配信名【 Fallout: New Vegas 】The ballad of Toots McShaker, the best damn Mailman this side of the Colorado
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 82 699.67 \94,295
CA$ CAD 11 57.99 \5,781
EUR EUR 6 38.00 \5,444
£ GBP 5 30.00 \4,878
SEK SEK 3 165.00 \2,140
NT$ TWD 1 300.00 \1,332
SGD SGD 2 11.98 \1,205
PLN PLN 1 25.00 \753
PHP PHP 2 250.00 \612
ARS ARS 2 450.00 \311
VND 1 20000 \113
---- ---- ---- ---- \116,864
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:00:30   Shy boi (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:02:04   The_Tactician Fallout: New Vegas is GOOD!!
3 00:02:14   Bl4ckout31 (メンバーシップ入り)
4 02月24日
  CrushMe 5
5 02月24日
  MisterVeeg 5
6 00:03:31 $10.00   SpiritVet Hey Vesper, enjoy some of my winnings from my last trip to Old Vegas! Hopefully Toots has some of the same good luck I had. No losing bets, food poisoning, getting shot in the face, etc.
7 00:03:54   Lyn (メンバーシップ入り)
8 00:04:59 $10.00   saku starting off strong with the real fallout experience
9 00:05:06 $7.77   R C E Make the McShaker clan proud Toots!
10 00:05:09   LaughingGas Patrolling a Bethesda Game Almost Makes You Wish For a Nuclear Winter
11 00:05:37 $20.00   rob Thank you Vesper for playing one of my favorites, and good luck Toots, may he wear a big (tire) iron on his hip
12 00:05:52   rob The mail must be delivered!
13 00:06:06 $5.00   mechagm Best cold open in video games, IMO.
14 00:06:30   ShogunTahiri Is it Big Iron time???
15 02月24日
  MindBrokenMagmite (メンバーシップ入り)
16 00:06:47   General Froggy Bada bing baby
17 00:07:09 €11.00   The_Tactician Nice hat gramps! Good luck, remember that war... war never changes...
18 00:07:13 $100.00   Caestars Hi Vesper! Ive had to be part of VOD gang lately but wanted to wish you a (very late) happy birthday! Thanks for being you
19 00:07:51 $5.00   Onyx Jaguar I work with mail, and this game is my peak fantasy. the reality was more like Death Stranding. Damn whales trying to kill me...
21 00:09:21 $5.00   Aaron love this game, excited to watch you play! have fun
22 02月24日
  Caestars 20
23 00:10:22 $2.00   saku
24 02月24日
  TheWatchersDance yee haw
25 00:10:49   Knight Artorias It's New Vegas. It'll break no matter what. Break it on your terms.
26 02月24日
  George 5
27 02月24日
  rangerFGO 1
28 00:12:23 €5.00   Léo 📗🎩 “Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.”
29 00:12:51 $5.00   George I'm glad to see you guys playing my favorite game of all time. over a thousand hours and every inch of the map explored.
30 00:12:57 $4.99   Jaidenstar I wish my oshi toots a good day. Sad I can’t watch it cuz I have work. Good luck vesper !
31 00:12:57 $10.00   Sweet Roll Roxee My all time favorite fall out game, im ready for this~ G'luck on 24hrs vespie~🫡
32 00:13:16 SEK50.00   Jane Hedrah Don't be fooled by the heretics, normal and roleplay away.
33 00:14:58 $5.00   Roman Femboy Do your best and play it your way!
34 00:15:05 $9.99   Magni’s Juicy Toes (a無言スパチャ)
35 00:15:34 $5.00   General Froggy "COULD I BE Telling you any more that the game was rigged from the start?!" -Chandler Bing 1997 Retextured
36 00:15:43   EtherealZephyr Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
37 00:16:27 $2.00   Shadex R. Pov Altare, axel, and magni ask you to join tempus
38 00:16:33 $2.00   SuperCondor Shoulda used a .45 Benny Boy!
39 00:17:09 $2.00   Skoonie What build are you gunning for, Vespapa?
40 00:19:02   Logan Walker what episode of monster factory is this
42 00:20:35 SEK65.00   Spaceyoghurt It… It’s you! The hero of Kvatch!
43 00:21:07   Esdene [Honey #155] Why does this look like a young mr burns.....
