配信名【LITTLE WITCH NOBETA】tiny but strong (maybe) 🐾
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 53 888.94 \129,300
YEN YEN 34 34041 \34,041
CA$ CAD 14 75.00 \8,034
SGD SGD 7 45.00 \4,817
A$ AUD 3 47.98 \4,475
PHP PHP 6 1025.00 \2,624
EUR EUR 2 11.00 \1,729
NT$ TWD 3 330.00 \1,501
MYR MYR 1 30.00 \937
R$ BRL 1 20.00 \588
WON KRW 1 5000 \542
THB THB 1 100.00 \414
MX$ MXN 2 40.00 \344
VND 1 20000 \122
---- ---- ---- ---- \189,468
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08月24日
¥3,200   aaamereuuu[あめれう] BAU BAUER BAUEST
2 08月24日
$10.00   AndyTran So much to look forward to this week! BAU BAU
3 08月24日
¥160   ハヌマうん (a無言スパチャ)
4 08月24日
¥500   Sino-シノ- 先日SUPERCHAT READINGで読んでくれた文ですが、翻訳(translation)を使ったと書けなくてごめんなさい。本当に英語はできません。 あれから2週間、ほんの少しですが英語の聞き取りが出来るようになったと感じています。お二人のおかげで楽しく勉強ができています。ありがとう、大好き!
5 08月24日
CA$5.00   Dog Strings Hi you two! Thanks again for playing the cutest souls-like game. You'll likely reach the first boss today (She's voiced by Polka)
6 00:01:53 $20.00   TheDAWinz Hey fuwawa i noticed mococo getting lots of compliments and want to give you one! You have very nice hair! It reminds me of frosting on a cake, i'd eat it NGL (off of mococo's tummy)
7 00:02:02 MX$20.00   Neftiaf BAU BAU~
8 00:04:53 ¥1,000   ーひでー フワモコ♪フワモコ♪BAUBAU♪
9 00:05:24 $4.99   Kafka on the Shore BAU BAU for Fuwawa! BAU BAU for Mococo! Thank you both for being so amazing!
10 00:05:28 $5.00   mushy FUWAWA WE RUV YOU
11 00:07:15 $9.99   Crusader_Rising BAU BAU! You two are the greatest puppies on YouTube! You always bring a smile to my face and brighten my day! Thank you for all you do and keep being amazing!
12 00:07:33 ¥800   母なる大地 I wish you both good luck! BAU BAU!
13 00:07:49 $5.00   Keaira キエラ Bau bau!
14 00:09:00 PHP250.00   Lord Ashton Fuwawa is cute today as well! Mococo too!
15 00:09:36 ¥200   炎使いエルク フワモコちゃんおはよ〜!今日もかわいい〜
16 00:11:29 $20.00   CptTexas1 BAU BAU! Fuwawa Beautiful and Cute! Mococo Adorable and Cute! Mococo, can ruffians rent Fuwawa's lap for naps at $250/hour?
17 00:12:00 $20.00   Not Ghibli that was a really intense first fight! bau bau!
18 00:12:12 CA$2.00   Dog Strings
every fight you survive is a win! doing good!
19 00:14:35 €5.00   Paddy Murphy since we ruffians can't live in Moco chand belly button can we live in Fuwa samas
20 00:23:12 R$20.00   ChaosBoi Fuwawa is EXTRA cute!
21 00:24:11 $100.00   Crow of Revelry You two are great fun and never fail to lift my spirits after a stressful shift at my own guard duties, but sadly soon I'll be moved to a different schedule soon that prevents me from watching many of your streams. Sorry I won't be able to attend as often. Bau Bau!
22 00:25:28 ¥1,116   まーくん いい犬円投下、二人の悲鳴と笑い声は癒し、ところで「バーカ」って言うと多くの Ruffiansが助かります。無理にとは言わないけど
23 00:30:35 PHP125.00   Memora I love how Fuwawa seems more stressed than Mococo lmao
24 00:31:17 ¥500   龍之介佐々波 waht calla is pants わー
25 00:33:05 PHP500.00   gobugabuge Bau bau! I've been loving every stream of yours so far and I've managed to fix my sleep schedule to catch FUWAMOCO. Two smooches each to Fuwawa's head and Mococo's tummy as reward!
