配信名:【Holostars EN Rust - S2】3 - Just... 3000(?)... more... scrap....
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08月27日 12:10:28 Gavis Bettel you called
08月27日 12:10:58 Gavis Bettel you're doing my fav job right now
08月27日 12:11:12 Gavis Bettel this is THE job
08月27日 12:12:10 Gavis Bettel Dirty jobs I could never watch
08月27日 12:12:16 Gavis Bettel because It was too gross to eat something to
08月27日 12:12:37 Gavis Bettel THATS ALL I LIVE FOR
08月27日 12:33:13 Machina X Flayon the cores were armored (FUN SNAPPY GAMEPLAY
08月27日 12:33:24 Machina X Flayon thank u!! temma senpai made it for me
08月27日 12:37:33 Machina X Flayon we were thinking about getting some filet o fish :3
08月27日 13:25:56 Banzoin Hakka damn boi
08月27日 13:26:23 Banzoin Hakka HI I GOT MY STREAM DECK
08月27日 13:26:54 Banzoin Hakka YEAH LET'S DO IT MONDAY WHEN WE OFF EHEHE