記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 56 178.93 \24,114
EUR EUR 2 52.00 \7,703
MX$ MXN 11 285.00 \2,159
CA$ CAD 4 8.80 \886
CLP CLP 4 5100 \862
UYU UYU 2 180.00 \624
PEN PEN 6 16.00 \578
BOB BOB 1 25.00 \488
IDR IDR 4 45000.00 \410
PHP PHP 4 165.00 \398
MYR MYR 2 12.90 \391
SGD SGD 1 2.00 \203
YEN YEN 2 200 \200
SAR SAR 1 5.00 \179
£ GBP 1 1.00 \170
HK$ HKD 1 8.00 \137
THB THB 1 19.00 \76
NT$ TWD 1 15.00 \65
ARS ARS 2 90.00 \53
R$ BRL 1 1.10 \29
---- ---- ---- ---- \39,725
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 05月09日
  🔅hakkitoes🔅 1
2 05月09日
  🔅hakkitoes🔅 1
3 05月09日
  🔅hakkitoes🔅 1
4 05月10日
  🔅hakkitoes🔅 1
5 05月10日
  deyz 🌿 (メンバーシップ入り)
6 05月10日
  Mc Nuggets 5
7 05月10日
  kama 1
8 05月10日
  Manga 5
9 05月10日
  SilentStormfall 1
10 05月10日
  Samandra 5
11 00:02:19   kian (メンバーシップ入り)
12 05月10日
  pexkool BLESS HakkAngel
13 00:04:27 $2.00   ZamaSama_ HAKKANGEL ILU BLESS
14 00:04:35 $4.99   Haru Kiba-Cure Taurus [EN Vtuber] Cute bird boy that I will always be loyal and never cheat on! (Expect me having 2 Oshis lol)
15 05月10日
16 05月10日
  Müller Saru HAKKA BLESS Sorry about the strawberries btw, I couldn't resist.......
17 05月10日
18 00:04:53   KIRAX (メンバーシップ入り)
19 00:05:03   NaNi Chan. (メンバーシップ入り)
20 00:05:10 $10.00   Skyler Reach I gotta be vod gang today, but I hope you have fun!
21 00:05:17 PHP55.00   Galeophobia BLESS
22 00:05:19   CONDORIANO Customer service always comes back to haunt you one way or another
23 00:05:38   Nas ONLY HAKKA
24 00:05:38   Mr Relleno hakka trabajando en el oxxo
25 05月10日
  rat in its cage as a fellow graveyard shifty to another, good luck HAKKANGEL
26 00:05:51   BunnyAngel👹🐏 If you are to own a combini what would you name it... can I work there?
27 05月10日
  Aoi Minami🍤🐌 Stroberi!
28 05月10日
  MikkiP0817 Everyone knows the true horror is working in retail, I know from experience. Happy 3 months Hakka!
29 05月10日
  kuroneko KAMI OSHI
30 00:06:30   Phedrenaamah (メンバーシップ入り)
31 00:07:43   Flore Buenas noches joven, le compro lo que sea pero ¿puedo usar el baño?
32 00:11:34 SGD2.00   🔅hakkitoes🔅 (a無言スパチャ)
33 05月10日
  Heruna (メンバーシップ入り)
34 00:12:23 $5.00   DS does a sick ollie i worked night shift at an office for 8 months and got depressed OOF i can't imagine dealing w people at 3AM. Best wishes to ppl still on the grind!
35 00:13:53 UYU30.00   Flore there's a with a cowboy hat in the bathroom,help
36 00:14:43   Mal Morose I used to work the late shift at a hotel. The sheer number of people who would try to check in late knowing full well they were banned.....
37 00:19:14   Hazardousmix can’t believe hakka got a job; look at him go
38 00:20:07 $2.00   Chop9suey28 Yeah I'll take 15 on pump 3 pls
39 05月10日
  [WD] Shiza 🔆 hello hakka! I've been busy with school so i couldn't catch up the streams but I hope everything is going well, really love u
40 05月10日
  Apple Friend Thanks for always being an inspiration to keep trying to bring happiness and positivity to others! <3
41 00:26:08   DogChow101 since you pointed out the textures, I am now analyzing every texture since I'm a 3D animation major :')
42 05月10日
  N̴͋̎e̵̓̚r̷͌͗a̶̋̒k̷̒͌ 3 meses con el Patrón! buena Jornada en el Hakkafé, Jefazo
43 05月10日
44 00:32:20   yaawi (メンバーシップ入り)
45 00:32:45   Ivy Ithree (メンバーシップ入り)
46 00:35:20 UYU150.00   Oz Nada como una buena fantasma para olvidar la ex
47 00:45:35 MX$65.00   pexkool Dicen que antes de ser un oxxo, ahi era un panteon
48 05月10日
  FrostBio Woooo, 2 months of continuous scam and more to go!!
