記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 52 215.95 \29,704
MX$ MXN 12 352.00 \2,703
CLP CLP 5 10500 \1,791
IDR IDR 8 145000.00 \1,356
CRC CRC 2 3000.00 \766
EUR EUR 1 5.00 \756
NT$ TWD 2 165.00 \737
SGD SGD 2 7.00 \721
HK$ HKD 1 38.00 \665
PHP PHP 5 220.00 \547
CA$ CAD 4 4.40 \447
PEN PEN 4 11.00 \407
YEN YEN 3 300 \300
GTQ GTQ 1 7.00 \123
R$ BRL 3 4.40 \121
WON KRW 1 1100 \112
MYR MYR 1 3.00 \92
---- ---- ---- ---- \41,348
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 05月02日
  hannnseu (メンバーシップ入り)
2 05月02日
  Arttic (メンバーシップ入り)
3 05月02日
  りん (メンバーシップ入り)
4 05月03日
SGD2.00   🔅hakkitoes🔅 *this is not a supa* :D
5 05月03日
  AlesongtheBrewer 1
6 05月03日
  Heruna 1
7 05月03日
8 00:13:59 CRC2,500.00   Luis Andres Rojas Barrientos I am currently playing MMBN 1 as well and could guide you through that map (I am currently traversing the deep net area)...
9 00:14:18 $9.99   Haru Kiba-Cure Taurus [EN Vtuber] Hey Hakka, hope you have a good game, birthday in 2 days and also, idk if I can ask. I saw a clip from the group collab and I’m not sure if you said PreCure.
10 00:14:34   Your Boy Stephen Adams[ステフエん・アダムス]
11 05月03日
  SilentStormfall 1
12 05月03日
  Troy Unaliq 1
13 00:18:17 €5.00   Kairi Ákida Ch. Feel ya on the harsh day. I'm going to bed now, but before I go, I've been wondering (sorry if random): can you do a European Spanish accent? Jaa ne!
14 00:18:46 NT$150.00   RKK (a無言スパチャ)
15 05月03日
  Manga 10
16 05月03日
  Mc Nuggets 5
17 00:24:24 SGD5.00   🔅hakkitoes🔅
hi hakka! it's been a while since i sent a supa just wanted to say you're a super cool lil birb (coolest and cutest its true) have a good evening :D
18 05月03日
  YukiYuumi may the strowberri be with us
19 00:36:29 $5.00   SpecterVonBaren Hakka... son.... I am disappoint...
20 00:37:26 R$2.20   rinne · bird in wolf skin 🐺 TIMBER
21 00:43:03 $5.00   SpecterVonBaren
You're the Raphael that wants to be the leader so you act tough to try and make people think you're older.
22 05月03日
  Akiha 1
23 00:48:31 $1.99   Minjus u can buy some oats with this eat up
24 00:52:47 $2.00   rat in its cage
25 05月03日
  ᕱ⑅ᕱ meimei! 1
26 00:56:49 $10.00   SpecterVonBaren
I still haven't finished Ori and the Blind Forest because I lost my save file to a power outage. TWICE! At the SAME part of the game! Right near the end! AAAAHHHHH!!!!
27 01:07:40 $5.00   Noelito I lie to my teacher that I was Mexican so I can day off school my family wasn't happy (I'm dominican)
28 01:12:45   AlbertScoot A Geo stream once got like 3 miles away from me
29 01:19:30 $10.00   Jax I'm by far the dumbest person in my family, but thanks to my parents taking me across all of the Americas, I know geography really well. I take those W's
30 01:21:15 $5.00   Hervy Marquez Garcia Hakka setup fund and Hakkito meal plan
31 05月03日
  FuJoJo 1
32 05月03日
  Moon I HATCHED (i’ll post my cats if you ever do a pet review stream )
33 01:23:15   ramencat (メンバーシップ入り)
34 01:31:13 $20.00   eunit33ForLyfe Bro you should stream Advanced Wars 1+2 I'm sure everyone would love it
35 01:32:37 MX$65.00   nunally OH BTW!!! some of my students drew some hakkitos on the blackboard today!!! spreading the Hakka agenda!!! o7 o7
36 05月03日
  vale 1
37 05月03日
  クッキー 10
38 02:37:44 MX$65.00   nunally
this is an akasupa you're just colorblind
39 02:38:57 $1.00   Manga (a無言スパチャ)
40 02:39:11 MX$20.00   Heruna (a無言スパチャ)
41 02:39:20 $1.00   ZamaSama_ (a無言スパチャ)
42 05月03日
  Silly Sphere Another month of being in the Hakkafe! Thanks for providing these entertaining streams, even though I've never played this series, something about it gives me the nostalgic and comfy vibes.