44 00:21:26   JoJo References neat
45 00:22:50 $5.00   doomshot That is the face of a man who mines rocks using just his nose as a pickaxe.
46 00:23:36   Archivist character creation, we're gonna be here for a while
47 00:24:22 $2.00   Doctah WAAwee a.k.a Master Yagoogway Toots "Sourpatch Scrungus" McShaker Everyone.
48 00:25:09   Blaise he looks like a well-put together Heat Meiser
49 00:26:04 CA$5.00   TheGreatGonzales Why he lookin like a rejected Matilda character?
50 00:26:39 $10.00   General Froggy
He looks like a realistic Butthead
51 00:29:48   Roman Femboy (メンバーシップ入り)
52 00:30:00   Ancro🪐 I swear I have seen this guy at a gas station in the PNW...
53 00:32:05 $2.00   Alpha Shitlord looks like stalin's zoomer brother
54 00:32:48 £5.00   Zenithinia IS THIS!? THE LEGENDARY!? TOOTS MCSHAKER!?
55 00:33:44 $50.00   soldiermang11 Oh snap new Vegas, lets go my fave in series
56 00:34:10 $10.00   Ryan Sold me already with yesterday's stream.
57 00:34:24   Great Wargle I'll try to stick around as long I can Toots
58 00:34:41 $9.99   Orange Harrier Here’s how you sell it: you can kill every NPC in the game and still be able to get an ending. They planned for that. It’s crazy.
59 02月24日
  first name last name bruh in other perspective. in my thoughts "IS THAT OLD MAN NINJA FROM FORTNITE"
60 00:37:34 $10.00   Kakashi Okazaki Dragon age origins is my favourite by far. Kotor 2 had too much cut content. Mass effect is probably the best narrative told over a series of games by western standards.
61 00:37:54 $2.00   Rice no rizz, sadge
62 02月24日
  Wladaas (メンバーシップ入り)
63 00:44:57 $5.00   ManiSolKatti "Conflict isn't in my nature" -Toots. Also Toots, "AVE TRUE TO CAESAR"
64 00:45:19 $5.00   Shepard1395 Damn it, Vesper. Now I can't unsee the high fiving kung fu bears. Thanks.
65 00:48:15 $5.00   Nick Sherrill 3p fund
66 00:49:20 $5.00   Some Kinda Joka First Ame and now you, Grampa?! What's with y'all playing New Vegas all of a sudden, lol? Not complaining though, New Vegas is awesome! I'm excited!
67 00:50:40 $10.00   EtherealZephyr Fastest F5 in the West baby
68 00:51:19 $5.00   橘吉良/Tachibana Kira I went to Goodsprings, Primm, and Hover Dam all because of this game. And I met the person who is the model for Easy Pete in Goodsprings
69 00:52:24 CA$6.99   A Brick Wall It should be canon that toots has a deep fear of radios
70 00:59:50   Jobonogo Patrolling the Mojave almost makes me wish for nuclear winter. I hope you have Vesper! (go NCR)
71 01:09:31   Hammerchuckery Be a gentleman Toots, holster your weapon.
72 01:11:17 £10.00   Gorbz And they called him the rootinist, tootinist, most fandanglist mailman in the West!
73 01:16:53 $5.00   たこtaco I think your buried rice got moist.
74 01:18:35 ARS225.00   That one maggot Are ya winning gramps? I'll see you later in the vod <3.
75 01:20:15 $5.00   BlizzardWolfPK If you wanna fight more bugs there's some more on the road up north :)
76 01:22:04   Flammadeus Nox just got lasik you're gonna be my stream to sleep to, thanks for streaming ves
77 01:25:39 $5.00   ඞ Watotodile🏆🔎 Toots must really hate dogs if he kills every one he sees with 0 remorse
78 01:32:09 $5.00   UnboundSoul358 pops if toots hates robots why does he love Hatsune Miku so much
79 01:36:54 $20.00   Bryson Williamson Hey Jamiroquai thanks for the stream, big fan of your music
80 01:36:58 $5.00   BrutusSalad Hey vesper if the radio is going to disable SCs like this one there should be an option to turn down the radio in the menu
81 01:39:24 ARS225.00   Mati Panzer "Is that the sound of my heart beating or is it a geiger counter going off? probably both!" -classic mojave pick up line
82 01:49:57 SGD6.98   tako i was actually asleep lol
83 01:52:13   Lebendig Begrabener (メンバーシップ入り)
84 01:55:15 $20.00   Sebastian Segundo So when's the part where we meet Fisto?????????
