配信名【Minecraft】journey to the north【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 82 286.03 \36,576
MX$ MXN 13 1769.00 \12,055
IDR IDR 40 1339000.00 \11,165
NT$ TWD 10 2355.00 \9,942
EUR EUR 7 25.00 \3,467
MYR MYR 4 98.70 \2,912
PHP PHP 19 1100.00 \2,561
CA$ CAD 2 10.00 \954
£ GBP 1 5.00 \782
THB THB 1 100.00 \390
R$ BRL 1 10.00 \250
A$ AUD 1 2.00 \178
HK$ HKD 1 10.00 \163
NZ$ NZD 1 2.00 \163
---- ---- ---- ---- \81,558
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:00:16 €5.00   Yamabro ok hi guys i've started a ranked in lol, i'm playing irelia top vs sejuani, wish me good luck
2 01月15日
3 00:02:23 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar Ohayou, Arc Kael sebagai bajak laut dimulai. GLHF Kael, btw dah sarapan?
4 01月15日
  Rasyad Ramadhan nice hairpins for today ela
5 00:03:03 $2.00   Tabitha Gabrielle GOod luck today Kaela, with you and sad eyebrows
6 00:03:14 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
wew, kumis majikanny kebalik sekarang
7 00:03:35 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon Good morning Kaela. You got some chopsticks coming out of your head. Is your head ok?
8 00:04:02 IDR79,000.00   Type III error Sarapan makan apa La?
9 00:04:21 $5.00   Steam Goliath Kaela, my ISP shut down my internet. I don't understand why, I've been paying me Kaela taxes but they don't believe me. Please send help.
10 00:04:31 PHP50.00   Nivs Nivs Nivs Good Morning . Ela is that a eyebrow or a whiskers
11 00:05:00 $2.00   Tabitha Gabrielle
Your mom called? What did she call you?
12 00:07:07 A$2.00   XangelMusic Kaela is cutely serious
13 00:07:25 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
If laugh seriously like this: HA HA HA. Is that acceptable for this stream?
14 00:07:27 $5.00   Andrew Swallie PagiLa to you, Siang to me, i have nothing unique to say but i like supporting my oshi as much as i can so heres some filler words i guess
15 00:08:05 $2.00   Steam Goliath
By the way, why do you have 2 pairs of chopsticks?
16 00:09:03 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
is unrelated emote. nothing to do with you. dw
17 00:09:59 NT$1,500.00   _ CY Actually that's sea sedge
18 00:10:01 $2.00   Magdalenus Rex Still doing chem homework rip
19 01月15日
  xRubywolfx 5
20 00:13:05   Vaughan Roderick Tax tax time.
21 00:15:49 $5.00   xRubywolfx Thank you for all the fun today/yesterday best of luck in minecraft. Been trying to SB to work but keep getting error totally random anyways night.
22 00:16:45 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
asli, org lg tdur dbangunin. klo ane udh ngamuk it
23 00:18:25 $5.00   elJuice Hi Kaela, I love the forehead whiskers
24 00:19:22 CA$5.00   Pinkie Pyro I though Zeta was the cat of HoloIN
25 00:19:24 $2.00   Tabitha Gabrielle
Kaela, are those alien antenae? Are you a Iofi?
26 00:20:27   KirizoR Cherman kaela jadi tikus mondok
27 00:20:31 $5.00   Andrew Swallie
My oshi is treasure hunting not knowing that she *is* the treasure. I'm still learning the language, does "perburuan yang baik" mean "good hunting?"
28 00:21:24 $5.00   Magdalenus Rex
Interesting I thought those lines on you were that of the crest of a rockhopper.
29 00:22:07 NT$30.00   Forrest Liu My new computer is my girlfriend.
30 00:22:16 IDR20,000.00   Panda Besar wow, that is not whiskers, that is ant antennas
31 00:22:21 $10.00   Coconut Ice (a無言スパチャ)
32 00:23:35 $5.00   Tabitha Gabrielle
Ela, how often do you have to pluck your eyebrows to maintain their, unique and stunning, shape? Or do you have naturally nice eyebrows?
33 00:24:41 IDR50,000.00   Rama Satya Good mor- ooh wow.. when i see your eyebrows, i see a serious soul at your mind... hmm i see i see...
