配信名:【 Needy Streamer Overload 】How hard could it be to manage a Vtuber?
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02月06日 02:55:18 Noir Vesper Im at the warning screen, am I going to regret streaming this? ...
02月06日 02:56:09 Noir Vesper I know almost nothing, maybe 20 minutes watching Axel play it half way through
02月06日 02:56:55 Noir Vesper Do I look like the kind of guy that's played Doki Doki?
02月06日 02:57:12 Noir Vesper (I haven't yet)
02月06日 04:01:22 Banzoin Hakka Banzoin Hakka the game
02月06日 07:32:36 Noir Vesper WHOOOPS
02月06日 07:32:39 Noir Vesper WRONG SCENE KEK