85 02月24日
  Bardam Tumet 🪐 Joe Cobb is now a man in pieces
86 02:09:45 CA$5.00   Soseji Boots "We guarantee 100% confidentiality with our deliveries, as we ensure that none of our personnel can read."
87 02:10:16   Sebastian Segundo So like..... would Toots take the cannibal perk? I bet he's a cannibal
88 02:11:08   Shin_Tatsu (メンバーシップ入り)
89 02:11:28 $2.00   LeonardoDeQuirm Toots looks like his family tree is a vine
90 02:15:15 $10.00   thecornerinvasion Toots McShaker: Here to stab folks and deliver mail...and he's all out of mail.
91 02月24日
  Lambdadelta HEYAS, POPS! finally got my milestone supa! it's been 5 months!! ain't it cool?
92 02月24日
  Jiemboh 10
93 02:19:06   Vasilka still waiting the catgirl roleplaying membership stream
94 02月24日
  Chartreuse Baron one might say these convicts got ahead of themselves
95 02:20:37   Roboute Guiilliman "I smell blood" Blood for the blood god!
96 02:25:21   Kotazumaa oh my god, I never used an SC before, even if it's just member milestone. I hope others will enjoy this game and buy it at some point. It's very good.
97 02月24日
  Seejo Crux 5
98 02:40:26 SEK50.00   Astrea Love I bought the game yesterday, and I've played it a lot today, it's excellent. Thanks for the recommendation gramps <3
99 02:43:52 €5.00   Nauris Toots upon finding dynamite: "Ahh... lovely danger candle. I cannot get enough of this smell" albeit not said that cleanly.
100 02:54:37 $10.00   Ryan
That sentence had too many syllables! APOLOGIZE!
101 03:03:08   twablue hes just a lil guy give him a break
102 03:09:05   H P Howdy pardner. Heard yer the man to talk to about matter postal.
103 03:10:05 $5.00   AlbertScoot Can we pretend the sandwiches are made of soylent green?
104 03:14:57 $10.00   Jiemboh Toots is such an inspiration to the never nude community.
105 03:28:09 $5.00   Adrian Canales Is the mail death?
106 03:33:55 $4.99   kenshin491 I hallucinated a photo realistic Zubat in chem class once. I was trying to get my homework done and didn’t sleep for three days. Not worth it.
107 03:40:29 $5.00   Shin_Tatsu I'm actually at the point where I have three of the ending paths in front of me and I always waffle there. You inspired me to pick it back up tonight.
108 03:41:56 $10.00   Ancro🪐 When you announced that you were going to play this game I spent three and a half hours modding it up and am currently level 25 about midway through Honest Hearts. You own my time, gramps.
109 03:52:05 £5.00   AnTiG1ZM0 I think Vesper needs a bigger hat.
110 03:55:48 $10.00   Cluzic Here's the mail / It never fails / It makes me wanna wag my tail / When it comes I wanna wail / MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIL!!!
111 04:01:09 $5.00   Alec I'm delivering mail on my route while listening to your stream and can't stop giggling. you go gramps. you go postal on everyone
112 04:08:40 CA$5.00   Soseji Boots
What would be his stance on toppings being BENEATH the cheese vs ABOVE the cheese, though?
113 04:10:31 $4.99   LuchaDandy If pinnacle on pizza is a treason for some people, they probably can’t imagine a banana sardine pizza with hot sauce.
114 04:13:36 $1.99   kenshin491
Is Ina a Tako? And is sushi a sandwich?
115 04:15:29 £5.00   Gorbz
Here comes the Mailman / With his pal ol' Stabbin' Stan / Here comes the Mailman!
116 04:24:16   SuNGviN He stabbed our eyes.
117 04:25:47 $5.00   Almost a Real Person Why do you keep calling the Scaly Dogs "geckos" and the Pokey Dogs "radscorpions"?
118 04:32:59 $4.99   Jeff Star (a無言スパチャ)
119 02月24日
  Phyxius Really enjoying your playthrough for one of my favorite games.