34 00:25:39   Matane Ch. GLHF Kaela and have a nice weekend everyone
35 00:29:08 €10.00   Yamabro
I won my game, well i mean I couldn't lose with the oshi + chat buff, someone thought I was smurfing even tho i'm already stuck in my elo, 15 ranked and i'm already winning 18 lp only, gsh riot
36 00:30:38 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
gonna get curry and work. see you next stream la!~
37 00:34:47 €2.00   Yamabro
night vision potion good to see things under wo'ah
38 00:36:33 NT$150.00   _ CY
The biggest limitation is server adjustment, but it can't be too large, because too many players are online at the same time, it will be very LAG, unless you use mods
39 00:45:22 MYR44.90   Omega Ola Kae, morning. Been on road since 4am n still got 600km to go for to tonight family gathering. Hope they dont ask me simple question for hard answer such as when i will get boyfriend...
40 00:46:43 €2.00   Yamabro
goriela is your bf, goriela is everyone's bf
41 00:46:54 $2.00   Luuny 🐧 Omega is family single?
42 00:48:58 MYR23.90   Omega
Alone… wait i give wrong words at the end. Boyfriend since Im Om Ega at here.
43 00:49:26 IDR20,000.00   Rama Satya
imagine lava appear at centre of Jakarta. lol...
44 00:50:52 MYR23.90   Omega
dih autocoreect... GIRLFRIEND GIRLRIEND .
45 00:51:56 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
That portal was a scam.
46 00:52:06 €2.00   Yamabro
RQ: Is there a favorite period to visit Indonesia?
47 00:56:41 €2.00   Yamabro
idk where to go but maybe Bali yeah
48 00:57:41 MX$1,069.00   Neftiaf Hello Cute Mama , been a busy n VOD duty penguin lately cause work, but i do like how u keep growing n enjoying all u are doing, grettings to Ckia , some toy money also for her and some for all of u nvr change~~
49 00:58:47 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
!t rq, pernah nemu majikan yng suaranya g sesuai tampangny
50 00:59:30 IDR100,000.00   miku2021 For ckia's Toy
51 01:00:49 $5.00   Steam Goliath
Skia and Ckia tax
52 01月15日
  켄[Ken]『KFP』 I saw that on the last stream, your amazing eyebrows are really attractive. Witty good idea
53 01:03:27 NT$75.00   上条當麻 (a無言スパチャ)
54 01:04:41   Xii Mochi (メンバーシップ入り)
55 01:05:56 NT$15.00   バリバリ兎田醤油せんべい (a無言スパチャ)
56 01:07:58 IDR100,000.00   Kang Bakso ela, if poison expires, is it no longer poisonus or it gets even more poisonus? pls answer ela, i've been in shower for 2 hours thinking about this, anymore than this, then i might get cold
57 01月15日
  Neftiaf love to Ela Also ~, so she keep taking care of Ckia
58 01:09:31 IDR20,000.00   Cibengwawa Good morning Ela! your hairpins looks nice CHU
59 01:12:36 IDR50,000.00   miku2021
any special event for 22th??
60 01:16:17 PHP125.00   Edward Villa Kaelala Have you seen the new movie (P)cat in Boots?
61 01:16:32 IDR50,000.00   Rama Satya
imagine your neighbor renovate your house, and you dont know...
62 01:17:53 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
Would you do a watchalong of a LoL tournament?
63 01:22:07 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
Set a message saying "The Kaela Kingdom" so future ID discover the village and say "Kaela luar biasa".
64 01:23:47 $2.69   Fish Tacos (O.F.) Sending good vibes to my favorite penguin
65 01:25:40 MX$125.00   Neftiaf
No hay que negar a la linda mama pinguino Ela~
66 01:26:22 $5.00   Ruminator portals fund
67 01:26:34 $5.00   Tabitha Gabrielle
You love Ruined Portals? So, If i become a portal, and then you Ruin me , and then i give myself to you, will that work for you, Kaela?
68 01:27:42 NZ$2.00   Garfield Good lands are here, this stream
69 01:28:16 CA$5.00   Pinkie Pyro
Kaela, how do you say "cute mommy penguin" in Indonesian? asking for a friend...
70 01:28:31 $5.00   Ruminator
the good lands are wherever kaela is c:
71 01:32:40 MX$125.00   Rene Alarcon
I remember now for LoL watchalongs. Altare said they give permission but since his new Stars account was just level 3, Riot said "lol no".
72 01:33:06 NT$300.00   青蛙 Before I slept, Ela was streaming, after I woke up, ELa is still streaming, are you real Ela ,or Ckia and Skia disguise?
73 01:37:56 IDR20,000.00   Parahita Kayra Hi ela, do you have a good sleb tonight?
