No | 時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
1 | 10/17 12:00:06 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | ごごーすと | 押忍 |
2 | 10/17 12:00:11 | ¥200 | ¥200 | 916 ksks | 押忍、メス、サース! | |
3 | 10/17 12:00:48 | HK$25.00 | ¥367 | Wai Lung lwl | 押忍! | |
4 | 10/17 12:00:54 | HK$500.00 | ¥7354 | CHROME★ | 総長!本気 愛死天流ぜ | |
5 | 10/17 12:00:59 | $5.00 | ¥572 | Valkyrie | Oh my God. | |
6 | 10/17 12:01:14 | ¥250 | ¥250 | 菅原道真 | こんにちわー. ほんの少しだけ見れそうなので来ました. | |
7 | 10/17 12:01:19 | ¥200 | ¥200 | 月見うどんの初心者工作室 | おはようございまZzz | |
8 | 10/17 12:01:21 | ¥200 | ¥200 | 寝落ちライカ | おはようございます総長ヘ(≧▽≦ヘ)♪ | |
9 | 10/17 12:01:21 | HK$10.00 | ¥147 | neloppu | GMMF,総長 |
10 | 10/17 12:01:29 | SGD2.00 | ¥169 | RT桐生會 | Gooooooooodmorning | |
11 | 10/17 12:01:41 | $5.00 | ¥572 | NineThePuma | Good night KSON! Thank you for the stream |
12 | 10/17 12:01:48 | ¥610 | ¥610 | 鈴木啓太 | 押忍! | |
13 | 10/17 12:01:59 | $5.00 | ¥572 | KLA | I'm genki today. | |
14 | 10/17 12:02:05 | $10.00 | ¥1144 | Lastlasagna | Hey, Kson. Sorry I missed your debut, but your new body looks GREAT. 10/10, would simp all over again. | |
15 | 10/17 12:02:20 | HK$100.00 | ¥1470 | Tommy Cheung | Congratulations for new skin!!!!!! | |
16 | 10/17 12:02:36 | ¥200 | ¥200 | SCRAP [桐生會] | ガチコイではありません | |
17 | 10/17 12:02:37 | ¥610 | ¥610 | ぴえどろ | 初見です! | |
18 | 10/17 12:02:38 | ¥200 | ¥200 | 芋洗坂ボリス | (ファミチキください) | |
19 | 10/17 12:02:55 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 久瀬の兄貴 | 総長おはようございます! 総長のシノギいいですね全種類注文しました | |
20 | 10/17 12:03:30 | HK$25.00 | ¥367 | エロ犬 | 初見です, キミかわいいね 我血恋しそう | |
21 | 10/17 12:03:36 | $4.99 | ¥570 | Stephen Speck | Watching the stream from my poker table at the World Series of Poker! | |
22 | 10/17 12:03:38 | $2.00 | ¥228 | Mathtron 5000 | New model looks clean af kson! luv u | |
23 | 10/17 12:03:47 | ¥2,000 | ¥2000 | アスタ_ | 総長すごい美顔 | |
24 | 10/17 12:04:21 | ¥610 | ¥610 | ちょこ | 香典 | |
25 | 10/17 12:05:10 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | mineo C | は!?まだ寂しんですけど!! | |
26 | 10/17 12:05:20 | NT$30.00 | ¥122 | Tess Kang | ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ | |
27 | 10/17 12:05:26 | NT$30.00 | ¥122 | Vivio | Kumichou you will be missed | |
28 | 10/17 12:05:28 | ¥250 | ¥250 | 杞憂ねこ | 香典です | |
29 | 10/17 12:05:37 | ¥200 | ¥200 | のおしりアヒル | ファッキン元気です。ガチ恋にしてみろやコラァ! | |
30 | 10/17 12:05:38 | HK$10.00 | ¥147 | ウィング.W | 総長おはよう |
31 | 10/17 12:06:09 | ₩2,500 | ¥240 | Wanna Lee | 代行は死んだ、もういない!!!これからは総長の時代だあああああ!!! | |
32 | 10/17 12:06:17 | HK$100.00 | ¥1470 | calix | (無言スパチャ) | |
33 | 10/17 12:06:20 | $5.00 | ¥572 | Tom "Skeletom" Farro | Please don't break my bones, I need those. | |
34 | 10/17 12:07:04 | SGD2.00 | ¥169 | DY Haku | do we break the ちゃん bone 総長 |
35 | 10/17 12:07:26 | ¥200 | ¥200 | ハイパーへきお | 総長の骨一個ぐらい下さい | |
36 | 10/17 12:07:31 | MX$200.00 | ¥1116 | Astrear | (無言スパチャ) | |
37 | 10/17 12:08:31 | NT$30.00 | ¥122 | Vivio | I felt accomplished by popping them | |
38 | 10/17 12:08:31 | ¥200 | ¥200 | りゅーくんZZZ | そうはならんやろw | |
39 | 10/17 12:09:21 | SGD5.00 | ¥423 | Kaya Butter | relatable |
40 | 10/17 12:11:07 | ¥250 | ¥250 | ムウ | わかりみがつよすぎる | |
