配信名[Week in Review] HAPPY WEEK HAPPY TIMES! #gavisbettel #holotempus
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 65 423.88 \60,347
£ GBP 6 34.99 \6,337
EUR EUR 2 30.00 \4,686
NT$ TWD 2 780.00 \3,500
CA$ CAD 6 29.79 \3,166
A$ AUD 3 30.00 \2,801
IDR IDR 2 105555.00 \989
THB THB 1 100.00 \408
PHP PHP 1 125.00 \316
MX$ MXN 1 20.00 \166
---- ---- ---- ---- \82,716
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08月08日
  NormalMar 1
2 08月08日
  Vizodi 5
3 08月08日
  Clopeh 6 months YIPPEEE !
4 08月08日
  CheeyeeGo 5
5 08月08日
  閃-Kira- 5
6 08月08日
  ai la mode 1
7 00:01:35   Poleece Man I’m here and ready to suffer
8 00:01:35   Arna STOLE UR HAT !!!!!!
9 08月08日
  Seishun 5
10 00:01:48 $2.00   Diego Armando good luck grogmrmb berotiyhog
11 08月08日
  Robins&Crows 1
12 08月08日
  Shadows-of-Elysium 6 months already
13 08月08日
  CoolGirl_2 6 Months
14 00:02:12   Lakuta good bye, cool clown hat, hello same old hat we've been seeing for 7 months
15 08月08日
  fuyuふゆ 5
16 08月08日
  missmerc 1
17 08月08日
  Sakura Mikage 1
18 00:02:35   Farida Gloom 6 Months Let's Go
19 08月08日
20 08月08日
  horse appreciator 1
21 08月08日
22 08月08日
  Diggy Happy 6 Months!!
23 08月08日
  bloo mantis 1
24 08月08日
  Gracie The Persnickety Puppy six months! No way it's been that long, felt like yesterday man, lots of to ya garbage barstool
25 00:03:57   Monakey Duck gods blunder living up to his name
26 00:04:05   oneiro weeee
27 08月08日
  aquafarfalla yay matching hats!
28 08月08日
  lumafall Happy 6 months! Looking forward to more!
29 00:04:16 A$20.00   ハリエット harriet Back from a long vacation Im so happy to see you again!!! Hope you're having a great day. Love you
30 00:04:18   Voraxe (メンバーシップ入り)
31 00:04:19   Regal Masquerade Hello Bettel, hope you're having a good day
32 00:04:23   🎃 Claire Crowles 6 months of clowning around!
33 08月08日
34 00:04:30   MoistAmerica Stinky
35 08月08日
  woozuru happy to be here garlic butter
36 00:04:32   Kazu D. Adxon - KFP
37 00:04:34   AM Cosmos Mama gonna have to make you a fancy new hat
38 08月08日
39 08月08日
  Ivy Ithree
40 00:05:50   Evapunk 👹🧧(Vox's Sweet Thing) Good day to you Betsy! Nice to see you!
41 00:06:09   Roach bettel if you don't make it past august 19th is your ghost contractually obligated to show up
42 00:06:30   zim57 Ooh 6 months. Look at my fancy new hat!
43 08月08日
  ハリエット harriet
44 00:07:01 CA$5.00   Skylimit Art get ready for AIOC
45 00:07:15   MARI-san Clips Ch. 🌧️ im glad you are back Betol i missed you
46 08月08日
  melly ☆彡 6 months already, incredible! Can't believe it's been half a year! Thanks for the hat by the way, I feel so fashionable now! As always, it's a pleasure and please keep up the incredible work! Here is to many many more months of filled with laughter.
47 08月08日
  atlas ! 2 more weeks let’s make the most of it !
48 00:07:43   Moonlight Dream 6 months Letssss gooo
49 00:08:09 $5.00   The Gnome's Silliest Prophet Today's my birthday but my ordered minecraft cake got delayed to tomorrow so there's that.
50 00:08:10   Boombot Hey Bettel!! Got a new intro for us today?
51 00:08:14   Haruro to 6 more months!