74 01:47:45 IDR50,000.00   Rama Satya
I gtg i need going to church right now..hv fun with your stream, and dont forget too rest okaay..GLHF then Kaela.. See you at another stream today?lol
75 01:49:03 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
btw besok ad Pejuang Senin?
76 01:50:06 MYR6.00   akeef danny just join the live, and saw an Emperor PenguinEla
77 01:50:09 $2.00   Zephyr Ch. you mean cat Smith neighbor
78 02:05:35 NT$75.00   Jack Good morning coolest ID penguin.Good to watch you streaming Minecraft again.(bless)
79 02:14:13 IDR20,000.00   ferdinand yonathan serious question about minecraft: sun rise east?
80 02:23:44 $2.00   TubePowered /チューブパワード Nice eyebrows, Ela
81 02:26:25 €2.00   Zetsuna - Fried Shrimp Need to take the road early. HF treasure hunting !
82 02:30:48 $20.00   Tartyr Sause its because your the real treasure Kaela
83 02:33:44 $5.00   TubePowered /チューブパワード
You know it's funny; some chats want to be stepped on, but we just want to be told to GSH...
84 02:35:11 $1.69   Andrew Swallie
85 02:38:14 THB100.00   James Voldemor Good Morning My Beloved Penguin.
86 02:38:17   Emed Raoru Ch. (メンバーシップ入り)
87 02:50:24 $4.99   AndyMcKeeFanForLife Hi, Kaela! Just tuning in. Are we being super serious streamer, cool blacksmith, or cute Antarctic aquatic bird today?
88 01月15日
  Blue Tearstone Soup Hey Ela, I love your Minecraft adventures, especially when we get to see your cute side.
89 02:52:26 IDR50,000.00   M | Spellcaster Hi
90 02:53:24 IDR20,000.00   Alenka Inventra | DigiKagi im happy as long as ela is happy peepoShy
91 02:54:55 IDR50,000.00   M | Spellcaster
just want to say kaela is cu-cool-te
92 03:00:47 $4.99   AndyMcKeeFanForLife
Kaela is protagonist of “I was a super cool, super serious blacksmith transported to a fantasy world where I saved the kingdom” anime. 10/10 anime
93 03:01:35 $1.99   AndyMcKeeFanForLife
94 03:11:36 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
kalo dioerhatikan lg tu alis mirip wiper mobil
95 01月15日
  Sanzama La coba itu yg kumis atau alis taro di pipi, mana tau kamu jadi punya ekor 9 ntar
96 03:21:22 IDR50,000.00   Le Chiever Talking about Journey to the North, jd keinget pas bocah dulu main GTA ngejar huruf N di mini map sampe berjam" berharap ada sesuatu
97 03:26:30   WAH (メンバーシップ入り)
98 03:32:07 IDR20,000.00   Clarence Ediana selesai kugawe, disambut stream si kuning. mantap
99 03:36:54 IDR20,000.00   Dhery Casper pernah kek gini la? mau ke wc malah ambil piring
100 03:37:35 IDR20,000.00   Clarence Ediana
kenapa ada kumis disana :)
101 03:41:01 IDR20,000.00   pramben la coba antenanya agak diputer dikit,,biar jernih
102 03:44:10 HK$10.00   Kit GoodMorning Ela!Why you have antenna on your head?
103 03:46:03 $4.99   AndyMcKeeFanForLife
Forgot to ask him if he knows about The Church of Kaela and if he’d like to join.
104 03:49:31   BABA 🐇 IS 🐇 WIN (メンバーシップ入り)
105 03:55:30 IDR20,000.00   pramben
look guys,,2 chopstick and egg noodle,,itadakimasu
106 03:58:13 IDR20,000.00   CavePenguin ela otaknya ga cuma silau, kurang sinyal jg?
107 03:59:28 IDR10,000.00   dikam2024 (a無言スパチャ)
108 04:04:35 MX$65.00   Luis Crash Mami ela love you, you are the best pingüino
109 04:10:48 $5.00   Andrew Swallie
work finished early, now I can ask: who do you play in league?
110 04:11:26 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
like which champions
111 04:12:53 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
do you think of me less if I say I play Fiora?
112 04:13:34 $2.00   QuattroKerbecs kaelas quadbrows went from serious to sadge I see
113 04:16:00   Conrado Vladimir (メンバーシップ入り)
114 04:20:41 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j # itu bakal dipake smpe kapan la?
115 01月15日
  Aga Ilham sneaky chu chu
116 04:23:58 $5.00   Bucho find any treasure yet?