49 00:47:37 MX$25.00   Kitoto!! tenga cuidado mijo!! ahi espantan ;((
50 00:49:07 $1.99   Yx_Shorty_xY So like this?
51 00:49:41 $1.00   kyomie (a無言スパチャ)
52 00:49:50 $1.99   apeeepo Hit them with a chancla
53 00:50:03 $1.00   Chulo (a無言スパチャ)
54 00:50:04 MX$19.00   nunally (a無言スパチャ)
55 00:50:30 £1.00   SilentStormfall (a無言スパチャ)
56 00:50:33 THB19.00   Faifai (a無言スパチャ)
57 00:50:35 $2.00   Mc Nuggets (a無言スパチャ)
58 00:50:42   Ximena López (メンバーシップ入り)
59 00:50:47 ARS45.00   Lucy Lucyfer (a無言スパチャ)
60 00:50:48 $1.00   blue grapes (a無言スパチャ)
61 00:50:50 $1.00   Chop9suey28
62 00:50:53 $2.00   kyomie
i'm not color blind just easily drunk
63 00:50:53 $1.00   rat in its cage (a無言スパチャ)
64 00:50:56 R$1.10   rinne · bird in wolf skin 🐺 (a無言スパチャ)
65 00:51:03 ¥100   Akiha (a無言スパチャ)
66 00:51:09 $1.00   MadJadArt (a無言スパチャ)
67 00:51:14 $1.00   kama (a無言スパチャ)
68 00:51:16 $1.00   Isabel🪐 (a無言スパチャ)
69 00:51:17 $1.00   NiseP (a無言スパチャ)
70 00:51:19 $1.00   AlesongtheBrewer (a無言スパチャ)
71 00:51:29 $1.00   DS does a sick ollie
72 00:51:32 $1.00   Chrissy (a無言スパチャ)
73 00:51:35 PEN1.00   Nessa HD (a無言スパチャ)
74 00:51:35 SAR5.00   Samandra (a無言スパチャ)
75 00:51:35 MX$13.00   Hiro Kun (a無言スパチャ)
76 00:51:40 HK$8.00   kuroneko (a無言スパチャ)
77 00:51:42 $1.00   Chulo
78 00:51:42 $1.00   ZamaSama_
79 00:51:52 PHP27.50   Nagato (a無言スパチャ)
80 00:51:54 PEN1.00   Nija (a無言スパチャ)
81 00:51:57 $1.00   Luna Brando (a無言スパチャ)
82 00:52:02 CA$1.10   Sarccatto (a無言スパチャ)
83 00:52:04 $1.00   moth miracle (a無言スパチャ)
84 00:52:14 $1.00   1Abiodun (a無言スパチャ)
85 00:52:16 ¥100   bluesky macaron (a無言スパチャ)
86 00:52:17 €2.00   Spanish Pixie Pero ábreme la puerta xD
87 00:52:17 CA$1.10   Kimbit (a無言スパチャ)
88 00:52:18 $1.00   Mario Castillo (a無言スパチャ)
89 00:52:23 $1.00   MathYiu, Rice Seeker (a無言スパチャ)
90 00:52:35 PHP55.00   Kouga Wolfang (a無言スパチャ)
91 00:52:40 MYR3.00   Hollis (a無言スパチャ)
92 00:52:41 $1.00   Minion to the Coolest Hak-CAW 9.0[LetheTea] (a無言スパチャ)
93 00:52:43 $1.00   Suppapong (a無言スパチャ)
94 00:52:43 $1.00   NovaStitchesCosplay (a無言スパチャ)
95 00:52:44 $1.00   EskimiRose (a無言スパチャ)
96 00:52:44 ARS45.00   Kessei🍙🔅 (a無言スパチャ)
97 00:52:45 $4.99   b00b $5 bc im built different
98 00:52:48 $1.00   Miss Chubby Bunny (a無言スパチャ)
99 00:52:53 $1.00   Wi11i9m (a無言スパチャ)
100 00:52:54 CLP700   papita-deadbeat chumbud owlch dragoon snekfan MoB (a無言スパチャ)
101 00:52:58 CLP550   Luis Aravena (a無言スパチャ)
102 00:53:06 IDR10,000.00   Whitflow (a無言スパチャ)
103 00:53:06 IDR5,000.00   gebik (a無言スパチャ)
104 00:53:20 MX$13.00   Hannie (a無言スパチャ)
105 00:53:23 PEN1.00   Nija
106 00:53:29 PHP27.50   Galeophobia
107 00:53:34 $1.01   Betanadie (a無言スパチャ)
108 00:53:34 NT$15.00   Jung (a無言スパチャ)
109 00:53:46 CLP1,100   Exael Heatscar whats goin on
110 00:53:49 CA$1.10   Rayzorexe (a無言スパチャ)
111 00:53:58 PEN6.00   Paloma Canibal Gracias por el stream, Haka
112 00:53:59 $1.00   Sean Rhode (a無言スパチャ)
113 00:54:02   Vanreito wassup! Already a month! whatt ⊙﹏⊙∥ Happy to be part of this family! Me he divertido mucho durante este tiempo! Gracias por las sonrisas Hakka ^^
114 00:54:02 $0.99   Lhamo (a無言スパチャ)
115 00:54:10 MX$13.00   [アラディア]Aradia (a無言スパチャ)
116 00:54:16 IDR10,000.00   Fiolentine~ (a無言スパチャ)
117 00:54:25 $50.00   Minion to the Coolest Hak-CAW 9.0[LetheTea]
did i learn right?