26 00:35:12 ¥320   ben taro Mococo "Overkill" Abyssgard
27 00:35:30 $19.99   Kylorin235 Thank you both for protecting our smiles. I play alot of scary games so I send you my bravery!
28 00:37:02 NT$30.00   バガノノ バセバセ 巴嘎NONO 巴西巴西 你們好可愛 You're so adorable
29 00:40:08 $200.00   Gray 🐾
30 00:40:46 ¥1,000   にくたろう Thanks for the cute screams!今日もフワワちゃんのかわいい悲鳴がたっぷり聞けて満足です
31 00:41:58 $20.00   Anan🐾Onel Maidwitch like a sandwich?
32 00:41:41 SGD2.00   Ai Chokon Natsu Maid outfit too cute
33 00:44:30 CA$5.00   Dog Strings
when the ice spell is charged up, you get armor that protects you from fire
34 00:46:18 $20.00   katsu Moco-chan so cute and funny
35 00:46:24 $20.00   Anan🐾Onel
What are your favorite types of maid outfits? Classical, French, Victorian, Cafe-style, etc.?
36 00:46:29 $50.00   ttaldev🐾 I’m happy to report your Synchronized Conditioning Reducing Excess Aural and Mental Sensitivity healing plan is already showing gains! After last week’s SCREAMS sessions, I can no longer hear Mosquitoes and other high pitches! Thanks for the help!
37 00:48:31 $5.00   Bishop Aside from maid outfits, what do you two think about bunny outfits? (Also Fuwawa and Mococo are super cute, BAU BAU)
38 00:50:17 $10.00   Anan🐾Onel
What kind of maids did the rest of Advent like?
39 00:50:50 CA$10.00   Mero Nya Ch. Fuwawa is such an adorable gremlin, today. I love it
40 00:51:30 $10.00   len (a無言スパチャ)
41 01:06:33 ¥1,000   くれもと まさや I changed my name KANJI to HIRAGANA! because you looked hard to read then you called me.btw, I will continue to support the two cutest puppies.
42 08月24日
CA$10.00   MB737 (a無言スパチャ)
43 01:15:20 $10.00   osos Hello!
44 01:21:56 CA$2.00   Ngao Bless you~
45 01:21:56 $5.00   Anan🐾Onel
sneeze tax
46 01:21:59 $5.00   Thrashinuva🐾 Sneeze tax
47 01:22:01 ¥1,000   Piroぴろ 明後日からBAUBAU くしゃみ代
48 01:22:02 $10.00   otm🐾 gesundheit!
49 01:22:02 $2.00   Bishop
sneeze tax
50 01:22:04 PHP50.00   Memora
Bless you~
51 01:22:06 CA$2.00   Paperbacks_ TSKR MOCOCO
52 01:22:07 $5.00   Wikki Apiaka sneeze tax
53 01:22:09 ¥2,000   コンキメ🐾 くしゃみ代
54 08月24日
SGD10.00   401Six🐾 Sneeze tax
55 01:22:14 ¥500   いものはす🎀 くしゃみ助かる
56 01:22:17 $2.00   Erasariel thank you for the sneeze, Moco-chan!
57 01:22:17 ₩5,000   火日木-ひびき- くしゃみ助かる!BAUBAU🩷
58 08月24日
$5.00   katsu
Sneeze tax
59 01:22:00 $1.99   raccoonmario🐾 Sneeze tax
60 01:22:25 ¥1,000   スカル くしゃみ助かる
61 01:22:26 $2.00   blacksmithmcw 🐾 Sneeze tax
62 01:22:40 $5.00   Itta 🐾 Here for my sneeze donation~ bau bau!
63 01:22:42 $10.00   ScrubPawn I'm behind on my sneeze taxes. BAU BAU!
64 01:22:46 $10.00   accuset Fuwawa, Mococo, bau bau! I wanted to ask, may I have permission to marry both of your sisters? I promise they will both be happy, loved, and well-fed.