117 04:24:52   Avocado Cute penguin
118 04:32:18   Special Edition Vergil (メンバーシップ入り)
119 04:35:28 IDR50,000.00   CavePenguin
even MC knows u're directionally challenged they gave 3 maps
120 04:35:29 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo aw wanted 2 make joke about no boat but u have one
121 04:38:24 $2.00   Steam Goliath
You should frame all 3 maps in the museum
122 04:39:21 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
3 handed Kaela? Uhhhh. Dunno if cool or GSH
123 04:41:33 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
"No doors!?" *breaks fence and ignores door on other side. "Nothing in here!?" Disappointed that she can't steal, detonated creeper in their yard.
124 04:43:39 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Smol nether requires small nether portal
125 04:46:21 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
*takes bell* *Pillager attack 4 seconds later*
126 04:48:28 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
what are you going to do with the bells anyway!?
127 04:49:54 $5.00   Ruminator
Bell search and rescue fund, we need bell insurance
128 04:50:11 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
you're getting luck by DOOMING all these poor villagers! How could you, you monster!? They'll be pillaged mere moments after you leave! They're DOOMED
129 04:51:31 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
hero yng nyolong bel
130 04:52:00 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
I'm not worried since I DON'T LIVE IN THE VILLAGE!
131 04:52:50 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
...I would be worried if I did since YOU TOOK BELL
132 04:53:04 $5.00   Ruminator
Whats the cover story if the villager cops come knocking?
133 04:53:50 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
I mean, maybe? At least ask if you could take it?
134 04:55:05 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
mana berani, yng ngambil full armed
135 04:55:46 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Kaela you could DESTROY every villager with very little effort. They let you take it because they're afraid you'll just murder hobo them.
136 04:57:06 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
137 04:57:34 $5.00   Steam Goliath
Careful when you steal/take stuff Kaela! They will call Oozora police to arrest you! No one has escaped from them yet.
138 04:58:31 IDR20,000.00   pramben
vilager : we let her take the bell,since she cute
139 04:59:03 R$10.00   volchok1001 Kaela Cutest Opressive Tyrant
140 04:59:11 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Story checks out, she asked them.
141 04:59:41   Manuel Pascual Kaela the enemy of villagers and pillagers! looting the spoils of the village and source of property damage! Becoming a greater evil...Maou Kaela
142 04:59:49 MX$25.00   Luis Angeles [Takomander] Criminals cant be nominated for serious award
143 05:01:10 NT$30.00   MENG CHIN #Kiryu Kai Forever! OMG
144 05:01:20 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
"No map!?"*Steals their bread and office supplies*
145 05:01:44 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
If Oozora police comes for you, say you only know Indonesian. They won't understand you and you will be free.
146 05:01:45 $2.00   Steam Goliath
That's bullying! Someone call Oozora police!
147 05:01:45   김영범 officer there is a penguin who is doing crimes !!!!! you got to stop her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
148 05:02:05 IDR20,000.00   NEWBORN #KaelaForMostEvilHoloID2023
149 05:03:04 $2.00   Steam Goliath
150 05:03:26 $2.00   Bucho
Can't break the law if there are no laws
151 05:03:35 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
To be slightly serious - You're going north? Why?
152 05:03:35 IDR20,000.00   pramben
ozora police vs ella . duck vs penguin
153 05:04:07 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
Title Unlocked: Kaela the "Not Evil" Thief.
154 05:05:06 IDR20,000.00   NEWBORN
Give chu chu to the villagers for the compensation
155 05:05:29 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
You've lived long enough to become the villain.
156 05:06:05 $5.00   One Joke Man Kobo is a child (also part of holobaby), Zeta is a cat, and Kaela is a penguin. Everyone has their role.
157 05:07:18 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Have you not seen these before? I really like them
158 05:07:25 $5.00   Bucho
if you're gonna be a villain, you might as well be a SUPERvillain. go big or go home.
159 05:08:24 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Yeah mangrove. Also vines are climbable.
160 05:08:28 £5.00   Jade the wise Kaela is a lot of different things to many different people, but she is still my oshi and still the best blacksmith vtuber out there, keep it up Ela
161 05:10:17 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
the trader is the even bigger villain. His markups are insane! He doesn't even offer good customer service or refunds! Also the llamas spit on me once
162 05:10:55 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
can use mud and dripstone to farm clay iirc.