43 02:39:48 ¥100   Akiha (a無言スパチャ)
44 02:40:01 CLP600   ᕱ⑅ᕱ mei ¡! (a無言スパチャ)
45 02:40:12 ₩1,100   Hina Hikawa (a無言スパチャ)
46 02:40:20 $1.00   Hervy Marquez Garcia
47 02:40:29 MX$13.00   nunally
48 02:40:32 MX$50.00   IchigoArlekin sale un ajolotito
49 02:40:34 $1.00   kyomie (a無言スパチャ)
50 02:40:51 $0.99   pizzabun (a無言スパチャ)
51 02:40:56 ¥100   ヤエヤマ_yaeyama (a無言スパチャ)
52 02:40:57 R$1.10   rinne · bird in wolf skin 🐺
53 02:40:48 PHP27.50   tom nook (a無言スパチャ)
54 02:41:19 MX$13.00   Hannie (a無言スパチャ)
55 02:41:32 IDR10,000.00   ALEN! ☆ (a無言スパチャ)
56 02:41:39 $1.00   karen (a無言スパチャ)
57 02:42:04 CA$1.10   Rayzorexe (a無言スパチャ)
58 02:42:06 GTQ7.00   Alurgo (a無言スパチャ)
59 02:42:07 $1.00   AlesongtheBrewer (a無言スパチャ)
60 02:42:08 $2.00   DS does a sick ollie buenas Hakka como va
61 02:42:11 PEN1.00   Nija (a無言スパチャ)
62 02:42:12 $1.00   Fir Tree (a無言スパチャ)
63 02:42:23 $1.00   Isabel🪐 (a無言スパチャ)
64 02:42:29 PHP27.50   yoms (a無言スパチャ)
65 02:42:30 CA$1.10   Kimbit (a無言スパチャ)
66 02:42:39 $1.00   Noelito
67 02:42:43 $1.00   Justine In (a無言スパチャ)
68 05月03日
  kaisheta yow masbro hakka
69 02:42:46 R$1.10   Quest Giver (a無言スパチャ)
70 02:42:49 $1.00   Evee (a無言スパチャ)
71 02:42:50 CA$1.10   Dae (a無言スパチャ)
72 02:42:56 $1.00   rat in its cage
73 02:42:56 MYR3.00   Farah Yuii (a無言スパチャ)
74 02:43:01 IDR10,000.00   Whitflow (a無言スパチャ)
75 02:43:14 PEN2.00   Nija
es soles xD
76 02:43:14 CLP2,750   ᕱ⑅ᕱ mei ¡!
pink supa (idk im color blind)
77 02:43:15 IDR10,000.00   puu~~(プー) (a無言スパチャ)
78 02:43:20 $1.00   Arnulfo Mendez (a無言スパチャ)
79 02:43:24 $1.00   Mc Nuggets (a無言スパチャ)
80 02:43:29 CRC500.00   Starky Kun (a無言スパチャ)
81 02:43:46 CLP550   KFP y Basuras Varias [Sub Esp] (a無言スパチャ)
82 02:43:47 PHP55.00   yoms
i dunno whats going on but take my supa LMAO
83 05月03日
  Quest Giver Have this Hakkasupa caw caw
84 02:43:53 $2.00   Noelito
we might do rainbow don't temp us
85 02:43:56 IDR5,000.00   gebik (a無言スパチャ)
86 02:44:11 MX$13.00   Hiro Kun (a無言スパチャ)
87 02:44:14 IDR35,000.00   🍌🍌Rieku Lyn CROW-d funding hAKKAsupa www
88 02:44:42 $2.00   Manga
together hakkitos we will get there!!
