配信名[Amnesia: The Bunker] I HEARD THIS GAME WAS SCARY, TOO BAD I AM FEARLESS #holotempus #gavisbettel
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 21 173.92 \24,263
CA$ CAD 3 34.97 \3,653
£ GBP 1 10.00 \1,753
EUR EUR 1 10.00 \1,506
A$ AUD 2 12.00 \1,134
WON KRW 1 10000 \1,094
YEN YEN 1 1000 \1,000
CHF CHF 1 5.00 \769
SGD SGD 1 5.00 \520
PEN PEN 1 11.00 \420
NT$ TWD 1 75.00 \341
---- ---- ---- ---- \36,453
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月14日
  Xiu 5
2 06月14日
  DeepFriedScream 5
3 06月14日
  ai la mode 5
4 00:02:23   Rice Cakes Sup Goat Batter
5 00:02:37 $2.00   Diego Armando good luck grimy bunker
6 00:02:47 $4.99   Kimmi Already getting insulted two minutes in....
7 00:03:16 $5.00   FulmiOnce Betsy its my birthday and I wanna tell you you're my fave little purse dog, I wanna carry you like the shaky chihuahua you are
8 06月14日
  MikkiP0817 Local clown gets Amnesia and is stuck in a Bunker! More at 11! (Happy 4 months, Betty!)
9 00:03:58   mugi【minion arc】 ITS MY BIRTHDAY TOO (I mean I guess it was 2 days ago but still)
10 06月14日
11 00:04:05   Kaedenyara 4 months of paying a funny man insulting me,,,,, anyways here’s my money
12 00:04:23 $4.99   Wysboo 「りすぶ」 You are so strange I adore you
13 06月14日
  Mojey You're our bravest lil boy
14 06月14日
  xin (wizstays) hey betsy was busy with my bday yesterday so late msg but happy 2 months can i get a hoowee in the fboy voice
15 00:05:35 $5.00   ROSIE ☆彡 hey its my birthday too! (in 5 months you have time to prepare)
16 00:05:43 $10.00   Kevin牛 bunker? i hardly knew 'er!
17 06月14日
  Heathenfang (メンバーシップ入り)
18 00:06:47 $9.99   andie i have a private office and i had u playing on my phone without headphones and a coworker just came in and heard u honking? barking? and just asked me what i was doing. so thank u for that funny man
19 00:06:58 $4.99   ★LoveBugs★
20 06月14日
21 06月14日
  Nicole I think it needs to be louder tbh
22 06月14日
  Mooneedsleep🪻🎩 I think a peace prize is in order
23 00:13:10 $50.00   Heathenfang Hiya Bettle! My birthday was on the 4th but i havent been able to catch your streams lately cuz of work, just wanted to share abit of that bday money with my favorite clown
24 00:13:35   Eule im trapped here how do I leave (i-its not like I missed you or anything pff)
25 00:13:44   Luka Reisende you know this game is kind of reminding me of a thing that never changes... can't remember what it is
26 00:14:12   Jeremy Abel Hey Bangy Gunvis, is this scary?
27 00:14:39   Chartreuse Baron You're a French soldier fighting in World War I, in case you were wondering
28 06月14日
  Courtney 1
29 00:15:29 $5.00   Chris Tooley Gavis you gotta use magic when the horrors show up... and by magic I mean grenades
30 06月14日
  aurora 4 months already!!
31 06月14日
  Robins&Crows 1
32 00:19:02 £10.00   Yvette Thanatos War... War never changes...
33 00:24:22   I'll use my trusty frying pan as a drying pan monster couldnt have waited two seconds, rude af
34 00:24:41   Shioni Nath .....
35 00:25:14   Prism Quartz Yeehaw!
36 00:26:03   heff jardy 67 days
37 00:28:22 $4.99   VarsonAbaddon no gas dirty area seems like your house bettel just needs empty pints of ice cream and girls scout cookie boxes
38 00:29:49 $5.00   Minion Broke & Homeless From Merchv11.0[LetheTea] Bday Merch ends next week! get ur orders in if you can! dnt forget the summer VPs are available too show the jester we L-*bleh* tolerate him!
39 06月14日
  Sagi TM hi betsy!
