配信名[SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake] ARE THOU FEELING IT NOW, MR. MAGS
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 30 238.92 \32,069
CA$ CAD 3 15.00 \1,495
PHP PHP 3 500.00 \1,222
NT$ TWD 2 225.00 \993
HK$ HKD 1 38.00 \650
A$ AUD 1 5.00 \462
R$ BRL 1 5.00 \129
---- ---- ---- ---- \37,020
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月22日
$50.00   Minion of the Cutest Noushin 6.5 [LetheTea] not like i missed you and magnation or anything b-b@ka have fun streaming
2 02月22日
  CamaronFrito (メンバーシップ入り)
3 02月22日
  JadeyBoo-S131 Yooo everyone, lets get this spongemag going!
4 02月22日
  missmerc (メンバーシップ入り)
5 02月22日
  Smokey McPot I wonder when spongebob poops, is the poo evenly distributed out of all the holes on his body or does it come out of one designated hole?
6 02月22日
  Sprout (メンバーシップ入り)
7 02月22日
  PurpleLion 50
8 02月22日
  Nellichka 🌧 Excited for Bob l'eponge tonight maglord, love me some 3D platformers.
9 00:05:27 $5.00   Sanders Did you set the stream to Wumbo?
10 02月22日
  Kris Heyo, back from the nation!
11 00:07:04   Gun play some royalty free nautical-themed music. nobody will be able to tell the difference
12 00:10:36   Hotaru Ika Can you sing the Magnation anthem to make up for the lack of bgm
13 02月22日
  RaiRai Hope you enjoy!! Been looking forward to this game!!
14 00:10:42 $2.00   Doctah WAAwee a.k.a Master Yagoogway He Ungulates like you Magster.
15 00:11:14 $2.00   deadbeats he's just like magni fr fr
16 02月22日
  R wan 5 monthHEHE
17 02月22日
  Vel Ayoo
18 00:13:08 $5.00   Bog Boy Robot wife about to make magni act UP
19 00:13:56   weeb6942O31l yes
20 02月22日
21 00:20:52   R C E What was the most expensive meal you've ever had?
22 02月22日
  Melvin 5
23 00:24:12   neksuscat Oh dang, it's been 5 months already? Hail Maglord!
24 00:26:34 $20.00   Lauren [ I believe in MAGnation supreMAGcy👏 ] Thank you for the stream, Magni. I'm glad I can watch my oshi on my birthday.
25 00:29:28 CA$5.00   Soseji Boots It's the Dark Souls of baby games, I guess
26 00:30:35   Hitoribochi Sakana Curse you tutorial mode almost defeating the great Magni Dezmond!
27 00:31:58 $5.00   Bog Boy
Fun fact, starfish spit their stomachs out and eat/digest food with their stomachs outside of their body.
28 00:33:08 $5.00   raysmashbrawl176 Magni? is there something you want to tell us?
29 00:33:25   TheGreatNickpolean You know, if I were to die right now in some sort of fiery explosion due to the carelessness a self proclaimed alchemist, well that would be just okay.
30 00:34:01 $4.99   Claus You’re both purple, you both have a beauty mark, you’re both kinda thicc…. Coincidence?
31 00:37:46 $10.00   Shadow - Tempus Novitiate I smell a fishy smell... that fishy smell of....oh no... Anchovies
32 00:38:35 $5.00   raysmashbrawl176
"Alright pinhead, yer time is up!"
33 00:41:19 NT$75.00   嘉珍Chia Chien Magni today is neko (cat) day in Japan, may I get Nyo~from u thx
34 00:45:30 PHP125.00   Joyeuse 💙 (@joooyeuse_) Waddup maglord? Love the chill game I can kick back and relax to. Also, are you feelin it Mr. Krabbs?
35 00:47:10 $4.99   Claus
You don’t need us to do that, you do that enough by yourself buddy
36 00:54:09 $4.99   Samantha-KFP Deviled Egg marketable cute plushie that’s why
37 00:57:18 HK$38.00   Fong Tamasii This game is so cute, and so did you ;)
38 02月22日
  mimlemel 10
39 01:04:54 $4.99   Claus
Do you remember the episode that had multiple endings that would change every time it aired?