89 02:44:54 CA$1.10   maya (a無言スパチャ)
90 05月03日
  _ Yuna-desu _ How about a babie Hakkasupa in this trying time?
91 02:45:09 MX$25.00   Hiro Kun
92 02:45:10 $1.00   Jax
93 02:45:12 NT$15.00   na (a無言スパチャ)
94 02:45:29 CLP1,100   ᕱ⑅ᕱ mei ¡!
we're getting closer hakkitos KEEP GOING
95 02:45:37 $1.00   Chrissy (a無言スパチャ)
96 05月03日
  LyakiosWolf 5
97 02:45:49 $1.00   HipHipFrey (a無言スパチャ)
98 02:45:51 $1.00   Luna Brando (a無言スパチャ)
99 02:45:56 $1.00   DS does a sick ollie
100 02:45:59 $2.00   pikapika848 (no idea what's going on) Throwing a mini MegaFund
101 02:46:06 $2.00   Isabel🪐
102 02:46:06 MX$25.00   Heruna
Hakka norteño tskr
103 02:46:07 $2.00   ☆Starrikka☆ ♡♡♡
104 02:46:09 $1.00   Jess / じぇす (a無言スパチャ)
105 02:46:10 MX$25.00   nunally
let's go let's go let's gooooo
106 02:46:10 PEN2.00   Nija
de a poquito lo lograremos
107 02:46:12 $2.00   Chrissy
anything for u birbo lmao
108 02:46:13 HK$38.00   kuroneko (a無言スパチャ)
109 02:46:14 MX$13.00   Ameshiro (a無言スパチャ)
110 02:46:24 $5.00   Manga
We must continue this bit!!! o7
111 02:46:47 $2.00   Hervy Marquez Garcia
10 dollars for the cloak
112 02:46:47 $1.00   kyomie
113 02:46:51 $1.00   TimeTraveler55 (a無言スパチャ)
114 02:46:52 $1.99   lazulaus <3
115 02:46:57 PHP55.00   yoms
commit to the bit!!!
116 02:47:09 IDR20,000.00   Big Dub Nat Idk what's happening but have my money
117 02:47:16 CLP5,500   ᕱ⑅ᕱ mei ¡!
118 02:47:24 PEN6.00   Nija
olvidé que como hakkitos no sabemos contar
119 02:47:27 ¥100   Akiha
120 02:47:37 MX$25.00   nunally
we're being silly
121 02:47:45 $50.00   Skyler Reach Funny story, someone used my PayPal to make an unauthorized purchase to Google. I tried to get it reversed but PayPal said the charge aligns with my normal spending habits. I sent you so many SCs that PayPal can't even detect fraud anymore LET'S GOOO
122 02:47:48 $2.00   ZamaSama_
two hakkasupas combined, take that
123 02:47:56 IDR20,000.00   ALEN! ☆
124 02:48:06 $1.99   moe gonna have bruises from all the pennies thrown
125 02:48:36 IDR35,000.00   gebik
126 02:51:24 PHP55.00   GLIZZ Singkwenta pesos
127 02:52:08 $5.00   HipHipFrey
this one is actually for my oshi hakkamama
128 02:52:47   oli hakkoli ive been singing more thanks 2 the advice u gave me once. i hope 2 cover rafflesia & dedicate 2 u. itll be my first time sharing my voice publicly :')
129 02:53:27   Alexanders Saintsworth Maybe he was alergic to purple soda?
130 05月03日
$20.00   banzoin hakka catboy real (a無言スパチャ)
131 03:14:17 $2.00   HipHipFrey
nah boss u got me, this is totally flayon
132 03:17:44 $5.00   Alex Cruz 2 weeks of finishing up uni is draining but its nice to relax and watch some good as heck stream like these am i wrong?
133 03:35:39 $5.00   Arnulfo Mendez
thanks for the stream
134 03:35:39 $5.00   blue grapes thanks for the stream
135 05月03日
  Yoshino Thank you for the stream and happy belated birthday to Hakka mama