配信名【Powerwash Simulator】Double it and give it to the next guy.
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 12 221.99 \29,757
A$ AUD 8 40.00 \3,690
CA$ CAD 1 10.00 \995
NT$ TWD 1 150.00 \661
PHP PHP 2 250.00 \605
R$ BRL 1 5.00 \129
---- ---- ---- ---- \35,837
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月20日
  Timothy 5
2 00:00:34   G̶R̶D̶ (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:07:28 $5.00   NekoSoleil how do you feel about the recent KD and Kyrie trades?
4 02月20日
  Kion 5
5 00:09:44   百花 茉莉花 (メンバーシップ入り)
6 00:11:06 $100.00   Minion of the Cutest Purple Maglord 6.0 [LetheTea] (a無言スパチャ)
7 00:11:38 $50.00   Minion of the Cutest Purple Maglord 6.0 [LetheTea]
8 00:12:08 $20.00   Minion of the Cutest Purple Maglord 6.0 [LetheTea]
9 00:12:39 $10.00   Minion of the Cutest Purple Maglord 6.0 [LetheTea]
10 00:12:42   jerianlyn anikiiiii
11 00:13:04 $5.00   Minion of the Cutest Purple Maglord 6.0 [LetheTea]
12 00:13:35 $2.00   Minion of the Cutest Purple Maglord 6.0 [LetheTea]
13 00:16:29 A$5.00   Pleochrome Axel to Hakka: yo check out this cool song / Axel to Bettel: but did you s*** yourself fr
14 00:20:24 NT$150.00   Jessica my cat spilled a glass of water on my blanket so i wake now. thanks my cutie cat, i'm not late too much.
15 00:24:47 A$5.00   Pleochrome
don't forget the smiley face
16 00:25:01 PHP125.00   Say Hi (To Jerry) that "plankton" needs more detail
17 00:28:56 PHP125.00   Say Hi (To Jerry)
Introvert vs Extrovert experience
18 00:34:29 $5.00   Wottle Hey axel, thanks for saving me from being mugged last night. Such a bro
19 00:34:37 A$5.00   Pleochrome
harper is your friend, they help you set up the power washing business, yes this game has lore
20 00:35:41   あおいAoi (メンバーシップ入り)
21 00:38:11   Cyan (メンバーシップ入り)
22 00:41:55 CA$10.00   Spirit As an introvert (with older sister override code), having extroverts help out socially is a big relief. And I grow from observing them, now from you, so big thanks to your ppl for looking after mine:)
23 00:42:45 R$5.00   Gbraga【ジーブラガ】 pass me that soulja boy cover
24 00:46:42 A$5.00   Pleochrome
axel if you're up for checking other vtubers' vods of this, you should try the kobo and sana collab :)
25 00:48:47 $9.99   Voraxe Thanks for the stream Mr. Liar and Cheater
26 00:50:32 $5.00   zim57 It's okay Axel, I don't think you're a cheater. As your aunt might have said, if Sayori wanted to be your GF then she should have lived longer
27 00:53:04   FrostBio Yeah, I said the B-word with mah granma too Lmao
28 00:53:41   secret_simp_account Can you call us the b- word then?
29 00:54:04 A$5.00   Pleochrome
Aussie perms lesgoooo
30 00:54:16 $5.00   platsu So you wanting to eat us the highest respect you can give us?
31 01:05:16 A$5.00   Pleochrome
and here, chat, is where every power wash player starts losing their minds
32 01:06:35 $5.00   Guam Mastermind At least your not as OCD as other Hololive members
33 01:09:14 A$5.00   Pleochrome
open ESC the game gives you a list, don't die dude
34 01:13:16 A$5.00   Pleochrome
dear chat, clean your room or that's how the spiders move in in north elysium