配信名:【Another Crab's Treasure】THIS IS THE DARK SOULS OF CRUSTACEANS 🦀
icon 名前 チャット
May 26 23:53:00 Banzoin Hakka
May 26 23:53:35 Banzoin Hakka GOT HORSES IN MY BACK
May 26 23:54:20 Banzoin Hakka ON MY BACK
May 26 23:58:09 Banzoin Hakka Heyyyy hermit the crab here
May 27 00:05:41 Gavis Bettel Morning booboo
May 27 00:05:58 Gavis Bettel I’m waiting…
May 27 00:06:13 Gavis Bettel >:)
May 27 00:06:44 Gavis Bettel That’s a terrifying thought
May 27 00:12:50 Machina X Flayon fianlly ivedw got u to play a souls games ily
May 27 04:02:53 Gavis Bettel woah this game is 3D
May 27 04:02:58 Gavis Bettel know what else is 3D?
May 27 04:03:22 Gavis Bettel I won... kinda...
May 27 04:03:54 Gavis Bettel I lost the belt...