配信名:【 Just Chatting 】This art is beautiful but im stimky what should I do
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04月27日 08:53:41 Noir Vesper they're still packing up but at least there's no more circular saw, nail gun noises lol
04月27日 08:54:04 Noir Vesper I'll never complain about lawn mowers again I swear
04月27日 08:57:25 Noir Vesper I did some poking around, sounds like a really bad plumbing problem, they needed to tear into the walls
04月27日 08:58:13 Noir Vesper yeah Im not gonna add to their problems by complaining, they need to get that taken care of
04月27日 09:07:53 Noir Vesper Nupe, no WOW pov since I'm doing this zatsu :D
04月27日 09:08:16 Noir Vesper you can watch it from one of the other boy's POV!
04月27日 09:08:21 Noir Vesper Hakka, Maki, Bettel
04月27日 09:08:39 Noir Vesper machi
04月27日 09:08:41 Noir Vesper fine fine
04月27日 09:09:06 Noir Vesper
04月27日 09:09:45 Noir Vesper I fell behind, he did a 12 hour stream I was watching it all weekend but I couldn't finish
04月27日 09:17:46 Noir Vesper I want some tea, gonna make a small cup