52 08月08日
  val ★彡 6 months YIPPEE YIPPEE YIPPEE
53 08月08日
  Shaybear My first ever Vtuber membership and I can’t believe it’s been a month!! It’s my bday month so I hope Aug 19 doesn’t ruin it
54 00:09:46   Monochrome System I want you to know that last night I got a sugar high for the first time since I was a kid from the ice cream. 10/10 would do again for movie night
55 00:09:46   Kevin牛 schedule4_week14_v2_final_v3_finalseriouslythistime
56 00:10:23   bloo mantis scheduletemplate5months(recovered)
57 00:13:53   Pestering Jester Hi Bettel! So [8/19/23] glad to be here all this [8/19/23] time! 6 months already, wow. Here's to many [8/19/23] more! =]
58 08月08日
  Ghost (メンバーシップ入り)
59 00:15:06   Desc Onocido (メンバーシップ入り)
60 00:16:04   Whoops Betsy, I hope aug 19 isnt too crazy for us, i'll be on a plane and i very much want the plane to land
61 00:17:56 $5.00   Boombot Didnt you want to do some collabs with the boys?
62 08月08日
63 00:18:40   Courtney congrats on being six months old now
64 00:20:11   Patware GAVIS! BETTEL!!!
65 08月08日
66 00:20:35   Aero⚠️ (メンバーシップ入り)
67 00:20:37   arenei review this, gotem (happy 6 months)
68 00:21:23   GEEGA pizza
69 00:21:31 €10.00   Manna Thank you for using my art for the thumbnail!
70 00:23:39   Alessa :)
71 00:23:49 $5.00   USUI hi gibbon baboon. first superchat (oh em gee) just want to thank you for making silly content that makes me do the silly hehehoo. keep it up king
72 08月08日
  Bigrob I see, bettel 2 will make your schedule after August 19th as he will fill in your spot after you are gone.
73 00:24:58 MX$20.00   Vanreito Can I get a commission? I rlly like ur art
74 00:25:07 CA$2.79   Rhys Umbra This pig is my next tattoo
75 00:26:09   Arthur G Bettel, he rocks! Cowboys love big
76 00:27:10   Gigglepox wassup stinky
77 08月08日
  brib (Q) i hope that pig is gonna be on your tierlist
78 08月08日
  Estebantheguy Congrats on selling out your Anime Impulse meet and greets!!! Wow people do love you!
79 08月08日
  tifanator 2000 only 4 month membership im a fake
80 00:28:35   Kaia [カヤ] Recently I moved to the European time zone from an Asian one and now I can finally watch your stream live with a comfortable time :)
81 00:28:41   Cliffpuncher oh god please shower nightmare clown man
82 00:29:39 $4.99   Season salt Have you ever dyed your hair? Or wanted to?
83 08月08日
  Chrissy Hi bettel, happy 6 months of membership! Lets keep having fun~
84 00:29:54 $20.00   ☆Starrikka☆ Hey Bettel! My coworkers currently think I'm watching "those anime cartoons" rn because I don't feel like explaining what Vtubers are lol
85 00:30:13 NT$750.00   築井Chikui. Hi Bettel! for some reason I'm still trying to catch up with all your vods for the last month, I feel like I've missed a lot. but anyway, glad you've finished your moving arc! Hope you're doing well in your new place. At least...until August 19th...?
86 00:31:24 $2.00   Voleno Always Dyed
87 00:32:20 $5.00   H Kezza Hi Betty! It's my birthday and just glad to see you survived the move (but for how long? Aug. 19? )
88 00:32:54 $4.99   Skylar-Kohai I don’t wanna go back to work don’t make meeee
89 08月08日
  築井Chikui. (hope you can make it through)
90 08月08日
91 00:34:52 $5.00   Allister Jones | アリスタ hey bettel its not my birthday, id love if we could celebrate
92 00:35:06 $5.00   Ess phantom birthday Aug 19
93 08月08日
  StriderIncident I’m on my lunch break, my coworkers cheered me on earlier to get ur meet tix but Bettel luck next time seeing you Bill Clinton-alien man
94 08月08日
  sei (メンバーシップ入り)
95 08月08日
  aokane [kazu] thanks for the cool new hat! happy 6 months
96 00:36:44 $5.00   Sakura Mikage I got bad news for you. Lots of us have birthdays in December.
97 08月08日
  Skyeline 6 months of chaos! Thanks for the laughs
98 00:36:56 $5.00   The Gnome's Silliest Prophet
I mentioned earlier its my birthday but my minecraft cake got delayed to so we can say that it isn't and that I'm getting drunk tonight just cause.
99 08月08日
  Atlan wunch bweak anyways new hat
100 00:37:16 $5.00   min mao Got your Valentine's charm in the mail literally just now! I'll cherish your little 5-head forever bingus
101 00:38:15   pinky catbear hi!!!!! it's my birthday hiiiiiiiiiiiii
102 00:38:46 $5.00   Seishun My birthday's next week. See you then, birthday clown.