65 01:22:47 THB100.00   Ellie Katt Sneeze tax
66 01:22:56 ¥200   まーくん
67 01:22:56 ¥2,000   おおおく えぃっひぃぃぃいやぁぁああん!!今日もくしゃみありがとう助かる
68 01:23:13 PHP50.00   Zen3rd Bless you! Thank you for sneezing!
69 01:23:25 ¥200   くれもと まさや
70 01:39:56 $20.00   Lord Broccoli I work while watching you two play and some of your screams jumpscare me when I am looking at my work screen lol. Especially some of Fuwawa's screams. Fuwawa is very adorable though so I can't hold it against her BAU BAU!!!
71 01:41:11 $10.00   うか Good job convincing them to go into the lava, Fuwawa!
72 01:45:41 ¥1,000   Piroぴろ 明後日からBAUBAU
73 01:45:43 CA$2.00   Ngao
Bless you~
74 01:45:47 $5.00   Anan🐾Onel
sneeze tax
75 01:45:49 SGD10.00   401Six🐾
Sneeze tax
76 01:45:50 $5.00   Thrashinuva🐾
Sneeze Cats
77 01:45:52 $10.00   Gray 🐾
78 08月24日
$5.00   Wikki Apiaka
79 01:45:53 CA$2.00   Paperbacks_
Tskr again~
80 01:45:58 ¥1,000   コンキメ🐾
81 08月24日
$2.00   Erasariel
moco-chan sneeze tskr
82 01:46:08 PHP50.00   Memora
Bless you again~
83 01:46:10 A$2.00   Lux Aeterna 🐾 Sneeze tax
84 01:46:13 $2.00   blacksmithmcw 🐾
Bless you and tskr
85 01:46:22 MX$20.00   Mexiguy I guess it's double tax today
86 01:46:26 ₫20,000   Jaki Natsumi 2 BAU BAU !
87 01:46:27 ¥500   旅猫 シロネ くしゃみ助かる
88 01:46:46 $10.00   nobachono・ノバチョノ くしゃみ代
89 01:46:48 ¥1,000   紫野菜 くしゃみTSKR!寿命がのびました
90 01:49:51 ¥2,000   よっしー168号 寝ててmorningさっき見ました。メンバーシップおめでとうFooo今日もふわもこチャージしてお仕事頑張ります。ふわわ(´。•ω(•ω•。`)ぎゅ
91 01:52:36 $20.00   Brendan Domenech BAU BAU!
92 01:58:10 €6.00   TheSweatyOne Thanks for the cute and funny stream!
93 02:00:59 CA$5.00   Sharty Will you doggos hold my hand if the backrooms are too scary??
94 02:01:21 MYR30.00   Mr. Bravo🐾 Fuwawa is extra cute today! Thank you for the stream
95 02:05:04 ¥500   れい (a無言スパチャ)
96 02:05:29 $20.00   Thrashinuva🐾
Please, take this super chat to a warm and breezy place, like Moco-chan's belly button.
97 02:10:58 NT$150.00   私はフワモコのRuffian緋夜_ひや Can't wait for membership! BAU BAU!
98 02:11:05 A$30.99   Randomperson2021 Moco-chan has tomboy energy and as we all know, tomboys are top tier. Sorry Fuwa.
99 02:12:15 $10.00   Korgoth9 Magically charged playthrough! お見事!
100 02:15:27 CA$5.00   Mero Nya Ch.
Sorry Fuwawa, but, Mococo has the cutest laugh in the world
101 02:18:09 ¥2,000   君犬【君たちの犬になりたい】🐾 ふわわちゃん、もここちゃん今日もkawaiiI love youお名前ありがとう!!大切にしますメンバーシップも絶対入るよ!!仕事中だったので、少しだったけど、配信中の2人にリアルタイムで会えて嬉しかった I understand this may cause a problem but I want to ask a favour...良ければPeroと一緒に私の事も飼ってください
102 02:19:20 SGD3.00   Nash Typsin
103 02:19:34 $10.00   Highlight Glad you guys have been enjoying the game, Fuwawa is the best explainer (backseater) and Mococo is the best gamer!
