01位 |
2024-05-05 03:02:14
【230K Karaoke!!!】My throat is feeling much better now (idk tho tbh)!!!【Unarchived】
¥52,760 |
02位 |
2024-05-13 07:52:05
【Karaoke Stream】Either I Wake you up, or put you to Sleep【Vertical Stream】
¥32,256 |
03位 |
2024-05-20 07:22:13
【Zatsudan】Hopefully this VOD wont die【Vertical Stream】
¥30,825 |
04位 |
2024-05-15 06:02:08
【Zatsudan】TIME TO COOK (projects and stuff) WHILE I STREAM【Vertical Stream】
¥29,813 |
05位 |
2024-05-23 10:12:10
【Miitopia】The Adventure Continues o7 #7
¥29,675 |