配信名【It takes two】Prepare for trouble, and MAKE IT DOUBLE w/ @GavisBettel !【EN】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 22 90.94 \11,997
CA$ CAD 2 16.50 \1,612
SGD SGD 1 10.00 \991
PHP PHP 1 55.00 \133
NT$ TWD 1 30.00 \129
---- ---- ---- ---- \14,862
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 04月08日
  Reverie 1
2 04月08日
  Seejo Crux 5
3 04月08日
  MEI ᕱ⑅ᕱ¡! 5
4 04月08日
  Samandra 20
5 04月08日
  Reverie 1
6 04月08日
  Kimbit (メンバーシップ入り)
7 04月08日
  MartabakAlmon (メンバーシップ入り)
8 04月08日
  リズアルトalt 1
9 04月08日
  Skyler Reach 1
10 04月08日
  SilentStormfall 1
11 04月08日
  Shrimpy Zay 1
12 04月08日
13 04月08日
  Oscar 💎
14 04月08日
  Norah[ノラ] 1
15 00:01:32 $2.00   Pesadilla Last time, on your Telenovela
16 04月08日
  Alexandra H. 50
17 00:04:13 $4.99   Kimmi Woooo
18 04月08日
  Alexandra H.
19 00:05:35 $4.99   VarsonAbaddon hakka is 100% slapping bettel with the chancla after each stream
20 00:05:44 $2.00   Pesadilla
21 00:06:06 $2.00   Reverie hey guys I'm actually scared
22 00:06:17   idzim4n [イジマン] You're ruining my childhood by arguing!
23 00:07:08 $2.00   Pesadilla
It's time to see new people I think
24 04月08日
  リズアルトalt hakka get away from that white man immediately i beg
25 04月08日
$2.00   Orvaen this arguing makes me nostalgic for home!
26 00:11:15   Lynnear Hello psychopath couple, Im here to run away
27 00:19:18 $5.00   Seejo Crux 90% of the audience is like "why did it thumbs up"
28 00:31:16 $4.99   VarsonAbaddon
just like the insects hakka
29 00:32:36 $4.99   VarsonAbaddon
man that happy tree friends episode is great
30 00:34:25 $5.00   Pesadilla
Ah, nothing brings a couple closer than committing a murder together
31 00:36:59 SGD10.00   リズアルトalt betsy reliving his childhood of ripping and tearing apart the toys he got as a kid, sans the frankensteining them back together with tape
32 00:39:36 $4.99   VarsonAbaddon
imagine danny trejo as the book
33 00:48:31   千樓ChianLou (メンバーシップ入り)
34 04月08日
  Brownd Moooom, dad's doing the noises again
35 04月08日
  DS does a sick ollie 1
36 04月08日
  NormalMar 1
37 01:14:30   Ximena López (メンバーシップ入り)
38 01:15:50   Evilwindful (メンバーシップ入り)
39 01:35:21 CA$11.00   TheGimpster101 By the way Hakka and Bettel this game requires teamwork, I figured I'd tell you guys ahead of time to help. You can thank me later, just trying to look out for you guys
40 02:04:18 $2.00   HipHipFrey donating to hakka's rizz fund. its... lacking.
41 02:28:41 NT$30.00   Lakuta the ice is broken
42 02:30:43   Noname GT wasn't as bad as people say it is, it's just that it had to follow up Z.
43 02:32:20   Clopeh Tensura slime is a pretty good isekai, read the LN
44 02:32:41 $10.00   Noname Poor Hakka's uncle, he had to yell for 10 minutes straight for his bed time stories/
45 02:35:08 $4.99   Chaotic CiniMini As a cosplayer isekai and especially ecchi isekai are fascinating studies about maximalist designs that still are pretty campy if that makes sense lol
46 02:58:23 $2.00   Pesadilla
We offer coffee and strowberri
47 02:58:37 $2.00   Seejo Crux
I got bingo, Akiha
48 02:59:35 $5.00   Fanimation🪫 he made us eat other machiroons :D
49 02:59:59 CA$5.50   TheGimpster101
Hey Hakka if you need to get a tooth taken care of, just call up a cousin and have a friendly fist fight. Quick, Easy and Free, simple right?
50 03:02:58   melohina (メンバーシップ入り)
51 03:09:39 $5.00   Seejo Crux
Hakka's stories are just... I don't have the words.
52 03:17:08   KlonoaDreams The bird-coding is REAL and it's there forever. Source: me, who gets called Periquita by my Mama
53 03:19:20 PHP55.00   ahh-vitch Should've killed the book instead of the elephant
54 03:21:20 $5.00   Pesadilla
I can't recall if Bettel decided on a mascot yet after taking the cow perms away but he can now cross off elephants as well
55 03:28:59 $5.00   Seejo Crux
I'm so proud. Engineer solution.
56 03:29:51   Ivy Ithree (メンバーシップ入り)
57 03:35:52 $5.00   Arnulfo Mendez thank ya'll for the fun stream