41 | 10/17 12:12:09 | ¥250 | ¥250 | 水辺の幽霊 | マスクのおかげで横着させていただいております。 | |
42 | 10/17 12:12:38 | $5.00 | ¥572 | Eating Mike Tyson's Ass | I like your new avatar |
43 | 10/17 12:12:53 | CA$10.00 | ¥922 | Soseji Boots | The math checks out |
44 | 10/17 12:13:15 | ¥500 | ¥500 | にしん | ピザは0キロカロリー | |
45 | 10/17 12:13:36 | NT$30.00 | ¥122 | Vivio | Pizzas are fruit ~pineapples~ | |
46 | 10/17 12:13:50 | ¥500 | ¥500 | トド職 | ピザ生地は小麦粉なので野菜 ピザソースはトマトなので野菜 チーズは草食動物の乳から出来てるのでまあ野菜 つまりほぼ野菜なのでピザは野菜 | |
47 | 10/17 12:14:14 | ¥500 | ¥500 | Weisser Hirsch | ||
48 | 10/17 12:15:44 | ¥200 | ¥200 | 916 ksks | バカのリサイクルってわけ | |
49 | 10/17 12:18:59 | ¥500 | ¥500 | トド職 | 自分が結婚するとき???????? | |
50 | 10/17 12:20:01 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 月見うどんの初心者工作室 | 電子レンジで10秒加熱するといいですよ、色が変わりにくくなる | |
51 | 10/17 12:20:55 | $5.00 | ¥572 | Subpar _ | Aguacate | |
52 | 10/17 12:21:01 | ¥500 | ¥500 | トド職 | ワカモレ(スペイン語: guacamole [wakaˈmole, ɡwakaˈmole] ( 音声ファイル))とは、アボカドをメインに青唐辛子または唐辛子、トマト、玉ねぎ、コリアンダー、塩、レモンを加えて作られたメキシコ料理のサルサの一種である。 | |
53 | 10/17 12:22:37 | $2.00 | ¥228 | me | (無言スパチャ) | |
54 | 10/17 12:22:43 | ¥500 | ¥500 | SARA MARY* | お昼休憩に総長が見れるのは嬉しい |
55 | 10/17 12:23:04 | $10.00 | ¥1144 | BrreakfastBandit | Your new body is so cool! You have the same mole as I do to under your eye, so cute! Keep on being epic Kson~ |
56 | 10/17 12:23:44 | CA$10.00 | ¥922 | Soseji Boots | Just melt all of the chips in a glass of water & drink the mush. IQ 300 |
57 | 10/17 12:26:28 | SGD2.00 | ¥169 | DY Haku | All chips company hate this 1 fact. | |
58 | 10/17 12:27:31 | ₩5,000 | ¥481 | 막장이군 | korean too ㅜ.ㅜ | |
59 | 10/17 12:27:58 | NT$30.00 | ¥122 | Vivio | I need refunds | |
60 | 10/17 12:28:07 | HK$10.00 | ¥147 | neloppu | But technically they don't sell chips either | |
61 | 10/17 12:28:12 | CA$5.00 | ¥461 | Soseji Boots | The air is to keep the chips alive until they're eaten | |
62 | 10/17 12:28:38 | $7.00 | ¥800 | Erik_W1 | Funds for chips. | |
63 | 10/17 12:29:10 | ¥500 | ¥500 | LV19のヴェロナサウルス | その点トッポって | |
64 | 10/17 12:33:55 | R$2.00 | ¥41 | Brunom1 | I feel this in my soul |
65 | 10/17 12:34:07 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 奇龍いつく | 昨日の仕事中はまさにこんな感じでした。待ち遠しくて。 | |
66 | 10/17 12:34:52 | SGD2.00 | ¥169 | DY Haku | ARK requires more then 8 hours to prep and tame... | |
67 | 10/17 12:35:19 | NT$30.00 | ¥122 | Vivio | But cheetahs doesn't need good gamer chair | |
68 | 10/17 12:35:46 | ¥500 | ¥500 | LV19のヴェロナサウルス | 床ずれできて一人前 | |
69 | 10/17 12:37:41 | $9.99 | ¥1143 | Stephen Speck | Update: pulled in a pretty big pot at the poker table while listening to the stream. Thanks for keeping me relaxed! | |
70 | 10/17 12:39:37 | CA$5.00 | ¥461 | Soseji Boots | Can we tame & ride the chickens? | |
71 | 10/17 12:41:19 | $10.00 | ¥1144 | israel hernandez | the Floridans scare me | |
72 | 10/17 12:42:13 | $10.00 | ¥1144 | The Factory | Oh hey, nice Avatar. :D | |
73 | 10/17 12:42:16 | $10.00 | ¥1144 | Slayer Kast | He ain't dribbling with his hands... | |
74 | 10/17 12:42:20 | CA$5.00 | ¥461 | Soseji Boots | "Police interrupt intense training montage" | |