103 08月08日
  cherie i cant wait to move to a place where i can watch you at a normal time and not such an UNGODLY hour
104 08月08日
  nunu hwappy bwirthdway
105 00:38:57   Cassia Jazz I was at conventions the last two weekends and I'm so tirrreeeddddd. Cons are great.
106 08月08日
$5.00   Phaewil Hi Bettel. It's not my birthday, but have some money anyway.
107 00:39:13   asters it's not my birthday but can you wish me happy birthday anyways
108 00:39:23   Lynnear Hey betsy, Random question for my 6 months here, what do you think about bath bomb?
109 08月08日
  Black Sasaki Good News! you missed my birthday because you were busy moving I still like you enough to cosplay as you this weekend
110 00:39:50 $19.99   AM Cosmos My birthday was 2 months ago but I hope you’re dealing with your post move well
111 08月08日
  KazzieBB youre so silly and so so yaas
112 08月08日
$5.00   saku its that guys birthday have a money
113 00:41:33 $5.00   DogStreet what up home boy
114 08月08日
  Deva i scheduled my appointment to get my bettelgoose tattoo like next weekalso happy six months!
115 00:43:04 $10.00   Patware did you hear about this they're putting out Icee cereal. blue raspberry and cherry, kinda bettel-coded it cools your mouth as you eat (???) i'll tell you how messed up this is later, i bought a box
116 08月08日
  Mii I wonder does phantom have beans
117 08月08日
  Bronze Happy 6 Months Bettel the Bettel Jester Spa Nights sound either very nice or the start of a horror movie.
118 08月08日
  Sean Rhode 1
119 00:44:44 A$5.00   cervidaequus two months since i got my passpartout bettel art tattoo and no regrets (genuine)
120 00:45:22   YolkPoint We have your hat now. What are you gonna do? fight us??? (also good luck on aug 19)
121 00:45:40 $1.99   Season salt
a yakuza style goose tattoo sounds fire af
122 00:46:54 $5.00   TheNomade5 My birthday was in May and you sang me a frantic little song in the middle of a League match. It made me very happy!
123 08月08日
  Ratkin Napkin hi beebee! im making chicken nuggies while watching you, much love
124 00:47:49   NormalMar Sup
125 00:47:57   Flippity Dippity Sup Gym Beam, Halloween is near and I hope some bettelion makes a halloween remix of your intro.
126 00:48:35 £5.00   Yvette Thanatos You've spoken it into existence now, someone is going to get that bettel-goose-gun-sword tattoo.
127 08月08日
  Kai'reyna 6 months wow. just came back from watching our neighbors shed ignite on fire from a lightning strike. much love goobles
128 08月08日
  Curry Fishball Hi Bettel! Today I did a karaoke with my friends while drinking and now I finally understand why you drink in every karaoke. It’s way more fun
129 00:50:51 $2.00   Reverie you made Sharknado happen, stop talking
130 00:50:57 $5.00   Doctah WAAwee AND THEN ALONG CAME ZEUS
131 08月08日
  Alexis (@lunedelstein) It's been 6 months and I am still manifesting the rizz voice voicepack for the Jesticles
132 00:52:22 $5.00   T-Time watching you play trombone champ while I recovered from carpal tunnel surgery really brightened my week! thanks bettel!
133 08月08日
  Eiko Etoile I'm just here to wish you luck this weekAnd congratulations on the sold out tickets!
134 00:54:18 $1.99   CulturalMishap Vile rotten disgusting rizz
135 00:54:23 THB100.00   YolkPoint i still remember i have nightmares with your rizz voice
136 00:54:26 A$5.00   Vizodi did you ever say what hakka got you (if you're allowed to anyway)
137 00:54:40   ☆ cupid ☆ (メンバーシップ入り)
138 00:55:25 $10.00   Kevin牛 I've been watching the new girls a lot and after seeing you and Bettel 2 it's weird to watch twins who are actually nice to each other
139 00:57:43   ハリエット harriet (メンバーシップ入り)
140 00:57:55   Yua
141 00:58:26 £9.99   f chan if you’re so nice to each other, play league together? :)
142 00:59:20 $9.99   ROSIE ☆彡 i don’t think they’ll allow me to throw tomatoes at the meet and greet so i’m getting it out now so excited to meet you, thank you for the opportunity!
