トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:【Dead by Daylight】6TH ANNIVERSARY WOOOO give me free stuffs【hololive Indonesia 2nd Generation】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD    4      40.00    5,376円
 MX$  MXN    4     320.00    2,140円
 EUR  EUR    2      15.00    2,124円
 YEN  YEN    3       1700    1,700円
 CA$  CAD    1      10.00    1,037円
 NT$  TWD    1     150.00      677円
 HK$  HKD    1      10.00      171円
---- ---- ----       ----   13,225円

No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
2 06/23
CA$10.00   GBO2 gameplays CONGRATS on getting 500k!!! HOPING MORE TO COME!!
6 06/23
¥1,000   ミタ 50万人登録達成おめでとう!いつも配信ありがとうございます。 アーニャのミステリアスな空気と、魅惑のジト目、キレイな声、とてつもない語学力が好きでメンバー入りました。 配信内・配信外でのますますのご活躍を願っております。 (よかったらアーニャの吸い込まれそうなジト目をアップで映して欲しいです~。)
9 06/23
MX$50.00   Otto Crossheart Ok, Anya, the celebration stream is in the only timeslot who I'm really busy on the entire week, i have indeed your gacha luck. GWS
10 06/23
$10.00   Tabitha Gabrielle Happy 500K, and Happy 6 year Anniversary with DbD Anya! When you have your 6 year anniversary with us, can you chase down and stick us on hooks too?
11 06/23
MX$20.00   Otto Crossheart PS: You will miss me becoming cringe in chat.
12 06/23
¥500   seaweed
13 06/23
€10.00   Last Braincell 🍂 Shirakami senpai or Fubuki senpai? I havent seen anything where she addresses herself as Fubuki...
16 06/23
¥200   seaweed
17 06/24
$5.00   Randy RJ Yes, Anya is handsome. With her tired droopy eyes.
20 06/24
$5.00   Rosha1 I missed your karaoke...I will never forgive myself lol. Congrats on 500k!
21 06/24
HK$10.00   Pearlパール Omedotu on 500ks sub
22 06/24
MX$50.00   Otto Crossheart PS2: Everything you said about my gacha luck, is also to you, we have the same gacha luck... the chat reflects the streamer...
23 06/24
MX$200.00   AngeloidRam Felicidades por tus 500k!!! Congrats for the 500k!! You're my favorite in all vTuber universe and it's nice to see all your progress. I feel bad for missing the Den's visit but it's was for work hope to see 500k Celebration
24 06/24
NT$150.00   ollo' Dinp Anya, I just finished a work-recruit exam last week. I might failed it. After so many times failure. I think I should find another way to get the job. Anyway, hope there will be a good news next time
25 06/24
€5.00   Last Braincell 🍂 You don't have many emojis. Do you plan on getting more?
28 06/24
$20.00   cowboy_arnold Never got to say congrats on 500k because I've been busy recently, but Congrats again for 500k subs Anya!! On to 600k!