トップ ※配信中の配信者同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:[Art Stream] 🎨 Drawing w/ @39daph
09/08 11:33:01 Regis Altare all right yall, let's behave
09/08 11:50:22 Regis Altare bonk
09/08 11:51:37 Regis Altare most of you guys are fine enjoy the collab, ill handle things
09/08 13:18:07 Regis Altare yeah kinda messed up huh
09/08 13:27:52 Regis Altare aww thanks. i still remember that you betrayed my cult tho
09/08 14:08:30 Regis Altare LMFAO
09/08 14:09:44 Axel Syrios Ayo?
09/08 14:14:37 Regis Altare he's from Elysium, cut him some slack
09/08 14:22:15 Regis Altare ...
09/08 14:22:33 Regis Altare CAKED UP ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON
09/08 14:30:02 Regis Altare SAME
09/08 14:49:22 Regis Altare we love among us we
09/08 14:59:58 Regis Altare ace in the hole
09/08 16:06:39 Regis Altare thats super dope