143 08月08日
  Ema The Bird I love you Bettel, even if you concern me sometimes
144 08月08日
  Airika I won’t be able to attend Anime Impulse, but I hope you and those who get to meet you will have a wonderful time 🩷
145 01:06:00   Miratriss Thanks for the chill vibes, or the entertaining ones. Both work
146 01:07:55 $4.99   StriderIncident Meme Review in your meme tag for that week?
147 08月08日
  mintea time really flies... glad to have you as the funny man on my phone for all this timehave you eaten anything tasty lately?
148 01:08:56 IDR55,555.00   Roland (a無言スパチャ)
149 01:09:21 $2.00   Doctah WAAwee
You could fall down the stairs and talk about it?
150 08月08日
151 08月08日
  Noname They're all equally bad so there's no worst
152 08月08日
  Soren HAPPY 6 MONTHS SILLY MAN!! Everyday is a beautiful hell with you! I’ll catch you at impulse right after work (or during my lunch break) thanks to a friend who helped snag a ticket
153 01:14:25 $4.99   Enmu White magenta white magenta
154 01:14:50 $4.99   CoachZed Do we count the times you tried and failed to stream Cooking Simulator?
155 01:14:51 $1.99   atlas ! ur lol streams are unironically my comfort streams
156 01:15:33 $5.00   saku
green hell might b in my top 10 because of how bad it is thank you for the content funnee man
157 08月08日
  Comment King 6 months bettelion IKZ!Keep up the good work Gavis! "You're pretty good " (P.S Can we cook for you someday?)
158 01:17:48   Cool Dude Green Hell was my first time watching you play a game, so Im emotionaly attatched to it
159 08月08日
  Starlett 6 months!although you may not like some of your streams each one has brought me comfort :D (can't wait for Peppa pig)
160 01:18:50 $10.00   DeepFriedScream I focused on Q Remastered 2nd stream (which was good) that I completely forgot the rougher first Q Remastered stream during ISP hell week for a bit
161 01:21:04 $10.00   Noname tech dech skateboard handcam stream
162 01:21:07 $10.00   marshwamp ive been watching someone teach how to make balloon animals unironically balloon funds
163 01:21:58 £5.00   3 Player Politics Not a clown?! Coulda FOOLED me!
164 01:22:28 $5.00   USUI
you could follow a bob ross tutorial (if possible) if you ever do the painting stream it would be silly methinks
165 08月08日
  Aminie Cocktails, but you make your own sirups and bitters
166 01:25:27   mato how about viewer submitted weird food combinations
167 01:26:38 $10.00   ai la mode This is a ways off, but a gingerbread house building stream would be really fun for xmas! Or maybe one of the haunted house ones for halloween
168 01:27:03   Amanda Kauffman Where did Flayon go? i need my Flayon jpg
169 01:28:08 £5.00   Karla_Bearx Roulette cocktail making, and then you drink them for roulette karaoke
170 01:28:24 $5.00   Reverie
to be fair, spooky season starts in August so you can do stuff now!
171 01:30:06   pineapplecat I bought pumpkin beer today. It's started!
172 01:30:47   LILMANghost we can do a halloween movie watch along also boo
173 01:30:49 £5.00   Yvette Thanatos
My local coffee place has started doing their pumpkin spice drinks already orz, help
174 01:31:34 $5.00   BubbieGator If I dont see the funny Party City "Thriller" commercial, it's not spooky season
175 01:31:38   SpudSpudnik If you think August is too early for Halloween, just know that, in the Philippines, Christmas preparations start in September
176 01:32:41 $5.00   Reverie
you're welcome for the beef lmao, my statement stands
177 01:32:57 $5.00   Seishun
If we say it's Halloween time enough maybe it'll be true and we can escape summer
178 08月08日
  Joyful Melori If Japan thinks summer is time for horror stories, then spooky season started already. Happy Halloween
179 01:34:11 CA$5.00   Rayzorexe Grocery Stores here have started putting up Halloween Candy displays
180 01:34:33 CA$5.00   FinnamonToastCrunch what kind of self respecting goth doesn't want spooky season to be as long as possible smh
181 01:34:56 $5.00   AK The shop where my mom works puts seasonal stuff months in advance... like the autumn/Halloween stuff was out since July, it is not Halloween time
182 01:36:18 £5.00   Karla_Bearx
Reformed Toxic Gamer about to relapse
183 01:36:27   Manilove223 (メンバーシップ入り)
184 01:36:28   Spice Knight Why can't it be spooky year round?