40 01:09:40 $5.00   Abrakillo Plankton roasting a whole family will always be the best
41 01:09:51 PHP250.00   yumesy the ep where squidward turns into a snail is good too
42 01:10:47   solis [ソリス] soIispan DMCA! ARREST THIS MAN!
43 01:12:28   UnstoppablePhoenix I entered to screaming, normal Magni stream
44 01:14:05   Jax I remember having the weirdest epiphany when I realized that those two flag twirlers died in the Band Geeks episode.
45 01:15:10 $20.00   Aura Angelique a little dab will do ya
46 02月22日
  「VIVIANCONQUEST」 Enjoy the game mag man (also don't forget about the dark souls dodge roll you get in this game for no reason)
47 01:17:36   Suppapong (メンバーシップ入り)
48 01:19:12 $20.00   Suppapong Hi Magni!!! It was a busy time cause of valentines streams and my day job, its a week late (feb 11) can I get a happy birthday from my kami - oshi?
49 01:21:35 CA$5.00   Soseji Boots
I told you!
50 01:23:52 $2.00   deadbeats
completely hinged idol
51 01:24:56 R$5.00   Debora magni would u still love us if we were worms
52 02月22日
  Alexis (@lunedelstein) 20
53 01:45:38   JMUtube▶️ Maglord, what are your Top 5 SpongBob episodes? Also, which season did you stop watching?
54 01:48:34 $5.00   Kevin牛 i don't want it to hurt
55 01:49:20 $19.99   Kismet Nightingale Yooo Dez. I’m having fun hanging out at the Vegas Strip with a black cherry white claw in hand. The shop clerk I bought it from complimented the Magni tshirt I was wearing. Hope you’re having a great night as well!
56 01:54:11 CA$5.00   Soseji Boots
Gotta play 'em both to get all that juicy SpongeLore
57 01:56:53   Ting Yi (メンバーシップ入り)
58 01:57:11 $4.99   Kunia Veas Glad to have an oshi that I can reminisce and bond with over SpongeBob. P.S it’s pronounced veh ahs(Veas)
59 01:58:30 NT$150.00   Vasilka like what in tarnation you said yesterday, I heard it before from vesper
60 01:59:51   Ryuji Tsurugi Honestly, the fact that you pick up on each other's mannerisms just show how close you lads are
61 02:00:07 $5.00   Suppapong
First Axel said no shot, now ALL of you do!
62 02月22日
  TeiTei / テイちゃん 5
63 02:04:02   Alexis (@lunedelstein) (メンバーシップ入り)
64 02:04:05 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ) Spongebob huh...does that mean that you'll be jamming to the Jellyfish Jam in the near future?
65 02:04:15 $2.00   deadbeats
deadbeats thanks for the superchat
66 02:07:15 PHP125.00   Joyeuse 💙 (@joooyeuse_)
My name's said like the word joyous LOL now i go nap for real, thanks for the comfee vibe maglord!
67 02:07:46 $5.00   TripleSuS TripleSuS thanks the for superchat
68 02:09:22 $4.99   Claus
If each pair of underpants represents a hit point, is he wearing multiple pairs at once or does he now have five butts?
69 02:09:39   Falsa Azzuri Hi Magni. (:
70 02:11:15 $2.00   christmasbob1 Super bob thanks for the christmas chat
71 02:18:26 $4.99   Crusabi magni would you say bettels the patrick to your spongebob
72 02:21:01 $5.00   UlyssesFartknocker I'd say Bettel is more like Plankton as he has the robot romcom going on.
73 02:21:17 $2.00   christmasbob1
I'll be the Karen to your Plankton
74 02:28:19   BIG HAM (メンバーシップ入り)
75 02:35:18 $2.00   deadbeats
Carl changed how people sat croissant
76 02:40:40   b00b weighted blankets are so nice
77 02:41:52   bijou (メンバーシップ入り)
78 02:43:08   Arrupako (メンバーシップ入り)
79 02:58:33   Sparda Prowess Mattress cover blankets for life, or fight me !