配信名:【Crusaders of Might and Magic (1999)】2 - Return of the Crunchy Audio (this VOD will probably go too)
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08月10日 10:00:37 Josuiji Shinri sorry, stream will have to be delayed a little bit! still wrapping up some meeting things!
08月10日 10:07:30 Josuiji Shinri :_shinHeart: meeting just wrapped up, i'll be going live soon! sorry for the delay!
08月10日 10:07:36 Josuiji Shinri :_shinHeart:
08月10日 12:44:16 Josuiji Shinri uh ...
08月10日 12:44:31 Josuiji Shinri that was weird, lmao
08月10日 12:44:44 Josuiji Shinri the entire area just went dark but it's not a power outage
08月10日 12:45:00 Josuiji Shinri give me a bit, I'm restarting my PC right now
08月10日 12:45:21 Josuiji Shinri it think it may have been a rolling brown out in the neighborhood?
08月10日 12:47:02 Josuiji Shinri almost there, hang on, sry chat
08月10日 12:48:27 Banzoin Hakka WELCOME BACK