120 04:39:48   SpookiestPajamas He's hackin' wackin' and smackin'
121 04:40:25 €10.00   Léo 📗🎩
Money pro-tip : Always pick up bullets, even if you don't and since they are weightless you can sell them for big profit caps ! Ps: Thank you for keeping me company while i'm suffering from insomnia
122 04:49:23 $10.00   King in Yellow My first playthrough I took four eyes, and mr lottery winner was the first set fo glasses I saw so I killed him for them before learning what happened, I felt pretty bad later.
123 04:52:21 £5.00   Djangles LeVaughn "I can take on five couriers" - Vulpes.
124 04:57:13   Kettem Rajh (メンバーシップ入り)
125 05:00:22 $5.00   Adrian Canales
repair funds
126 05:02:31 $5.00   eidorianseeker Where can we find Liam O'Brien talking to himself?
127 05:07:03   ErgonomicBackwardsMouse Just got done delivering mail. Stay with the bit
128 05:08:26 $5.00   Antonio Bandelfas "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"
129 05:10:36   Derpderp ダープダープ Big Iron
130 05:15:47 $5.00   Brandon Here you go, if you need it that badly...
131 05:41:47   John (メンバーシップ入り)
132 06:10:26   WilD 9 (メンバーシップ入り)
133 06:18:52   BIG PISS SIPPER (メンバーシップ入り)
134 06:22:40 CA$5.00   Coloid Shelving The most terrifying 9 words in the English language: "I'm from the USPS, and I'm here to help"
135 06:23:28 $5.00   Jeremy Abel I wish the mailman would deliver my mail in the morning
136 06:30:31   some loser (メンバーシップ入り)
137 06:31:38 $5.00   Gup those ghouls have the aim of a storm trooper
138 06:32:43   Rick Raptor Anyway Ves, thanks for the fun, I gotta go to sleep. See you when I wake up!
139 06:37:11 €2.00   Bananonymous What a rad hat
140 06:41:41   Bee Puncher They live in the desert, Ves.
141 06:42:30   luppy vesper i have to go for dinner have fun dont die
142 06:47:00   Mineskirat (メンバーシップ入り)
143 02月24日
  Miranda happy gaming, gramps
144 07:08:41 PHP125.00   Say Hi (To Jerry) I remember this mission. I killed the ghouls in this one.
145 07:10:17 $10.00   Juzelle Vsper, my partner (who's sitting next to me) says "How can he be a mailman if he can't read? how does he know where to go to deliver letters & packages if her can't read the labels?" VALID QUESTION
146 07:25:42   Tevin Jeffers (メンバーシップ入り)
147 07:42:04 CA$2.00   DJ-Hyrul3 Game was protesting Jeannie May getting to live
148 07:42:31   SASHI (メンバーシップ入り)
149 07:45:50 CA$2.00   DJ-Hyrul3
Any idea who Toots is siding with faction wise?
150 07:49:49 NT$300.00   HuaHua樺樺 Helli Vesper this is my first supa! just wanna know is your name Noir Vesper or Vesper Noir. Cause my friend and I pretty sure we heard your intro said " Vesper Noir"
151 07:52:19 $4.99   Maryisacrybaby Man just skipped to kill a group of men with a knife
152 07:53:41 CA$2.00   DJ-Hyrul3
Vesper rolled 2 on Stealth, NCR Nat 1'd Perception
153 08:09:15 $4.99   Kunia Veas Me send free supa yes?
154 08:12:24   Andrew Barajas I'm finally freed from my hellscape of a job and come home to Ves doing a low INT New Vegas run. Tonight shall be a good good night.
155 08:34:22   RawketLawnchair Do you know how scared I would be to see a guy brandishing a knife take lasers and plasma hits then just skip toward my and my friends, eviscerating each one until my inevitable demise?
156 02月24日
  Shadow - Tempus Novitiate 5
157 09:21:07 CA$5.00   Rayzorexe Have fun with the rest of the stream! I'll catch the rest of the VOD later!
158 09:21:57   Moogs (メンバーシップ入り)
159 09:25:29   exmello ​I heard some more people got attacked last night
160 09:25:50 $4.99   Sammi Knapp I have to go to sleep, but thank you for all the laughs! I really needed it after a long day. Good luck delivering the mail! Goodnight.