40 00:33:58   Agenttanner He's gonna go crazy when he finds the 338 lapua magnum
41 00:35:48   pexkool “Hey Siri, Maps”
42 00:36:54 $5.00   Clopeh In case I'm not able to watch your streams tmr due to being on vacation in another country, but have a great break dude . I'll miss ya (ew)
43 06月14日
  Mike vc 1
44 00:38:08   Courtney you make me insane
45 06月14日
  Vizodi 5
46 00:43:18 $4.99   NormalMar The real military solution to dealing with a monster is to put a reflective belt in it.
47 00:46:15 CA$13.99   Luntinar i give a hopeful 5 minutes before the clowns first death,,,, (its not looking good)
48 06月14日
  Verdandi 1
49 00:57:40 CHF5.00   pareidolie You ain't ready for the monster monster~ (stream Monster guys!)
50 01:03:34 $5.00   Verdandi Gavis Bettel or quiet, you can only choose one
51 01:04:02   Sinful kid if smaller animals act weird, start running
52 01:06:04 €10.00   EonaDGM Watching you play Sims helped me while I was having a dark time, so I wanted to say thank you. Stay as hilarious as you are
53 01:07:37   DiggyDawgDave ur brave
54 01:08:12 $5.00   Benjamin Vu As the saying goes: if you have to ask, assume the worst.
55 01:09:34   Aoifster (メンバーシップ入り)
56 01:10:04 CA$6.99   Luchino bravery medal
57 06月14日
  ♥️ 𝒥𝓊𝓁𝒾𝒶
58 06月14日
  lis 💜 5
59 06月14日
60 06月14日
  Norah[ノラ] 5
61 06月14日
62 01:13:58 CA$13.99   Luntinar
have to leave stream for bass lessons, but hope u have a fun silly stream with the spooky meat mole in the walls!!! :3
63 06月14日
  allyzzamarie good luck on surviving, BETSY
64 01:14:39   Alifia Shinta (メンバーシップ入り)
65 06月14日
  Gareth Lestrade
66 01:15:27   char.d you are SO fearless and i BELIEVE in you gavis bettel
67 06月14日
  ルミィ (lumy) 10
68 01:35:27 $5.00   HipHipFrey bettel and chat are doing great! we got this
69 01:37:14 PEN11.00   Julio Baptista What's up, chill dude?
70 01:40:04 $19.99   Ella Eves BETTELLLLL I MISSED YOU HELLOOO
71 06月14日
  sugarcube 5
72 02:04:03 A$2.00   sugarcube :_BigHeart:
73 02:29:18   goosey moosey it's us, we are the rats
74 06月14日
  rat in its cage
75 02:32:34   A Brick Wall (メンバーシップ入り)
76 02:33:24   pissfart (メンバーシップ入り)
77 06月14日
78 06月14日
  Leroy Boneheart
79 06月14日
  Forgiven Gacha Addict
80 02:34:48   stubborn old goat you got this!
81 06月14日
  SensitiveBunny Ganbettel!! you got this
82 02:37:27 $10.00   Ramari what was that about no comedic moment?
83 02:39:04   Flakarmor your horror game sense is on point, stay chill
84 02:46:25 $4.99   Gigglepox I bet you could get around easy in those cool little holes in the walls
85 02:47:34   mei (メンバーシップ入り)
86 02:51:46 ¥1,000   ルミィ (lumy) for the record, he kept shouting "i don't want to die like this" so technically you honored his wish
87 02:58:10 $2.00   HipHipFrey
posture and tension check!! you got this, bettel!
88 03:08:36   Secret Soup hey bettel we're in the drive thru at Dairy Queen you want us to grab you anything?
89 03:39:36   SomeFatGuy shoutout to all the gifters! you're all real ones fr fr
90 03:54:59   Tjia's Don’t forget to check your right side, if u don’t notice it….
91 04:35:52 ₩10,000   사프라스 I just came back and missed the ending?? uh...
92 04:36:49 A$10.00   sugarcube
Happy to have catched your stream on my birthday~ Welcome back and take care for laters! <3
93 04:36:57 NT$75.00   Spades Thanks for the stream. It feels like working with a monster who’s breathing down my neck.
94 06月14日
  Panini grats on clear! I hope u enjoy ur break later this week
95 04:38:54   helixical (メンバーシップ入り)
96 04:39:05 SGD5.00   リズアルトlizalt ended just as i need to leave for work, hurrah!! btw thank you for using my art lol
97 04:40:16   DeepFriedScream thanks for the stream! (it's not my birthday)
98 06月14日
  morguepup Thank you for the stream !