118 00:54:39 MX$13.00   Exlo / エクスロ🌿🔅 (a無言スパチャ)
119 00:54:41 $2.00   Chulo
make it rain baby
120 00:54:50 $2.00   Moongoddess1817 my first ever super chat take my stripper money!
121 00:54:51 MYR9.90   Moon wrong blue sorry
122 00:55:03 CA$5.50   Sarccatto
what if we reached for the $5 SC at the same time and our hands touched...
123 00:55:21   Annieplush Bought your undies on the last day and I can't wait to get them.
124 00:55:22 $2.00   rat_poisoning get urself smth nice ;))
125 00:55:26 $2.00   Chop9suey28
Oh we changing to a diff blue now?
126 00:55:41 $5.00   kyomie
am still drunk is this pink?
127 05月10日
  Kitoto!! que onda mijo?? sale una carnita asada el sabado o que??
128 00:56:16 €50.00   Spanish Pixie
I'm your best friend now~ 🫶
129 00:56:25 MX$25.00   Vanreito no se que está pasando >:0
130 00:56:42 MX$49.00   nunally
ten mijo para que te compres un chicle
131 00:57:48 PEN6.00   Nija
Pa su coca cola también
132 01:06:42   Kimbit I hatched! Mousey was my first intro to you, glad I stayed. Thanks for all hard work you put into everything, but most of all for being my kamioshi~!
133 01:07:51 $2.00   Chop9suey28
Wheres the nacho cheese for my hot cheetos/lime?
134 01:09:43 $1.99   Yx_Shorty_xY
You blew it, Hakka!
135 01:12:03 $2.00   rat in its cage
don't forget to bottle those tears hakka
136 01:26:53 IDR20,000.00   Nuraigumama are you winning son
137 01:29:12 $1.99   Minjus for Junior and his amazing job at work
138 05月10日
  🔅hakkitoes🔅 1
139 05月10日
  Ximena López LOVEFOREVER (happy 2 months birbo)
140 01:49:10 $5.00   LyakiosWolf My mother also cares about you she'd never like any other. She got back from her trip, and she asked me how you were lol so you got her love forever
141 05月10日
  Shimmermile Junior gave up with your birb brain
142 01:57:10 PEN1.00   Nija
143 01:57:17   Liquid Richard BLESS
144 01:57:17 MX$25.00   Hiro Kun
Gambatte Hakka!!!
145 01:57:20   kama can't superchat again this is all i got
146 01:57:33 $1.00   moth miracle
147 01:57:57 $1.99   Minjus
148 01:57:50 $1.00   Isabel🪐
149 01:58:20 $2.00   Chrissy
Ur letter made me cry, 10/10 thanks hakka
150 01:59:30 MX$25.00   Nas Sorry, I have no dollars but LET'S GOOOOOOOO
151 05月10日
  Manga 5
152 02:01:03 CLP2,750   Exael Heatscar
Blessed i was born in the same timeline where i can hear Hakka gritando in that accent grrr
153 05月10日
  Pesadilla 5
154 02:11:21 $2.00   Pesadilla Grandma's been dead for 15 years, Hakka. Move on.
155 02:13:49   ×Morning Dew× i did the same in gradschool. but glad i quit too. it's been 5 years!
156 02:18:05   GLIZZ I'm also working on my remaining commissions while to listening my Kamioshi Hakka
157 02:24:41   EL DIABLO Feliz día de las Madres Hakka
158 02:36:21 BOB25.00   yoko shima Hakka-mama AC founds
159 02:38:31 $10.00   Inkswirl AC funds because I had to go through a heat wave last year with a broken ac and I dont wish that hell on anyone...
160 02:46:56 $20.00   lorenzo rios tank you for the stream see you next time