161 09:26:06   Moon Knight XIII I heard some people got attacked last night
162 09:32:36 SGD5.00   tako
500 bottle caps
163 02月24日
  Sakura Mikage 5
164 09:35:10 $2.00   Juzelle
looting guns =/=using guns. Sell Shiny. get caps.
165 10:11:50 €5.00   Felix Wuff man, its been years i played new vegas. i remember how you can make full pacifist runs and charm your way through the whole game. have fun with it bro
166 10:12:09   KikiKiwi A fellow mail man!
167 02月24日
  MisterVeeg 5
168 02月24日
  tako 5
169 02月24日
  Ramari 20
170 02月24日
  Sweet Roll Roxee 5
171 02月24日
  Lace 5
172 02月24日
  Valkis 5
173 02月24日
  thewizardninja 5
174 02月24日
  Alice W 10
175 02月24日
  BirdLeafe (Sweet tea flavored Vestie) 5
176 02月24日
  Orian Johnson 5
177 02月24日
  rangerFGO 1
178 10:16:33   InanimateSum (メンバーシップ入り)
179 10:17:01 PHP125.00   Say Hi (To Jerry)
2000 caps? Deliver mail and take a tip from the deliveries
180 10:17:45 $20.00   Jams Discourse Can I contribute to the cap colllecting
181 02月24日
  BunnyMaiMai 1
182 10:18:13   Cybermonkey91 (メンバーシップ入り)
183 10:19:22 $5.00   A Table For You "In a world filled with misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort to know that, in the end, there is light in the darkness." - Joshua Graham
184 10:20:00 $20.00   Jiemboh
I've been procrastinating too much on preparing my campaign so in the background you go, Ves. I hope you and the chat have fun.
185 10:21:10   JoveW (メンバーシップ入り)
186 10:22:38 $10.00   A Table For You
When you;re done with the stream, Vesper you should watch this video titled "In the end, there is light in the darkness" by Poppa Boi.
187 10:23:00 CA$10.00   braydan kenny You can get a free fake passport from mick and Ralph's when you do a quest at the school of impersonation. Could be worth it over getting 2000 caps or level 80 science
188 10:25:00 $5.00   Roman Femboy
The mail MUST be delivered at all costs, through rain, sleet, or fallout!
189 10:25:03 $5.00   Catman504 Deliver and Mail until it is done
190 10:25:42   Chinote I've been here 5 hours and literally just noticed that I'm wearing my FO4 pre-order BOS shirt. lmao
191 10:25:45 CA$10.00   0btuse Toots is now accepting tips for Premium delivery service
192 10:26:12 $5.00   A Table For You
193 10:33:03 $5.00   Novasque (a無言スパチャ)
194 10:41:30 $10.00   Sakura Mikage I had to leave for a bit. Vespy, did you eat again?
195 10:43:15 $2.00   Nate i got hit by a mail truck i dont rly like them
196 10:44:22   Tomas Aguirre Delivering that Blood to the Blood God
197 10:44:49 $10.00   KMSARGO i dont like postal workers cause they would always leave me a note saying they tried to deliver my package but i wasnt home even though i was home all day
198 10:48:25   eidorianseeker (メンバーシップ入り)
199 02月24日
200 10:49:30   Lethanako NV is an amazing game! Whats your opinion of FO3/4
201 10:51:37   Sleih Vesper, that is a really cool hat.
202 10:52:38 $5.00   Roman Femboy
virtual insanity keeps playing in my head
203 10:53:00 ₫20,000   The water delivery guy Here! some water sir
204 10:53:27 $10.00   Namakemono you don't like the Fallout 4 dialogue response choices of "Ask for details" "Yes" "Sarcastic yes" and "No but maybe later"?
205 10:56:19   Krag Vesper, I really like your hat
206 10:57:12   SaltOrNah What a nice robot cowboy
207 11:00:01   Lord Monkey Monkey This is literally Bettel.
208 11:02:11 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 I love your hat Vesper, you know where I can get one too?
209 11:11:55 $10.00   Lauren🥐📗 I gotta go to bed for work tomorrow. Thanks for the stream, Vesper! This is one of my favorite games of all time, and I'm glad people are wanting to play it because of you. Have fun!