記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 21 113.96 \14,761
PEN PEN 2 309.90 \10,395
CA$ CAD 1 10.00 \967
MX$ MXN 3 119.69 \821
£ GBP 1 4.49 \720
SGD SGD 2 7.00 \686
YEN YEN 1 320 \320
R$ BRL 2 7.00 \174
ARS ARS 1 225.00 \158
NT$ TWD 1 30.00 \128
THB THB 1 20.00 \79
PHP PHP 1 25.00 \59
---- ---- ---- ---- \29,268
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 01月22日
CA$10.00   Angel negative 7 minutes in and this is already the best stream ive ever watched
2 00:04:35 THB20.00   Kanomwan (a無言スパチャ)
3 00:05:42 PEN120.00   King Sullivan Holis, te amo uwu <3
4 00:06:03 $10.00   Noname Killing can be considered surprise exorcisms; you're exorcising their souls from their living bodies.
5 00:06:39 $0.99   Your Boy Stephen Adams[ステフエん・アダムス] (a無言スパチャ)
6 00:08:48 $9.99   Judgement Fell Love you bird man have fun!
7 00:08:52 $9.99   Sunny_Marigold For my nostalgia!
8 00:09:12 ¥320   mochimochi (a無言スパチャ)
9 00:10:36 $10.00   Kitoodles Is this jump king?
10 00:12:12 £4.49   Zenithinia At least we have the 8-bit soundtrack to jam to.
11 00:13:33 R$5.00   GM Lemmy We understand, Hakka... As a bird, you're not used to having to jump instead of simply flying away.
12 00:13:57 $2.00   WDメガ🐏 Señor Hakka su gusto en videojuegos es muy basado!
13 00:14:42 ARS225.00   Haku Közi Megaman 1 does not run as smoothly as the others, I wouild skip
14 00:14:46 MX$69.69   Eiffel Lainez WE LOVE HAKKA! -FROM SPS WITH LOVE
15 00:17:21 $2.00   DefeatableAirMan Fight me!!!!
16 00:19:26 $4.99   Sunny_Marigold
Disco Dan’s MegaMan remixes on Overclocked Remix are *chef’s kiss *
17 00:19:26 $2.00   Doctah WAAwee a.k.a Master Yagoogway if it's not immune to Metal Gear. it's weak to it.
18 00:24:21 $5.00   deadbob5 but did you play Battletoads VS Double Dragon?!
19 00:26:04 MX$25.00   smol lost tako Gastando el cambio de las tortillas, ya veo....
20 00:26:25 $5.00   Noname
Did she bring out the chanclas?
21 00:27:22 $20.00   LaDestitute Fav anime(s)? Mine are FMA: Brotherhood and Samurai Champloo, so much that I got obsessed with SC a couple of years ago and that led me to buying its ost on vinyl for $150, its now my goto chill/winding down/bedtime music
22 00:31:08 SGD5.00   🔅birb watching enthusiast🔅 *slides money across the table* can i have one ticket for the hakka concert please (・ω・`人)
23 00:34:10 $1.00   RockinSockems (a無言スパチャ)
24 00:37:10 R$2.00   Hipo Portrait of Ruin? Now that's a based choice
25 00:38:00 $2.00   LaDestitute
Opinion on the netflix adaptation of Castlevania?
26 00:38:52 $2.00   Velvet Nimbus Here's money, show it
27 00:39:02 $5.00   RockinSockems
Will you ever do a rock man tier list?
28 00:40:08 PHP25.00   PKMoonBunny (a無言スパチャ)
29 00:41:38 $2.00   DefeatableAirMan
30 00:42:48 PEN189.90   King Sullivan
Porque eres tan lindo?! Aaaaaaa amo tú voz
31 00:45:46 $5.00   LaDestitute
whats the worst game you've ever played? mine was big rig racers
32 00:48:41 $5.00   Mc Nuggets Watching this game makes me want to play Contra
33 00:50:17 $5.00   RockinSockems
Since you don't have item 2 it's time to become a real gamer.
34 00:53:19 MX$25.00   Hira MH vamos, si IRyS pudo tu puedes!!!
35 00:56:22 $5.00   Geese ギース the NOLSTALGIA !!!
36 00:57:36 SGD2.00   🔅birb watching enthusiast🔅
sending u my... support LMAO がんばq(^-^q)(p^-^)p
37 00:58:07 NT$30.00   阿原 新年快樂 恭喜發財