163 05:13:15 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
so...you like frog legs...? Plenty here if u look
164 05:13:23 PHP50.00   Marin u put your whiskers in the wrong place ela
165 05:15:36 PHP50.00   Marin
whats your goal in minecraft now btw why go north
166 05:16:43 PHP50.00   Marin
but ur the treasure already
167 05:16:50 $5.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Why isn't it getting colder as you go north?...oh, right, ID is in the southern hemisphere, it's going to get warmer first and then colder. My bad.
168 05:18:58 $2.00   TubePowered /チューブパワード
Are you trying to find chat some help?
169 05:19:47 PHP50.00   Marin
indonesiana jones, better version of indiana jones
170 05:19:53 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Help too expensive. SCs are cheaper.
171 05:21:31 PHP50.00   Marin
chronos send money to me please so i can sc more
172 05:25:39 PHP50.00   Marin
ela searching for something that can damage her
173 05:27:41 PHP50.00   Marin
is there any boss/mob here that u cant beat?
174 05:29:15 $5.00   Chronos' Alt account What the...? SCs are broken for me right now? Says that I "Already own this item"? I...uhhh...whaaaaaaa!? AAAAGGGHHHH JUST LET ME SC AAAAAGH
175 05:30:14 $2.00   Steam Goliath
Chronos hit the SC limit? lemao
176 05:30:26 IDR50,000.00   miku2021
Lunch time ....
177 05:30:39 $2.00   Chronos' Alt account
178 05:31:33 PHP125.00   Marin
hope u can make collab where all EN/JP/ID join. then u captain and lead battle against guardian, after guardian dies you see the id gen 4 as loot
179 05:32:11 $5.00   Chronos' Alt account
NO. Limit is $500/day, definitely haven't done that today. I had a funny joke and everything but now it's way too late to make the joke.../cries
180 05:34:23 PHP50.00   Marin
maybe JP/EN server have epic undiscovered loot
181 05:34:32   PSA: Chicken Nugget Am at work thanks for the break
182 05:35:21   Chino Yuri Ela, I've fallen in love with someone. What do you think I should do?
183 05:35:35 $2.00   SussyBussyBakaDesu Kaela how do I become as serious as you.
184 05:38:00 PHP50.00   Marin
nice iron sword! a better sword than ur purple one
185 05:38:27 $5.00   Cursed boy IR Ela I can see the stregnth and determination in your eye's! You truly are the cool one.
186 05:39:02 $5.00   Steam Goliath
Kaela, my niece and nephew wants to know why you have chopsticks on your head lemao
187 05:39:23 $2.00   Bucho
Need to see Ela with Mugi eyebrows
188 05:39:28 PHP50.00   Marin
can u make an angry face ? havent seen angry ela
189 05:40:15 $2.00   One Joke Man
I thought they were head whiskers
190 05:40:23 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Well at least you can take this one without asking
191 05:40:56   Rene Alarcon It looks like you have a yellow creature with eyes closed and whiskers on your head.
192 05:41:04 PHP50.00   Marin
i did? that wasnt me. maybe hand moved while sleb
193 01月15日
  na_yonk itu bukan alis tapi sumpit
194 05:42:28 $2.00   Steam Goliath
They said you're funny and cute, so win win lemao
195 05:42:42 NT$150.00   _ CY
chat , actually that is sea sedge patch not eyebrow
196 05:43:04 PHP50.00   Marin
nice lava, ela's natural habitat and swimming pool
197 05:44:32 PHP50.00   Marin
what happens if u elytra flying and remove elytra?
198 05:59:37 $1.69   Andrew Swallie
199 01月15日
  Kiverarda I just saw ur last stream and when u said u gonna flip the eyebrows I immediately checked this stream. U never let us down. GG Ela O7
200 06:04:08 IDR20,000.00   Clarence Ediana
201 06:04:24 NT$30.00   Jack
tax tax for Ela n remember to rest.
202 06:07:26 $2.00   Chronos The VN Wierdo
Have a good day, Kaela! Thanks for the stream zzzz
203 06:08:50 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
thanks for the stream Kael, gonna sleep now.
204 06:09:39 PHP50.00   Marin
thanks kaela once your stream end i will wake up
205 06:12:18 PHP50.00   Marin
ela eats games for breakfast lunch dinner
206 06:13:40 PHP50.00   Marin
what about fave food? like when u see it u excited
207 06:16:50 $5.00   Typetimeguac A bit tipsy right now, so I just wanted to say thank you for all the comfy streams you do (not just Minecraft). They really brighten my day!
208 06:17:57 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
As always: Kaela seru, keren dan menghibur
209 01月15日
  twitjesse 1