75 | 10/17 12:42:50 | $15.00 | ¥1716 | Bell's Theorem | Love your new look. | |
76 | 10/17 12:43:20 | $20.00 | ¥2288 | Suzushiiro | If Florida Man was a Mega Man boss, how would the power you absorb from defeating him work? | |
77 | 10/17 12:43:29 | $5.00 | ¥572 | Hibiki | is the scientist an alchemist though? | |
78 | 10/17 12:43:34 | $5.00 | ¥572 | Kyo the Lorebreaker | As a Florida Man trying to become a scientist... this concerns me. | |
79 | 10/17 12:44:01 | CA$5.00 | ¥461 | John | I too want my Nina to be immortal. | |
80 | 10/17 12:44:06 | CA$5.00 | ¥461 | Hats | Florida man invests in First Bank of Kson, makes sound decision for the first time ever | |
81 | 10/17 12:44:51 | $5.00 | ¥572 | grossofugue | you should play immortal redneck if you havent! | |
82 | 10/17 12:45:03 | $10.00 | ¥1144 | Windows Task Manager | FloridaMan.exe is Not Responding. Send error report? | |
83 | 10/17 12:45:06 | $5.00 | ¥572 | gallowsRenegade | Is there a prefecture that radiates Florida Man energy? | |
84 | 10/17 12:45:13 | CA$5.00 | ¥461 | DannyBoy_M | Kson is my favourite Florida man! | |
85 | 10/17 12:46:30 | MX$50.00 | ¥279 | Actek | In Mexico that is a crime, poor burrito |
86 | 10/17 12:46:54 | CLP2,500 | ¥347 | SebitaKasu | Hola kson, I am SebitaKasu from Chile, I am a little streamer and I want to be like you one day, I admire you a lot | |
87 | 10/17 12:47:02 | CA$10.00 | ¥922 | Hats | You can literally go to Google and type "Florida man" and your birthday, and something will come up. | |
88 | 10/17 12:48:08 | $5.00 | ¥572 | Kyo the Lorebreaker | Wait, who the heck leaves their baby in a car in Florida?! Wait nevermind, its Florida... | |
89 | 10/17 12:49:01 | $5.00 | ¥572 | KLA | Didn't you just do this, Kson? | |
90 | 10/17 12:50:10 | ¥200 | ¥200 | serita55 | 基本的にフロリダマンはいい人 | |
91 | 10/17 12:50:16 | ¥200 | ¥200 | しゃぶしゃぶ脳みそ | 尊敬しちゃう | |
92 | 10/17 12:51:46 | ¥200 | ¥200 | Florida man | 考えるな感じろ!! | |
93 | 10/17 12:51:55 | CA$5.00 | ¥461 | Soseji Boots | He reached them with DETERMINATION | |
94 | 10/17 12:52:03 | ¥500 | ¥500 | トド職 | 今試してみたけど全然届かなかったです(134kg) | |
95 | 10/17 12:52:05 | ¥500 | ¥500 | トリアタマ | 総長、ニホンゴを話して。意味がわからない | |
96 | 10/17 12:52:12 | $5.00 | ¥572 | Heiligskraft 神力 | It's something in the tap water. I moved to Florida a few months ago, drinking it once made me feel powerful, but mindless. | |
97 | 10/17 12:52:25 | $5.00 | ¥572 | Chris Cheeseman | Not the tip! | |
98 | 10/17 12:54:01 | ¥200 | ¥200 | ダイヤのエース | ネコなら仕方ない | |
99 | 10/17 12:55:31 | HK$10.00 | ¥147 | プチバカPB | CATS ARE DRUG | |
100 | 10/17 12:55:42 | £2.00 | ¥313 | Rizeus | Good Dog! |
101 | 10/17 12:57:39 | $5.00 | ¥572 | Spiderdude93 | Driver's name was Ryu | |
102 | 10/17 12:58:25 | $4.99 | ¥570 | [アサルトモード]メリオダス | Love the new model kson you look so cool | |
103 | 10/17 13:01:06 | ¥200 | ¥200 | saruto hirose | kson総長、今期のkson親衛隊のフロリダマン枠は何人ですか? | |
104 | 10/17 13:01:23 | ¥2,000 | ¥2000 | とりあえずDX | 楽しかった | |
105 | 10/17 13:01:28 | ¥500 | ¥500 | rei0429 | ||
106 | 10/17 13:02:14 | ¥893 | ¥893 | きお【たまきんズ】 | 改めて総長デビューおめでとう |
107 | 10/17 13:02:15 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 白滝鍋 | めっちゃ面白かった! |