104 08月24日
$10.00   Command Throw I never noticed before but Fuwawa's ears are way BIGGER! Than Mococo's! I love sandwiches. Fruit Sando is BESTO
105 02:21:43 $5.00   Korgoth9
BAU UAU UAU YIPPIE-YO YIPPIE-YAY! The sound of you doggos bring me to another day!
106 02:23:05 SGD5.00   Super_SSG Thank you for never failing to protect our smiles! I love you both, with your own charm points, equally! Cannot wait for memberships, wallet so ready!
107 02:23:15 $20.00   TheDAWinz
I like outfits like mococos that show the juicy tummy
108 02:24:09 SGD5.00   Nash Typsin
Mococo Belly Rent fund
109 02:24:55 $5.00   Koda Kujira Ty fuwamoco for bringing me joy, my smile is 100% protected. Can fuwamoco please give me a new name?
110 02:25:23 ¥500   ふぃず フワモコちゃんの「うんうん!」が、かわいすぎて好き!フワモコちゃんにスヌートチャレンジしたい人生だった・・・。癒しをありがとー!
111 02:25:34 ¥500   成実 (a無言スパチャ)
112 02:26:17 $30.00   Reynard You both are super super cute. I also see a lot of JP nikis saying かわいすぎ too. Are either of you worried about being illegally cute? I worry if the Oozora police might try to catch you two.
113 02:26:51 ¥200   もふもふオオカミ
114 02:27:40 CA$20.00   Dog Strings
Some dog sneezes are a sign they want to play (often called a "play sneeze")
115 02:27:45 ¥200   とらさん BAU BAU
116 02:28:05 ¥2,000   幻夢 BAUBAU!昨日ポケモンの曲を聞いて思ったのですが、もし 二人がポケモンのジムリーダーだったらトクサネシティのようなダブルバトルになりそうですね。 真昼の姿のルガルガンと真夜中の姿のルガルガン(Lycanroc in Midday and Midnight)をパートナーにしてそうなイメージです。 だからruffianへ、「ファンアートを待っています」 海外ニキにも伝えたいので面倒かもしれないけど大体でいいので英訳お願いします
117 08月24日
NT$150.00   くるみ BAU BAU
118 02:29:34 ¥2,065   ツーシン モコちゃんの「くしゃみ」は世界を救う と言うと大袈裟(おおげさ)かもしれませんが、私は夜勤明け(やきんあけ)の疲れが吹き飛ぶので大好きです♪ 振り返ると配信の数と共に、モコちゃんの「くしゃみ」もたくさん聞いてきたんだな、と思い出して楽しくなります♪ 毎日FUWAMOCOに会えて幸せです 週末の配信、メンバーシップ、楽しみがいっぱい FUWAMOCO大好きだよ〜🩵🩷
119 02:32:16 CA$2.00   Maku Kawakami I love you both. is that enough?
120 02:32:44 ¥200   ben taro
Mococo best girl ! (Fuwawa too)
121 02:33:59 A$14.99   Randomperson2021
Hey it’s me again, just realised that if you two made hot chocolate, you could brand it as FuwaMoco-Coco.
122 02:34:23 $20.00   Anan🐾Onel
Does that mean Pero is all muscle under that fur?
123 02:36:27 $25.00   Command Throw
FRUIT SANDO! FRUIT SANDO! FRUIT SANDO! モココのほうが好きですがフワワのほうが好き 無限かわいいエネルギ
124 02:38:41 ¥3,200   aaamereuuu[あめれう]
Ears and tail are not allowed, but can I touch the tummy?
125 02:41:38 SGD10.00   Ai Chokon Natsu
I want to headpat Fuwawa
126 02:41:41 $1.99   Topshy Kretts ⌬ You missed my superchat from this morning.
127 02:42:23 $19.99   Baubauian11 (a無言スパチャ)
128 02:42:27 CA$3.00   Paperbacks_
129 02:43:02 ¥480   ゆずぽんず