配信名【 World of Warcraft 】This is the most egregiously uncentered thumbnail I've ever created
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 19 144.98 \19,806
CA$ CAD 3 29.99 \3,038
---- ---- ---- ---- \22,844
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 05月18日
  Seeker Kaliope
2 00:01:57 $10.00   tetsmega I didn't know my old man still had game. Walk me down the yellow brick road and call me Dorothy cause you're a damn Rizzard of Oz.
3 00:04:28 $5.00   Wackywarrior13 You said that you liked my icon. I made it to represent what I thought a Gorilla Vestie, probably the only one, would look like.
4 00:05:49   MindBrokenMagmite (メンバーシップ入り)
5 00:06:05   Red Hamsters64 Yay 7 months!
6 05月18日
  TsukikoIchinose Thanks for streaming and keeping me company as I crunch on cosplay for a con this weekend
7 05月18日
8 00:09:46   Leonel Contreras WOW NEATO
9 05月18日
$10.00   Boombot TSKR
10 00:14:15 $10.00   Monkeybacon (Tempus Uber Driver) Would you believe it if I said that we got not 1, not 2, but 3 SGC drops?
11 00:14:17 $1.00   BigRob543000 (a無言スパチャ)
12 05月18日
  Shannonigans🍤🧤 "Vespadre" is a spectacular ign name btw
13 00:34:24 $20.00   zim57 Another fun WoW story. Back in Mists of Pandaria there was a raid trash mob called Gastropod. It slowly chased random targets and killed anyone it ran over. Also it changed targets often, so it really sucked to be melee.
14 00:35:49 CA$13.99   Sinitsu Hey Vesper! So you see yourself as more of a streamer, an idol, or an entertainer?
15 00:40:10   Mixn (メンバーシップ入り)
16 00:41:49 $5.00   Go If you had to attribute a dance to every Tempus member, what dance would they be?
17 05月18日
  tako been sick for like 3 weeks now so i’m going back to sleep glad to catch you a little at least, vesper and vesties! have fun
18 01:00:07 CA$5.00   goosewalk I swear we aren't all that bad
19 01:00:19 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi Sister Noir used TACKLE! Critical Hit!
20 01:00:32 $2.00   Verdandi Mynd you, gøøse bites Kan be pretty nasti
21 05月18日
  🎃 Claire Crowles Yes geese are evil and territorial, got chased by a group of geese when I was as tall as them, ran for 10 minutes while my parents were laughing. Peak parenting
22 01:01:26 $4.99   LuchaDandy *Goose bites Kid Vesper* Velma Noir: CROSS COUNTER
23 01:01:57   JY 兔 (メンバーシップ入り)
24 01:05:26 $20.00   Mr. Scary The Terry SHIZZAMINITA! By the power of Japanese businessmen (and this superchat) you alone have the power to pick which two VTubers appear as a quest on Trash Taste! The only stipulation is that one must be from Hololive/tempus.
25 01:10:11 CA$11.00   Kaixer Hey Vesper, you think you'd enjoy Starsector? It's a pretty cool game involving you as a captain of your own Spaceship and doing whatever you want. it's loved and it shows by the 4 devs over 10+ Years
26 01:11:56 $10.00   Riggy if we're talking space games, how about rebel galaxy aka space trucker simulator?
27 05月18日
  BunnyMaiMai It has been an amazing 8 months with you Grandpa! From being my kamioshi to meeting you at Anime Boston, Thank you for being here with us! You truly give me the strength to be a better version of me everyday. I'll make you proud
28 01:15:41 $5.00   Kraft Lawrence (a無言スパチャ)
29 01:17:57 $5.00   BunnyMaiMai With Summer coming up, do you like Grilling or Bbqing grandpa?
30 01:18:43 $10.00   Boombot
Alt + F4? Delete System32? Do not cite the deep magic to me Vestie. I was there when it was written.
31 01:20:01 $10.00   Outrun the Wind One of the cool things about Elite is that it takes place in the real Milky Way. At this point, only 0.059% of systems have been visited. Opening your star map is a lesson on the scale of things!
32 01:36:36 $4.99   Uzufox Watching y’all play wow gives me the itch to play again.
33 05月18日
  WilD 9 Can I request some Tenacious D for karaoke?
34 01:54:21   Sebasu_tan 'drink their blood', says the non-vampire. WAU
35 05月18日
  mowo (ieka95) 1
36 05月18日
  neksuscat 8 months Vestie, Lets gooo! Happy to see you and the boys having fun in WoW, especially nowadays.
37 02:14:08   Michealwave gaming
38 02:20:32 $5.00   YoYoTheYolo The pipe makes me think of Father from KND lol
39 05月18日
  Simple Just got home from work
40 05月18日
  BeguilingBear No, that's MY horse
41 02:51:08 $5.00   BeguilingBear Eddy 1000% would end up on a Moistcritical video for some failed crypto scheme and public meltdown