トップ  5分
配信名The Crow's lil Nest (Free Chat for my #Hakkitos) #banzoinhakka #holotempus
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
EUR EUR 4 20.00 \3,137
---- ---- ---- ---- \3,137
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1 07月01日
€5.00   Kairi Ákida Ch. Sending these through here so that it doesn't disrupt any streams. I want to thank you personally for the like. It means so much, you have no idea.
2 07月01日
€5.00   Kairi Ákida Ch.
It's been a harsh month, but I'm so grateful to everyone who's been there for me, family, IRL friends, online friends, the Hakkitos, and yes, you.
3 07月01日
€5.00   Kairi Ákida Ch.
I'll keep being a cheerful presence in your streams and community. Don't worry, I'm taking care of myself so I can also pursue my own creative goals!
4 07月01日
€5.00   Kairi Ákida Ch.
From this aspiring entertainer to you, a full-fledged one, mi más sincera gratitud. ¡Un fuerte abrazo y hasta luego!