gotta work on it