配信名Taking my sister up the mountain to sacrifice her. (don't tell her)【Bread & Fred】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 5 33.98 \4,923
YEN YEN 3 1660 \1,660
NT$ TWD 3 250.00 \1,135
IDR IDR 2 100000.00 \945
---- ---- ---- ---- \8,663
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08月12日
2 08月12日
  ゆずきYUZUKI (メンバーシップ入り)
3 08月12日
  千 sen 10
4 08月12日
  bLanK 10
5 08月12日
  YaYa 10
6 08月12日
  Varian the twin swords missed poketmon card livebut its months!! lets go for
7 00:00:55 NT$150.00   RKK (a無言スパチャ)
8 00:02:55   시에나 シエナ siena (メンバーシップ入り)
9 08月12日
  cts-1🎇💙 I couldn't send this yesterday but let's go happy 11months! Congrats on 100k! Can't wait for all the projects that are to come. Thank you for your hard workproud to be a cultarer LOVE YOU LEADER
10 08月12日
  PaakType Always adorable when the blusogakis get together
11 00:10:07 IDR50,000.00   Tea kobo is so short and yeet-able
12 00:11:00 $1.99   Omega Sol And it begins
13 08月12日
  Cabbage you can do it
14 00:31:51   Doctah WAAwee Leadah, there is a simple solution to all of this: Just defile all laws of Alchemy and become a hive mind. Sacrificing your mortal souls to Chaos. Then you guys will be in Sync! Simplicity Itself.
15 00:34:01   せちゃんceej 〈seej〉 GO GO GO BLUE SIBLINGS
16 08月12日
  PokeWhale I believe in you leader
17 00:37:05   Gabriel Keni 蓮 The person reading this is very beautifull
18 08月13日
  Say Hi (To Samuel) Go little penguins go!
19 08月13日
  yukinayee 1
20 01:07:35   Azuクリエル (メンバーシップ入り)
21 01:36:27 $1.99   Omega Sol
We believe in you both
22 01:42:19 ¥160   karenjisama (a無言スパチャ)
23 02:12:09 NT$30.00   貓肉哥 HI~你們好<3 KOBO Regis 藍藍兄妹 要玩得開心唷
24 02:19:33 $10.00   Simple .... ID Flight fund
25 02:23:00 $10.00   Lampu Kuroro flight fund
26 02:24:14 ¥1,000   千 sen Thank you for the stream
27 02:24:53 NT$70.00   SiBa Thanks for the stream
28 02:25:14 $10.00   tootles Thanks for the cute stream!
29 02:26:16 ¥500   ゆか•₃•yuka Thank you for the stream〜
30 02:26:36 IDR50,000.00   puu~~(プー)