185 08月08日
  dragonsarenotextinct [ dane ] 5
186 01:37:08 $20.00   stubborn old goat It can't feel like spooky month until it's cooler, the leaves are falling, and Michael Myers is outside my window
187 08月08日
  Kayanne listen I can hate the heat but wanna do spooky things in september.We can feel the "essence" differently bro
188 08月08日
  BB Cheers for an actual based take for once
189 01:38:09 PHP125.00   dragonsarenotextinct [ dane ] spooky season is all year long + L + Ratio + everyday is scary when ur depressed and have anxiety
190 08月08日
CA$2.00   FinnamonToastCrunch
aight FINE
191 01:38:51 IDR50,000.00   aquafarfalla spooky season starts in august this year because august 19th exists
192 01:39:56 $10.00   Alyss Kuriyama hi bettel! birthday has sucked so far but mad clown man made it a little better. if tempus is a family where vesper is grandpa, shinri is dad, altare is big bro, what are you?
193 01:40:34 $10.00   Boombot
Bettsy chill... your pale face is looking all flush with color from all this bloody rage.
194 01:40:59 $10.00   BubbieGator
195 01:41:05 $5.00   Cliffpuncher Are you really getting mad that your argument convinced people
196 01:41:24 $5.00   Season salt
as a non-goth, I hope you goths stay safe during these hot months
197 01:42:07 $4.99   Annie It can’t be spooky season when my AC is running.
198 01:42:34   Jitam (メンバーシップ入り)
199 08月08日
  Felix Wuff is it really been 6 months already? time really flies by fast! thanks for all your hard work Bettel!
200 08月08日
$5.00   Kayanne damn... cant enjoy nothing
201 01:43:42   Lucas Borges I am red/green color blind and apparently I see everything dead or dying, so when is spooky season for me?
202 01:44:05 $5.00   Demise Avalon Ch. You're the cool uncle the kids like, but a lot of the family still looks down on cause you went to clown college instead of being a doctor.
203 01:47:13 $5.00   ai la mode
204 01:47:38 NT$30.00   Lakuta (a無言スパチャ)
205 01:48:09 $20.00   aoishoutapup As a halloween lover. I say orange and black. Purple and green feel like witch colors.
206 01:50:16 $5.00   Liv [ 54BPM ] Purple and Green are actually the colors of the Halloween subspecies known as Goosebumps Marathon Season.
207 01:50:22 €20.00   Basil Happy halloween (it's orange so it's valid)
208 01:50:23 $5.00   Kayanne
ITs the one holiday you can be yourself and youre not forced to see your family its the best
209 01:52:03 $5.00   Hannah {Viridihan} I never knew how to put it to words, but you're so right. The vibe of the season is so much more fun now than the actual day
210 01:52:17   Doji Egg nog supremacy. That is all.
211 01:52:40   Rin Rena hewo
212 01:58:00 $5.00   Reverie
okay last one about spooky season I swear, we only have summer where I'm at, so may as well start in August, makes it nicer
213 01:58:06   Spades my birthday is on February don't hate it
214 01:58:12   I'll use my trusty frying pan as a drying pan maybe ur just not TOUGH enough for february Bettel
215 01:58:58 $5.00   Matthew Carrico Last September I was in a [ENTER BIG WHOLESALE STORE HERE] and they had Xmas trees for sale. Is this unexcusable behavior, or shopping smart?
216 01:59:11 CA$10.00   FinnamonToastCrunch
by the way if you're looking for decor for your new place, spirit halloween and michael's usually have some decent quality dark/spooky stuff I always use as year round decor for my place
217 02:00:43 $10.00   arenei okay but what if i buy a $300 12ft skeleton from home depot right now and just leave it there until halloween
218 02:01:11 $4.99   heff jardy 12 days
219 08月08日
$5.00   Finarael 12' Home Depot skeletons are for year round backyard atmosphere and no one can convince me or my Skele-son otherwise
220 02:03:21 $5.00   Phaewil
December is the worst month because Christmas is unreasonably stressful and, worst of all, I feel like I'm not allowed to be stressed about it.
221 02:06:14 $10.00   ☆ cupid ☆ hey bettel! i just wanted to say that although today has been terrible for me, you've managed to make me feel a little bit better ty for the laughs funny man ^^